A to Z Custom Built Walk In Closet / Dressing Room

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so in this video I'm going to show you all of my tips and tricks and my design elements for building a custom closet / dressing room like this one for less than a thousand dollars stay with us so one of the largest challenges we face when we're doing renovations is how to deal with closet areas because let's just face it nowadays people tend to have a lot more clothes shoes and accessories than they used to and a long time ago so homes just aren't built to handle all your stuff which is why we took the 4th bedroom or turn this into a walk-in closet now when you're getting ready to finish a closet you've really got only three choices you can just put up the basic melamine panels a crosspiece bar shelf and that's simple you have these metal racks that have the little coating on it they snap together they're a little bit pain in the butt because you have to put a ton of holes in your wall and if you ever want to make any adjustments to the shelf you also have to take the brackets out of the wall that are supporting the weight and so you end up with a very restrictive system that doesn't really perform very well as full of holes so everything's always falling through and to be honest we think the price point isn't all that attractive the next step up though is you've got things like the Martha Stewart systems they sell at Home Depot there's a variety of different companies they've got these preassembled panel systems and you just like a kit you can buy a corner of this and this piece here and you put it all together you hang it off rails on the wall and that seems to work but the reality is is you're getting just for let's say 10 feet in length you're already over $1,500 to buy those systems they're really expensive and they're just particle board and then the next step up from there is you go when you get a carpenter in and you do something custom and that's like building a kitchen and that can just be ridiculous so most people can't afford the top the high end and then the middle option is just so expensive for what you're getting as far as value is concerned today I'm showing you how to build my system which is basically off-the-shelf products very little cutting but there's a few different improvements in the design and the products that were using that make it functional versatile and in and cost effective right so let's get into it are going to build a few different section today at the end of the video you can see the effect of the whole room so the basic function is you need to have a gable on each side and then arrive now the rods that they sell in most situations in homes new home construction they're very thin they go inside each other kind of like a shower Pole what I like to do is I like to buy the step-up it's a heavier gauge steel we'll show you that in a little bit and then that can go across there without the need for middle supports so you don't have to have all this bracket thing going on and it's confusing and ugly because it'll transfer all the load of all the clothes over six feet no problem so we're going to put in two Gables we're going to trim it out add the shelf at the top but we're also going to be building it in the box of the ceiling so we can crown this all in so what we get is the effect of a beautiful finished custom-made closet but it's so quick and simple you're going to love it so let's get started I'll show you this assembly and how easy it is now step number one this is and you know don't don't take out your pencil and start taking notes okay we're stepping up our game on the channel we're going to be putting the plans and designs and measurements on our website okay so you can go there and download the plan and it's just going to be free of charge but we want to make this information available to you we're gonna do a few different design styles and sizes put in the measurements there for you to help make things easier but you are basically going to be customizing this to where you live so we have eight foot panels that come from the from our store there's sixteen inches wide and we just cut it to fit to the ceiling and we just slide it into the back all right now that is simple you'll also notice that the walls around here are covered in wallpaper and if you want to see how we do the wallpaper it's so simple this is one way to increase the design factor of any room and if you want to do this we'll put a link right here for you as a card to the wallpaper video this step is brilliant it's so easy to do nowadays it's not like wallpaper a days a bowl where everything was just gooey and sticky and falling all over you so we're gonna take our pin nailer now we're gonna throw a few shots into the corner because we know that when you build a house there's you some wither now that's not gonna go anywhere Steph wins done I love it step number two they also sell at the same store the same width of material and a six foot panel okay now this might look like it's a waste of material to double up like this but what this does do is this gives me a beautiful design to the ceiling for the inside corner and this gives me structural load for the shelf so we're gonna again throws pins in the back corner alright and I'm just going to demonstrate this real quick because we're gonna screw this together these are all products we found at the local building store so we get these one and then I think they're one in the ninth one in an eighth would screw okay and with this I can screw these panels together and then this is a little cap now when you go down to the hardware aisle they're gonna have a wall of little plastic boxes and trays and you can get these caps and this is a number two and it actually fits inside the head of the screw and that covers up the screw and this way that you one way you can attach all these borders together and you won't have to do any finishing and touch-up and putty and paint work later the next step is for this section of closet is to build this side it's gonna be very similar we're going to have one panel that goes to the ceiling one panel that comes from the store of the same height all right if your room is level and relatively flat that makes all the math really simple so we're just gonna screw those together get that in place and that's my right side panel here okay okay now one of the things you're going to need to do in these situations because you're going to the middle of a wall there's nothing to nail the board to you have to create a nailing strip so we do is we cut this down a little bit because we're also going to put one of these one by twos that come from the star okay and we're gonna go across the back of the wall and it'll sit on top of this as well and that'll be a back wall support for the shelf all right so what I'm gonna just pin nail all this together here real quick okay we're gonna take this panel and we're gonna line this up over here know one of the things you're gonna want to have in this situation is a laser because nothing in your room is gonna be level so you want to have a line that you can follow so because my second panel is gonna go all the way to the ceiling I want to come just off the edge of that vent so I'm gonna design this for simplicity I like that so I'm gonna put this one up against the laser line okay and then I'll nail my support bracket to the wall I'm going to snip you late and fire this into the wall all right beautiful okay one of the best things about the system is that we don't have to worry about the structural integrity and squaring it off as we go because when we put the shelf on it'll self square everything we're just gonna measure from the back point to the back point because they're fixed and then the fronts will just square themselves off here we go that's a perfect 55 inches all right so I'm just gonna run downstairs draw a line on my shelf cut it with this my skill set they back up here in no time we'll stick the shuffler 155 in shelf that was simple yeah the only thing we want to do here you also want to tack all this together that will give you your structural integrity right okay now keep everything from moving around perfect peace okay so I'm gonna keep out of my system here is I'm gonna put a piece of one by five MDF and capped the surface one of the things we're doing here is we're actually gonna cap all of the surfaces so we're gonna cap this jewelry we're gonna cap across the shelf down the side and across the top this gives us a really nice finished look it also allows us to attach the crown molding after where your doll done to dress it alright so the key here is to start on the outside corner everything is nice and flexible so we're gonna nail this on here and that's what's gonna hold our crown molding okay now that we have that done we're ready to put the faces on and that's what this is for right I mean this just cleans everything up really nicely we also bring one across this area here that gets rid of the work from the shelf because it has structural integrity added by this piece and we close up the gaps along the other side with this one here nice well so put one across the back to give some more support for the shelf and then add baseboard and this one's finished so what I do is I just take a piece of scrap do we get my cut let's do it all at once and then come back all right 90 and 3/4 fine d and 7/8 53 ok so we're just going to go flush with the outside and then throw in some more pins always go straight and square you're nailing through the finished edge of these on melamine cabinets I guess is what you'd call it and if you go on an angle they'll just deflect off for that trim so I'll just go square and avoid that mistake ok now this system is great for closets but in a few minutes we're going to show you also how to build addressable shelving units shoe racks and cubby storage we're gonna do a whole wall in this room and that and that system when you combine them all together this this technology it's a really simple way for just about anybody to make their own built-ins anywhere in the whole house all right a fire our nail there so that this is useful on me to use my stud finder basically we do is you press the button on once you're on flat on the wall will you see the green light you start traveling to the left and there's a stud okay and then we'll confirm from that coming the other direction there you go and right in the middle you're guaranteed to have wood and we'll lift the shelf to carry the load uncomfortable with that we'll do it again over here somewhere well that's really interesting okay here we go if you wanted to carry a lot of weight throw three nails in there tying right now three Brad nails will carry over a hundred pounds each so that's a 200 pound carry load right there Plus both cables and then when we're all done because next we're gonna build this side because this is an inside quarter system we're gonna build this side and then we're going to connect the shelves together okay I'll show you how to do that as well we'll finish trimming it up boom we'll have to install the rods of a finished closet about another 10 minutes so in this situation we're coming around the corner right up to the edge of a cabinet you know what we're gonna do is resist the temptation to attach the gables to the cabinet this can be temporary what we're doing here is we're attaching something to the wall so it's permanent but don't attach them together now just also note in the floor here we have our area vent heat great system we installed this I think I think we showed how to install this in the engineered flooring video so this is an engineered hardwood if you want to see that video just click the link right here because between the hardware the wallpaper and these custom cabinets that's basically all there is to making this beautiful well aside from the amazing pot lights we got but that's about all you need to know what it would do something like this at home beautiful I've actually moved that vent because it was under the window and so the dresser was in the way so we moved it with a design in mind to keep that you know available to heat the room so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this panel that I have my 1 by 2 attached to now and I'm gonna get the floor to ceiling panel I'm just gonna put them all in position screw the tube main panels together nail this one into the wall BAM we've got an end gable and it's fixed in place so there's panel number one floor to ceiling right and again we're not concerned about how tight it is at the ceiling because our going to be adding caulking and paint and crown that's panel number two okay so what I want to do here first I want to get this fixed in place above where this cabinet is because I know when I'm compressed this way I can find my level from there that's funny because this is a brand new house and the outside of the room verses 16 inches in is it's over a quarter inch gap right it's amazing so in order for me to build this properly I have to shim the bottom of these or I have to scribe the bottom of these and cut them either way it works fine but since we're going to be using the 1x2 going right to the floor I'm not going to worry too much about that I'm just going to go make a quick shim for myself out of some leftover material stick that underneath for now for a low transfer and once I've got that in place then I'll keep going on okay I just found another useful use for a carpenter pencil I shoved the whole thing in that gap further that's my oh brother pencils problem solved time to move on I'm gonna keep building anyway we're gonna just keep on attacking here I wanted to have stability left right so I'm gonna get my laser level throw a line tackle this together all right so now the key here is to understand that we're going to need some gable support here and then a shelf to go from this side and then tie right into the other shelf and I bought a couple of mending plates for that you're there all right so you go to the local store and you can buy these mending plates and the top of the hole here is actually beveled out so that the screw sit straight flush in there so we're using 5/8 screws after the thickness of the metal they won't penetrate the bottom side of the shelf okay so you can stick these on and tie a really nice and tight together tell us the transfers weight from one panel to the next cause it's brilliant so what we have to do now is we have to decide where to put this end Gable okay because this is a closed rod now traditionally although we're using 16 inch panels the close rod becomes about 12 inches off the wall all right so if you're not sure what to do at your house just grab a hanger it'll help you organize this now if you put this hanger tight against the wall that means every time you hang something against the wall you're gonna cause damage you want to cut it come on a couple inches oh that gives you the ability to hang just about anything including coats and you're gonna have lots of room so if that's the center of there then from the wall I'm looking at almost 12 inches okay so you can always give yourself lots of room but you're gonna be carrying coats go to 12 inches nothing wrong with that all right that's your Center know if a center is at 12 that means you actually want to give yourself almost 24 inches of actual space so we're bringing our gable 4 here we don't want to just put it up against here because that makes part of the closet useless right so what we want to do is we want to measure and install our shelf and our gable at the same time we want to cut the gable so that we can put it in a position where we want it to carry the weight while we put this in and attach remaining plates it's a little tricky but we'll get there but the point is is we want this gable here 24 inches off the wall okay make sense so the gable again there's gonna be a standard stock item from the store the same was the other two and this one all right so that means we don't have to measure that we'll stick it in place and get on with our life that'll be good so while we need now is to measure our shelf all right and this shelf here is going to be 49 and the hair and it should be the same here yes so I'm gonna go cut a shelf that's 49 in my hair and I'm going to cut out this back corner to sit around this edge here come on tight to here use the mending plates throw a couple of nails in again we're gonna put a crossbar in here to carry some weight we're gonna throw in this panel here we're almost done alright so I've got my shelf I've got my support board and I've got my little 1 by 2 because we're gonna have to lay all the back again to keep it straight just a quick note you'll see while we're working here there's a lot of these black marks when you go to buy your product don't be concerned about it it really is just shipping dirt and where and there it'll all wipe up when you're done don't even bother trying to clean it before you start just wait till you're all finished give it a good wipe it'll all look brand-new then so let's stick this all in place now here we go yeah we'll start here come down in a position here we go give this roughly where we want it now we want to get this you said 24 yeah so what I'm going to do is I'm going to end up putting this gable just off the that line of the wallpaper there that'll be nice okay you get that nail together okay just a quick tip when you're nailing things into just drywall and it's giving you a little bit of resistance if you put one nail on an angle up and one nail on an angle down that actually will hold the drywall okay and keep it in position for you it's a great way to solve that problem so what I'm doing is I'm basically screwing there left side of the mending plate to one pin and then when I attach the screws to the other side it'll pull it tight into position I'll show you that in just a second here bending plates are really popular in office furniture right which is actually where I first never use them man I must have been 22 years old it's working for an office furniture installation company you know one of those firms they go in there and they'll set up a hundred or 200 offices on the floor in a couple of days just ridiculous but I learned some handy tricks here we go oh here we are right couple brackets couple of screws you get a nice transition BAM so we're gonna recap because now we have the basics of our of our shelving system we're also gonna take our piece of 1 by 5 from the face here bring it across and measure up to the depth of this corner okay we'll attach it in the corner that way our crown can be continuous all right and then it's just a matter of getting our 1 by 2 floor to ceiling here and then trim me out the Front's of the rest of this this bad boys done from the face of that to the other side of this [Music] [Music] there I'd like to do my shelves so if both ends flush and then I'll go to the middle and I'll manipulate whatever is left and then work another way out that makes that pretty solving okay now I have to put this piece in so now I can measure that the other detail here that's going to be interesting is we want to do something in this corner to dress it up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take some of the one by two and I'm going to just go from the top of the cabinet up to the bottom here and I'm gonna put an inside corner on just to help dress that up and make it look intentional that's really nice in a lot of cases if you're going more than three or four feet then you want to put a center panel in as additional support and you can take a look at the other end of the room you'll notice that we did is we did a center support wall there was two panels that were at the six feet and then we added the 1 by 2 floor to ceiling on it and that offered great structural support so we could put multiple rods in also is a great clean look balanced so nice symmetry beautiful now in this situation here you'll see that the flooring comes pretty short of the baseboard so what I did is I'm actually going to be adding a piece of shoe mold okay and so then I can dress that up and close those gaps if you're in a house and your baseboard is too thin to cover don't be surprised in most construction the baseboards are thin and they take cord around or shoe mold to add additional depth to cover all the edges of the flooring okay so the rod systems come with this awesome heavy-duty hardware and they have one thing in common there's a location on the bottom of each of these pieces okay and so what I like to do is I set it up a five and a half inches from the shelf and 11 a half inches in sorry five and a quarter down I'm gonna have pinches in I'll make my mark pre-drill the hole just a little bit because the screws that we use to mount these they have a hard time with the melamine so if you pre-drill it it really helps a lot so here we go so we're gonna put that pre-drill this hole just enough so that the screw s the melamine alright there we go and then we're gonna just pre-drill the hardware the center of those holes as well now the two men's are different one receives a rod the other one the rod sits on and the other all the screw locations are in different spots so make sure when you do this you don't create drill a bunch of holes they aren't gonna use just Merc the ones set the bottom up one two and three here we go beautiful screws come in the bag they are Phillips I don't know how I feel about Phillips screws alright and because your hole is pre-drill this just pops in real easy okay there's my heavy steel bar right and it's cut so take the cut end and insert it in extended bracket area there there we go and you just drop some place Oh sexy beautiful we're just gonna finish off all of our decorations now all right again we're just gonna make it nice and flush here and then we'll do the other side how is shooting square perfect alright and then we're gonna set these up in here nice and snug so if you're finishing this off I'm just gonna attack the corner on an angle because this is all MDF and it won't fire out the nail the other side here we go the only thing left this part of the closet is to put a rod here and a rod down here now this is tall enough at 6 feet and change you can do two rods for separates you know that's that's basically means you can hang your shirts above and pants underneath or whatever whatever over here we have lots of full-length activity and they're gonna be put in their luggage and behind the back corner as well that's awesome okay so we got lots of hanging closet now before we get into doing crown molding that we want to finish off the adjustable shelving unit so we're gonna rearrange the lights in camera action here we're gonna start building the other units on the other wall so now we're at a point where we're going to build the different kind of system this is just a just a little wall shelve unit and the same kind of principle applies here only this time we're using a 12 inch deep pre-drilled hole wall board as the cables we're still gonna put the 1 by 5 across the top but we're also going to build the lower shelf with a 1 by 6 across the bottom that allows us to continue the baseboard trim all around the entire room because a really nice look that complements the crown so what we're gonna end up with is a baseboard into the 1 by 6 right into the shelf that's going to be fixed in place and every unit we build will have the same shelf for the same height fixed in place so we have the face of the 1 by 6 the face of the 1 by 5 and you guessed it when you build a bunch of these units you stack them together and you put the 1 by 2 on the front BAM you have exactly the same symmetry and look and that system can be duplicated over and over and over again and you can build whatever you want inside of the confines of that because as long as use the same width of with gable you can do it ever you want in each unit and then trim the face to close it all up and cover it up and make it look pretty that's why the system works so well now what we're gonna do is we have a 90 almost 6-inch ceiling so we're gonna just cut all of them off at 95 because we're doing the 1 by 6 we're also gonna put a shelf at the very top underneath that 1 by 5 okay they'll give a nice close that off we won't see the edge of the ceiling and the ugly dry off you know the wallpaper mistake I made up there but what it does is it contains everything defines everything it makes it a really nice little quality space and it keeps everything rigid too so each of one of these units is gonna have a lower middle and a top shelf that's fixed and other shelves will be adjustable that functions really nice and it also makes everything nice and sturdy so we're gonna go to install it it'll be rock-solid so we're gonna just put together a couple units real quick and then we're gonna install all of our crown so we're going to show you how to make the assembly if you have a nice flat surface you can assemble these really quick with an air nailer and square we're going to show you that trick so you can get that done and then as far as the crown molding is concerned if you'd like to see how to put crown molding up so we're using kind of like a Styrofoam crown molding with a plaster face on it it's an awesome product we're gonna put a link in the description below so that you can take a look at that source online but we'll also put the card up here so that you can click and watch that video because there's a really simple way to install a crown molding and all that information is in the video so I'll just go let you check it out you can actually click it and it'll open the page you can pause the video you can watch that when this one's done alright so I'm gonna go and make all my cuts and I'm gonna come up here and talk you through the process because it is just that simple we'll whip this together not now one word of caution here with a little bit of a tip for you these boards here to come pre-drilled let me show you they only have a finished one edge okay now they come from the factory 97 inches even though they say 96 the point of that is their designs that no matter which end you measure from the first hole is in exactly the same location so that you can take the board here with the white facing you and the holes will line up with the board here but the white facing you with with the pre-drilled holes facing each other they'll all be in line if you have them all stacked like this and cut all the tops off you're going to have to invert and you'll end up with them upside down in your holes will be out of alignment so take extra caution think through your process make sure you're not messing that up what I do is I stack them all the finished edges facing me holes up holes down holes up holes down and then I make my cuts that way I'm confident my always cutting the top off and not causing myself an issue first of all we're gonna remember that we're going to put a shelf at the bottom one in the middle and we'll identify that in a minute and one of the top at the bottom of the topper simple so we're gonna just put B for bottom on these okay so we don't get confused as we go along T for top that'll get covered now from the ground we're adding a 1 by 6 and those are five and a half inches and you can make marks with pencil all day long on melamine because it'll always wash off so don't be a little frayed of doing that the idea here is we want to have all of these boards standing up on end okay and then we're gonna nail it all together seems a little precarious and at times it is okay BAM okay so this mark is at exactly five and a half inches now I know the one by six is exactly five and a half inches so I'm going to install myself just an eighth longer than that okay and I'm gonna come bring it up flush and throw one nail in it real quick just to get this started there okay now I'm gonna come over here and Mark Waid five and a half inches plus the hair and I'm gonna get this nail in just so that things aren't falling all over the place now here's a teachable moment for us that was too close to the edge and I didn't make sure I was on a 90 degrees so my nail came through now I got two options I can try to pull the nail out it's going to destroy the whole thing or I can just snip it off not worry about it remember everything here's getting that one by one by six face so it's not gonna be a problem now what we want to do now is we want to install this shelf perfectly square so we can set the square on here and just come over and manipulate the location of that and that's brilliantly the other thing you can do is you can take it to the other side all right and you can use it to trace a line so when you're shooting your nails and you know where the top of that shelf is okay here we go makes this nice and simple and you can push this under pressure a little bit and then even with your knee push back the other way make sure that it's nice and square there we go we'll do the same thing with the other side beautiful now we're gonna do the same thing at the other end knowing that we're putting in a 1 by 5 we'll set the height of that self as well here we go with our shelf again 1 by 5 is 4 and a half inches now remember we cut these at 95 they're gonna be shorter the ceiling so what we're gonna have is we're gonna have a piece of 1 by 5 coming across the top so that we can put our crown molding on it this shelf doesn't need to come flush to it so we're gonna intentionally install it closer to the top just so that it becomes a visibly finished space okay so we're gonna assume that we're an inch from the ceiling and we're gonna go to 4 inches after that so I'm actually gonna mark it at 3 all right you'll see the effect when we're all done this is gonna work out really nice if my 1 by 5 at the top comes to this point when you're on the ground looking up it looks very finished and you don't have to worry about being precise because when you're working like this for yourself the last thing you want is create so much math because you'll never get anything done you'll be forever scribing so that's why using the crown helps because crown solves all your problems with all your math you all you have to do is measure from the ground up every single time it'd be perfect every time trace my line line okay okay so the middle shelf we want to have that consistent on every unit that I built here I'm building for so we only want to get this one measurement one time so I have a unit like this that's getting a bottom and a top the next unit to the side of it is actually designed to be in 13-inch cubbyholes okay so we're 13 inches up and across because the in this particular case they're using the the fabric boxes from Ikea to use like drawers not all of them but some of them so we're going to make a very consistent so we're going to measure the total here and that is just under 87 okay and we're going to go 13 6 78 78 off 87 reasoning 9 but I also have 1 2 3 4 5 shelves to do that and that's 5 and 5/8 25 base has 3 inches and change that leaves me an extra 3 inches okay so what I've got is I've got an idea of having a 13 inch space so I worked 13 into my total measurement it gives me 6 spaces alright so if I'm doing 6 spaces that gives me 5 more shelves so 5 shelves at that thickness is another 3 inches give or take the idea is I still have an extra 3 inches to go forward just to go so I'm gonna go 13 and 1/2 on the height okay and then we'll do that way so let's do the math that way we'll go 13 and a half on the height plus 5/8 we're looking for the middle so we're going to put in five more shells 1 3 13 and 1/2 20 13 and 1/2 times 3 is 39 40 laughs BAM there we go okay so I'm measuring 40 and a half there you go plus my five-eighths and that's gonna be my fixed shelf it's gonna be the same height okay every unit that I make the rest of the shelves are adjustable so you can have some fun with it but having this fixed shelf the same height everywhere it's very important and it'll look a lot nicer if it's the same so I use the square and I'll hold it against the panel I push with my knee I've already traced my line so I know exactly where that but that panel is and I shoot in square so just a quick recap the reason we have a fixed shelf top middle and bottom is because we have a wall paper on the back we're not throwing l-brackets on we're not attaching this to the wall with a bunch of fancy hardware we're simply creating this box to behold its own structure because the rest of us have adjustable shelves I can't have the Middle's bowing all over the place and it's really difficult to put these things lift them into place without wrecking them if you don't have the middle stability know one of the reasons why we cut these panels a lot shorter than the ceiling so you can lift them in place remember 96 inches is 96 inches if you have something thin but if you would make something thick you've got to take some depth off there so you can crack roll this into position Here I am I'm still having problems unbelievable it's not the end of the world there's a quick easy fix for this but I need you to bring me up my skills up all right what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna take off a little bit of a triangle off the back corner right across the bottom in the back so I have room to rock it in place all right instead of messing with the top so two things there one I don't mind making mistakes I show it on camera because you're gonna run into things like this and knowing how to fix it is probably the most important issue number two when we're doing our math on our shelves I'm trying to get close without getting really too detailed I don't want to get into nanometers trying to keep it simple remember if the last shelf is a little bit longer right when you look up at it it's automatically looking smaller anyway so if it's got a little extra gap up there this is visually it comes across perfect so not already now all we got to do here just take our square and I'm feeling like an idiot okay we're just gonna take off the last little bit it's of no value to us this is just a great life lesson so whenever you do in carpentry and you've got something of substance and you're putting it up against the ceiling this is a quick easy fix gentle with this okay cuz it said not built to be the most durable thing in the world until it's installed let me show the camera so what I'm doing is I'm sliding my square around until my angle is lower than the shelf now I'm safe to go yeah and one more time addy all right we're gonna see how easy this works this time and it's probably better if I just manage it myself oh come on all right sometimes it is the simple things that drive you nuts right [Music] this doesn't work we're gonna go back to Home Depot yeah there's like this doesn't work I have to cut down the top of it this is gonna work I have faith Oh what the hell wait a minute it's not about that oh I cut the cabinets at 95 it's 95 and a quarter and he was on a roof obviously he's getting late in the day I assumed that the ceiling was 96 but I forgot Matt we put in 3/4 inch hardwood so now they shoulda just use a measuring tape all right so I'm just gonna take a little bit extra off the top everything above that fixed shelf is actually just wasted space anyway so third time's the charm custom-built baby [Music] this just makes more sense Thunder okay now that we have one in place really the secret here is not that tricky we want to just measure to the existing height of the shelf height of that shelf and height of that shelf translate that information on the next board nail will three shelves in and then keep on attaching and attaching and attaching okay so the only thing that we're missing here is getting this cabinet installed vertically and plumb so we're gonna do that's gonna cut me a couple of pieces that are 18 and 1/2 the 1 by 2 we're gonna install it as a nailing surface underneath the Shelf here and then underneath the shelf at the top we're gonna throw a laser level on get this perfectly in line and put our piece of 1 by 2 on the side here oh just a couple more details and then you'll be able to make miles and miles of this cabinetry [Music] we go now it's the same process right so [Music] we're building our own component system based on this piece being attached to the wall and plumb and having our finished trim on so we have to take a step forward before we can go backwards again what I've done is I've cut 3 1 by 6 I'm just laying it up against the shelf you can see how it's gonna finish up put a mark up here that is where my 1 by 5 is gonna finish and then I want to get the actual measurement for my 1 by 2 because we're gonna do over the face looks like Maddie this is gonna be pretty much perfect we're gonna go 85 85 and a half shy okay all right now that might sound with an unfamiliar but when we're working and we're taking a measurement if my measurement is just a little bit less than 85 I don't want to say 84 and 7/16 when you're on the saw if I make a measurement I say give me something 84 or 85 shy you'll line up 85 and you just what you do let me just give you a little example here where we're talking 85 I'm gonna extend my whole tape why not so if I'm making a mark at 85 okay usually I'll make a mark at the point and then thickness of the blade so they saw a guy knows to cut that pencil out if I say 85 shy when he's making his mark he'll just go a little bit left of the mark and he'll still take the pencil out that's just really effective way to communicate one by two and I don't remember the number anymore so we do what City five and a half write that down 50 bucks oh you got some money back oh my nice guy all right all right so what we're gonna do over here is we're just gonna guesstimate we're gonna set this up for the client okay and we're gonna put in enough of these little pegs oh my goodness oh not as easy to think when you pull the whole handful of our things and we're gonna just toss these in roughly whatever one foot is okay and then we'll go up to roughly wherever the two feet mark is and so on and so forth and we'll establish more shelves than you'll need and then they no one's gonna be more shelves than every foot I think in most situations that is more than a sufficient and you can buy these pegs in bulk and so I bought a bag of 100 that's more than enough to do a few shelves here take care of this when I say more than enough I think I'm gonna have four left over anyway here we go and when you go to cut yourself just remember your spaces you want to take a healthy eighth of an inch off of that just so that there's room to drop them all in place and they're not going to be sitting there fighting with you so what I did here is I just took my laser and and I just checked the wall itself to make sure it was relatively level Blum sorry cover your buddy out there who doesn't like my slang what I'm gonna do because I don't need to follow the contour and scribe I'm simply gonna install this trim board on the shelves well like maybe a sixteenth or a 32nd of an inch overlap just to get rid of this line if I go perfectly flush and sugg Lee soon as I go BAM it's actually pretty okay and I'm nailing set a square go from two degrees so the nails passing through the front on the way in just to make sure that I'm not gonna have an issue when you're putting on your finished trims it's the wrong time to have a nail fire out on you all right okay now just slide the cabinet against the wall and we're gonna take our level and double check and this is the best thing about a level you don't have to be straight off the wall you can just take it directed up against the back and we are really close here I don't think I can make that anymore level if I wanted to I actually really like where it's sitting alright so before we do anything else we're gonna fire a couple of nails in just so it doesn't move around on us we're gonna grab our sub finder and we're gonna find out where the wood is it could be just about anywhere interior walls can be really confusing because you don't know if they started from the left or the right to do their 60s on center we found it so take care of that and it should be about the same spot up here and it is okay now that's all in this bed now it's plumb it's flush it's pretty we can just keep stacking these together now so when it comes to symmetry if I'm using nailing blocks you have to put them everywhere even if you're not using it as a nailing block you want to have that line of sight that visual very consistent okay here we go that's how we attach that cabinet so now we're going to attach the cabinet to the cabinet we don't want to be too far front here but we want to be somewhere inconspicuous we're gonna go just under the shelf make sure the fresh the Front's are we'll flush there we go now that's some nice and flush and we're gonna grab our white plastic cap number two size from the little bin in the screw drawer and we're gonna kick that on to coverage done we're gonna just do top middle bottom and then we're done off to the next cabinet we're expecting these cells via thirteen inches in this cabinet right so I'm gonna throw my screw in and just around twelve I'm anticipating that is gonna be very invisible when it's all done okay I'm gonna put this one towards the back so no one will ever see it best thing about the screws when you sink it flush there's still no no 3/16 left it doesn't never poke out the other side so you don't have to worry about that kind of damage the head of the screw is usually its own stopper so it's hard to drive it too deep unless you're really trying cabinet after cabinet after cabinet but before we do remember our system is simple now I have this two panels together I'm gonna take another piece of one by two I'm going to laminate that middle we're gonna put the 1 by 5 across the top and then we're ready to do all the crown work the only thing that's left does it take over some 45 minute drywall compound the quick-set make up a little bit of a paste thumbnail all of the little pinholes because that's the perfect way to finish that off that'll dry without shrinking and then you can give it one more quick paint after you've done all your caulking work all right well the only thing left to do I guess is let's do the reveal or the final project and enjoy this when we're done we'll talk about the cost to build all of this system the whole roof [Music] as you can see this closet is a great example of what it takes it's just a few simple tools and a little bit of understanding on how to put some things together anybody can build their own custom closet for less than a thousand bucks and you can have all the storage and all the space that you want Wow thanks for joining us today if you'd like to see the other elements on how to build this one we've got a playlist for you that shows you how to do the wallpaper the engineered flooring and even the whole reason why we renovated this brand new house you can click the link right here we'll see in the next video don't forget to ask all your questions and give us a thumbs up
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 302,659
Rating: 4.9228129 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision
Id: MSOmdwLWzj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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