A Tour Of My Massive Art Supply Collection & Studio!

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hey guys it's rae here and welcome to a very very  highly requested video my art studio / art supply   tour this video truly truly means a lot to me i'm  very excited for today's video back in 2016 i did   a video where i showed my art supplies you know it  was stuff from dollar tree and art supplies that   the college was kind enough to let me have and  old hand-me-down beat-up boxes that my mom gave me   and even back then i was really really happy with  the art supplies that i had i mean at one point in   the video i literally said "and you guys know i'm  not bragging or anything it's uh just what i have"   fast forward from 2016 to 2021 i am beyond lucky  to have not one but two dedicated studios tons   of art supplies that i have been collecting for  years and years and years and i just want to say   that absolutely none of this none of this would be  possible without you whether you've watched every   single video that i've ever made or maybe this is  your first time ever watching my channel thank you   for watching zach helped me film this video he's  not very comfortable with the camera yet so i   might be a little shaky at times but regardless i  am very excited for this video so without further   ado let's go ahead and start starting with my  very first studio the room that we are in now   studio number one now in this room i spend a mass  majority of my time this is where i edit my videos   plan everything i sit and think i have my  morning coffee film my intros i mean i do   absolutely everything in this room there is  a lot to go over so we're just gonna jump   right into it starting with these two knockoff  ikea drawers that i've had for a few years now as you're about to see i am absolutely insane  when it comes to organizing like everything   has to be perfect starting off with drawer  number one this one is labeled my extra drawer   boom i love how i said everything has to be  organized and then i open up like the least   organized drawer in existence this drawer  contains all of my extra art supplies that   are completely new brand new i don't have a place  for them and i don't want to open them just yet   so for example we have pencils brand new  mica palettes brand new ohuhus that i've   never gotten the chance to open before so yeah  you can kind of pick up the vibe on this drawer   it's brand new things that have yet to be open  and just don't have a place in my studio yet this brings us to drawer number two this is  where i keep all of my inks oh my god see this   is what i'm talking about when i say organized  this is what i'm talking about in this drawer   we have all of my white highlighter pens we  have all of my pure black india inks we have   all of my fine liners here so many different  brands pretty much every size you can think of   we have all of my sharpies which i actually  bought these for a video a long time ago   and then i just never did the video and now i  just have a bunch of sharpies next drawer i have   my watercolors oh my god the way this drawer  is organized it brings me so much serotonin and in this drawer i have the entire collection of  arteza's paints i have my professional winsor and   newton watercolor grade i have my premium masters  touch watercolor tubes and if i had to pick   one singular watercolor out of this whole entire  drawer it looks really ugly the packaging and   that's just because i've had it for so long but oh  my god this watercolor is called payne's gray and   whenever you paint with this instead of a black  color it leaves all of your dark shadows this   deep vibrant blue and oh my god it just looks  absolutely incredible with drawings it was   actually my college professor a long time ago who  got me hooked on this shout out to you mic next up   we have my weird /rare art supply drawer if you've  been watching my channel for a while there's a   very high chance that you recognize some of the  art supplies in this store 100 year old watercolor   supreme pencil the most watched video on my  channel the gucci pen video watercolor watch   the markers and the letter that jazza sent me  from the jazzy art box collection my 100 year   old watercolor palette another fan favorite of my  channel we have the blackest paint in existence   i absolutely love novelty weird strange art  supplies and i think they're so awesome i just   can't let them go you know next we're gonna  go to my charcoal drawer in this drawer i   have my pastels all of my charcoal pencils my  basket of tortillons i go through these things   i go through these things like what's  something that you go through a lot   toilet paper i don't know if that's gross i  don't know and i also keep my black and white   colored pencils in here and the reason that  i use white colored pencils with my charcoal   drawing is because white charcoal pencils just  aren't intense enough i guess with my drawings   i want my shadows and highlights to be *bam* like  in your face and you just can't get those super   white highlights with a white charcoal pencil you  know so yeah that's my little hack for you guys is   use a white colored pencil for charcoal and for  these last two drawers i have my office supplies   which surprisingly i actually come to this drawer  a lot and i have my newly added crayola drawer   in this drawer i have my crayons  watercolor palette crayola colored pencils   everything crayola is in this drawer.  in this drawer i have you can't see me   i have all my watercolor palettes in here i  have the famous jelly gouaches that pretty   much every single art youtuber has reviewed i have  my oldest watercolor palette which i've had since   2011 and it's broken it's beat up but i absolutely  refuse to throw this away i will take this to the   grave with me this drawer contains refills of  my most used art supplies i'm always needing   sketch pencils white prismacolor colored pencils  if you want to know how artists on instagram blend   their colored pencils this is how if you come down  here i have all of my watercolor accessories stuff next up i have my set pens mica  pigment set pablo picasso's oil   pastels i mean he himself didn't  actually use this specific kind   but pablo picasso used this specific brand and  to complete this drawer i have my pencil bags like i like the option that i  can just dump everything in a bag   go to starbucks and unpack and start drawing  would i ever do it probably not but i like   the idea of it can you get a zoom in of tim  curry please he's like my whole entire life   so yeah this wall is just  like my poster decorative wall and if you come over to this side of the wall we  have something that i am so proud of and that is   my plants that i've managed to keep alive  somehow i never get to show off my plants   to anybody and the fact that i'm able to keep  this alive i'm gonna show them off right now   also something very cool in my studio that i  think is a very underrated decoration i have a   disco ball and a light refracting crystal whenever  the sunlight hits it just right during sunset it   reflects into the room and it just gives it this  really cool sparkly rainbowy dotty kind of look   oh good job in this corner of the room we have my  pc set up as well as my famous bunny chair i also   keep my ipad pro here as well as my apple pencil  and i know it doesn't look like much now but at   night when this whole entire room is illuminated  girl it looks absolutely stunning at night   in this corner of my room i have another uh  sitting area where i come and just literally   sit sometimes i don't know if that's normal  but i like to literally just sit here and think   and i have to have a pillow it's like a defense  mechanism anytime i sit down i like to have a   pillow so i can go like this and just sit  this is the area where i do all of my intros and this brings me to my  i guess like "work closet"   and this closet stores all of my sketchbooks   now i'm going to be completely honest here i tend  to hoard sketchbooks forever i have gray toned,   mixed media, watercolor, arteza, ones that are  pure black, i even have some from the dollar store   if you look back here i have even more sketchbooks  these are all of my shorter smaller ones   and i also keep my large to mid-size  brushes located in this closet as well   and back here i have literally the  most game-changing thing of all time   i've wanted one of these  since i was an a little kid and that's a label maker i love my label maker  i love love love labeling things so now that   you've seen um studio number one this takes us to  studio numeral dos and this studio is pretty much   the total opposite of my first studio well my last  one is like hyper feminine super bright colorful   bright pastel pink this one is much more toned  down relaxed calming cool even a little bit like   dark at some point so this room is i would say  totally opposite of my first room so come on in   this room is solely dedicated to filming my main  channel desk videos like every time you've seen   me do an unboxing it's in this room i have my  chair where i sit down it's already covered   totally in paint and the desk i don't even  bother cleaning it at this point i've spilled   so much paint that every single time i film a new  video i just go over it with a new coat of paint   so at this point there's probably like hundreds  of layers of paint on this poor little desk and   then of course we have bowie's bed she has to  have a bed in literally every single room in my   house so she can be comfortable everywhere she  goes everywhere she goes and you're probably   wondering why there is a drawer missing whenever i  film i have a lot of trash like when i do unboxing   and instead of having to stop the video move  all the lights around pull out of my chair   walk to the trash can every single time i now  take the easy route and just shove it in here   bIg bRaIn and we're gonna come over to this side  of the room and i'm sure you saw in the b-roll   that i had a plant up here in the corner yesterday  when i was eating my lunch i heard like a loud   clunk and my plant actually fell from the ceiling  onto my trash can and now i have a giant dent on   my trash can but it was aesthetic at one point  i promise and also on this wall i have my famous   marker tower i would say this is probably only  like a third of the markers that i actually own get a good zoom in on larry he looks so cool  with my pots yeah and if you saw my last video   where i used every single paint that i own you  already know what's in this drawer this is my   paint collection so here i have my acrylics that  i use most often like my very large tubes acrylic   down here i have my temper paints my very  expensive culture hustle paints i bought the   whole entire set over here i have my old oil i  have my oil paint collection i have my special   historical paints from ryan my paint dealer i  have two very high-end brands that they're so   high-end i can't even pronounce the names i  have my big tubes of oil paint like the neons   that i really love to use as well as like  whites and browns and just like frequently   used oil paints i would say that this drawer  alone is probably about four hundred dollars   worth of oil paint so yeah this is like my special  fancy drawer that we don't touch next up i have my   student grade and somewhat professional winsor  newton oil paints i have my small old paints   and down here to finish up my paint collection  we have probably one of the most like   chef kissed well organized drawers that  you will ever see get a good look at this it is so so satisfying this drawer and honestly  like a lot of this paint is kind of like craft   paint so it's not stuff that i would normally use  but i'm just like in love with how this door looks   so i'm just going to keep it here pristine forever  so over here i have my prismacolors faber castel   polychromos for some reason i have a cray-z art  and my all-time favorite art supply probably ever   Caren dashe colored pencils now i realize  that these are very very very pricey but oh   my god are they the best colored pencil you will  ever ever find then this takes us to my closet   my second closet i have the rest of my markers i  have some more pencils because i'm always always   always always using pencils random tools my  pentax polaroid i was going to take a picture   but it's long dead pfft and over here i have my  oil painting station like all the extra fancy   stuff that is required with oil painting i have  it all set up perfectly to go whenever i need it   down here i have all my organizational stuff  because i really really enjoy being organized   i have a fan that you can attach to  the window so whenever i'm oil painting   it'll take out the fumes from inside and  push them outside it's an absolute game   changer for anybody who's doing oil painting  and then like i have this random bug that i   found a long time ago preserved in alcohol  he was already dead when i found him by the   way zachs: fig beetle rae: yeah a fig beetle  yeah but he's really cool he's like iridescent and now i'm going to show you the best part of  this whole room actually you stay there i'll be   right back this room is connected directly to a  bathroom so yeah anytime i spill anything or i   need quick cleanup i quickly run in here i open  the door with my elbow and then i quickly wash   my hands and it's been a game changer and yeah  with that being said i think that is actually   it guys again i would be absolutely nowhere  without you guys so thank you so much again   for watching if you haven't subscribed with  notifications please be sure to do that   i hope you guys enjoyed my studio and yeah with  that being said i will see you guys next video bye
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 148,454
Rating: 4.9687991 out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, art studio, art supplies, room tour, house tour, art studio tour, studio tour, art supply collection, art space, art supplies organization, drawing supplies, art studio tour 2021, faber castell, my art supplies
Id: WREhkdl7VWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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