a warning to all parents with roosters

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and so the fencing holds up better oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is Cal ER so today's gonna be a challenge because it's supposed to rain just about all day which is fine and I can feel it's sprinkling right now and it's supposed to be starting in the next hour so so I might have to hustle so I don't get this camera wet so it's definitely a mud pit everywhere here just a big soggy mud pit if it's gonna start trending up as far as whether I'm gonna start keeping the chickens out of the run so I can start to get that back to normal get some grass back in there so we do like to keep our chicks in there like race chicks in there during the year so we can keep them safe I always fill up the waters and then I'll check the feed situation the night before I definitely like to have the waters filled so I can just come out bring the feet out and not have to haul water early the morning [Music] a little concerned about going he's got he's got a lot of either mud I've heard and seen about blackhead where turkeys I don't know they pick up some type of disease and it get some stuff on their face I think it's just mud on his face but I want to wash it off and double-check that it's not something else this might actually be neither so he may just have been in a fight and got a little bloody I'm not totally sure but it just seems to be like scabby on there just always a little nervous when I see some something dark coming over the face I've seen a few of my friends on Instagram that I get some type of disease that's called like blackhead [Music] blue what are you doing off get him back in the fence Betty so the fence is actually on this morning so blue just went right at it and just bowls it over until he gets through I let these guys out a little earlier but I didn't bring feet over yet so bringing some food over here they didn't even care about the regular chicken feet anymore I started spoiling them with the scratch grains the game bird feed that we get from Valley feed these guys are all kinds of excited for this while there's much grass out here but no really green grass so they're just crazy about this feed [Music] [Music] for a long time I resisted putting feet on the ground I wanted to put it right into bowls to keep it organized and from them spilling it out and losing the feed there's so many benefits to having them go in and scratch and move the feet around because with stuff like this a lot of the grains will sprout and then they'll actually have little treats later on that they'll find that was something I learned from Joel Salatin when he was talking about the homesteaders of America conference last year is something I just didn't even think about and now the chickens get to dig and find fresh sprouts and the wintertime benefits of sprouted grains and giving chickens something to do stay busy during the winter and look at all this feed there's so many cool seeds in here that they like and a leafy they're good friends of ours they're down in the Bonner Springs area just outside of Kansas City so if you are in that area and you want to check them out be sure to tell them white house on the hill st. yeah do you want some eat Pinkham you try out the emu to you all right yeah [Applause] [Music] alright guys we got some more mail from you guys we're gonna open this up and check it out it's a letter from faith in New York good drawing of our place there's bamboo and there's a duck and there's a rooster faith thank you for all the art and the letter does this I love chickens it's on the outside of another envelope and the way could you tell my dad to let me get some please and thank you Sadie's dad please get Sadie some chickens sounds like she'll do a really good job taking care of them how's that Sadie all right now for the big package I've closed some of my world-famous burp cloths for you looks like you'll be needing them and then your future all of God's grace in one time you will also enclose a special pillowcase for each of your sweet boys wish I could have embroidered a diaper for bamboo he's a hoot and we've got two pillowcases for big brother Eli and big brother you're riot how cool so Becky thank you so much for sending these these are awesome yeah if you guys want to send us anything well put our p.o box down in the description we love to get mail [Music] so we just noticed that bamboo is starting to get a growl we've watched some videos of some adult emus and they know they'll growl at you and we're noticing that it's starting to come through she's still peeping sometimes she growls have tried to get that camera what's his name in Miami Duke so we've got so we've got some birds we need to start cleaning house whenever we get too many roosters or we get we start selling off some old hens and we've had some requests people have emailed us asking if we were gonna sell any eggs or Soni bird and Duke is just doesn't have a place right now for us we we don't have a spot specific for him this tractors nice but he's he's tying down an entire tractor for him and dove we need to find a new home for a couple of these roosters and a couple of our turkeys and so we're gonna go around and show them to you if you're interested in any of these sent us an email I'll put it down in the description but Duke here is our old Bantam yep but Duke here is our old English bantam rooster and if you're interested in him you're within driving distance of us here in Northwest Missouri we will give you Duke are you okay if we give away Duke to another farm yeah this is one of our Sookie roosters this one was hatched out in October we have one rooster and two hens we have a lot of people that have been wanting silkies since we showed how good they are at being broody mamas so if you guys are interested in breeding some silkies we will give you this rooster and we'll throw in a Sookie hen for free so let us know if you're interested in this guy and some people were confused up to the last video where we were starting to build the emu house right here and we moved the chickens over and so people are upset thinking we're gonna raise the chickens with the emus or that we're gonna keep the electric fence out here and we answer that a little bit in some previous videos where we're gonna have the house here and then this will be the EMU area and then the chickens will move somewhere else so the chickens will not be staying in here just for now the fence will change out because obviously emus would be they could just run right through this fence so as our emus grow we'll switch out the fence for taller so we've got some premier 1 fencing out here and it just starts falling over as it gets somebody look at this grounds getting soft it's almost halfway over definitely the advantage we've got the double spike on the other run and so the fencing holds up better oh no what do you do they Pike you okay okay okay it's okay can't come out here by yourself bud this is the issue we had with our old rooster fancy one time he attacked Uriah when he was 2 years old and pecked her right in his face and caused him to bleed right below his eye so we've always got to be careful to not let our boys be up close with our roosters because they can get really defensive with a little kid that can't defend themselves so now I know that copper can't be left alone with you right out here that we've got to make sure your eye comes in and we come in what the chicken do to you detective did he hit you with his feet yeah was it scary have you ever been hurt by a rooster before what they do what do you do to you where do you hit you gotta be careful you can't come out here by yourself you need to make sure mommy or daddy are you liar somebody's with you to help you okay okay [Music] ideal I will game we playing count our chickens it's counting your chickens alright so Becky how do we play this okay you're gonna start by the mama hen and you spin whatever you land on like the cow you moved to the cow and then you count that many spaces and that's how many little chicks that you're gonna put in back into the chicken coop and the goal is to get all your baby chicks in the coop before you get to the hen house but the trick is if you land on the Fox you have to take one out paper but we're all working together to get the chickens back into the coop alright let's do it [Music] oh so you only can hit the Fox like twice you win we won that we won so things to think about that are coming up you guys have been asking in the comments when the emu eggs are hatching we've got about two to two and a half weeks left on that and we just had a big appointment today didn't we Becky Oh pre-registration yeah we had a pre-registration at the hospital so it's getting real we're getting down to the last month before our babies do so we've got a lot of exciting things happening here so thank you guys for following along and we will see you next time [Applause] [Music]
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 540,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, roosters
Id: BcchDfdm4sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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