A TOTALLY LEGIT GLITCH SHOWCASE Cartoon (Link's Awakening DX, Luigi's Mansion, Pokemon Gold)

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Fun fact: when I saw the salty dance during the credits I thought that was saposed to be Bill, after looking at more of the Ch's content I think that's just the creator's avatar.


...Ah, who am am I kidding, that's TOOOOOOOOOTALLY Bill, and I'm not just saying that cos I think it being Bill would make the ending so much funner. keepo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pfaccioxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] it's about time you woke up what Zelda no yeah Billy I'm there in you know like melon wait what anyways ghost check out the beach where I found your corpse maybe some other stuff washed up monsters it's Annie Perrin and I know who you are stink cuz it was on your shield silly they get out oh man I can't wait to try this out [Music] Oh [Music] hey Luigi check it out you wanted a mansion looks nice so basically coast is only mentioned they kidnapped and possibly killed your brother and I need you to take care of them dispose of the ghosts can you kill what is already dead he's not kind of the point so many possibility is a geek in hot weather metaphysical or tangible [Music] can you just go to the next room okay Luigi the other ghost is with chumps these ones are cooler types of ghosts that you won't see again until your third outing and even then there's just something about him that doesn't quite capture the charm that these ones have do you ever wonder if perhaps it's not the developers fault but instead our own your husband no longer exists on his plane I sucked him I will punt flap pig bite I'll do whatever I can what is that mahogany that is a sturdy wood right there honey how we can build a crib so sound but society as a whole still there Luigi do you like for what no too bad [Music] why doesn't intend Oh have so many games that revolve around inhaling things wait why am I even here have any of us been released when you think about it we are all captured by technology forced behind these cyber shackles most of our lives are spent behind a glowing screen for live right now in this moment you and I are more released than anyone witnessing this event jeez man you kind of suck is that kind of the point [Music] [Music] my mom's time troubled world I know how to use the phone also it's Sunday attending no it's not daylight savings oh you so much like your father in the sense that you're leaving too ah there you are I need you to mr. pokum finding weird to take a Pokemon I already chose this one ah fine choice do you want to name it ah great now go run my errand call me if you have any problems love you bye hello you must be ah Elm said you'd visit can I offer you an egg in this trying time alright I found that egg in a very mysterious I sent mail even professor oh so you're I'm oh I was just an Bullock going crazy sexual charisma pokedex now if by ha he moves very robotically I wonder how different he'll move in 23 years hmm dude you know I'm like ten right another pokemon trainer what should I say I woke up my neighbor doesn't really shut up let's fight I'm kinda in the middle [Music] [Applause] Wow this is a really intense battle I can only imagine how advanced enemy in 23 years whatever I'm gonna be the best trainer ever I'm gonna glitch out the fabric of reality in order to achieve a record and a freedom each category [Music] role break some red hair brah I thought that dude he's kind of a chump a chumpy you didn't happen to get another name did you up did you be in the gallery jinn pissed off so check it out I got this egg true that you have what it takes to become champion sick anyway I go fight some Gym Leaders be sure to grab some balls from the dude up front on your way out all right hey there kiddo chilli [Music] [Applause] neato you [Music]
Channel: ScottFalco
Views: 1,959,179
Rating: 4.952888 out of 5
Keywords: animation meme, nintendo, nintendo speedrun, animated speedrun, speedrun cartoon, luigi, zelda, link, luigi's mansion, link's awakening, pokemon gold, pokemon trainer, scottish trainer, trainer lass, speedrun guide, scottfalco, totally legit, animation, animated, luigi animation, pokemon animation, zelda animation
Id: IsF8rChaiI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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