A wee bit 'o TENNIS TENNIS TENNIS for ye! - Mario Tennis Aces

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I'm not so put their bells in my face all right hey welcome welcome it is late at night no and we had one more episode to do and we didn't know what to do and so we're gonna play a little tennis dad tennis two players in that one we're doing we're doing some some local play baby I'm gonna get that first control yeah yeah that's me baby also thank you to everyone who bought our tennis tennis tennis shirt oh my god I was like no one's gonna buy this and it sold out immediately yeah we bless your souls yeah we've been trying to be careful with them you know because it's like with with everything going on with the Backstreet Boys that's people in terms of merch we're like huh you know we don't want to like you know like exhaust the fans or any you know like it's it's just kind of people want this so yeah it's yeah it's sort of like a gauge of interest as well so we we've sort of been okay Blake looper we've sort of been being conservative I'm gonna be Paul we've been conservative about like buying stock of stuff because we're like I you know we don't overbuy and but it apparently apparently everyone wants a tennis shirt everybody's way into it so we're just like all right [ __ ] it so the next the next merch launch we're just we're just going normal yeah if people are buying it's making people happy exactly because that the last the water bottle that we released I don't know when this episode is going up oh yeah but we released the water bottle so a lot like 45 minutes yeah the game grumps liquid game groves jam it up your pee hole and if show bizarre to me that that that one has stuck around but the weird thing is I mean it also we were limited by in terms of size like because those things are huge yeah like you can buy you know X amount of shirts and it takes up this much space but you buy water bottles is like that's how much they take up the take up exactly how much one water bottle takes up like imagine 800 of those in one spot it's pretty a lot jam it up your pee hole was something that kids well on the would say on the Oh sneaky kids would say in the schoolyard when I was growing up in Jersey jam it up your pee hole I can't believe that that has become a thing that people enjoy what Oh oh my god that's right what a hit that's Pauline baby she's she rocks the courts I do see sad blooper oh no well no he just kind of like you've sort of doubled over he's very cute and very sad look at that tennis bod that Pauline's got um yeah she's a cartoon yeah oh my god yes fast enough squiggly tendrils you just fly in dude oh I guess you are on the ground yeah you're expelling a liquid yeah you have to go a lot harder than because you've yet to bring your own water she's feeling it dude she is oh I'm such a squishy naughty little boy I love blooper hmm how does he remain so wet I'm telling you he brings his own water he's like he's like he's pooping out ha oh my god you're such a jerk classic tennis moves play on the ball well you're right up on the thing yeah well you got to lob it over me I don't know how to lob it I don't either come to things a 6 exactly so you should come up front god damn it you freaking jerk freakin bloops over here yeah I wonder what the lob is at least this one it seems like every button is hit yes so it's like they're they're either different oh you know what I have the posibility okay oh yeah second here we go here we go there we go lob is hmm and hold up forward forward and X and then back is drop-shot interesting all right okay let's do it trick shot plus X X oh boy the right trigger or left trigger got it okay I'm gonna use the right trigger in order to do a crit guy okay special shot is L dude we're good yeah this is great I love it here we go serve it up all right didn't exactly work house okay I did a little spin though yes you did is adorable over me trying out my spin action it's okay it's okay that's your land you're looking damn good do it yeah whoa there's the LOB was he hold did you hold back or forward out yeah we're we're it's a singles game sir we're working on the lines that are inside yeah well you know what that was Pauline's fault oh my match point already yeah cuz you're I did all the spins this is a quick match no but I mean like the entire thing oh we must have played a very quick game all right congratulations my squiddy little friend I don't feel like I have all the information yet yeah I'm just running around hit an egg yeah that's all I'm doing saying but I feel like I could be doing more you know you mean tennis it's a court selection unless you want to not be blooper anymore no yeah okay we'll see what happens then because Pauline is coming back with a vengeance oh this is a different surface there's a grass court yeah which means it's gonna be much grassy er well the it means the ball will bounce less there that's what if it's very thinly cropped now they're pretty much all grass like that's pretty consistent thing that's why some tennis players are excellent on clay summer summer like specialists of certain types of ports like strings yeah guys like Federer and Nadal like that can play well on everything they're very rare Federer Roger no no see tennis played sports dude I don't know anything about sports all I know about tennis is Wimbledon that's all I know well because they were good there was a film starring Paul Bettany well you did it because Wimbledon is a grass court okay it's most famous grass court in the world I think see tennis tennis all right I'm gonna try it I'm gonna you know what here we go I'm experimenting right now okay no oh wow I'm using the right stick damn that are you free you knew it that was amazing blew it I can do just get unlimited or sink it's that red wheel on the top corner I think it's under the right circumstances right maybe you have to be in the star well it's like if it's too far away and you use the like right and left one then she'll run I think it's basically you have to like get it right well done bullied that look at sad blooper oh just a straight-up faceplant so cute floppy boy look at my own penis I love him he's so cute uh tennis uh-huh [Music] holy crap that was one of our finest games oh man oh alright use the magic abilities change court we're halfway through yeah look at the texture on your dress you know very lob oh it's ex yes ex is lob and drop yes got it okay I've been pressing the other buttons alright then I'm such a dummy it's okay what is the zone shot I don't know zone speed no my bad that was really intense though yeah when you're in the star if you hit the right trigger the right activates like ultra super shot then you gotta aim it oh boy that sounds like a lot to worry about yeah that's true I just wanna play tennis I mean I was like I know where this is goin a frickin dare uh-huh yeah oh my god hell yeah dude Wow zone shot winner that is difficult if you hit the right trigger or the right that the right trigger the one the one that's farther away yeah I don't know how to aim at all it's really crazy like excited she is about everything yeah I love point [ __ ] I should use my super whatever good lob might know my like slow down the game you can use that anywhere yeah it's really far away that's when you're supposed to use it ah well I mean the one where I like just run to the ball right time slows down yeah like tennis yeah that that one huh stop it so cool go congratulations a little blooper you're adorable keep doing the net moves we got to love it I don't I don't figure that out ex figure not all the super moves I can't do this simple stuff it's just eggs you want to change your character sure let's say I'm stuck with Pauline okay I mean I like and not I'm stuck I like her yeah you love her I love blooper but oh I'll try somebody else actually maybe should go with peach yeah she's got that cute little dress hmm that's adorable man try Petey piranha she's a belt with that dress though you know what it's good what are you accessorizing yeah man Petey piranhas gigantic yeah he supposed to be like a baby boy but men that's a word but the court he takes up he's slowing weak though yeah or was at the stage I don't know yeah me neither all right I put down left or right Preston tilting L got it it's a risky shot if your timing is late you may lose the point some energy the greater the risk the greater the reward Wow what would you see Luigi's racket has a little L in it for loozer yeah that's probably what it's for I can't think of anything else Sarah yeah oh geez Petey piranhas a nightmare it's just [ __ ] what like waddles la la la la does he not even use a racquet does he just hit with his big leafy hands are you serious thanks I think that's what happens yeah oh boy oh yay he's doing the [ __ ] he's doing the [ __ ] what's-his-face the the dog snidely whiplash his dog oh yeah and yeah I don't know how to like I don't know how you'd get around him he's so big look just looking at him on your screen and it's like monstrous he's very slow though oh [ __ ] I can't even see where I'm hitting dude Oh cuz you're so big yeah hover the whole screen I've just my big stupid headdress matching diaper oops oh you [ __ ] oh my god it's so good oh don't [ __ ] jump flip and throw your thing in the air you free right wheels right over the ball so bad at this man I'm betting every tennis game I just don't understand it yeah oh my god what the [ __ ] that's the lob you came to the net so you got a lob over it [Music] wasn't my serve where's the ball oh it's my serve sorry I forgot cuz I couldn't see anything my big stupid I think stupid body whoa there we go zerrin shot winner yeah boy look at me checking my nails and [ __ ] yeah whatever she might have her babe no couth I'm [ __ ] toxic as hell on the court oh my god go over that way you freak press the wrong button I knew you were gonna do it too I was like I was ready but then I press the wrong button which is my excuse okay whatever it's just what no I didn't button this Mario Tennis it's not just Mario Tennis it's a win and a loss the running win and lost total I think you're winning all game gross versus really yeah who's keeping track around oh man people the reddit the reddit oh oh why don't you why don't you hit it where I tell you to hit it well spend too much time charging up there oh boy bodies yeah you smacked it into me is that good or bad it's bad for me it's good for you oh cool yeah look right in my spine good [ __ ] oh boy oh you're right advantage Aaron I've got that advic gonna need some Advil for this little oh boy yeah yeah oh my son of a [ __ ] understand tennis it's easy no it's not it's hard you hit it where the other person isn't I know but it doesn't do what I tell it to I tell it to hit over there but then you're already there well because I could see where it's gonna be what the [ __ ] happened I used to drop shot so it haha so it had a lower bounce rate why can't I never understand tennis I don't get it you're doing fine no I'm not I'm losing every game like characters Oh Manuel repeating again yeah PT is too big and weird I want to be like a normal I'll be Luigi technical chickies fede spike is powerful Luigi here we go where's all the floats no Serena she's cute oh yeah I'll be Daisy that's the Luigi's girlfriend right uh he wishes okay ain't Daisy she's like okay maybe if I destroy you on the tennis court you'll finally love me a shot that is okay faster than you topspin her slice okay wait so wait really yeah so each buttons a different shot yeah it's a different type of shot come on I thought they were all the same shot it was just depending on why you hit it or something no it's it set it on the no it doesn't it says [ __ ] look it's like they're all grouped yeah topspin slice and flat oh they correlate to each one yes oh my god hey is the normal one that's all you need to know and do the other ones when you're feeling fancy like Iggy Azalea and me I don't understand what they are though did she sing fancy now we're playing tennis baby hello oh there you go baby yeah whoa all the way over there and then pleat all the way over there so you've been doing to me this whole time that's the point of tennis I get it now but I can't believe you do that to a friend oh oh nice that's cuz I'm Daisy baby yeah look at you skipping around she's like that's like her jam she's just screams oh [ __ ] yeah Oh what the hell yeah I hit a flat so when bounces I to Hill you want to change up the shots so like the person can't like predict when to swing ah yeah there you go Oh God whoa whoa can't be good for the knees all right hit it now you hit it bang Wow [Laughter] [Applause] yeah see I got a little L in my racket I'm good for you man I'm so happy for you it's cute dude it's really giving me like the happiness I needed it's really serving up the looks like crap dude oh my god whoa crap she's whoa okay that was very impressive taxes own shot winner magnaphone in the magnifier a nice oh [ __ ] try to get up on the net and it just didn't work oh boy I thought it was supposed to be speedy or all-around or whatever day and take a chance on the wild side here comes oh my god you got it this balls high oh crap that was very impressive dude I couldn't even stop it what does it mean to or do you have to hit it at the right time broke my racquet holy [ __ ] yes so much for your [ __ ] L sorry I'm just don't work to see that oh [ __ ] oh my god those all the way over there I guess maybe there's like a a response to it that if you hit it perfectly like it's like a perfect return shot [ __ ] oil boy goddamnit I'll never [ __ ] win a game of tennis ever it's not gonna happen that's the spirit oh oh you [ __ ] I knew it I knew it I've got to use my abilities yeah you have a little daisy in your racket yeah it's cute I'm gonna use it I'm gonna use the [ __ ] out of it oh I can't get there yes that wasn't on purpose but I'm glad it works did it that was that was the drop shot see he did a little bit yeah but it wasn't but I didn't know that was a drop shadow just hit a pause I've just been swapping them up you know [Music] again I pushed a different button for at that time though oh [ __ ] do the city board make my blood pressure too high we're tied you're tied okay my hands are tied oh boy it's like it's an even if I succeed it doesn't feel right that's terrible oh god that was an ace all right good job service ace yep that means I couldn't return your serve Wow holy [ __ ] Tibor you can't break her yep his Beach won a game do we pep is this just it or is this whole game I don't know [ __ ] you hit me in the [ __ ] tent dude you hate it Oh for [ __ ] it oh we're still going oh yeah it's not over oh my god oh my god Dennis what the [ __ ] no I didn't mean to do that oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh what the [ __ ] Oh what the [ __ ] Oh baby how come you have a 3 now this that's not how the score works it's it's first to 6 but you have to win by two oh yeah tennis rules are so ridiculous yeah there you get used to him after a while but they are weird at first yeah I did it look at me skip around the [ __ ] ball the victory dance there huh uh-huh oh crap oh yeah you can see it I mean like I know what change court you have to serve the whole time oh crap there it is baby it's not that six else would say match point okay well ah yeah that's a glue easy at all no this sounds like a [ __ ] dude named Karl okay oh I broke my racket again super shots wait did I win no no I did how can you win I had more points does that mean the [ __ ] can I win oh I got cured what you can't hold me you knocked me out so I couldn't continue the game and you want we [ __ ] wow I didn't know that was a thing is that that's not a real thing is it I don't well I mean you can like sometimes a player has to retire if they can't continue yeah literally have less points than you you injured being you won congratulation thanks man I played brutal alright I guess it does hey do those like giant shots do you want a character yeah it's do one more then that well if I win this next one then we should do one afterwards hi breaker oh alright I'll be I'll be my boyish mammy Daisy again cuz I'm feeling good she was doing the thing so he's doing the thing okay but oh god I perched built hmm I I said burp and belch but I swapped them Hubert's belt yeah yeah it was gross it's sliced with the max charge shot has the effect of pushing the opponent back when he or she returned it with the topspin and he won't be pushed back as much you say so dog okay you lost me at I guess if I guess you really got to play this a lot to understand like what the colors mean yeah there's a lot of like really intricate parts to this game this is a far cry from Atari tennis it looks like it's basically like rock-paper-scissors right like rock paper scissors but with directional skills and running frantically and super shots whoops take my service ace put me up on the board oh [ __ ] yes oh damn ah [ __ ] I didn't even I like put the controller down kind of Oh cuz you were like god that's over oh my god and make it in time oh boy way to expose oh oh my god Oh Bailey crap these trick shots funny funny stuff uh-huh Oh Europe oh I ran the wrong way you're suddenly very good at this dude I don't know why it doesn't feel like I'm doing anything different oh my god oh my god mom [ __ ] no not that way you silly okay see the replay on that yeah it's a sick jack we supposed to go as far away from the ball as possible [Music] Oh Dan I've got the advil now you do where my headaches at my blood thinners Oh scoops Cooper's two scoops whoa whoa all right you got that one auto star shot what does that mean I don't know I did it in the star yeah why does it keep going loud like that I don't know how it's scaring me I was bad for you not dude damn I don't know how to do that you just use the stick the right stick really yeah right in the direction that you want usual just flick it yeah it's like so if you want left or right or like forward or back and you could just get anywhere pretty much it just automatically gets it for you really well all right then well it has to be far away yeah okay if you can get it on your own it won't count hey I learned that the hard way my still never do that again yeah well I mean if it's like there's no way you're gonna get it then use it right all right yeah sure did hit the ball lots and highlights please oh boy this is match point already holy crap yeah well you didn't lose that one yeah I was kind of [ __ ] around but it's fine huh oh [ __ ] okay oh boy try to should it be fancy but today we're on my way back into this [Music] [ __ ] my god okay oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] every time clawing my way back son of a [ __ ] I was like ridin high man I was up on cloud nine go go why didn't you go alright we're tied frank time breaker yeah you're me baby that's me oh damn oh my god what a shot okay my heart's going a mile a minute dude no oh my god I was like Wyatt why didn't you respond that was out by a very small amount knows gone mom Anna dude what was that the drop shot ha man there's a little baby drop shots baby shot dude well uh I should be over here [ __ ] oh god stop [ __ ] Oh God I remembered the LOB holy crap Oh wasted all my special shots on that one [ __ ] game you could not get any more well it's that bar up on the top oh oh the one that's like it's a chronically fall for you but I don't know how to use it dang I don't have time to try [ __ ] out right ah oh the whip I didn't go down [ __ ] totally tired ah stop what I didn't do that enough oh if you double tap the X and do a direction then that counts as a special shot ah got about that haven't I just accidentally did that oh yeah because you're like just nervously hitting it like yeah holy crap [Applause] my wrists are killing me oh [ __ ] no oh my god alright well I wish I'd learned how to do that just the right trigger when you're on the star like that no [ __ ] that it that might be it is it nope all match points so the audience pounding on their seats oh [ __ ] Oh baby cool still match point that wolf oh god no oh it did a weird charged-up thing well congratulations Aaron while we're tied now I can't play anymore my hands hurt really oh wow do one work god damn you giving me RSI oh wait no we're not tied you still win oh yeah oh that's right because we played to as the Bluebirds okay well in that case thank you for joining good games oh all my arms my arms it's almost like ages please Dennis Dennis goodbye everyone goodbye thank you good game you scandal good game for you - I was getting much better at it yeah it's fun right
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 812,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, mario tennis aces, mario tennis, nintendo switch, mario tennis aces gameplay, play nintendo, tennis aces, mario tennis switch, video game, let’s play, mario tennis aces walkthrough, sports game, super mario, dry bowser, mario tennis aces all characters, mario tennis aces gameplay part 1, gameplay 2020, funny videos, gaming pc, funny memes
Id: jyKVfJQi0I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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