A Tale of Two Glories | Isaiah 39-40 | Gary Hamrick

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it's good to see out today let's look here at chapter 39 and then into chapter 40 chapter 39 of Isaiah verse 1 says at that time marrow dock ballad and son of ballad and king of Babylon sent Hezekiah letters and a gift because he had heard of his illness and recovery Hezekiah received the envoys gladly and showed them what was in his storehouses the silver the gold the spices the fine oil his entire armory and everything found among his treasures there was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked what did those men say and where did they come from from a distant land Hezekiah replied they came to me from Babylon the Prophet asked what did they see in your palace well they saw everything in my palace Hezekiah said there is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them and then Isaiah said to Hezekiah hear the word of the Lord Almighty the time will surely come when everything in your palace and all that your fathers have stored up until this day will be carried off to Babylon nothing will be left says the Lord and some of your descendants your own flesh and blood who will be born to you will be taken away and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon the word of the Lord you have spoken is good Hezekiah replied for he thought there will be peace and security in my lifetime chapter 40 if that seems weird response it is and I'll 10 I'll get to that in a moment chapter 40 comfort comfort my people says your God speak tenderly to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed that her sin has been paid for that she has received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins a voice of one calling in the desert prepare the way for the Lord make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God every Valley shall be raised up every mountain and Hill made low the rough ground shall become level the rugged places a plain and the glory of the law we'll be revealed and all mankind together will see it for the mouth of the Lord has spoken a voice says cry out and I said what shall I cry all men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field the grass withers and the flowers fall because the breath of the Lord blows on them surely the people are grass the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever it's pause there and pray Lord it's good to be in your house and it's good to just humble ourselves before your word and read Scripture and ask your Lord to apply it now to our hearts and to our lives that we might grow in our faith that we might become more like Jesus that we might become more surrendered Lord and I thank you for all those who are here today and those who are watching online around the world we just thank you Lord for the opportunity to just be here to proclaim your word to study to do what it says I thank you Lord that you've given us the freedoms that we enjoy and how we can come here freely to worship you without fear of harm or the government closing us down so Lord we just we cherish our freedoms we thank you Lord for your goodness and we just pray now you use your word to minister to our hearts challenge and change this we pray always in Jesus name and everybody said amen Isaiah 39 and 40 I want us to look at together because these two chapters are really a tale of two glories they are a tale of two glories and you'll notice with me in chapter 40 in particular that it's a contrast of these two glories the glory of God and the glory of man if you'll notice there in chapter 40 verse 5 it says and the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it for the mouth of the Lord has spoken and by the way the beginning of chapter 40 there's this whole conversation about one calling in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord that was prophetic for John the Baptist because John the Baptist would be the one to present Jesus behold as the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world John the Baptist will present Jesus to the world and so in that sense he fulfills Isaiah chapter 40 John the Baptist as the one in the wilderness calling and making way for the Lord to be revealed and Jesus is ultimately the revelation of God's glory Hebrews 1:3 says that the son is the radiance of God's glory som Jesus is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being and so God comes in flesh dies on a cross for our sins his sacrifice his revelation this is why the glory of God is renowned and so isaiah mentions the glory of the lord there in verse 5 and then in verse 6 he also talks about the glory of man the latter part of verse 6 says all men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field now the word glory in hebrew is difficult and it's even more difficult to explain in English but I'm going to do my best and for those of you who like to take notes here's the background of the word glory in Hebrew it is the Hebrew word Habad and Chabad means weighty or or heavy and depending on the context it can mean something weighty that is good or something weighty that is bad for example it depending on the context it can mean way T as in burdensome you know if there's something way beyond you that it troubles you it's burdensome but that that can also be in Hebrew Habad and then it could also be translated in a good way to mean weighty as in important splendor on or grandeur might and by the way every time Ichabod is used in the Bible to describe God it's always used in the good sense in multiple ways the Bible describes the glory of God and I'm gonna give you just a few examples so that we understand the concept of glory and then I'm gonna take chapter 40 contrast it and then use chapter 39 to illustrate what Isaiah is saying here but for the moment here's a few verses to help us understand when the Bible speaks about the glory of God for example in Exodus 15 verse 11 it says who among the Gods is light you know Lord who is like you majestic in holiness awesome in glory working wonders there is no one with whom we can compare to to God and in Exodus chapter 33 Moses actually asked God can I see your glory he just requests of God is it okay if I could see your glory and God basically says in Exodus 33 listen you can't look straight on into my glory but here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put you in the cleft of a rock I'm gonna cover your face I'm gonna pass by you'll be able to see a glimpse of my glory as I'm leaving you but not as I'm coming towards you this is what we read in Exodus 33 verse 21 then the Lord said there is a place near me where you may stand on a rock when my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by then I will remove my hand and you will see my back but my face must not be seen and so God manifests himself in some way to Moses the representation of his glory passing by he says listen I'm going to cover your face you can see a glimpse of my glory as I passed by you but you you cannot see the full extent of it Bible also talks about God's glory in second chronicles 5 verse 14 where it tells us that the glory of God filled the temple of God so powerfully in such a thick way that the priest could not even perform their duties because the glory of God filled the temple and it was this mist-like brilliance that that was filling the temple and they couldn't even see to do their duties and some 24 verses 9 and 10 we read this lift up your heads o you gates this is actually prophetic about the coming of Messiah back into Jerusalem lift up your head o you gates lift them up you ancient doors that the king of glory may come in who is he the king of glory the Lord Almighty he is the king of glory so on and on in our Bibles the Bible describes in multiple ways the glory of God and and just try to get like a working definition so we understand what we're talking about the glory of God is basically the manifest infinite splendor and worth of God whenever you read in the Bible about the glory of God is used in some context about always in a good sense for God is speaking about the manifest infinite because it's endless splendor and worth of God but then the Bible also talks about the glory of man certainly not in the same level as the glory of God but it mentions an aspect of man's glory for example in proverbs 10 sorry proverbs 19 verse 11 which says this a man's wisdom gives him patience it is to his glory to overlook an offense and so again in a good sense the word glory there basically means honor it is to a person's honor to overlook an offense you ever known people who seem to have the spiritual gift of making a mountain out of a molehill that they there's just one little thing that that is a little offense and all the sudden it just becomes this huge blown out of proportion thing you know we have to be careful of that kind of thing and that verse proverbs 19:11 reminds us it's to your glory it's to your honor to overlook offenses don't you know don't don't get worked up about everything just you know give it to God and let it go it is the glory of a person to overlook an offense also proverbs 20 verse 29 talks about our glory it says the glory of young men is their strength gray hair the splendor of the old so again it speaks there in terms of Honor that when a guy is young still have some you know some measure of testosterone their strength as their splendor it's their glorious that our honor but in the same verse it speaks about how the gray hair of men is their splendor what that means is that the older a person gets the wiser generally speaking they become and that is indicated by their gray hair you see gray hair they're they're older but they're older and they're also wiser that's their splendor whereas the splendor of young men is their strength why are you laughing I don't know is that older and wiser younger and stronger the Bible speaks also of our eternal glory in Christ 2nd Corinthians 4:17 Paul says and I love the way Paul writes us because you know here's a man who was beaten many times left for dead shipwrecked went hungry without food and he says in 2nd Corinthians 4:17 our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us a glory that far outweighs them all there is this glory that we shall experience in the presence of the Lord some 7324 says you guide me with your counsel and afterward you will take me into glory so there's a glory that that mankind experiences here and eternally in Christ even Christians will one day get a glorified body in 1st Corinthians 15 43 Paul says that our body when it decays in the ground that is sown in dishonor but it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power so there are many facets to the idea of glory in the Bible as it applies to God's glory and as it applies to man's glory but here in chapter 40 what we find is a contrast between the glory of God and the glory of man and so I want us to look at this together and then we're gonna see how chapter 39 illustrates the contrast for us so for you note-takers here's the first thing out of chapter 42 be aware of number 1 god's glory is revealed for all to see man's glory is limited for some to see here in chapter 40 verse 5 again says and the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it for the mouth of the Lord has spoken the glory of God has revealed in his power the glory of God is revealed in creation the glory of God is revealed in Commandments the glory of God is revealed in the cross in everything that God has done is doing in shall do reveals or displays his glory for all to see that's why Romans 1 says man will be out without excuse on the day of judgment because God's glory is visible from that which has been seen either through his commandments or through his creation or through the cross God's glory is constantly on display for all to see the Bible says in Psalm 19:1 David wrote the heavens declare the glory of God the skies proclaimed the work of his hands even when Isaiah wrote this book in chapter 6 when he describes this vision of being in heaven before the throne of God in chapter 6 verse 3 he says there were these angels that were circulating the throne of God and they were crying out in a loud voice holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty the earth is full of his glory of his glory Psalm 108 verse 5 says be exalted O God above the heavens and let your glory be over all of the earth but man's glory is limited man's achievements man's accomplishments man's notoriety all that man does will one day be forgotten we don't extend our glory around the globe like God does even in some of the most remote places in the world they have an idea of a creator but they don't know you and they don't know me they can behold creator and creation because God is always on display around the world but our glory is limited for only some to see the most famous people even understand this the most famous poet or the most famous author or the most famous singer celebrity athletes movie star you name it I mean they might be known around a good portion of the world but nobody is known around the world like God is and even if some famous person is widely known their glory won't last forever which brings me to point number two out of chapter 40 number two God's glory is eternal but man's glory is fading you'll look again here at verse eight it says the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever the Word of God our Bibles which is the testimony of God's glory will endure forever God's testimony will endure forever so therefore God's glory is never-ending and ever displayed in the universe because God has no beginning and no ending he is eternal his glory is visible for all to see for all time man's glory is fading that's why in comparison here in verse 6 and 7 Isaiah says this the end of verse 6 says all men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field the grass withers and the flowers fall because the breath of the Lord blows on them this passage by the way is quoted by the Apostle Peter in 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 24 Peter says even New Testament times this and this is not just Old Testament stuff Peter says even in New Testament times man's glory is ever fading it's like the flowers of the field they fall they fade the petals eventually fall to the ground and nobody remembers that flower anymore you know that's the way it is with mankind that's why he's using this as a comparison here your glory my glory it's like a flower I mean it's here today and it's gone and nobody remembers it I don't care how many books are written people will eventually forget I mean do you have as aliens at your house we got some azaleas and they bloom for like a week and then they're done and then and then nobody remembers them and then if you by the way if you're gonna trim your azalea bushes you got to make sure you trim them right after the flowers fall off or then they won't bloom next year you know so here they go to all this effort they bloom you know they bud they bloom they show their splendor for like a week and then they're done and that's basically the way mankind's glory it is mankind's fame mankind's notoriety here today forgotten tomorrow I was having a conversation a little while ago with our middle school pastor and there it is I think 2728 somewhere in there and in the course of our conversation I happen to mention I don't even remember I think we were talking about music and in the course of the conversation I mentioned Diana Ross he looked at me like the deer in the headlights and he said to me who's Diana Ross I was like you know you don't know come on you don't know Diana Ross ain't no mountain high enough ain't no Valley low enough Diana Ross baby love my baby love and less love Diana Ross crickets yeah no idea who she was but how sad is this her glorious faded she's not even dead don't tell her we're having this conversation but I just it was remarkable to me I started throwing out other names do you know this and I got depressed I'm like what in the world our glorious fading like a flower number three God's glory is incomparable man's glory is insignificant in chapter 40 verse 12 and on I mean I'm just gonna read verse 12 and a little bit of chapter 40 but Isaiah spends a lot of time talking about just the incomparable greatness and splendour and magnificence of God in comparison to man and this chapter is rich with a lot of it I'm just gonna highlight a few verses verse 12 he says who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand or with the breath of his hand marked off the heavens who has held the dust of the earth in a basket or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance interesting by the way that whole concept of mountains and hills valleys the balance of the earth is what scientists call a sauce to see it's the equilibrium and balance of the earth and God has wonderfully created the earth in such a way that it doesn't wobble or spin out of control he's got the Himalayas on one side of the earth and he's got the Grand Canyon on the other so it just it balances all and it's a rotation because that's that's the way God has made the universe you know I can't even get the ceiling fan in my office not to wobble you got attached little weights on the blades to make sure that it spins just right and here has just flung the earth in space to to wonderfully rotate without wobbling and without being out of balance and I say is saying what man has done that I mean I mean man can't even you know balances tires or the ceiling fan and God has made the whole universe in in right balance further down in verse 25 he asks more rhetorical questions to whom will you compare me or who is my equal says the holy one to whom will you compare me there in verse 25 is he's on is incomparable we can't compare anything or anyone to God he has no equal verse 26 lift your eyes and look to the heavens who created all these he who brings out the starry hosts one by one and calls them each by name because of his great power and mighty strength not one of them is missing I mean this this is the god of the universe that we serve this is the one who is incomparable but our glory is insignificant now when you put these three things together that man's glory is limited man's glory is fleeting and it is fading and man's glory is insignificant and I say it makes this case throughout chapter 40 then you can understand why in chapter 39 Isaiah rebukes King Hezekiah for promoting his own glory instead of the glory of God the reason why these two chapters are together is because there's this message to us that Hezekiah serves to illustrate that the glory of God is revealed for all to see the glory of God is eternal the glory of God is incomparable and then we come along and sometimes we assert ourselves and think we're all that and has the Chi as a reminder to us that when you consider the glory of God and all of his wonder and all of his magnificence and all of his majesty and all his splendor how dare any of us touch the glory and think to ourselves that we've accomplished this and we've done that and we've become successful and we've earned this and we deserve that so look at the story now in chapter 39 with me there's this danger you see that we can get into when we start to live for our glory instead of the glory of God so let me summarize what we read in chapter 39 and then I'll point out a few verses with you Hezekiah has just been miraculously healed by God of a terminal illness that was our study last time in chapter 38 and in addition God has not only healed him God has given him a 15 year extension onto his life this new circulates the known world so much so that the Babylonians on a map would take up the area of Iraq the king of Babylon sends an envoy to King Hezekiah in Judah in Israel with a letter from the king of Babylon and gifts to celebrate with him this great recovery of this illness that was killing him and so here come the Babylonian envoy gifts and a letter and they pay tribute here to King Hezekiah Wow we've heard you know it I mean it people have been tweeting all over the place about how you you and it's not fake news it's real news we've heard and and that you've recovered from this illness everybody thought you were dying and so we've come with a letter from the king of Balon we've come with gifts and so we just we just this is incredible so we just want to kind of honor you and Hezekiah here in this moment you see in this moment he misses an opportunity because in this moment he could be telling them about how God miraculously healed him and he could be sharing with these pagan well-wishers because after they were they they were foreign people who did not believe in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he could have been using this opportunity as a witness as a testimony for what God had done in his life and they could have beheld the glory of God instead they ended up beholding the glory of hezekiah because what has Hezekiah end up doing here look at verse 2 and verse 2 in chapter 39 Hezekiah received the envoys gladly and showed them what was in his storehouses now I want you to circle the word or highlight in your Bibles every time the word his the pronoun his is used they showed them what was in his storehouses the silver the gold the spices the fine oil his entire armory and everything found among his treasures there was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them so they come like we heard about this great recovery indeed do you have time for a tour can I show you all of my treasures can I show you my storehouses of fine oil and spices and silver and gold let me take you to the palace you have time to walk through the gardens with me let me show you all of our weapons I'm gonna take you to the armory I'm gonna show you all of our weapons what are you doing as a gaya these people are not just foreigners these are enemies of Israel who have come in for the moment as a delegation of peace but otherwise they pose a real threat to Israel and what's he doing he's showing them around let me just give you a tour of my palace and all my stuff here now this is troubling on a few levels five times in this one verse verse two the pronoun his is used placing emphasis on Hezekiah ownership and glory rather than on God's ownership in glory you'll notice also in verse four it says the Prophet asked him what did they see in your palace because I'm sure Isaiah's Isaiah's a little flabbergasted here he's like you just gave these people a tour of everything you took him into the war room and everything he opened up your bank account you showed them how much money what what did you show that and he says in verse 4 though they saw everything everything in my palace he says in verse four there is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them nothing I showed him everything and again we go from the pronoun his to the pronoun my because he owns it he believes and he wants to take the glory for it all now let me say this I know that we commonly talk this way when we refer to things even as Christians we refer to things that we know we know really are from the hand of God but we still talk you know normal you know so you'll say things like come to my house for dinner even though instinctively as Christians I hope we all understand that the house we live in is really from the hand of God right but we split we still are gonna talk normally why don't you come to my house for dinner you know I got I got to get the oil changed in my car so that's normal all right it would be unnatural to go around saying hey why don't you come to the house God gave me for dinner that I happen to live in I need to get the oil change in the car that God is allowing me to drive okay that's super spiritual if you talk like that don't talk like that all right just stop that I mean I understand I hope we all understand okay the car I Drive the house I live in the money my bank account everything it's really from the hand of the Lord but we're gonna still talk about it as my house my car okay we get that so I'm not picking on Hezekiah is words here as to why it is clear that he's touching the glory and taking ownership for stuff what we need to look at here is the heart of Hezekiah which that's pretty difficult how do you know somebody's heart which is revealed by what he says and what he does see you and I can never know what's in a person's heart unless they say something or show by action then then we can see their heart revealed so Hezekiah heart is revealed to us first by what he said in response to Isaiah's rebuke now look at Isaiah's rebuke here in verses 5 6 & 7 verse 5 then Isaiah said Hezekiah hear the word of the Lord my tea the time will surely come when everything in your palace and all that your father's have stored up until this day will be carried off to Babylon all right now you know why he's saying this right because he's saying you're touching the glory you're taking credit for all this stuff so guess what there's gonna come a day when God's gonna say you think it's yours watch you it really belongs to as I allow the Babylonians to come and take it all away from you so has it so Isaiah goes on and at the end of verse six nothing will be left says the Lord verse seven and some of your descendants your own flesh and blood will be born to you will be taken away and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon so I say is basically saying you want to take credit for all this stuff you think all this stuff is yours you watch because one day and he prophesies here and it would happen about a hundred and fifteen years later where God will allow the Babylonians to come ransack the Palace of Jerusalem the Temple of Jerusalem all these things off in a way to show that God is the real owner you start to touch these things and claim them for yourselves watch Hezekiah what God will do and Isaiah goes on to say and not only will your possessions be carried off but so will your people including some of your own descendants your own flesh and blood he says to Hezekiah some of your own grandsons will be singing Tanner in the king of babylons Palace do you understand this and here's Hezekiah responds here's what he says in verse eight oh the word of the Lord you've spoken is good what white and then he adds well there will be peace and security in my lifetime this is good because all this stuff you've just said Isaiah means that this is in the future it doesn't really affect me right now so I'm good I'm good no no that's a guy you're not good you're missing the point here but what it tells us revealed through what he says is that he really is thinking it's my treasures it's my palace it's my lifetime this is good because it's really all about me and it's not only exposing how he's touching the glory by what he says but also by what he does does it strike anyone odd when you read this story that the Babylonians pose a real threat to the Jewish people but for the moment they've come as a little on boy of peace who want to give you a letter who want to send you some gifts and Hezekiah King Hezekiah takes the opportunity to show a foreign nation that poses a real threat everything that he has all the silver all the gold all the spices all our weaponry everything he shows him everything let me tell you this would be this would be the equivalent of on a very small scale you know that there's a neighborhood thief where you live you invite him over to you how he comes shows up hey I heard you got sick and I just wanted to bring it you know a pound cake here and I heard about your car hey thank you very much while you're here do you have time for a tour of my house well apps actually I do let me show you my bank account let me give you my passwords here's my social security number here's the code to the to the alarm system on my house here's where I hang the car keys in case you're ever interested in my car's thanks and have a good day what are you doing why would you show somebody these things I'll tell you why he showed them these things because he was blinded by his own glory rather than raptured by the glory of God he was blinded by his own glory let me show you all my stuff let me show you all my accomplishments let me show you all my achievements let me show you what I've done and this becomes his downfall when you become more impressed with your splendor than the splendor of God you and I are in trouble we see actually this illustrated in the New Testament with another king his name was King Herod Agrippa the first he was a puppet of the Roman Empire and he was put in place over the province of Judea to keep watch on the Jewish people and in Acts chapter 12 it tells us that on one occasion when King Agrippa was in Caesarea by the sea which was the main place that he lived the Kings the Herod's would only go down to Jerusalem during the feast time Herod Agrippa the first the guy we're talking about in Acts chapter 12 was the grandson of Herod the Great who had all the baby boys killed during the time of Jesus he was the nephew of Herod Antipas who had John the Baptist beheaded so this guy is in that family line so here he is an axe chapter 12 Herod a group of the first he's probably in the theatre doesn't specifically say and he's giving this public speech to the people of Caesarea but the Bible says that he's wearing his royal vestments and Josephus the 1st century Roman historian wrote about this event also and Josephus said that Agrippa's royal robes were made of silver material kind of like sequins and when the Sun glistened this is Josephus writing and when the Sun glistened against the royal robes he sparkled and glowed giving the appearance of divinity and so here's what the Bible says in acts 12 verse 22 when the people saw him glistening in acts 1222 they shouted this is the voice of a god not a man so here's King Agrippa he's talk he's giving the speech and he's glistening the SunShot reflecting off of his brilliant silver royal vestments and the people are mesmerized and he's glowing he's glowing and so they start to ascribe divinity to him you're like a god you're not a man you're a god and they start worshiping him and at this moment Agrippa should stop and say no no what if I'm not God that's gotta be remised again Jacob I'm just a king but instead he's like mmm I like this I like what did you call me I didn't hear you what you're like a god say it again you're like your God I can't hear you you know and that goes on and so in acts 12 23 it says immediately because Herod did not give praise to God an angel of the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms and died what more needs to be said about that I mean the moral of the story is don't touch the glory I mean you know worms are kind of really the lowest on the food chain so when God decides I'm gonna kill you by letting worms eat you that's like the lowest of the lowest of the food chains that's how you're going out and that's what God did with King Agrippa because he touched the glory on one of our trips to Israel Ronny : our tour guide longtime friend of ours now in the middle of the tour he gave me this coin and it's an ancient coin and it's and and the coin was minted by that very King in Acts chapter 12 King Herod Agrippa the first and under Saudia I want you to have this and it was actually on a it was in a medallion on a chain he so he gave it to me and and I was very appreciative and it was the oldest thing I own like 2,000 years old and so Terry later said to me you're not gonna wear that are you like why not she goes it's you know that's kind of a bad story in Acts chapter 12 and you're not gonna put like King Agrippa round and and I said you know actually it's a good reminder around but I don't I don't wear it all the time I don't have it on right now but it's just a good reminder don't ever touch the glory or you might die from worms but it's something important for us always to consider why because psalm 115 verse 1 says not to us O Lord not to us but to your name be all the glory not to us not to us O Lord but to your name be the glory Isaiah 42 verse 8 says I am the Lord that is my name I will not give my glory to another or my praise to an idol in Revelation 14 6 and 7 John says then I saw another angel flying in midair and he said in a loud voice fear God and give him the glory in first Corinthians 10:31 we are reminded so whatever you do do it all for the glory of God build your business with the glory of God raise your kids for the glory of God use your gifts for the glory of God watch your speech for the glory of God manage your money for the glory of God love your spouse for the glory of God live your life for the glory of God whatever you do do it all for the glory of God in the 17th century some English and Scottish theologians got together and they penned what is commonly called the Westminster Shorter Catechism and one of the defining lines of the Catechism that these theologians came up with kind of summarizes what we've been talking about today and it says this the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever may all that we do everything about our lives bring glory to God Almighty and may we always be careful never to touch the glory let's pray together Father in heaven were grateful that you would visit us here today through the pages of your word that we might be reminded of your magnificence of your splendor of your greatness of your manifest infinite splendor and worth your glory and we pray father that everything about our lives would reflect your glory that we wouldn't try to touch it for ourselves that we wouldn't lay claim to things for the sake of our own ambition but that we would recognize every accomplishment every achievement every success every dollar we have in our bank account every possession that is in our care has come from you and is for your glory help us Lord to be mindful that as we live our lives make everything about our lives bring glory to you forgive us Lord when we touch the glory thank you for your grace if you don't strike us down like you did herod agrippa forgive us lord when we attempt to take ownership or glory in the things that we've done may all glory be yours Lord not to us O Lord not to us but to your name be all the glory we pray in Jesus name and everybody said amen amen god bless you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 42,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hezekiah, glorified, Glory, Cornerstone Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Calvary Chapel
Id: 9msJZjeMBac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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