A Valiant Effort -1975 Plymouth Valiant 4 Door Will It turn over? Racecar or Parts No Name Nationals

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out of there guys and gals on today's  episode i've got to get ready for a race   which means i've got to build a car because  that race is against that dirty hippie from   bad tree productions yeah we're  going to give it a valiant effort alright guys and gals for y'all that don't know  john wilburn is throwing a race this year in   sykeston missouri sixteen social recycled  cycle sinks and six somewhere in missouri and   it's eight mile racing and he's challenged  a whole bunch of youtubers to build a car   and make it there here's problem i don't have  any cars all i've got is trucks and for y'all   that haven't seen they're slow really slow so  honestly i don't have any trucks that could be   competitive so i gotta build a car currently this  is what i got if you remember in previous episodes   demons dusters and darts you'll know that the  dodge whisperer and i picked up this 73 74 75   four-door valiant and it's green so that makes  it perfect to race that dirty hippie from bad   tree production in his green crew cab dart you  know the one that likes to eat cams all the time   but i digress so what i've got to figure out  is can i build this car or any car for that   matter so what i've got to figure out is can  i get this car to even run because right now   i really don't have a lot going on as far as race  cars go so i got to get going of course the dodge   whisperer got his barracuda running watch out  nacho not nacho is coming for you but i need   a race car what better to beat a filthy dirty  hippie that drives a green crew cab dart than   in a green crew cab valiant that's possibly been  through a few floods currently has a lot of issues   not even sure if the motor turns over a lot of  rust something's wrong with that rear suspension   too so we're going to take a look at it but  first let's see if we can get this thing started   or possibly just turn over yeah we'll we'll start  there let's see if we can get it to you know   turn over basically this car needs  everything we're gonna dive into   it and see how bad it is rear glass delete  rear bumper delete welded rear leaf springs   rotted rear floor boards where apparently  the seat belts are dangling out of no keys definitely a broken steering column a  very well marinated rear seat and floorboards   random parts that don't belong in this thing  premium grade 90s anti-theft device also came   with disc brake fronts which we went ahead and  bought the cheapest dirt track wheel we could find   with the cheap set of tires just so we could  roll this thing because finding cheap 14-inch   tires nowadays seems to be a little bit more  difficult i was able to score a couple of   used 14-inch tires but they've seen better days  but they're still holding air which is important   this car does feature random bits of rust all  over the place and all the right places even   though when the rod is bad enough where the seat  belts are hanging out the bottom of the floor yeah but i can tell you one thing this definitely  wouldn't deter my car shop oh mike over there you   look at this car as being mint definitely  check out his channel he is restoring a car   way worse than this one spoiled folks live in  texas even though i keep finding rotted cars   i'm just not willing to deal with that much  rust did i also mention not only did they   weld the leaf springs in the  back they added another one   you know to help support the broken  leaf springs that's a power brake car   with power steering it features a two barrel 318  which means it has the v8 k member i can tell you   right now the inside of the motor is not looking  good at all the carburetor is seized completely choke still works i did determine the water  pump isn't locked up but we're gonna need to   remove these belts and find out if this motor  is locked up if it is we'll try to unlock it   and we'll see if we can get it fire off mainly  we want all the components that go with this   don't worry this car will not go to waste and no  we are not partying this out and selling parts   nothing's for sale you gotta stockpile these  things folks you never know i might run across   a nicer car i need to few valiant parts fyi i'm  just gonna assume that if this motor is locked up   this is gonna be a several day process because  i'm gonna have to mix up some kind of cocktail   to see if i can knock loose this motor but seeing  how bad the inside of the valve covers look   i don't have a lot of hopes for this motor we're  really just after all the parts attached to it   possibly transmission but we're  gonna give it a shot see if we can   save the motor now a smart person that was  wanting to save a motor and seeing how bad the   rockers were rotted out would just pull this  motor and disassemble it way you know not risk   bending anything inside but it's a clapped out  318 who doesn't want to see a rotted 318 start   based on those rockers it's  gonna need everything anyways   so we might as well try to give it a shot ever  wonder what wannabe youtubers do when they   don't own a tripod they improvise yeah folks i do  my best on angles but unfortunately i'm still not   good at this look it's adjustable you just need  a whole bunch of clapped out 16-5 dually rims   yeah all right first thing we're going to remove  these belts to find out if the motor is locked up   or this mint condition low par air compressor  is locked up or that alternator is locked up fyi   there's water in the oil pan things aren't looking  good folks get lucky maybe it's the 7 16. no   of course it's the one freaking socket i  don't have i'm sorry if there's a wind noise   you know i don't really need this here i'm  sorry if there's wind noise or the resolution   on this video is different one i'm currently  battling the wind and two i finally got a gopro   and i'm not very familiar with all the  settings so i'm working on it okay well   just saw the alternator turn  so we know that's good oh wow these belts are glued on this thing as far as i know this car hasn't  run for 10 20 years and uh the   previous owner bought it for parts  when he bought it it been sitting   for a long time also so i don't run oh well  that compressor spins so does the alternator   guess that means we gotta test the motor  hopefully it gives just a little bit oh well oh that is oh no that is i can actually feel the uh harmonic balancer  bolt tightening that's not a good sign yeah this this is this is tight tight come on all right i'm already starting to think  that this is probably a bad idea and a lost cause   i was secretly hoping that it was the compressor  or the alternator locked up and that's what was   seasoning it up because the previous owner  didn't disconnect any of the belts or anything   this is very very locked up and apparently a whole  family of mice have been living in this thing   as you can tell the carburetor is fully seized  up unfortunately i'm nowhere near the shop   you know what we should do we should probably  pull valve cover or both see how bad it is because   this isn't looking good this might turn into a   disassembly video rather than a  uh will it start video because uh not liking what i'm seeing especially  in there that's really really bad oh at least valve cover bolts are easy you know i  could be spending my time more wisely like fixing   floor pans on the crew cab the vehicle that i  actually want to fix the rust in i want to say   these valve covers have been off before yeah  aren't they supposed to have those little uh   triangle washers on them a lot of dodge  wiring or plymouth wiring going on in here   oh we all have the dream of restoring everything  some of y'all are probably watching this saying   that you need to save that car maybe you're right  maybe you're wrong we'll see where it goes i mean   i do need a car to beat that dirty hippie from  bad tree production technically this is a green   four-door car so it would be a even competition  because i ain't no cheater like that filthy hippie   if you don't know what i'm talking about go here  it's over here pretty sure it's over here no   no he's up there yeah he cheats and races why are  a body so popular no freaking room to do anything   starting to think i should just  build a truck brace that hippie in technically i do have a crew cab over there  not sure i can make it faster than his um   his small crew cab he's already proven that  his big crew cab is faster than what i got   tell you one thing working  on um trucks my whole life   um i don't enjoy working on things this low  to the ground really hell on the lower back oh yeah oh you know what i could just make  this a four by four valiant   that would help with the whole height problem oh  i'm sure if it'd be good for drag racing though   it'd be real fun off-road okay  well all right so that's loose   this is in my way you know i'm just  going to assume these fuel lines are bad fortunately now i'm just dumping crap in  the heads had a vacuum out here oh well   seriously how much worse could it get what  is this i don't even know what half this crap there's is much on this car that  could be deleted to make it better   i'm struggling this much with a valve cover  that says a lot about my mechanical aptitude   again i could probably have deleted all  of this stuff but there we go oh no oh oh no oh no oh oh that's real bad that's um huh how does that even happen so let's take a closer look because don't think this is gonna happen folks before  i get to that valve cover just realized this   car was last registered and inspected in 2003  so i'm going to assume 18 years on this motor   oh yeah this is this is very bad folks so as  you can tell um things didn't go well here   not at all i've never seen rockers rot back there  they look like they're scaling up here they're   getting really bad here's the problem i'm nowhere  near a power source and i don't have a generator   to run a vacuum on this just to see where we're  at i'm just gonna assume that all this nastiness   is down there too maybe we should pull the  other side maybe it's just this side that's   bad that side could be good oh we could try  to get this thing running off four cylinders   or based on the rust and all the push  rods going to the lifters this motor   could do just like another green crew cab that  i know and just eat up the cam instantly yeah   but we won't talk about that just in case you  want to check that out yeah go go here or is   it over there either way check them out tell  them duddy sent you and ask them to see the um   green crew cab that each cams and lifters all  right the wind's kicked up so i'm attempting to   hide this gopro underneath the hood well let's  go ahead and uh pull this other valve cover   and see if it matches the other side  things aren't looking good folks not at all this side's got some of those uh triangle washers we'll say this side seems  to be uh going much better but i think i might have too soon now oh of course oh he's the last  one i should have started on this oh one almost okay let's see how bad this side is  oh there we go oh well huh this side i wonder if   that side was taking off for sure to come off a  lot easier oh why of course i am no freaking oh blend out use the leatherman aha this motor is going to be so dirty  anyways probably should have cleaned   all this stuff before i decided  to take all this off there we go well well the inside of that valve  cover doesn't look good either and neither does this side now mind you   oh great looking stuff's obviously  the dirt that i spilt there but all this rust not sure i see how i can get this motor to turn over this is not looking  good folks not at all yeah guys and gals none of this looks good that's at all and yeah that went down there yeah i mean i  guess if i got a shop back out here somehow   so we've got this rusted side and  this really really rotted side i don't think it's worth the time and materials to  try to make this motor run would make cool video   that seems to be a pretty big waste i don't know  what do y'all think if i didn't mention before   the dodge whisperer and i suspect that this  car has actually been underwater at one point   in its life it came from southeast  texas plus where we pulled it out of   was a flood zone yeah it was a low water area and  if you look at the other cars in that area they're   all affected by rust mainly because most of them  came from southeast texas right along that gulf   coast you know where that good premium salt areas  so it doesn't surprise me that this motor is um no   bueno i don't think we can do much with this folks  as cool video as it would fill this thing up with   knock em loose juice and see if we can get  it to fire i i don't think it's gonna knock   loose i mean i could put all the penetrating oil  and atf and btp snake juice in this thing and   i i don't think it's gonna knock loose i think  this one's a loss i think i don't think it's   gonna happen so i guess the only thing we can  do with this car is just take it apart and   use the parts that we can then we can assess what  else is wrong with this thing because we know the   floor boards in the back are rotted out where  the seat belts are hanging but we really haven't   looked at the frame rails on this thing i don't  know if it's car worth saving or if we're just   gonna part it out got some decent sheet metal  on it really not sure what we could do with it   i honestly believe that this is probably not the  car that i could build to beat that dirty hippie   from bad tree productions i mean don't get  me wrong it's green and it's a four-door but   i'm pretty confident that this one already  came stock with a failed cam and lifters   yeah and unfortunately i'm gonna need a good  cam and a good set of lifters if i'm gonna   beat that dirty hippie so we need something else  yeah something much better than this you know   something that's maybe more complete maybe  something that just needs some parts bolted on it   or should i just give up and  call this a no-go situation fyi again not my car not going to build it not  going to happen yeah that's the dodge whispers car   technically not even the dodge whispers it's   dodge whisperer's car so yeah stop  asking i'm not gonna build this car sorry you
Channel: Duddie's Adventure
Views: 1,576
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Id: bdPUgCqCl04
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Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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