A Stranger Wants to Give me $3,500,000!

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so I had a friend tell me about an email that he received from a wealthy dying woman wanting to share her inheritance with him and he was a little suspicious but I said hey if you are gonna take her up on that offer I will this video is sponsored by sir shark VPN secure your digital life and access content safely and check out the link in my description to get 85 percent off in three additional months for free now back to the story so he forwarded me this email from a stranger named Nora Mustafa that said hello sir please read my email and kindly reply however it may please you I know you may be wondering why I am contacting you but I believe that everything happens for a reason it may seem a little difficult to believe in things over the internet but please give me a little attention to explain my situation I ask you to take a minute and read it before deleting Nora I'm all ears my name is Nora bat Mustafa widow of the late engineer Abdul al LOD Mustafa owner of large Construction Companies in his country UAE and beyond I'm originally from Houston Texas and my parents have been deceased for many years but unfortunately I only visited Texas a couple of times my entire life I don't have any child I'm currently suffering from esophageal cancer for a long time and it's very obvious and now that money cannot save me so I don't deserve your pity the prayers because I'm dying soon this poor woman from all indications my condition is really deteriorating and is obvious that I will not live more than a month according to my doctors and coupled with the chaos Cova 19 pandemic is causing in the world right now I can still feel it in my bones I am currently in a hospital receiving treatment without improvements Beauty wealth and expensive things cannot save my life so I beg you to take this message seriously and see me as your blood sister and help me in this divine project as I have no one else I'll explain in detail when I get an answer from you god bless you Nora that okay how sad is this I write back and I say Nora your email was forwarded to me I am sorry for your condition what can be done to help you Ben and not too long later she responds and she says greetings my dear thanks for your response and concern okay this email goes on forever she talked about how her husband left her 3.5 million dollars and she wants to give it to me because she thinks that God will work through me to bless those most in need when I get a reply after your prayers it will enable me to give you full details about the procedures I am very weak and sick so please kindly hasten up in your response please assure me that you will handle this project with a clean heart I will be glad to hear from you soon thanks mrs. Nora batten Mustafa out of all the fish in the sea she chose me she wants me to be the recipient of 3.5 million dollars I could put that money to good use so I immediately wrote back and I said Nora I'm so sorry but I'm humbled by your generosity what can I do for you Ben and then I get another long email about how our health is deteriorating fast and I need to get in touch with her lawyer because there's some security box where all the assets are stored I give her a little bit of my personal information and saying that my name is Benjamin Dover do you get it bend over so she writes back again with this long email about how her husband built railroads for the government and she has the power to do whatever she wants with the money she then provides me a certificate of deposit that I need to send to her lawyer as step two a law firm whose name is Philip Morgan I guess it looks official so I forwarded the email to Philip with the document and I say attention Philip Morgan please see the attached document please advise on how we are to proceed Ben and wouldn't you know the lawyer writes me back and says hello to you I was informed by mrs. Nora batten Mustafa with regards to the claim transfer of the deposit trunk box with speed most courier security company as you would know the trunk box was deposited as a confidential family valuable item by mrs. Norris so the security company is not aware that there is money in the trunk box however the amount deposited in the trunk box is 3.5 million dollars kindly reconfirm these information below which are required for the proper documentation bla bla bla the content of this email is highly sensitive and confidential and is for your personal reference only do not on any account disclose the content of the document to a third party oops looking forward to your response yours faithfully Philip Morgan okay so I wrote back and I said yes sir the info is correct then Philip wrote back and he said attention Benjamin thank you for your patience I will be representing you in the claims process of the deposited trunk box to ensure Swift approval you are to pay a consultation fee of 250 United States Dollars and a further $150 for the legal change of certificate approved in a court here we go there's always a catch I've got to pay four hundred dollars to get my 3.5 million this is when I realized that this all might be a scam and Nora has no intention of paying me anything so I go to step toe law firm's website to look for a professional under the name of Philip Morgan and I see nothing really scammers you could at least steal the identity of an actual lawyer but I want to see how far this thing will go so I write back to Philip and I say let's proceed and then he write to me back with information on where to send the money and to my surprise he wants me to send the money to someone with a bank account in Michigan and yes I am censoring the information because I don't know how involved this person is and the last time that I show someone's personal information y'all went delivered 100 pizzas to their house so let's just call her Kelly anyway Philip continued and he said as soon as the payment is made processed I will obtain the change of ownership certificate and complete the claims kindly send a copy of the payment slip once the payment has been made for approval have a nice day regards Philip Morgan okay is this a scam originating in the USA in Michigan I have to know so I create a link and grab a find out link that will redirect them to the bank's website my right Philip and I say thank you my bank is needing additional info is this the bank I am sending - yes it is nest egg bank so it's pretty obvious that Philip isn't a subscriber to my channel because he definitely clicked on my link anyone want to guess where his IP address is originating from he's in Ghana he's using a cheap phone on a Ghana Network okay if he's in Ghana then why does he want me to wire money to Kelley in Michigan so I wrote back and I said thanks and do you have a phone number for the owner then he gives me a phone number so I sent her a text and I say is this Kelley and she says no wrong number what I said sorry do you work with Phillip Morgan he gave me your number and asked me to pay you I even paste the personal details that he sent me no response so I look up the number on three carrier lookup calm and I see that it's a t-mobile number it's not a Google Voice number or a text now number it's really someone in Michigan then I run the number at been verified comm and I get a report saying that the number does in fact belong to a woman with this name and it shows me some possible email addresses and social media accounts associated with the number could this be our girl I go to her Facebook account and I try to log in with her email but of course I don't know her password so I go to a forgot password and it wants to send me a confirmation code to the phone number associated with the account and guess what the last two digits of the phone number matched the one that I have alright this is our girl but why is she laundering money for a scammer in Ghana my hunch is that Western Union is cracking down on people sending money overseas and so scammers are recruiting Americans to be their money mules think about it it's a lot less suspicious to wire money to a domestic bank that it is to wire money to someone in Ghana Philip then probably gets Kelly to send him money through Bitcoin something but does Kelly know what she's mixed up in so now we know that Nora and Philip Morgan are the same person using this woman in Michigan Kelly to collect money from their victims so I decided to play dumb and I write back to my dear old friend Nora and I say Nora I have some concerns I don't see Philip Morgan listed on the Steptoe law firm website also I tracked his IP address and he's in Ghana she attached Nora I think we're dealing with a scammer Ben and Nora never responded so I'm probably gonna text the link to this video to Kelly in Michigan so she's aware of the shady work that she's involved in and if she doesn't respond to that text maybe I'll send a link to the FBI tip line I'm sure they'll be interested oh by the way I did eventually get another email from Philip it said hello to you I'm sad to inform you that your friend mrs. Nora batten Mustafa is dead hey everybody thank you so much for watching and special thanks to surf shark VPN for making the video possible you all really ought to be using a VPN to hide your location and secure your sensitive data I always have a VPN on what I'm using public Wi-Fi or when I'm talking to shady folks like Phillip Morgan here have you ever wondered how advertisers know where you are and what your interests are is probably because you're not using a VPN and your browsing habits are exposed so stay private also I know that a lot of you are in countries where certain content is blocked and I want you to know that there's a way around that when you use a VPN so why don't you just try out surf shark VPN they're giving you a great deal when you go to my link surf shark deals flash buzzing green to get 85 percent off in three additional months free so go check it out today right now once again thank you so much for watching and be sure to LIKE and subscribe and stick around for more adventures in the world of scamming see you next time [Music]
Channel: Pleasant Green
Views: 1,033,475
Rating: 4.9449229 out of 5
Keywords: nigerian prince, scam baiting, inheritance scam, pleasant green
Id: swhe-9mFsC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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