Trying Linocut + Printing As A Total Noob With No Instructions… (it’s kind of a mess)

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[Music] heya it's me honey welcome back today i'm taking you guys along with me as i try a lino cut for the very first time yay so um yeah get ready to probably see me fail like a lot let's jump into it so i finished my sketch this is what it looks like right now and honestly i have no idea if this might be too ambitious um i have this this is like the size that i have to carve on it's like a5 so maybe that's too many details for it i'm not really sure but i'm just gonna try it out so in order to transfer my sketch i first flip the image so that when i actually print it later on it will be the right way around and then i use the charcoal technique to actually transfer it so i covered the back of the drawing with a bunch of charcoal and now i'm pressing the charcoal through to the actual piece of lino and yeah that usually works pretty well i do it for most of my other pieces like for especially canvas paintings and i thought this technique would also lend itself very well to this so yeah i'm just using a ballpoint pen so that i can actually see where i drew my lines and this is usually the most boring part of the process of any artwork this is kind of boring and it takes a really long time but it's worth it that's pretty good i've refined my sketch i also put down this mat just so i don't completely mess up my table i guess it's time to try out these knives already going great so it's time to try out these knives i think yeah on the box it says they're for wood cut but i guess they're probably also gonna work for a lino cut i already tried them like a little bit on this corner here of this other piece so this one's makes pretty broad cuts i guess just kind of have to learn how to control these because it's not so easy oh and this one's really small i guess because it has like a sharper angle than the other ones this one will be great for the smaller details in the fur for example and i guess these are just for really lifting off broader areas oh that's kind of kind of choppy maybe this is more suited towards wood i don't know maybe i'm also just doing this completely wrong um if there are any lino slash woodcut experts in the comments please let me know if i'm just completely misusing these tools yeah i think for this one i'm probably mainly gonna be using these three and not the flat ones because uh i feel like i will just ruin my my piece with them do they make marks that are way too chunky for what i'm trying to do so i think i will stick with these gotta clean this up i guess here we go i'm kind of scared where did i even begin that's the question i guess i could start on the water because it's kind of straight and not so difficult to do oh my god it's so satisfying oh oh this is fun i just need to be careful not to take off too much um so with this of course i want to keep the areas um uncut or like you know higher than the others that are to be printed and everything that is cut out will remain white on the paper that i printed on so i need to be careful not to mix that up we're kind of like creating a negative space here it's like negative drawing so doing the straight lines is not too difficult but also not as easy as i thought like uh it's kind of it's very buttery the way you can like cut this but um it's also very easy to move the knife wrong and make mistakes so i'm going to just try to be as careful as possible i already kind of ignored the lines that i actually made on here but it's fine i'm just kind of like going with the flow and i'll see where where this takes me little lino confettis i'll continue cutting around on this just for a bit longer and then i'll check back in with you guys all right so um i kind of screwed these up like a lot uh i've been way too heavy-handed just in the last couple of strokes i kind of noticed it's better to uh really like hold the tool up close like this to get more control um yeah don't judge me for my crappy coffee i've never done this before let's keep going yeah this is working a lot better i was kind of trying to really you know get out like the pieces before and that led to some pretty ugly pretty ugly marks so good thing it was just the balls and not the actual fox character i kind of want to keep the ears a bit darker so i'm gonna keep the fur on the head around the ears lighter so i'm carving away more no i cut away the part i wanted to leave it i guess that can happen too oh no and the little little claws there's already such a mess on my desk so i think at this point in the process i was really starting to have fun um i was just really getting lost in doing all those little details and making all the individual little cuts for the um for the fur and uh yeah before that i was i was like a little bit burned by how terribly the bowls turned out but i think right here is where i really got into it and i kind of um was just enjoying like the butteriness of making the cuts and it's just such a satisfying process i can highly recommend it to anyone who wants to try it so much dust this actually looks pretty cool what the heck so let's just ignore the butcher bowls and move on to carving the shimanova in the background carving out these blob shapes it's great i love it and i think i'm kind of getting a hang of how to move the knife to get the shapes that i want more or less i wonder what um carving wood feels like because this is very smooth because it is you know like this artificial linole material but i wonder what different kinds of wood kind of feel like and if you can actually achieve different textures as well that's a possibility i don't know i've never tried it maybe i should it's kind of difficult to oh no i messed up it's kind of difficult to uh get sharp edges because so at the end of a cut it's more easy because you can kind of stop and then lift the knife but in the beginning you kind of have to go really flat to get it to be straight and then it's still a little bit rounded because the knife itself is rounded interesting but since we have another one of those paper foldings here we can try it again so keeping it flat pulling it up keeping it flat pulling it up it didn't quite work but um actually in some areas like for example here i try to leave some spaces uncut because i like the texture that gives i mean i can't really tell yet but um i have seen um little um like i guess uh textures like that in other people's prints and i think that's how they're achieved so i'm just gonna you know experiment a little bit the cool thing about trying a new medium is that there are literally no expectations and you can just just kind of like make a freaking mess but also have a lot of fun okay i think i'm done carving probably just gonna go ahead and do a test print and see if it looks any good and if not i mean i can always come back and carve a little bit more um yeah let's see how it turned out i have this glass palette that i'm gonna use for the paint i just turned it around because i'm too lazy to clean the other um we're only doing professional work on this channel this is the paint that came with the set squeeze a little bit on here then we also got this roller that came with the set and um this thing to transfer or help transfer the color from the print block onto the paper i hope i'm doing this right by the way i'm gonna take this paint and roll this down now we can uh roll this all over the print block like so oh my god that's awesome the paint smells kind of weird i'm not gonna lie [Music] now for the scary part maybe should i cut this in half let me do that really quick and i'll just place this here and go over the whole thing with this tool is anything happening oh something's happening feel like this is kind of roughing up the paper though do i have anything else smooth to rub on i don't want to miss any spots but i'm not sure how much i need to go over everything to make it actually print oh no i ripped the paper i think this is just a little bit too rough to like buff it i need to find something else i mean that does look kind of cool but i need to find something else to rub this on we're not really getting a clean print with that but but a good first try so i'm gonna put that on the side to dry and i'm gonna find something else to rub these down with oh maybe like a rice spoon would work uh be right back i'm back with a spoon let's try again um i'm just gonna get some new paint on this thing try to kind of center this spoon action yeah that seems way less aggressive on the paper than like these vicious than these vicious little plastic knobs this could take a while don't think i'm gonna be using this spoon again for rice anytime soon okay try number two let's see how it turned out yo that's not too bad that's not too shabby i kind of want to try again but with more paint this is already looking a lot more promising from the start maybe more paint is the way to go that's the best one yet oh my god i think that's a result i can be pretty proud of for my first try so these are all the prints that i made and you can really see how they got better with each try like the first one isn't very um like opaque the black in the background is kind of washed out and in the end the print turned out really crisp uh so you know they get better with practice and i mean this one does have something cool about it with like how the background is washed out it has it has a certain vibe that's kind of interesting but i think it can't beat just the clean look of these prints here and yeah i think it was really fun and even though i messed up the bowl since they were the first thing that i carved they still look kind of cool in my opinion at least and i'm super happy with how the fur turned out because it got a lot more smooth and i like kind of the randomness of this part here and how the shapes of the shimano and the background turned out that might be one of my favorite bits as well all right final thoughts so as you can probably tell this was quite a challenge for me i was struggling a lot especially in the beginning and i kind of had to you know figure out the tools and everything and um it wasn't easy but it was also very fun it was so satisfying and therapeutic to carve the block with all the different cutting knives and i'm actually really happy with how my design translated like for reference this is what it was supposed to look like uh kind of just as a rough idea and this is what it turned out as i definitely have you know a lot to learn and a lot to improve in with this medium but i have a lot of time to do that now i can do as many lino cuts and maybe even woodcuts in the future oh my god um as i would like and i think these are just so awesome like i think it's so cool that you can reprint them as many times as you want if i ever have an online shop i think it would actually be really cool to sell some of these if i get a bit better at um doing these kinds of prints because there's still something handmade and not just like a print that was made by a printer you know i think they're really cool so yeah thank you guys for joining me on my journey to trying out lino cut and messing up along the way but still you know coming out with something relatively cool if you would like to see more of my art you can follow me on instagram at candyani just like my youtube handle you can join the community discord link down below to hang out with me in the community and wherever you are right now i hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and i will see you in my next one bye the aftermath oh
Channel: Candyjani
Views: 587
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Keywords: linocut, woodcut, printing, candyjani, studio vlog, art vlog, artist vlog, sketch with me, drawing, art school, art prints
Id: _lsvtaIwyU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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