A Thing Called Trust / Bishop Jeff Arnold

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but more importantly today is the Sunday that we're gonna get to hear from our Bishop and I am very excited about that I want us all to stand amen now brother Arnold will drop a little video online and when he does then 300 thousand views are soon to happen and he's quite the icon but he's our icon and we love him and we appreciate him put your hands together as a bishop comes to preach for us thank you thank you god bless you please remain standing thank you for letting me come brother Tony was so kind to invite me to speak and I agreed to speak next Sunday and after I did I realized this poor guy has had his brains knocked out for the last four or five weeks carrying this thing three or four times a week and so I called him back I'm not one for inviting myself but I said look if you'd rather have me preach this Sunday and give you a break and before it was out of my mouth he said yes so he'll be he'll be smoking it tonight amen but aren't you glad he's done such a great job with this church amen wonderful job amen now I've got four hours a message to preach in 30 minutes so just stay with me I'm reading from first Kings chapter 17 if you'd like to turn there with me I I always try to hear from the Lord but there are certain times when I feel that God in His kindness just just gives me a revelation and I'm gonna give it to you in just a second I've never I've read this verse at least 50 times everybody's Church prick knows that Elijah outside of Jesus is my favorite pal I love Elijah I preach and teach on him all the time and and but I've never ever seen this before the Lord showed it to me and I'm gonna go with you right here in just a second beginning with verse 8 and the word the Lord came unto him saying arise get thee to Zarephath which belongeth to Zion dwell there behold I've commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee turn and look at somebody and say totally impossible no no no don't be wussy fun totally impossible other words the Lord told Elijah I commanded a woman to sustain the a widow woman knowing Shane got no groceries and she doesn't have a warehouse and she doesn't have a surplus you're missing it hey no you gotta get this for God to fulfill what he wants to fulfill will require the intervention of the supernatural okay not maybe that didn't do for you what it did for me but in this virus stuff I could use the supernatural said watch and he said he arose and went to Seraphim then when he came to the gate the city behold a widow woman was there gathering sticks and he called unto her said fetch me I pray thee a little water in the vessel that I may drink first test first test let's see how kind you are so she turns around and gets him a drink of water and as she's going he turns around he says I look bring me I pray a morsel of bread in thine hand and she said as the Lord thy God liveth so first his God was not her God the Lord thy God she was a pagan she was from Zarephath which was from Zion you understand Zeidan did you people have read the Bible Zion do you understand that earth Bale was the king of Zion you didn't get it earth Bale was the father of Jezebel you didn't get it yet when God gets ready to hide you he can put you in your neighbors and enemy's backyard and he still can't find you may that don't man my goosebumps are moving right now he turned around he says bring me a little morsel of bread and she said as the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake but a handful of meal and a barrel and a little oil in the cruise and behold I'm gathering two sticks that they might go and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and die so this was her last supper which was going to become the first breakfast of a new regime not getting it yet okay and Elijah said it or not fear not and go and do as thou has said but make me thereof a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make a make let me see if I can see what this says make for thee and thy son for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruse of oil fail until the day that the Lord has sends rain upon the earth now I've been reading this for 40 40 years I have never ever seen this in my whole life I have never heard anybody preached this they probably have I just haven't heard it I never read it from a book and I didn't steal it from anybody Minh this fried my little brain this verse right here I've went right past it 40 times watch and she went and did according to the saying of Elijah I never heard that in my life now you missed what she just she interrupted saving her son to feed this preacher she said she went and did according to the world of Elijah now watch oh this is so powerful I'm I'm excited I'm just excited say this is so said did according to the word of the saying of Elijah and and she and he and her house that eat many days and the barrel of Mia wasted not neither did the crews have all failed according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah you got it okay here we go I want to talk to you this morning about a thing called trust a thing called trust now look at your neighbor before you sit down and say trust ain't faith trust is way beyond faith Lord bless the preaching helping to set the place on fire in Jesus name I pray and everybody said a man god bless you you may be seated and I had this all set up with brother Kenneth and also with Sharon we were going to introduce my message by her helping her sing by and by and the morning comes and you guys jumped the gum and stole my glory and so you sang it the only thing I've got on Ryan the rest of them is they don't know the words temptations hidden snares often take us unawares and our hearts are made to bleed with these thoughtless word indeed and we wonder why the test when we try to do our best but we'll understand it better by and by let me just let me just get to where I want to go here I'm have a little hard time trust calm confident expectation trust to rely on to believe in one's honesty integrity faithfulness and ability which will cause one to act upon listen carefully not faith trust faith doesn't make you obey trust makes you obey our lives are moved upon by trust let me just see if I can see it this way okay we trust about our bankers the insurance guy the car that we deal with the mechanics we work with the a/c people that repair a restaurants that we go to they're all involved in trust because you can believe and not behave but you cannot trust and not behave see there are only reasons some people don't supply the church with finance and money and tithing and giving is they believe in God they just don't trust him let me try it again trust confident expectation to believe in one's honesty integrity faithfulness and ability David said what time I'm afraid I will trust in thee job said though he slay me yet will I trust him I got Alex to read a scripture here read Psalms 37 and three and and don't read it like a Baptist today come on I got to go trust in the Lord and do good watch this so thou shalt dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be famed stop biggest problem Elijah has his groceries and so the Lord gave him a word from the Psalms and said if you trust in the Lord you'll be fed now you people are worried about the coronavirus and what's going on with American democracy and economics forget that trash trust in the Lord and you're going to be fed because God can get you stuff that the American government cannot get you God can cause manna God can cause quail God can cause water the command of a rock God is the Lord of everything he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hill he owns the fish he owns everything the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein and he's on your side so when we don't know where it's coming from lift up your eyes unto the hills cuz he's got what you have need I appreciate that six or seven of you to stood up I'm gonna try to resurrect the rest of them I'm not allowed to look at you read read come on city thou shalt be fed verse 39 and 40 39 40 here we go come on hurry up what is your problem but the salvation of the righteous yes is the Lord watch this he is their strength yeah in the time of trouble watch this and the Lord shall help them wait a minute first he's gonna help you next and deliver them and he's going to deliver you next he shall deliver them from the wicked and save them because we were saved wait a minute why because they trusted in him not because they believed in him anybody can believe in him I don't want to hurt your feelings but believing has no price tag on it you can believe and never do anything but when you trust trust will release obedience good I'm not allowed to look at you go sit down my wife gave me past all the instructions today and I'm not going to mention it because she'll get embarrassed but she told me two things Jeffrey get up and preach and don't pastor another man sheep you ain't the preacher point number two stop preaching the Tony and Alex we're out here then she added unless of course he needs it which he does so I'm gonna do my best not to look over that way but in all my life I've never seen this I've never seen this he turned around he said give me a little water and she said fine he said give me give me a little piece of bread a little chapati a little pancake like now watch this is something God gave this to me I'm not smart enough of thinking he said watch she protested he promised God performed [Applause] she protested I ain't got enough he promised God's gonna help ya and God perform and God showed me a revelation I've never seen in my life between the promise and the performance here's the catalyst and she went and did according to the world of Elijah she acted in trust and when you act in trust you activate the promise when you act in trust you release the supernatural when you act in the thought that doesn't make any sense she knows she doesn't have the groceries she's only got a meal for her her boy she turns around interrupts the meal and says I'll do what you said she has no evidence Jehovah is not her God she's not in covenant with God listen to me I don't want her to feel I'm not allowed to look over there I yeah you ready instant here's what Albert Einstein said he's a smart cookie he said remember this inspiration is always greater than information yeah when that prophet who was full of the Holy Ghost spoke to that woman he didn't just give her information there was an anointing and in gifting and an inspiration that flowed out of that man into that woman's heart that made her say I don't understand it but I believe it and I'm gonna act in trust and when you acting trust you activate the promise I like to look over they're not allowed to look over there yeah now Ken again said she trusted wait a minute TF 10 he used to tell me all the time Jeffry remember this you're gonna have to learn to trust God when you can't trace him you're gonna have to learn to trust God when you can't feel him here's how your Lord had a trust when God gives you something don't make no sense and you can't make it work but you're trusting his integrity you're trusting his ability you're trusting his faithfulness you're trusting his goodness thank you thank you the precious people that literally believe in God but they never step one time into a dementia where they trust him because trust him requires action and obedience obedience follows trust and feel she turned around said well I don't get it your God is not my god and I ain't got no stuff but inspiration is greater than information and I felt something when you said so I don't want to hurt nobody's feelings but I'm a feeler I'm an old guy you're finished with me fine but I've been this way for 45 years I think people get more out of my inspiration than they do get of my information I am excited about this stuff it flows into me it flows out of me I would give you ten cents for dead church I wouldn't give you five cents for a bunch of dead saints I wouldn't give you two cents for a bunch of people just no no no no I need the music people to kind of Boogaloo a little bit I need two music people they get thrilled and excited I need two music people to bring the pew into the platform to create an atmosphere because inspiration is greater than information if you have information and you don't have any inspiration you'll never experience transformation you'll experience frustration but if you get information that has a little sizzle and gives you a little inspiration that inspiration makes that information come alive I wish I wish I had a witness in here is there anybody has trust they got enough to tithe to give the sacrifice to work now I can't look up here so I gotta look out here are you ready except this contrary to what you've been taught sacrifice only comes out of survival giving comes out of abundance but sacrifice is only measured by the dimension of survival she gave her last which became her first of many I don't know what are you getting a picture she's on her way to get two sticks to make one last little meal for her and her boy and he's gonna die and she's so inspired by what this preacher said that she left off that became filled with trust and said okay and she went and did as he Liza had told her watch this and she and he and him live the rest of it there's three people living on the bounty of God and everybody else is starving to death I don't know about you but I want to live on the bounty of God but living on the bounty of God requires that we trust him when it seems that cerned I can't look at you can't look at you I thought my sermon was gonna be better than this I'm so sorry I really did I I thought man I had six pages of notes he I said man this is so powerful and it says and he will save them and deliver them and bless them and keep their wife because they trust in him I did a little study this morning 51 verses I read myself 51 in Strong's exhaustive concordance that say these words trust in him trust in the Lord trust in me God apparently has a big deal about us trusting him and you're never really gonna know whether you're trusting him or just believing him depends on your level of poverty how close you are to the bottom of the barrel huh I don't want her to nobody's feelings okay then maybe is my last time playing with you guys you got to hear me I am guilty of what I'm fixing to say but I'm part of it we all want abundance we all desire security all of us want the extra that's left over come on you don't say Amen we all we all want to be able to pay our bills and still have some money left in a bank or in our pocket that is anti-god God doesn't operate that way he gives you just enough for the day give us this day our daily bread I got an illustration in my mind that's going in John the Gospel of John there's thousands of people there and and Jesus is there and he says what we go to feed him now Andrew I get a kick at Andrew man he's like a no he's got no pizzazz every time you read about Andrew it always says Andrew simon Peters brother I'd hate to go through life and I'm only recognized because I'm your relative Andrew simon Peters brother walks up to him and says master there's a land here that's got a few fishes and and a couple loaves of bread here but what are they among so many watch this I don't believe they snatched that fish and loaves out of that boy's pocket I don't think they took that little boy's lunch box of sardines and a biscuit I think he offered it to them watch and he gave his stuff into Jesus hands and didn't put it into his stomach and it multiplies you give God what you think you can't afford to get rid of and you'll be surprised he's got a bigger checkbook he's got a bigger bank account he loves you he cares about you and he just wants to bless your act of trust trust will make you nervous trust to make you say to yourself well wonder where does the money's coming from well I wonder whether sir that's okay trust in the Lord and thou shalt be fed trust in the Lord and he will keep you and he will deliver you and you hit one writer said I trusted in the Lord therefore I am safe I'm not trying to be belligerent or boastful or arrogant or anything I know this coronavirus thing is is is Horror Story okay but I'm honest before God I have not stayed awake over it and even if the Lord lets me get it fine nothing could come to a child of God without divine permission nothing can happen in your life without divine permission so if he protects me he's kept me if he lets me have it he decided I needed to have it ain't no big deal I can deal with it but one thing I know job I'm with you though he slay me yet will I trust him I may not like it but I'm gonna trust him why because trust honors God and Trust helps us sinners they say yeah Samson oh I made $78 a week when I worked for Western Electric when I first started going to church I paid $7 80 cents and then I got felt for really just filled with faith and I just made it an even 8 and I put that $8 in that envelope every week and I had said 68 someone $70 left that's all I had and we had to pay partners and missions and we had to pay electric bill and then those dirty politicians and those evil tax dirtbags they took my church my house payment from 98 dollars to 99 I don't know how I was gonna make it then you had the gall to make it out to a hundred and every time I go to write that tithing check every develo say now you know God wants you to have wisdom and I want to say to him what do you know about wisdom you jerk you lived in heaven and got thrown out why would you listen to a dirtbag who couldn't live for God when there wasn't a devil I mean he lived in heaven he was the anointed cherub that covereth and he couldn't make it so now you and I are trying to make it and the minute we try to act in trust he challenges us and dams us and condemns us and say you're doing a stupid thing I'm here to tell you I've been tithing since I got saved I'm a blessed man I've got more than ever had in my life I've been able to give my way more than I ever had my I wish I had some people that trust God either start clapping get on your feet and just smile and say even though I don't understand you even though I can't figure out what's going on I trust you anyway I trust you in my life I trust you with my money I don't want to hurt nobody's feelings but if God you think so poorly of him that you can't trust him with a dime on a dollar why would you trust him with your soul you sit down I don't hurt nobody's feelings huh I'm trying to preach good my preaching good yeah you get me if they throw you in a hole and they cover you in a 6-foot slab and they put you one of those things don't you get it don't worry about me I'm coming out one glad morning when this life is over ah fly away to a home on God Celeste your soul ah wish somebody join refi wave well fly away Oh glory I'll fly away in the morning when I die hallelujah ah now we sing at this time now tell your face you're happy so I'm glad morning when this life is all fly away to where joy shall never end ah fly away come on get it loud oh yes I'll fly away all glory I'll fly away in the morning when I die hallelujah by and by ah fly away I'm coming out I'm coming out can no devil take me can't no grave hold me can those seen defeat me I trust the blood I trust the throne of grace I trust the mercy of God I trust him can't look at you can't look at you okay look at you I'm trying you might as well trust him he brought you out of the miry clay he brought you in a darkness into the world the truth and light he brought you out he can take you through and he can take you to trust him when you can't trace him trust him when you can't feel him trust him when you don't understand how you be seated I'm trying to finish I I'm so I'm so held hostage by my wife's demands I just normally I don't listen to her at all but I'm old now afraid she make me sleep on the couch or something I'm trying to find the Living Dead right now I'll find you just second you people are having a problem trusting God with your light bill with your groceries with your finance with your health why would you have trouble trusting a God who took care of an entire nation for 40 years now that's see you Baptists you make me so bad you just said that I believe I'm over you Baptist right here you're Methodist you Baptist right here do you understand they were a nation of X slaves he brought them out of bondage and turned around who said I'm so great I'll make your groceries show up every day and twice on this day before the Sabbath and if that ain't enough I'll just sing quail and just cover the whole ground to take care of you and if you get thirsty I'll just have the guy speak to the rock or slap the rock and it will take care of you and if you get hot I'll put a cloud in the sky and if you're afraid at night I'll put a fire during the night and I'll make sure no enemies are allowed to touch you I cannot believe you have a hard time trusting a God like that hey ray if God can take care of you and I one hour he can take care of us for one week if he take care of us for one week he take care of us for one month he can take care of one month he can take care for one year if he take care of one year he can take care of us for the rest of our lives till the Lord comes they that trust the Lord shall be safe shall be saved shall be protected shall be fed here's our problem unfortunately we're Americans good or bad and we Americans don't like to be dependent on nobody fact everybody on this planet don't like to be dependent on anybody why because dependence kills your pride that's why a man almost missed this miracle wasn't that he didn't need to be healed of leprosy but he was so proud that he didn't want to go in that dumb dirty muddy Jordan he had another idea how God would fix him but the Lord had a killers pride before he killed his leprosy what what's going on in my life and your life that God needs to kill before he multiplies what we need now you you're looking at me like I'm now talking to the second presbyterian church like you don't like you know understand what I'm saying I'm not pass than other people's sheep any well I already got a look mmm heaven helped me all hell's fixing to break loose you think I'm kidding you I've been married to that chick a long time and when you go to say something she goes oh she does this well actually just did let me help you with it Patti inspiration is greater than information I wouldn't mind having a little infamy inspiration coming to me from the know why is anybody know how saved you want to be inspired that your sins have been forgiven that your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life that hell can't take you out that Devils have no authority over your life greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world no weapon that's formed shall pass Part III don't want to be rated as carnal you sit down I'm almost done I'm gonna make a reference to a guy I used to listen to when I first got saved now I didn't know he was that bad I thought he was just funny and he just be on a radio his name was Reverend Ike and Reverend Ike I used to get a kick out of him he used to say you can't lose with the stuff I used well here I am 4550 years later you can't lose with the stuff I use Jesus name baptism the Holy Ghost talking in tongues angels fighting for me the king of glory on my side you can't look I can trust him when I can't trace him I can trust him when I can't feel them I can trust them when I reach the bottom of the barrel [Applause] when the Lord miraculously supernaturally healed me and brother crashed Church in Jackson many many years ago and I lost my voice and we had no money couldn't pay my bills we had no income we had nothing I used to go around the church whispering I've told you this before whispering and I used to have a little thing on my shirt my wife used to get mad at me I would put it on there with tape and said unemployed preacher please take the lunch and she thought I was funny I was seriously I couldn't buy lunch I didn't have no money they see now we're Americans let me try it again we Americans just love security we Americans love abundance we Americans love full shelves and overflow now I'm not saying it's evil I'm just saying that's the battle God has to deal with us about to get to trust him so usually God has got to put you and I low so there's no way you can pay your way out of it why so when you come out you got a testimony if it had not been for the lord who was on our side I don't know how I'm coming out of this I don't know when I'm coming out of this but I know the Lord that I trust is going to bring me out and when I come out I'm gonna have a testimony ain't God good look what the Lord has done I can't I can't look at yourself you just go look at someplace else I'm not allowed you're evil evil I can't go I have to look at the audience some I'm almost there just hold on just a minute I'm just I'm just looking at some of this stuff did you get all the scriptures I gave you you got another one give me one more so we can see button be spiritual here oh oh by the way I'm sorry I meant to tell you my best point we've got on our money in god we trust' liar liar pants on fire this nation in this political system no more trust God than a man in the moon I just told the Reverend before church I'll tell you what's borrowed of me my wife's got one letter toys so I watched on the internet and it blows my mind that all these politicians Republicans Democrats and whatever other loonies are there I have not seen one of them on national television internet say we need to pray we need to get on our face before God we need to repent and know what we're doing so we'll just come up with another bailout so you'reyou're that makes you the Savior see every time you come out now I'm not against the bailouts I'm glad he's were able to bail people out but the answer is not you and bailouts the answer is humanity falling on their face and saying Lord whatever you're trying to teach us show us whatever you're trying to deal with us show us bring us to nothing so that when you get up and you get us up we'll have a testimony it was the Lord that did it rather than the government that did it now I don't know whether the coronavirus is the first step of the Antichrist takeover because it sure looks like a prefix or pre lude because the government has overstepped its boundaries and shut everything down and told you what you can and you can't do and we put you in jail well I know it's kind of radical but that's exactly what the Antichrist is gonna do he's gonna force people mark of the beast he's gonna force people and so I'm not saying we need to rebel I think we need to be smart and do it we can't I'm just saying we need to understand something monumental is going on and if he's not able to get ahold of the minds of the world fine they want to go to hell that's their business let him get ahold of the minds of the church what are you telling us in this situation help me to search my heart help me to know if I have any bad arrogance or pride or ego or vanity help me to realize that I can't fix it you know god with a bug and a bacteria and a virus and shut the entire world down now we talked about what he did in in Egypt with those 10 plagues he did it to us with one you ready for this trust me he knows where you are he knows how to cover you Danny trust me when the money gets low he's not out you know we had that I told you we had this money in god we trust' we don't believe that listen God is asking you to trust someone who's never failed now if you say you can find some place where God failed you're insane and you need to be put away in the loony bin somewhere this isn't funny we trust banks that have failed us we trust politicians that have failed us we've had corporations that have failed us we've had politicians and governments that have failed us I don't want to hurt your feelings pastor Tony but listen to me we have also Dell the time with churches and leaders that have failed us you ready but God has never failed us God has never failed us one time God has never failed us one time trust in the Lord and thou shalt be safe I'm almost there please sit down thank you for your kindness what I wanted I was praying last night and praying again this morning I haven't got the answer yet but I asked the Lord where did this woman come up with that attitude unless it had been that you put it in her because you said I am going to command a widow to sustain you she could not sustain him know what's going on and the Lord said oh yes I'm gonna let her act in trust and when she acts in trust that will activate my promise and that everyday the meal didn't waste the cruse of oil didn't feel you ready for this now if I would have been there every day and every night I looked in the barrel be the same handful on the bottom I look in the cruse of oil be just a couple of drops hmm next day you get up God multiplied it he replenished it they used it but watch this is what got me the barrel never became full and the cruse of oil never overflowed but we want our stuff full and we want our crews to overflow and God said I can take care of you one day at a time when he fed them with manna the Bible said everybody was supposed to gather one Omer and he that gathered much watch had nothing left over and he that gathered little did not lack God said I know how to take care of you every day I can give you enough for every day and those that that wouldn't gather it let it go eat bread worms it stank and the Sun melted it so I'm not saying we should get rid of trying to pay our bills and say thing I'm just trying to tell you the mindset the mindset he's just as much God when you got three dollars as when you got three thousand dollars oh man they're so pretty I'm almost done I ain't looking at you I'm almost done not allowed to look at you boy am I in trouble today haha trusting in the Lord is God's best way to destroy pride and to release his virtue please hear me the promise of God was never activated until she acted Reid this is the revelation I felt that God gave to me watch and she went and did according to the say of Elijah what does that mean she was on a way to get two sticks to make one little biscuit little oil and feed her and her son who they thought was gonna die she interrupted her own survival to do what the man of God said and because she acted in trust God said now I'm free to work I'm sorry brother Tony I I really had a good message I know they've they've heard the story a thousand times but it's still a good story to use 1860 man named Holland put a thousand what was foot a wire across Niagara and walked back and forth ten times then he went and took a wheelbarrow went back and forth two or three times came back to the audience little boys standing there little boy he said do you believe I could carry a person across that in the wheelbarrow then that boys it musta been Pentecostal cuz he jumped up said yes sir I do and the man said okay climb in you didn't hear me see belief doesn't cost you nothin belief doesn't cost you anything trust cost you everything oh I believe that you can take a person across there okay get in the wheelbarrow see and that's where we are God wants to take this church pass believin to a dimension of trust not craziness not wacko but just trust do I trust him when I can't trace him do I trust him when I don't have enough do I trust him when I've made a mistake and I've sinned and I failed do I trust the throne of grace do I trust the blood of the Lamb do I trust what the scripture says if we sin and we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us and the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin and all or do we trust that or do we trust our feelings dear God I feel like I'm preaching to the second Episcopalian Church this is unbelievable okay I'm almost done thank you thank you for passing to Tony for letting me try I really had a good message somehow my wife messed it up on me the barrel was never full the cruise never overflowed but they went every day and had just enough is it funny that God seems to enjoy you having just enough now you say what you want to but I've had empty bank accounts I've had bills I couldn't take care of I've had situations that I will have a wart on my brain just worrying about how is it going to happen what's going to be now Weimer Trust does not take care of stupidity it's not a substitute for stupidity we need to be frugal or need to be honest and honorable about what we do but when you've done what you should and you've complied with the Word of God now your trust kicks in when your trust kicks in trust takes you to obedience obedience activates the promise of God so that he does what he's promised you I think lots of us in this audience right now we are pregnant with promises that have never worked you know why we've never got past believing too trusting you see when you believe you just ant leave when you trust I act that's when when Peter walked on the water you can say all you want to it he had great faith that wasn't really faith he was invited to come on the water and it was his trust it took him out of the boat I know this church hasn't caught a virus but it's caught some kind of virus it says it's a silenced virus when Elijah I'm almost done when he lied you walked into that village now remember he's pregnant with a promise I've told the widow I've commanded her to sustain thee when he walked in now he's what you gotta get when you get a promise from God don't expect miraculous signs and wonders to greet you every time you get a promise from God and you get ready to live it out it'll always end up negative he walks in pregnant with a promise from God that a widow is going to sustain him guess what he sees he sees everything that gave lie to the thing that was alive inside of him the word he had a haggard woman her clothes were in shreds her face was wrinkled her eyes are sunken deep with agony she is feeble she's stumbling along trying to find a couple of everything in there was designed to defeat his faith and give birth to doubts that's when you find out whether you trust God and [Applause] okay I can't look at him can I preach five minutes more mister thank you I got one more to tell you if this one don't turn your motor on your motor needs more than sdp you ready taking a risk is the price we pay to respond to an opportunity I'm gonna go over here to cheap seats taking a risk is the price we pay you see what looks like a risk to us is bringing pleasure to God it's almost like that lady's walking God is saying go ahead lady just a little further go ahead just a little further do what the preacher asked you to do make him the little cake first and it's almost like God Phil he's on his tippy toes he said you've got the release mechanism in your hands right now if you will make him the cake first I will give you a supply that'll take you through the famine and when she made that thing is almost like God say yes now I'm free to work and the Bible said he supernaturally blessed that oil supernaturally blessed that meal never overflowed never had a full word but always had enough and they lived on that bounty for the rest of the famine while their neighbors were dying am I making sense am i making sense I know yeah I know you've taken a new dimension of dead since this sickness has happened let me try to get inspiration it's always greater than information I don't sit next to people no matter where I go I don't sit next to people that are not inspirational I don't sit next to people who have a pad and a pencil and critique what the preacher is gonna say or what choirs gonna sing I don't do that I like to sit next to crazies say oh brother harlots it's not all in the emotion and they know sitting on your big rump either when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out OH hallelujah thank God for saving me he's been too good to me for me to just sit and play a game I want to be inspired and I want to inspire somebody else go ahead stand with me I'm coming to a close well let me let me try one more time sister Tony now try to contain yourself risk is the price we pay to respond to an opportunity and risk always makes us feel uncomfortable we study investors we study how the markets going we study this and God turns around system take a risk now if you don't take a risk I assume you think I'm a liar and I don't have the power to fulfill my word didn't the Book of Numbers say 23 19 for God is not a man that he should lie the son of man he should repent hath he said shall you not do it has he spoken shall he not make it good has God promised yes well are you trusting are you sitting on your Duff waiting remember trusting makes you act believing makes you muse [Music] this is - I need somebody to burp or something this is too quiet I'll tell you right now AB else would be an improvement right now are you getting it some glad morning when this life is all fly away to a land which I shall never end [Music] [Applause] when I have a why come on get a little excited oh yes my way Oh Gloria fly away when hallelujah [Music] well just a few more weary days and there [Music] we're gorge a little [Applause] right away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let me say it one last time God is wanting to take this assembly with this man leading us beyond our beliefs we need our beliefs because a de police come fake but faith is not enough you have to learn to trust God when it doesn't make any sense you got to trust God you gotta tell yourself he's never failed me he's never lied to me he's never deceived me I won't say one last thing and I'm going fishing Cheryl play again contrary to what's going on in our world God has never changed what he was then he is now what is now he'll be tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Gainesville
Views: 24,452
Rating: 4.8784194 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostal, apostolic, jeff arnold, gainesville
Id: Idbc8mhYudo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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