A Swim in Freezing Water for Breaking the 6 Inch. Rule | Season 1 Episode 3 | That'll Teach 'Em

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[Music] it's the halfway stage in the 1950s school and in two weeks time the pupils will be sitting their o levels at the moment they seem more interested in each other than academic matters but this morning science lesson will soon cool that harder the kids go from one set of innards to another livers for lunch two for fours come along liver is not a delicacy nadia freeman's prepared to stomach [Music] in the 1950s refusing to eat your lunch simply wasn't tolerated but matron's got a secret weapon up her sleeve eat it up boys i have a tonic if you do not eat it up i'm gonna be sick then i shall give you a tonic if you don't eat it you will have tonic if you will have tonic if you have one more mouth well no yeah will you use your knife and fork when you do that you coming for tonic you refused to eat your lunch didn't you why because i do not like it liver has nutrients it has iron and for girls who are menstruating monthly it is very necessary otherwise you become ill and anemic do you understand i do you have to eat things like liver and things like that because they hold the right nutrients for your health i have to replace it with something else open your mouth please matron's tonic is malt and cod liver oil may have a drink of water and leave open your mouth come on swallow it come on in please can you close the door i am very concerned about the amount of food that you are not eating you cannot survive on just bread make sure i might have it yes you will you will have a drink afterwards your mouth please then you're on detention you eat some bread please before you leave you're on detention and i shall speak to headmaster hi i'm nadia freeman this is my family and my house in westlafon sea i'm short and sweet and talk at 90 miles an hour i really am looking forward to the sports lessons funnily enough because i actually love to play sports i have played tennis and athletics but never was definitely my first love when i grow up i think i want to be a lawyer most of all because i love to argue my point we've brought both the kids up that if they feel something is wrong or there's an injustice question it is a cake i would never have done that when i was at school i would never question a teacher it was a matter of you will do and you accepted that i think that will be quite an eye opener for her i'd say i'm very much a giggler when it comes to school or anything really i'll giggle anything that even isn't even funny i find anything funny really so i'll probably be a very big giggler when i'm in there especially [Music] i don't see how you can play hockey if you haven't eaten any food when you've eaten that you will have a drink and you will go if i have to sit at the end of your table every meal time to make sure that you eat the right things then i will do but i cannot have you just eating bread for every meal or potatoes now get out of my sight the food i just refuse to eat and i won't eat it i will not eat it while i'm here no way am i eating spam fritters liver or anything like that or the cabbage no no i'm not eating it i'd rather get told off or detention [Music] what were the causes and consequences of the indian mutiny by the end of this lesson everybody should have a detailed list of the causes history in the 1950s was often very dull the teacher droned on and on while the pupils wrote reams and dreams of gnomes gcse classes are much more discussion based the emphasis is on interpretation of historical sources rather than regurgitating facts and essay writing now let's have a look at tensions between the east india company the british rulers and the indians whether they be muslim hindu or sikh history master simon raquel is teaching the kids how animal grease on ammunition cartridges sparked off the indian mutiny so you've got thousands of men you're outnumbered five to one you've got thousands of indian troops muslim and hindu all right okay what should we do let's cover it with with fat so the guts put it in their mouth and tear it off for one pupil it seems to have gone in one ear wall and out the other what was the problem with the the problem with cartridges cartridges was they had pig fat on them and and the muslims didn't eat meat and the hindus didn't agree with no they didn't like what kind of food the pig's at so therefore that's all over the place all over the place think about it you've got you've messed up big time think about it what was on it you said there was pig fat who does not eat pigs the hin the hindus no the muslim right okay sir and what about the cow fat oh you said it the the the hindus didn't like the food that the cow's they were opposed to grass yeah okay they didn't like grass oh think about it boy come on think why is it this is why i didn't want you to ask me because i know which is why i'm asking you i could see that flash of fear across your face andy wall needs to use some wizardry if he's to dig himself out of this hole my name's andy wan i live in this house in ashland line in manchester and you could say i'm a magical kind of guy we tried to say some magic what's eight of spades okay now watch we take the eight and we rub it can you feel that can you feel it because look i first got into magic when i was about three or four i think it was my neighbor who got me into it he showed me some tricks and i think it developed from there really into showing people on the streets and my main ambition in life is probably to take magic to a whole new step and make myself famous from it ever could use my magic in an exam it would be maths exam because then i could magic up the answers instead of writing drivel on the papers [Music] the muslims the muslims didn't eat meat didn't eat peace okay right let's move on hindus they didn't agree no they didn't like grass that's what you said before i was being sarcastic worn the hindus didn't eat right why because i'm sorry i've got a really good way of remembering which one's which [Laughter] i think we go back to square one okay right let's stay focused a lot of them are finding history very difficult they're not used to someone lecturing them for 40 minutes telling them what happened in a particular period whilst they frantically write down notes for gcse it's a lot more interesting they're using a range of sources but hopefully some of them are getting it [Music] go go the girls show off their vaulting skills wake up you numbskulls the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love it has come to the headmaster's attention that the pupils have been flouting one of the basic school rules he is not happy there's a six inch rule in this school you know i know you do not get closer than six inches boy and girl that is perfectly clear in the rules you've got we have emotions and animal instincts of course we have but also and as we are hearing we are people of intellect the scientist tells us we are homo sapiens we've got the power of reason and we have to control our emotions i want to see some self control here i don't want to see people running around embracing each other and squawking in a selfish fashion thank you mr mctavish is particularly concerned with the antics of one boy joe mccready keep up please his latest crime is an incident involving the english teacher liz perdue she has told me that last night she went into the corridor there were a crowd of boys there you had your back to her she said that she wanted to come through and she said words to the effect of do you expect me to climb over you and you with your back to her and facing the rest of the boys said words to the effect i wouldn't mind that she was shocked she after all is a lady as well as being a member of the teaching staff of this school so i have a member of staff who is insulted as i said a lady in a sexual way you at 16 almost trying to impose yourself on her you are isolated until after supper this evening you will do your lessons in a different room you will have your meal by yourself you will be escorted if you wish to go to the toilet if i am not satisfied you will be sleeping by yourself in a dormitory tonight in an empty dormitory do you understand all that mr war i don't think he should wear the king's school blazer while he is under punishment shake it off please what i'm punished for was uh for something i said to dr perdue which wasn't meant the way it was taken and what i said to her and what was said to the headmaster it's not the same and he said it you know it's not going to be the exact words but it's not even the same meaning i never said i wouldn't mind that i said you could if you needed to that's what i said we have our introduction to the 12. ccf was an integral part of 1950s education for grammar school boys math teacher austin vince is a firm believer in its benefits the combined cadet force is a great uh vehicle for developing all sorts of non-academic and non-sporting qualities in the pupils most obviously teamwork self-reliance a sense of initiative uh hopefully through the structure that's afforded by the military unit some sense of loyalty loyalty upwards to the leader sideways to your compatriots and downwards to those that you're in charge of look how close he is jesus so i want to see you do that so i can't i'm not who thinks they can who thinks they can touch the top i'm coping as it's known whenever possible mr vince likes to lead by example um [Applause] while the boys climb the wall the girls are preparing for a synchronized pe display what we're going to do gentlemen is get the whole of our team over that wall okay and we have to do it as fast as possible the technique is quite simple we set somebody down at the bottom of the wall maybe um the beefcake okay and he'll send somebody springing springy up onto the wall one thing's for sure that would with a bit of beef behind uh behind you a guy with a bit of spring will probably make it okay and reverse and reverse we go beef plus brains equals 12 foot success oh yeah yes help him up hold him up make it steady make it steady that's it help the guy out there he's not miles you're such a big baby i don't know how we won the war thank god when britain stood alone it wasn't an army of cream cake eating limpuris did nobody's like you [Laughter] go go go go who's going up next okay here we go off you go then warren get ready on win that's it that's it that's it good well done miles at least you made a gesture right now the rough idea is that now you can get the guys in the gang who are not that springy and with the beefcake's upper thrust and the two guys at the top the non-springy guys and if you've got any pillsbury type blokes in the squad okay they'll all get up with the one blight on the floor and the two blokes up there very good nadia well done claire we keep sending the whole squad up until at the end we've got one bloke left on the ground you must make sure that the bloke who's left last isn't actually your biggest lard ass okay or else he's going to be spending the whole day going okay it's got to be somebody with a bit of spring at the end okay pe is over and it's time for some female bonding 1950s style some of the fashions are quite exquisite it's the new improved cooker won every housewife she's really really enjoying it she is oh my planned for a family oh no no basically this is learn how to be a household book a mother and mother i still look beautiful i have no waste while popping out children yeah are you a haircut i are i'm doing this are you a successful woman okay okay if you meet a pretty woman in an identical dress do you a feel annoyed be amused or see embarrassed annoyed annoying supposing that you haven't a career it's your reaction to women who have envy because they've got so much more than you see because they've got so much less or admiration because they've got the best of both worlds admiration if someone tells you a really naughty story it shocks you would you give a light laugh and sidetrack the conversation say outright that you hate blue jokes or blush pretend you didn't get it blush [Music] mccready has already broken his isolation order where have you been you shouldn't see me i beg your pardon i went to get my letters so from where my dorm you do not go in the dormitories without permission sorry sir you keep saying sorry every time i speak to you you're saying sorry sir sorry sir sorry sir it doesn't make it doesn't mean a fig now you could have come and asked me if you could go up in the dormitory and secondly you could have also thought before you sat down that you needed your letters to reply to it's about time you started thinking about what you're supposed to be doing i didn't realize where he was sir so i actually left a note on the table as well okay sit down i shall be seeing you in the headmaster's room during tomorrow i will let you know what time you will do not have any free time this evening when we finished letter writing you will go back to the house and stay in your dormitory i beg your pardon i'll do that sir the trouble with youth today and your type of youth you'll get too much money and have too much time spending your money it wasn't until the late 50s that the modern teenager arrived when teddy boys and beatniks complete with quiffs and goatee beards threatened the established order beat nick he was real cool man any hint of teenage rebellion had to be nipped in the bud corporal punishment was the headmaster's response to anything hip like smoking come this way and you've been caught smoking in the playground this is an offense for which you are punished with the slipper you realize that you deserve this yes sir the ultimate sanction the cane was made illegal in the 1990s pick up the clubs joe mccreedy is taking king's harshest punishment step back against the wall raise the clubs to arms length shoulder level i'm starting my stopwatch now three minutes of sheer pain concentrate stop moving keep it going come on straighten those arms one minute 20 seconds i would never give a punishment to any child that i couldn't do or be prepared to undergo myself i spent some time in the gym this morning with mr daplan in the position you're in with those two he tells me i went red in the face i have more body weight than you but i went to break point with them because i wouldn't want to see anybody doing something that i wasn't prepared to suffer ultimately myself get a bit of courage i want to see you all mr perry handles a delicate topic with the boys i've got to tell you this i want no beastliness in this house wake up you numbskulls in the 1950s all grammar schools had a school song kings is no exception [Music] is just because i'm playing the piano it doesn't mean i can't see what you're doing nicola do i make myself clear right i think i don't have to say anymore right let's do that one again remember open your mouth nicola greenhouse can be a handful she has an a star in attitude and has been in constant trouble from day one turn around walk down to the wall and stay there do you wish to argue with me further with this no that would be extremely unwise okay greenhouse get out we were having a bit of fun there and you spoiled it and i think you did that on purpose get out now right i would like you to go and see the headmaster please uh you will tell him that i have sent you to him will you go please i pick a pardon come back the answer is not okay the answer is okay sir yes sir yes sir in the girls dorms matron and dr padu are searching out forbidden items since day one it's been a game of cat and mouse between matron and the girls over the hidden contraband but by the end of the search the girls still have the upper hand [Music] their stash under the floorboard remains undiscovered would you ask the young lady to come in thank please come here young lady why is this young lady here mr heath yes you can just face me she is here because i thought that she was not giving the music lesson it's the respect it was due and that she was giggling and talking to her neighbor and i did one i did warn her on several occasions retribution would follow if she didn't behave so you gave a fair warning your neighbour i wonder who that will be harriet reichens by any chance yes sir i came past when you were singing you plural were singing and it sounded incredibly good i've never heard in 30 whatever it is eight or nine years i've been teaching i have never heard a school a form sing like that and then suddenly i've got you in front of me for giggling up until now nicola has remained defiant but not today i wasn't i said i need to i cannot speak please and say i wasn't talking to harriet's i tell through the lesson i was giggling and the fact that i couldn't reach a high note and at the words because i can't actually sing the songs i don't know them myself i wasn't talking to harry and i wasn't talking to henri henrietta who sat next to me and so i was giggling at myself have you had them singing individually no could you take her to the hall and just see what her range is like yes certainly right go along with mr heath all right just stand there will you all right let's try scale to r all right [Music] that's quite a good sign let's try again yes well it's a little sharp at the top but um no does that hurt no following on from the lesson on the indian mutiny the pupils are about to learn how they did in a test in two weeks time you'll be sitting down in two weeks time you'll be sitting down to take a history examination and at the moment a lot of you are going to be very embarrassed by the results rebecca can you step up here please hello i'm rebecca woodward and i'm from gloucestershire and i'm a country girl at hat and this is my entire village i live in a place called swanley and it's only got eight houses which i don't really think it even counts as a village but you can be whoever you want to be just be yourself and it's great and you will get on with each other because you know everybody and everybody knows you i belong here i'm not really sure about what the school would be like but i'm sure and be quite strict and very different from school nowadays i've got a vision of a board rubber going into my head or something but i'm sure i'll be fine when i do the o level exam i'd imagine it'd be a bit simpler from what has progressed to now so i think i'd probably do better than what i have tonight in answer the question where did the mutiny take place i'll talk about the indian mutiny you said what you wrote what palestine rebecca what is your village doing for an idiot rebecca let's have a look can you point to palestine have a look is it there palestine is there near madras can you see it written no no in the 1950s ritual humiliation was a tried and tested teaching technique oh where are we palestine right rebecca sit down now mr anwin and emma can you step to the front of the class please mr sweeney and mr warren could you step up to the front so listen now ladies and gentlemen we have both ends of the intellectual spectrum on display here and it's for you to guess who are the winners and who are the losers warren it's not funny now unless by some miracle mr perry can perform an operation to fuse your two brain cells into some sort of working organ we have a problem with you even finding the examination hall it's not funny it's worrying you both got 5 out of 26. these two both got 21 and a half which is extremely good and they deserve a round of applause [Applause] it is a very straight forward examination and don't get confused between grass cows and pigs right sit down my predicted grade in gcse history is a b and i think the reason i struggled so much in the indian mutiny test was because the night before in prep yeah we had to read like about 20 pages of pure rubbish that i just couldn't take in at all and there were so many dates um you just couldn't take them all in at all but some people were some people were fine with it but for some reason i seemed to struggle with it and just couldn't seem to take any of it in i certainly didn't want to share this with them in class but in fact i'm delighted with the progress a lot of them have made they're starting to be able to write good essay structure coherent arguments and with the skills they've learned at gcse of being able to analyze sources well in fact they've got the best of both worlds despite finding nothing in her search matron is convinced the girls still have forbidden items i know that there is contraband in the dormitories but being a lady i am going to take a completely different stance on this i do not intend to wake you at midnight turning your beds upside down i have put a basket outside of my room and i'm going to my office for a little while and when i come back all contraband will be put into it and nothing more will be said do you understand please go i should be gone for 30 minutes the girls have a difficult decision to make they decide to appease matron by giving up their non-essential essentials we got rid of everything now if she comes upstairs i've come back and i've found several items six fine perfumes um prowl a deodorant vaseline hair removers razors born lippy which i feel must belong to nicola eyeshadows and tissues brushes and the famous eyeliner [Music] quite pleased with that i'm better than i thought it was going to be i really am [Music] one of the few occasions the boys and girls are allowed time together unsupervised by teaching staff is in the games room hattie reichens is taking the opportunity to get to know the boys a bit better [Music] it should be in the school rule book you cannot smile laugh or have fun my name is hattie reichens and i go to boarding school here in yorkshire i've been at boarding school since i was 10 years old mommy visits me every other weekend normally the modus operandi is shopping we'll go shopping to the local designer outlet and it's mom can i have or we're going to york for a meal and just have a nice girly time together we end up in a bar having a nice light snack with a few drinks chatty chatty chatty girlie talk i get the goss and then i take it back to school and it's lovely i like to think of myself as a bit of a good girl so i haven't been caught for too many things at school but the things i have done at school i don't think could be repeated on camera my headmaster would go mental for me a what a wee me how common so both you're up for early in the morning i shall wake you up past six any more rattle the rest of you will follow [Applause] in the 1950s delicate subjects were rarely handled head on right want to um talk to you about something that um is not easy for me to talk about and probably even less easy for you to listen to perhaps it's a serious matter matan has reported to me that one of the laundry ladies has been to see her to report soiled sheets which i can only describe perhaps in another way as sticky sheets [Music] now i want to see you all basically because i've got i've got to tell you this i want no beastliness in this house it has never been a part of schoolhouse and it never will be there just isn't any room here for that sort of thing we're told in scriptures that self-abuse self-gratification is wrong and it is so you're going to go to bed in silence and i will not be saying prayers tonight prayers will be very personal in some cases it may be to assist you to fight weakness if not fine if you are strong then please pray for others but it has no place in this house beastliness remember that [Music] has mccreedy gone too far but no that's not good enough for you is it pay attention stand up straight breaking the six-inch rule has earned henrietta harriet and thomas jewell an early morning swim in the unheated pool jewel the reason you're that end is to keep you away from your uh lady love this is to cool your emotions do you understand boy sir girls get in the pool shoulders in shoulders and go cold swims and cold showers were common punishments in the 1950s that is one henrietta that is too duel this time it appears to have done the trick the water is absolutely freezing you can hardly breathe i was in my bed about 15 minutes ago and i got out of bed and made some like shoved me i was like what the hell it's woken me up and i think i have actually done a lesson so it's worked in that respect for the rest of the morning it's lessons lessons and more lessons i must repeat myself like polly parrot i want the shakespeare the blue exercise books something to write with and your full attention if you wish to take your blazers off do so now i'm going into the lesson [Music] make sure there's a heading down declensions make sure you've got the date you've underlined the heading and you've underlined the date i promise i will trick you into understanding this okay if it's the last thing i do probably will be the last idea it's going to take so long every afternoon the kids get an hour of free time while they are relaxing guess who's in more trouble mccready stop put that ball down now right mccreedy i said you can't play with the ball again today that was your punishment for kicking it towards the building and which was obviously when you've got all this land you kick a ball anywhere there no one say a thing yeah because you're the lazy whatever it is inside your brain you thought no i'll kick it towards the building and then afterwards of course you regretted it yeah okay the line was drawn i said right okay here's the simple sanction no more rugby ball for you today simple tomorrow clean slate start again but no that's not good enough for you is it right what you're going to do now is come with me okay and you're going to stand over here i need to keep you away from the other children so you don't muck them up mr vince was the only teacher mccready hadn't alienated everyone gets into trouble mccree there's all these little things happen that doesn't matter but if then when you when you're on a little bit of a sanction you then rub our faces in it i have to do something about it i cannot let it go everyone's seen you're insane cannot believe it now you're in you've obviously you've just earned yourself a detention which is a load more trouble than you deserved for the initial defense you brought on yourself it's incredible right see this white feather sit down there okay and i'm gonna be over here with the other people i want you to stay here okay for about half an hour i want you to study this horizon here and i want you in the time that you're alone to reflect on the simple small thing that you did wrong it was nothing that no one would remembered and now i'm really upset and i'm personally offended and our relationship has suffered which never had to stay here and cool down i'll come back with some water later on mccready's behavior is getting to the other kids i think it's really mean to say but i think to a certain extent he brings it upon himself i think he's very intolerant and so doesn't really know when to just stop his discipline is going to get worse because he keeps on getting told off and all that day by day so he's just going to lose it even more and he will end up in his own dorm on bread and water i think by next week mccready is hiding the evidence of yet another crime he smashed the cup of water mr vince gave him i'm gonna get so in trouble now just go there apologize now before he gets to you yeah do you want to say sorry before we before i got nothing to apologize for kind of dropping the same mate look i'm really sorry i dropped the cup i broke the cup instead of him coming to you instead of him coming to you and going oh mccready why did you why did you smash the cup up just go over and say i'm really sorry sir i broke the cup yeah but i should just said that anyway instead of frying all the paste everywhere yeah for once mccready takes some advice say something that'll calm me down um i don't know i don't sure i didn't think you'd find it to be honest that's why i before it works i didn't think you'd find it i didn't want to get in any more trouble but now i think i'm actually going to be in more so um guess what one word i want to hear sorry okay you done sir lead on i apologize and he sent me away but i think i'm still gonna get he's gonna tell the other teachers or something because there's no way i can have to stand in the field for an hour for kicking a rugby ball and then smashing a cup i just get told to apologize [Music] nadia freeman still isn't eating properly she's been struggling with the 1950s food for two weeks i am concerned about her health if she continues to do this because the meals although quite pale and uninteresting as it was in the 50s is not tasteless by any means and i think she is generally a fatty eater after a discussion with matron nadia decides it's time to leave [Music] i'm upset that i'm leaving because i did want to stay here i did want to see it through and i'm going to miss everyone and i'm going to miss doing the o levels and experiencing that but no i i am relatively happy i'm going home but still i am upset i'm not staying nadia's the first of the 30 pupils to leave king's school [Music] next time the kids sit there mock o levels there's a visiting dignitary for foundation day good day miles that's it that's it we're just a little touch there and is it the end of the road for mccready here we have standards you have failed to maintain those [Music] standards [Music] you
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 4,757,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strictest parents in the world, strict parents, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, world's strictest parents usa, world strict parents full episode, thatll teach em, thatll teach em haircut, thatll teach em series 1, reality television, teacher loses his temper, thatll teach em episode 3, swim in freezing water
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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