A Trip To Genoa Commodities with the Aulick Trailer

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well this is the maiden voyage with the alec trailer since it went in the ditch and we had all that work done to it uh we have just passed through the four corners as you know here 34 in route 90 passing the ag track store here right now and you know commodities is just up the road here ah my brother is up in front of us uh alex and sarah are behind us my father is behind them so we're hoping that there isn't a huge line and here at genoa commodities this is uh right here on the left so we'll pull on to the scale i'm assuming they're there already i don't see a line of trucks out by the road here anyways so it looks like my brother has already pulled onto the scale and he's hopefully he's unloading and uh getting things done here all right richard's pulling out we're pulling on and alex is just pulling up in here behind us well this is the first road that we're dumping here my brother just pulled out and then we have sarah and alex in behind us here my father's going to be here in a minute he's in behind well he's on his way anyways got a little bit of snow over here huh yeah i have to watch that the trailer's working good anyways huh how's things going today you're not going to hide from the camera you should be dumping ahead of alex yeah you got to get back run the green buggy right oh wow trailer's working pretty good what do you think of the snow huh yeah hopefully it ain't snowing back at home so well we better tend to this trailer here all right we are pulling out of here we've got to pull out and then go back around and jump on the jump on the scale here spitting a little bit of snow over here hoping it's not doing that at home but it just might be alex is getting ready to pull up and behind us they're just cleaning up some bee's wings and whatever and uh she'll go ahead and delve her load off so all right we are rolling out of here and alex is dumping and sarah is in uh in behind here i don't know where my father is i thought he would be here by now but he's not i don't know maybe he snuck in while we were no he's not here yet so we'll go ahead and get back to the farm we've gotta grab my uh green truck with fuel and uh head to the combine but if it doesn't clear off we're not going to be doing anything actually you're going to bother right here all right we'll get back to the farm yeah there's another truckee so you can see the snow is sticking to the ground here we got the corn left to our left small piece there and it looks like winter out right at the moment right here anyways kind of hoping they don't put any salt down on the roads the two freightliners haven't been in the salt at all their whole life and i'd kind of like to keep it that way once we're done with corn we'll be able to park those trucks we won't need to have them out but we need to use them for corn so we're just calling through scipio here now and the snow is sticking pretty good if the snow is sticking to the corn like this when we get back towards home we'll have to wait till the snow melts off all slushy on the road too i come through vettis and one of their snowplow trucks was getting loaded up looked like they were putting on sand getting ready to throw some sand down or salt or something but it is what it is well we're just going through the village of skinny atlas the lake is up here on our right this is a pretty good tourist town it's about eight o'clock in the morning on a miserable fall day there isn't much going on right now but usually this is a pretty hop in town in the middle of the summer with tourists and whatever lake right there on our right that guy's got some snow on his truck he must have came from where we uh came from through uh scipio in venice center there's one more look at the lake one of the cleanest lakes in the world right there syracuse gets its drinking water the city of syracuse gets its drinking water from there and the water is gravity uh fed to the city of syracuse that goes the water line goes across some of our land wow we are just about back home and i don't know if you can see in the mirror all that great but the trailer pulls nice and straight works good you'd never know that it went into the ditch there's a few out the other window there so i'll turn the corner here and get back to the farm well we're into the following day here now as you can see we have some snow i came back with this trailer essay unhooked from it so that tim could use the c5 to haul manure with and my brother ended up finding this truck here a while ago and they just delivered it here uh yesterday it is a 2016 peterbilt model i think it's a 357 if i remember right off of the tag yeah i think it's a three yep 357 and this is an auto shift in real nice shape i like about like brand new so we're gonna yank this uh trailer here with this truck for the time being it has a wet line kit already on it it ran a live floor type trailer um so it's all it's all ready to go the other road tractors that we have bought in the past we've had to put wetland kits on ourselves and this one is just turnkey so we're probably gonna have to wait a few hours for the uh snow to melt off but i thought before we closed out this video i would kind of show you around uh this truck here a little bit uh we'll have more videos to come on this truck this is an auto shift uh trucks got 46 000 rears it's either a 13 6 or a 14 3 front end with 456 gears so it is set up just right for what we want to do and it goes nice with the uh white trailer so that's going to do it for this video i want to thank you for watching and we will catch you at the next one
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 18,099
Rating: 4.9910769 out of 5
Id: ST1866BID-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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