A Week of Art | Fun in the sun, and lots of drawing!

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[Music] so [Music] okay hello everybody it's only me uh here's another video it's kind of a bit different but also a little bit the same of what i always do it's basically a week of art which are the videos i always make the only difference is i'm actually currently on holiday i did debate do i actually want to make a video when i'm on holiday but you know what i do i do want to make a video and i have you're watching it i decided well i've had this idea in my mind for a while where obviously you know when you're on holiday you see quite a nice a lot of um nice views nice little cities and towns so i thought why not kind of draw them or not even the city's other towns most of the drawings i do are just kind of flowers which you can find anywhere really like in my home back garden i didn't have to go on holiday to find these things um but still i saw them on holiday and it kind of took inspiration i do do a few um kind of um area specific drawings i suppose but for the most part there's quite a lot of flowers and leaves but i quite like the way it turned out so this is a week of arty things that i did whilst on holiday there's going to be a few little clips of just kind of general outside um to show kind of the inspiration and where the inspiration came from um here what i'm working on now is kind of a cluster of flowers inspired by um these i popped them up on screen and right now some nice lovely flowers and leaves that i saw when we went on a walk i'm on holiday with my boyfriend so we've had a nice time exploring we came across these flowers and i really liked how the leaves were very like windy windy and bendy leaves as that is quite cute and so i took that as inspiration but obviously i kind of made it my own and turned it into this thing which um in the end looks nothing like the original picture but it's kind of like little bits of inspiration taken you know the bendiness of the leaves and kind of the colour scheme a bit so yeah that's that painting just did that in watercolour [Music] but it was so zoomed in [Music] okay i am back again here i am doing something which i should probably do a lot more often which is drawing from life i think it's called plein air plain air drawing uh like when you draw a landscape from life i'm not quite sure though uh just doing this in coloured pencil we've we found kind of like a hidden garden we followed this path and we kind of brought us out in this really nice really tucked away sort of area i'm really happy that we found it because it's such a nice spot so we just sat under a tree and i got drawing and my boyfriend drew alongside me he tried to draw a tree and it was um it was okay anyway i didn't finish it on that uh in that one sitting i came home and worked on it the next day and added a little bit of watercolor to it as well she really helped make the colors pop and then i also did another one next to it i kind of made the other one up from my head though and i didn't really film it either just did it for a bit of fun oh here's the a bit more of the kind of where we were this is the hidden garden area and it was the sun was setting so it was quite a picturesque moment just in case anyone's curious we are we were we are well i still am so i'm on holiday so i'm in durham at the moment i'm calling it a holiday but basically i'm just visiting my boyfriend who's uh he goes to university at durham so i'm just kind of visiting him but it's kind of like a holiday we're treating it like a holiday but we're just staying in you know where he lives his uh uni accommodation his little house but still it's a really nice place so i'm kind of treating it as a holiday [Music] [Music] i painted these leaves inspired by this picture right here when we were just on a walk and i just saw these leaves and i really liked how orange they were i like the colors so i just decided to do them in watercolor and then just spruced up the page a little bit with um some ink i quite like using ink to draw with a fancy little pen because just because it's i like how you kind of get one chance and that's it you don't have to like laugh about with rubbing out i mean sometimes it does mean you make you know a lot of mistakes that you can't really fix um but that's kind of you just gotta roll with it and embrace the mistakes and it's just a nice quick easy way to fill some space because you don't have to spend a lot of time like rubbing stuff out and then i just kind of decorated the page with a bit of collage with my classic signature flower little cut out shape which i seem to put everywhere these days kind of finished off the spread nicely and i just think this double page together is quite nice i like the colors and just the general theme of it all i think it's really pretty um yeah in this video i end up doing six pages in my sketchbook three double page spreads i really like the way the the they all turned out so i look forward to seeing what else i create who knows uh stick around [Music] [Music] now because i am on holiday in this video the footage it's not you know the highest quality because i was filming it just on my phone instead of you know my proper camera and i didn't have all the the lights i usually have for my videos you know when i'm filming at home i have like the world's brightest light so the lighting's always uh quite nice but for this i was kind of relying on just natural light which is pretty convenient because it's been a super sunny week so it's not been too hard to get nice lighting because it's just been so bright and then a few times i've just been like holding the camera so it's been a bit shaky and then my boyfriend's filmed a little bit for me and i've also just been like kind of propping my phone up wherever i can get it propped so hopefully the footage has been all right uh not too shaky hopefully i tried to hold it as still as i possibly can but it's a bit tricky whilst you're you know also drawing at the same time um here i'm doing a collage i really like doing collages like super detailed collages i really like doing that sort of thing i did one a while ago of a greenhouse which i'll pop up now and i know that eventually when i do update my shop i have an etsy shop and when i do update it i want to do a print off that greenhouse and i thought it'd be nice to do something in a similar style and kind of go alongside that print and i we stumbled across a really cute sort of tea room cafe whilst we was in the center of durham and it was just screaming to be collaged so um that's what i did i kind of took inspiration from it i didn't copy the building exactly i'll pop up a little picture of the building i'm talking about now yeah i just really liked how much greenery there was around it and it was just super cute so took a lot of inspiration from that building to make this collage it took quite a long time uh a lot longer than i was expecting but i think it turned out quite nice and i'll definitely make it into a print when i next do my shop update which will probably be i don't know in a month maybe two months just all depends on what i'm up to really it's a finished collage it took a lot longer than i was expecting it to take a lot of fiddling about a lot of pieces of paper were cut which didn't end up even getting used but it all figured itself out in the end and i think this is probably my one of my favorite collages that i've ever done [Music] actually [Music] do [Music] i drew some flowers i know what a surprise i seem to kind of just be a bit flower mad recently i just all i want to do is draw flowers um anyway so i do some flowers because i just really wanted to in my ink pen the ink i use is just by the brand windsor and newton i like it i just i only have one color i only have the blue but i just really like drawing with it like i said before it has already been mentioned but i just like how you kind of get one chance and that's it there's no messing about and i also like how kind of unpredictable the pen is like you never really know when you're gonna get like a thick or thin line right now the next bit of this video is a little bit of a mess because i had a lot of failed attempts um and i messed up a lot but i decided to keep it in the video to kind of just show you guys that you know i do make mistakes i make mistakes a lot so why not share them is kind of part of the process i suppose so yeah you saw me doing a collage there which got scrapped because i didn't like it and then i tried again by basically i just took a piece of paper over it and started drawing these flowers um but i also didn't like that i was basically just trying to find a nice way to fill in this random like awkward spot in on this page because i really like my pages to be fully my sketchbook i don't like leaving like blank spots so i was just trying to come up with something nice to fill that space but everything i did i didn't really like um i did those strawberries though which i quite liked and then this random mishmash collage um just with scrap bits which turned out quite nice as well but this top top part of the page i was just struggling with i couldn't come up with anything that i like to put there so the flowers that you saw me drawing before uh ripped that piece of paper off stuck a new piece of paper down and then tried to do another flower ink thing on top of it um i the drawing was okay i didn't hate the drawing but i think the piece of paper i stuck down was just a bit too colorful he had too much going on and it was it was just too busy i mean i know it's a sketchbook and it's you're allowed to kind of mess up in it but i don't know i guess i was just putting pressure on myself especially because it was for a video i just really wanted the page to look nice plus i really liked the collage on the other side of the spread so i wanted to make sure like everything worked alongside the collage anyway so that got scrapped you didn't see the finished piece but you know what it's fine it was nothing amazing so then i tried doing this thing with some felt-tip pens inspired by i painted my backpack a while ago it's a video if you want to see it um and i did this one little pattern on it and i quite like the pattern so far you know what why not bring that back because i know it works i like the the colors and the shapes it's a pattern which you know i've done in the past so i was pretty confident that it would look nice because i you know i'd already kind of done it and i do end up liking the way this turned out but it was quite busy and it was a little bit too big for the space that i wanted to put it in and it was kind of overpowering the spread it was kind of taking attention away from the collage which was kind of like the main bit in that spread because i still really like the way the the pattern turned out i ended up just sticking it on a page earlier on in my sketchbook i had this blank page and my sketchbook will have had it for ages that i haven't really known what to do with so this kind of was the perfect placeholder for that so it does end up getting used and finally i don't know what attempt we're up to now attempt number five six i ended up just drawing this butterfly i didn't actually film it because i was so you know down in the dumps about this little spot in the page i was just like i'll try something but i probably won't like it and i'll cover it up again but you know what i did like it so i probably should have filmed it but i ended up just putting a butterfly there [Music] here we go here's the final flip through of the pages i've done in this video after that big trauma of trying to fill that one spot on um the next page but i think the butterfly works really nicely with everything else on that page and that concludes this video i hope you've enjoyed it it's been a little bit different to my usual ones and i'll see you i don't know when i'll next see you but i'll definitely be back pretty soon thanks for watching you
Channel: Art With Em
Views: 3,255
Rating: 4.9895287 out of 5
Keywords: draw with me, paint with me, watercolour, still life, life drawing, drawing from life, on holiday, artist in holiday, studio vlog, sketchbook spread, sketchbook tour, sketch with me, filling me sketchbook
Id: S9E0lKjjS_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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