A snowy WONDERLAND - It Takes Two [3]

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yeah this is where we were okay because for a second i was like we were in a clockwork and i was like well with the gears yeah but babe life is strange all right watch this i feel like it's been forever since we played yeah it's been like what two days oh oh leaves you you have to make a clone i think can you leave a clone yeah once again or do i just have to stop time no no you do it uh let go of the thing or before it comes oh you have a you can make a clone hold the thing yeah that's what i'm gonna oh i can't do it while doing this yeah and i can't just leave time by itself how do i move the clone though i don't know whoa i can do something to this wow i didn't realize that phone oh me neither it says it says leave clown with l but then it just stands there so i don't know how to move the clone so you can't just move your clone you can teleport to the clone okay wait so if i put it in front of the door and we do this oh and then you go through in the time [Music] oh that makes sense oh that's how it works okay let me through here we go thank you thanks chat thanks chad oh hop on wait and where do i get up she goes oh [ __ ] bro i'm a time lord babe you're gonna have to do the thinking today because i'm like half foggy migraine brain just call me dr when but it led to the same thing oh right oh go the other side okay oh there's a button here oh use that stinky booty that looks pretty impressive yeah whoever designed this knew what they were oh god dead dang it we got dead oh it's still open reverse it fix it why should i shovel i can hold the clone here but i don't know what that would do can i put the clone on the head oh you have double jump yeah but i no it's no god hello all right no i it won't let me stand on it i thought that might bring me up but maybe if i can i i can't leave my clone in the air can i oh i can't ah look at you okay do it eyes where is my spine wow her go okay figured it out even with my slow brain even with your stonky tonk nice slow brain powers stink rain wait where did we get through like this oh that owl yeah nice it's us smack yourself in the ass what falls on it wait the whole right side before your hour is fixed okay that way this way yeah this was all broken before what do i do oh it launched me now what do we do though can i launch myself i don't know if he can oh oh wait wait wait break it again okay now oh you got to do some weird [ __ ] with no yeah go back uh-huh wow all right what can i do here everything oh what's this do oh the dolls are going nice nice that's pretty simple isn't there there's nothing higher up here probably maybe probably a mini game or some [ __ ] but i'm not about losing today you don't want to do minigames scared huh yeah petrified dating a gamer here i'm dating a 19 fortnight car people say it's all fun and games when you get a gaming girlfriend but have you ever taken it all the time [Laughter] can i get big again all right what do we do here you should leave a clone on one i think oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the phone doesn't work is standing on it though oh and then there you go yeah oh cody look at this one in the center step on it i'm about to [ __ ] you up oh i didn't know it went already nice okay oh they're going down [Music] clock tower [Music] looks like bloodborne like a cute flophorn version yeah wow so cool so pretty so pretty yes what did we lose them already now what i don't know did that book say anything about what we do if we lose track of those guys no he was just blabbing on and on about time oh yeah hey and you agreed with him well it's true you're never at home cody do you really think i'm choosing to be away from home i don't know hmm that's just what it's been like for a long time well it's not my choice what do you mean if i lost my job we'd lose everything i mean duh okay you gotta earn money somehow but when you're never they around us i mean you guys are getting a divorce didn't you already lose us let's follow them didn't you guys agree on that i want to be able to reverse time on these feelings oh what this do huh oh there's one on the other side [Music] i think we might have missed some stuff over here oh there's like a whole things ah the whole town oh they're down there it all just connects together yeah whoa it's like an open world video game now holy [ __ ] there's a lot to look at what'd you do uh screamed why are there bombs strapped to me i thought this was just a race i guess where did we go oh oh and then the arrow's pointing oh god oh no i'm on the rails instead i'm losing oh i've played spider-man yeah yeah i got stuck on the wall oh god i keep sticking to all the rails i don't want to i definitely lost this one right uh maybe not i don't know where i'm going all righty wait this oh i'm on bubble two too far oh jesus i'm dead what the [ __ ] i completely lost my way at one point do you want to go again nah that one's all yours oh i'm not going to win that oh you were ahead of me for a while nah oh the house is over yeah the raindrop well what is that's how we get through the dolls so you got to do the the why now bring us all the way down yeah nice raindrops keep falling on my head once again i love how open this is this is a huge area or feels huge at least uh the bridge here how's this do i have no idea oh okay wait oh did that do anything oh you gotta you gotta clone that you gotta get both down at the same quite handsome time hey oh hey look at that compliment from me i'm just over here complimenting myself you got to be your own hero yeah and i this is like our actual relationship you just you're like handsome guy like me can do this and this and i'm just here like yeah totally hey i compliment you all the time yeah you do cows cows cows oh sheep chicken [ __ ] yep [ __ ] crunchy whoa what this hell tower rabbits hell tower huh maybe i don't know i always miss buttons oh god i don't like that camera yeah same oh jesus wow big big tower god is this a mini game to get to the top i think you're gonna win on that um is it a mini game i don't think so cool no kidding what could be up there he says as he goes ahead of me completely oh god wait they keep retracting when i'm about to okay right they don't stay up long enough to wall jump oh i get it no god oh i see it still didn't work oh mia oh i'm all the way down sane god damn it why didn't he stick the second time he stuck the first time the what i stuck to the wall one time and then the next time he didn't do it oh maybe the angle is off damn oh god damn it nope nope this is harder than it looks also my brain just stinks today well sometimes he like grabs the leg and sometimes he doesn't okay i did it again i did it again i [ __ ] the camera keeps [ __ ] me up it keeps turning on its own okay i think i'm doing it no don't jump oh oh my god i had it and then my character just jumped over the edge instead of just climbing up oh god it keeps going yep oh no i thought that was it no i hate this oh god i it nice hopefully i don't have to come anymore wait is it just fireworks [Music] that's it bro i give up that's it for how hard that was this should have been a lot more fortnite fortnite fortnite yes killed me is this oh this is death that water is this [Music] here i am okay what do we do here hey see if i can catch any cuckoo fish or fishing okay a bit of fishing i see maybe i'll catch something good you gotta twist your controller when you catch something uh-huh i don't know what is it nelson oh i can what fishing you got an actual fish yeah throw it and then it throws it on the pile because i also was like throw it back in the water what i see hey what is this another [ __ ] fireworks display wait can i fish you fish or junk no wait do we what do we need i don't think we need anything there i think it's just for fun just random [ __ ] yeah oh this is like in a way out that you got to like the farmland section and there's like a bunch of [ __ ] like this yeah did you say that already oh we need to just i think it needs to be the time on the clock [Music] yeah so there yeah nice i was just turning it like not thinking about anything i can read time wow no no no where'd they go was it pimp o'clock now how are we gonna follow them cody stop whining let's find another way i wasn't whining i wasn't waiting shop stink yes you were oh we probably missed a whole bunch of [ __ ] back there huh do you think i mean we did too many games didn't we yeah well after claiming the tower of death just to get fireworks i'm kind of pissed off oh cute look at me running it's like me i'm the stairs master i'm just smacking some ass over here yeah it's big big benjamin exactly but to get inside you need to unravel the secrets of the smaller towers who know those you see here's a thought why don't you just let us in the tall clock tower straight away we need to get back to our real bodies as soon as possible don't stress me time is an illusion there's only i knew it i knew it can't you feel it there's nothing else than now everything happens now now no no no no no you feel it oh yeah i can feel it you are very annoying right yeah hey what's that strange fear over there he has a name my friends you have to figure out b.o.l we are not his friends hey cody i've got an idea maybe we can use those birds mm-hmm are we flying you think flying let's how does it control what the [ __ ] but these aren't machines you just press a to go up and x to go forward oh x to go forward oh okay there's no like glide to it god this feels horrible yeah like how does this work you're doing better than i am oh god it like barely it doesn't go forward on its own no it's really confusing oh we both have to be on one look at that oh together okay i'm coming that's awful yeah this does not make sense control is much better with a mouse and keyboard oh holy [ __ ] did you see that i did you got thorned i just flew oh my god wow how do i get off oh you just land just keep going down oh i'm on the roof that's a good place for him oh sure look how pretty this is whoa this big clock tower in the sky oh that is really pretty wow oh what the [ __ ] working my quads you got this i believe in you a thousand steps i could do it go go go burn those calories she's a maniac oh the bird's coming with us what was your uh your time per kilometer you mean how many steps get out of here asap we have to solve the puzzles first you sound so enthusiastic oh yeah those symbols look so intriguing okay so we need to find which symbols to press looks like we can slam these in maybe one sticks no we'll see that's maybe for later empresso a just a ghost creepy oh i'm done hm i thought that would make the door come back oh maybe maybe maybe you just put a clone yeah maybe maybe maybe maybe and then shoot yeah [ __ ] your door oh okay times one two four seven five so okay so b bird b bird uh cat moon [Music] dog dog son no you you go back you punch him oh right b bird the bee the bird cat the cat the moon [ __ ] teamwork baby [Laughter] back on it oh back on your [ __ ] wow cute fireflies do you think we can hang from the bottom of those do you believe that airplane lines in the night sky like shitty stars mate i don't like those weird lights they look dangerous oh they're gonna explode us in the air wow what is it yeah what is it it's a gear what are we doing the [ __ ] out of here was that all we had to do with that one i guess so oh jesus what do we do with all the light losing its mind yours no something just said god is so hard to control oh yeah you can go forward oh there's a whole a how do you go down again oh god b there's something had a health bar over there i think we might have had to do that first what i don't know i have no idea my brains think today babe you need to do the thinking for two but i can't even do the thinking for me oh colors ah yeah i figured you have to wait for the yeah i didn't see the [ __ ] oh nice can you fix this bridge uh maybe if i should have flashback oh they switch oh i switched them you killed me wait wait what does this one do then green i need green i need green okay green i need blue green red uh-huh now and then i'll wait until you're on there yeah okay no and now you go ah there we go easy we'll talk about it later okay you're so hard on my brain yeah so you need blue yes i know red oh yeah okay i'm gonna keep going blue yes fridge stay on red okay now go to green yeah wow walk in the park wow impressive that's pretty amazing that's pretty amazing amazing i guess me too kid me too all right maybe we were supposed to do something with these now that they're open but it's good that we have both open because we saved ourselves a bit of time sure well the time is fake apparently background's cute you're cute oh thanks oh okay i don't know what the [ __ ] we do uh birds yeah there's a let's check out that bar there's we can kill them oh it's about to get messy oh we have to drop them on top of the things got it got it [Music] my bird is sick i'm getting it oops i just flew straight into it you can throw them from miles away by the way just hold the hell oh okay i thought i had to hang over it nah my god how do you even control this bird with [ __ ] pure grace [Music] do we go down yeah [Music] i'm walking my [ __ ] that's not a [ __ ] yep [ __ ] do we each okay now what there was nothing else with this right no it's unlucky uh oh there's wall jumpies on the side oh oh they we just oh i can't get man jumping and wait wait oh that did it oh whoops stay on it stay on stay on it wait where where are we supposed to take it to we just need to have them in the middle ah when you stop it goes back so we have to do that i see you see with your eyes not with your face fine ladies first oh such a gentleman uh psych i'm going first it's a trap door uh ladies die first apparently equal rights and all that we fell together yeah i can only click okay can't walk on that um oh we can't maybe watch out when it gets closer that's what i thought but it doesn't it doesn't let us grip it okay that's death oh use your thing use your thing my clones put a clone down and then go the other side okay wait for it to pass hurry up wow because i can't use my power whenever i want but you can't dump this so far little mice round of mountie oh devotee wait what are we doing uh that duh oh it's an elevator oh we go up now fade to black can we not time power anymore my brain's stanky yeah we did much better with the other powers [Music] what a magnificent place yeah is this going to fall again cool oh god yep it's falling behind you no functionality no oh it is oh i can't run faster wow look at this massive view that's awesome look at this absolute unit every little thing that happens in life so cool oh god okay oh now i just started sprinting you believe that airplanes in a nice guy and i shoot these stars [Music] wow whoa big dude you say that with swords clearly a gatekeeper yeah he's clearly a gamer it's clearly a 19 fortnight card we're gonna need some keys wow oh off i go apparently oh where are you going oh i'm in a hole get out stink that's a keyhole baby i think we need to be up here oh oh there i got lost [Laughter] yes oh what did i say again in twilight princess a new paint of cone paid a paint of coat yeah a new paint of coat all right hop on sir here left oh thank you around around or where she goes where she stops i have the power all right you're gonna have to put a clone oh yeah smart you're basically playing the game for me it takes one with two brain yeah that's what i'm thinking guess what oh can you put one in the air do a mario double jump oh [ __ ] mario galaxy brain over here i legit wanted to do like the mario back flip can't do that oh god oh wrong one again 19 fortnite okay oh god wait what is that actually going to do nothing we just need to get to that thing wait get me what's how high can i go hmm uh can you leave your clone there and then when you teleport you can just dash maybe yeah uh oh wait oh oh it's a telephone where'd they come from oh stupid huh anything else we can jump on um oh maybe i can get there's a there's a tiny platform hidden you can just turn to that clock no keep keep turning one way keep going keep going keep going come on keep going yes yeah oh god oh i missed the platform yeah the camera kind of stinks in this game it's just like now i can oh god oh god oh it doesn't work where do i go i don't know oh i'm i'm walking away oh i see she's walking away weird this is messing with my brain but now i'm just coming back to the center aren't i oh no [Music] wow here we go i wish you could like portal 2 emote each other so we get like high five yeah in the middle of the game all right you got one yeah we can move it come back well we have to get the other one don't you think we can already turn something no because we need another gear here [Music] okay okay hey this looks familiar you're gonna have to toss me people with dicks be like jesus come on all right i'm opening up the gate oh i can't i make that just dash back what just dash back left or right it won't let me jump again i'm trying to jump on the left think baby you got to be very patient with me okay i am not a doctor i'm half a brain cell right now okay you gotta jump to the other one okay where's the other one oh nice okay all right uh-huh now bring this thing down nice oh i'm sorry from yesterday look uh oh i did it how do you get into that what are you turning back ah now how do we put a clone on the ground oh there you go haha um but how do i get the key out now a teleport oh i just teleport with the key yeah okay didn't know what i'm walking away some troubles in my heart so can we yeah we need each other to turn them though oh oh man yeah i see what you mean so we you were right in the end oh we need to turn him first turn it back huh we need to go to the other side no no i can't can you let's just turn him the other side he's got a giant keyblade huh oh yeah he's here shut the [ __ ] up mickey and that's good stick your big key in there we go that's so cool oh i said she was [ __ ] coffee wow it's a bull i think some sort of like minotaur [ __ ] that's a load of bull i don't know whoa oh god [Applause] okay holy [ __ ] i'm more like orange i don't think the ball can wow that was half my health what do i do with this there's a big button here for some reason can we do something with it oh no hey maybe you can trick him with your clothes oh [Music] i think he's just going to kill me yeah move can you move away you can hurt it oh it's going to charge oh i can't yeah oh i need to be there oh you do yeah there's the wall disappeared yeah i'm ready did i do it yeah oh that was so close nice oh he [ __ ] you up yeah he hurts that [ __ ] hurt it here he comes yeah nice okay oh god oh you have to turn the bell back oh we have to do it again and then drop this on him i'm gonna die here okay because it has attention oh here it comes i don't even have to do anything oh we did it oh yeah what if we were standing there we would have just been dead it's down tough i'm exhausted that's me in real life keep moving i'm exhausted i'm [ __ ] tired what jump jump dash okay that worked that's why i tried but my timing was off i guess use that cody what is it it's a big heck whoa i'm here now if i could turn back time oh scary wait can we jump up these this one you got to do it i'm going to have to touch you one sick aren't these too far away from each other though oh wow wow now that's teamwork what do i do now right for you [ __ ] it up break it oh god i fell down with it that's fine thanks for the ride oh for the future right thanks for the password nice what if i just use this clock to get cody and may to go back to a time when they loved each other [Music] oh clone do we need a clone oh your phone doesn't actually actually stay there yeah you need to put a clone here and then teleport yeah okay do you decide on this you go [Music] come on there we go your powers are limited here they come ah oh i don't have a good feeling about this now what me neither do we need to jump then hey yeah it's going down does this hurt though oh yeah [ __ ] we both tested it yeah well now we know it's gonna get fast oh please i've been forged in the fires of fall guys yeah that's true just follow him oh i [ __ ] knew it since [ __ ] you game are you kidding me i am a gamer i am a gamer i am a gamer my heels raised it well to be fair i'm the one hosting the room and you're just living in my world so i think everything's laggier for you maybe i'm sure it's fine though wait this level reminds me of some like god war stuff like the new one no the older ones like pandora's temple oh this glass floor is tripping me get up yeah now i do cody make a dad joke no better man for it oh no don't grab that one again go forward oh i guess i'll go this way i don't know where this goes but i'm going to find out that's not the one i wanted oh yo oh no god damn it just grab that one [ __ ] i'm dead hey i have the same thing it's like it keeps grabbing the one behind me that's not even on screen just gotta abuse your double jumps and dashes there you go oh wow nice i'm that good she's that [ __ ] oh what was that no i don't know i just want to get out of here is that bernie sanders this is god of war [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] oh god what's so can we do in [Music] well knowing this bird's controls we just got away and they'll fly into a wall like the other one dude i landed salty shores where did you land keep your eyes on it don't forget to thank the bus driver oh bro every time whoa okay oh we can see him coming you can't turn back the time right oh god well hopefully that's what we're supposed to do are we dead nice is it taking us up yep oh [Music] oh [Music] [ __ ] stupid bird brain wait what did we do he smashed into the thing because he because you slow down time or something yeah i reverse time with the thing fell and that bird has a brain sizeable walnut i like walnuts whoa i like walnuts but only when it's in wood form wow oh my god hurry up yeah this is faster than sprinting this is i'm just gonna say it again anyone who's played god of war 3 this looks exactly like that big temple oh god oh god you're fine that was close i've barely had to move stand in the middle i'm here hug oh oh oh the icarus area yeah oh did it teleport us oh what is happening how would you go back to normal life after this knowing that this is the thing that happens this is literally god of war he i think what should happen next is that cody writes oh god cody writes a book about what happened hmm best-selling children's author yeah exactly and then dude this is all i can do i can't think ahead oh every he said everything happens now yeah there is no ahead huh just as i said they realized they [ __ ] up what's happening i don't know but the [ __ ] that i had earlier just went back in did you do that cody no no what why am i a circle oh oh make it destroy time okay okay okay oh and our past cells are running around too oh my god that's cool break all the clock [ __ ] that's fine just one more [Music] nice that actually worked out really well yeah that's so cool god that's crazy oh oh it's a big one holy [ __ ] we just got nuked that looks awesome oh you're all graceful and [ __ ] yeah okay cody are you okay are you doing this oh god yeah i'm controlling time right now okay all right i'll make my way the i don't know where next i don't know where next i don't know her next there either good there oh god oh god okay yeah okay okay that's my job come on how are you gonna get yourself over here like this my ah wow getting alice in wonderland vibes from some of this i'm getting uncharted vibes from this round before the bridge gets put destroyed exactly oh we're the dogs [Applause] [Music] yeah i don't know the lyrics [Music] wait so what did we do we saved the world it seems turn back the clock [Music] oh hi you got a kiss that's what happens when the clock strikes i feel stuck hey are you gonna keep up your end of the bargain mr book of truth yeah he does the same person does both of their voices okay you like it yeah okay yeah it's fun that he argues with himself [Music] oh oh that's what we were inside [Music] the clock fell over oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] oh lord oh god don't fall kids man this will make mom happy she likes it when things are on time [ __ ] loves a clock [Music] yellow walls huh yeah nathan drake tries to claim it all letter b's number one oh yeah that's what we're doing are you ready for piece number two and lesson number two no [Laughter] uh attraction of course charms chiming titties attraction protecting butt cheeks they are a little book cheeks what are you doing you don't like it no why is a try red and sun blue because it's both of us working together you're blue i'm red whichever you want wow snowy landscape we're gonna see a bunny get hit with an arrow [Music] it's the cutest thing i've ever seen it's [ __ ] gay it's like a magnet but you need both paws no plus one is minus oh this is the magnitude mechanics a magnet always has both poles [Laughter] not these magnets this is gonna be interesting i like this why does this place look so familiar yeah that's where we had our first cappuccino together hey you recognized that mountain yes this is where we had our first skiing trip together baby you weren't far off big buck we're stuck inside that snow globe ah get to the top of the mountain to receive your next piece did someone say top of the morning coffee you didn't mention a cappuccino use your magnet powers and the attractions yeah yeah let's get moving slides down the mountain [ __ ] pretty this is though it is yeah holy [ __ ] this is like from soft stuff it's very cute it reminds me of something but i can't think of what i'm stuck really let me try oh you i'm the just hold it up in a little bit i'm the repulsor stand on it oh i stand on it yeah because it's blue [Music] this way same colors repel oh so it's not consistent uh so i repel when it's blue and you attract when it's blue yeah it's the opposite that's how magnets work babe that's what she just said it's amazing oh god oh god i thought i was going to hang from it you guys was a lie you hop on headache oh i hop on yeah okay so attract stink i didn't do anything okay and then then push that sword repel nice i'm just going to say this looks like the snowy area and brothers of taylor two sons we gotta we gotta saw christmas with rose christmas trees yeah we snuck into the woods and cut down one ourselves i thought we'd get caught for sure oh it was so cute this is awesome is this a skyrim [ __ ] yeah what what does this remind me of what game i think maybe it's uh we were here together it reminds me of because that's the snowy one i think oh it's literally just their previous game they have a snowy area that looks exactly like this oh amazing if the attraction is this strong oh and then and then repel rosa i can tell that the way i can tell that my throat is healed is that i can do again i have missed your ah so how do i what can i do with this okay you gotta get in it [Music] pop it okay you got it bye nice [Music] it's coming come on sir oh it's coming and then just back gracefully nice this is epic yeah this is really fun sometimes you get stuck and stuff though really yeah oh we have to repulse the opposite side yeah yeah oh inside i think oh here yeah i thought we had to go back outside well i am outside so in a way yes i think this is yours oh so pretty you're pretty [Music] i'm here now switch it out i don't know is there a switch somewhere no i gotta do it i gotta do this on the right there no no to the right bad thing yeah but i wanted to do a bounce ah wait oh wait no you can't never mind no it's fine you're mine and then you do bounce on top right yeah but it might jump ah much closer to it for some reason there you go nice now how do i do that can i do this again no how am i going to get up [Music] i don't know i think you're supposed to be up here actually hmm oh maybe yeah you pull it down and then yep go go go oh oh i can't yeah it needs to be further oh wrong side one second one second two minutes oh it's so bright out um okay i can go to cross okay oh you're with me oh never mind how did you get here because it just reverses right now oh you just followed the bridge oh i almost forgot which button it is oh i'll just do all the [ __ ] leg work then how does all the [ __ ] leg work that's a good impression [Laughter] oh i can only repel that maybe you [Music] should hold it there hold it there and then i can grab it from you nope all right yeah and then i take over and then you can go yeah [ __ ] hell it takes two of us it takes two man that was [ __ ] wild nice i can't believe this game warm-up who would have thunk it took two i thought it would at least take like one or maybe even three the captain yeah i think you're right it's less smaller than it used to be oh nice and cozy hey close the door our old skates here oh yeah put them on oh we going skating i don't think oh [ __ ] yeah since we were here i know i don't know why i love skating me too oh because holidays cost money i went to clothes and you get two weeks holidays a year awesome freezing my ass off oh thank god oh so cute was it this cozy when we were here yeah yeah it's just just like i remember it you wanna you wanna hang out here for a while we should get going yeah yeah yeah you're right oh i know come on what where are you going he give you an olive branch me raise you to the bottom all right you're on they're so cute what if at the end of the game they're still getting a divorce wouldn't that be horrible i mean that's what i'm saying before the stream today i'm like it might end up that way i'm kind of curious how they handled like the complex the reality of this is a child yeah perfect escape because i don't think it's going to wrap up all nicely yeah we'll see oh my god this controls so [ __ ] well yeah i wonder why they [ __ ] up so badly with the bird everything else is so nice maybe the developer hates birds or maybe it's just one of those things like once it clicks it's fine it's just that yeah it was fine unconventional so yeah nice maybe push it now go outside oh oh oh oh that's not how i thought that that door would work yeah i was like maybe we should pull maybe we should push maybe we should do neither hmm it's just a handle we got a handle on things you remember this town yeah of course this is where we spent our first christmas together what's happened here used to be so busy i know where i mean you're not in the actual place silly it's down it used to be like your relationship oh it's symbolic but look at it now silent dead frozen went to sleep how are we gonna do that genius there's ice everywhere use your magnets magnets don't melt ice exactly but the bells in this town can break the ice now break the ice and get your prize cute babe how do you say burr yeah like the br break the ice oh you do like a rubber because i always it always confused me how in until dawn jess at one point goes burr and i'm like americans say burr wait what would you say well because in dutch it's br obviously because of the r yeah attracting a mate [Music] [Laughter] oh hey bounce up you got it i mean that's how you probably would say just lower it lower it okay raise it raise it raise it as i'm going keep going yeah you got it yeah baby he's got it bring that donger how do i there we go [Music] that's a long nose [Music] all the more to smell the snow with oh my god they're huge we did good they look like characters from despicable town looks like me i remember it now really really this is what people look like to you they were like 5 15 times your size all right where do we go i don't know there's another door here all right move on do you think we missed the mini game maybe this area definitely has a mini game oh i can speak like lamp or like ceiling light in the distance it's so weird tonight wow where what through the snow globe see the ceiling light hanging down off in the distance [Music] right where my pom-pom is yeah i see it on your screen but oh there oh [Music] ah the music's so calming this place really is a sleeping the hustle village bustle when we were here it was crowded and fun i hope we can wake it up looks like there are three bell towers violence can't hear me i wanna beat you up you wanna try again no i'm here now no miss your chance it's fine it's fine i don't need to look icicle throwing we could do this the long con wait why is this only one why does it not work i can't pick him up oh cause you have it can't hear me can't hear me yeah i can't i can't grab these for some reason because you can't hear me lost your [ __ ] privileges can't hit me too slow [Music] mom [Laughter] wait how do we unfreeze what everything's frozen i want to do icicle throwing don't we have to climb up for that yeah probably probably probably there's another handle okay snowballs i might throw one or two oh wonder if we can use that great i think it's your turn [Music] there oh that's not where i need to be oh i need it over here go oh and then you want to turn it a little bit yeah ah yeah i gotta i i gotta stick to it yay okay i got it now i got it now go go all the way up can't you go higher oh yeah that's about as high as i can go oh faster faster faster faster you got it oh no you don't go okay okay nice nice there you go i'm an epic gamer yeah yeah oh it's going to come to life right before our very faces that looks pancakes good ah look at the light that would be amazing now see oh big dude oh my god you're so browned what the heck [Music] oh yeah this is a mini game look at the size of this lad absolute [ __ ] unit so big it's the size of a boss okay throw icicle okay darth is definitely my game yeah but you know you're better with a controller than i am same principles what are we through at though oh oh [ __ ] oh god i'm garbage with a controller oh nice a multiplayer i'm so bad icicle shot i that sound think the multipliers keep moving i'm doing you're winning babe i'm not by a lot you're like i'm so bad at this i'm so bad at this and i'm here like uh what i am oh oh no oh yeah i'm the world cup winner fine but we're inside a snow globe it's a tiny world oh babe kenny apple yeah oh can you eat them yay [Music] i can't grab it oh there we go ate them all [Music] oh yes i want to be as big as that guy carrying the cart i need to grow big and strong [Music] this is delicious candy is the way to do that oh pancakes pancake pancakes food leave nothing left oh i can't eat another mic we get an achievement for being delicious for eating everything [Music] can we i think that was all of it oh only more what's this here swings swing them oh do you want to do you want to sit on the swing i'm just going to kill this guy don't grab him i need to [ __ ] him up he's got to hit like 15 g's [ __ ] swing oh my god he flew wait can you sit on me i [ __ ] him up oh yeah here we go baby no momentum babe uh you were saying [Music] i want to join my friend i'm gonna go to the lighthouse [Music] oh no no don't grab that swing can i get off no you need to fly well that's what i'm saying like do i have to jump off maybe you can't oh no [Laughter] let me train oh he did it that was a long fall your turn your turn [Music] one miles away but it's all the way there yeah i'm ready [Music] oh oh you gotta you gotta really feel it so when i should cancel out of it and then i just fly at the top yeah at the top yeah wouldn't i fly the other way then well it's a bit delayed whoa you can still just press y whenever yeah go so okay oh oh there i go i'm already outfit what if you can go to the lighthouse try me again i don't think you can time it like that okay let's go sliding [Music] next to you [Music] oh you need to push oh oh wrong one oh yeah we need to be in this one oh there you go you want in yay [Music] wait for me to come back now go again [Music] and wait for me to come back oh too soon too soon yeah i have to wait until i'm going again i go wow like that oh you don't really go much higher that was fun yeah oh these guys are chilling that was so tiny [Applause] i'm going to kill this kid real quick you're going to bounce him off he's having a great time [Music] oh i can just do it both ways oh that makes so much more sense what am i thinking whoa that's much higher yeah oh there's a turtle look at the way i lay in the chair i can move the turtle [Music] wait there's a red turtle here too hi turtle off the edge bye oh there's another one here oh he came back [Music] whoa wait wait wait there's a big turtle here we need to bring them here wow oh you're a kid don't worry we promise to bring your children home um okay this is easier i can push this one we'll bring back your kids nice so two more where's your stinky [ __ ] children sorry maybe up here don't want nice i haven't found anyone oh he's here come on oh yeah uh is it this way yep babe i killed younglings look now give us something cool what are you gonna do like a 19 fortnight [Music] that's gonna be helpful uh there's oh yeah you're right okay let's do it you gotta attract to that one i think look the big wheels turning big wheels keep on turning drop a machinery yeah um and then oh and then i can you keep turning it ah right so there's a blue one oh god don't turn it too fast thank you nice okay now i can turn it uh so you want a blue one right hey yep cannon let go [Music] there you go nice need to grab this [Music] uh-huh ferris wheel [Music] wait there's fish in a there's a snow globe in a snow globe no snow ception holy [ __ ] what happened killing some kids wait maybe if i go the other way actually it's better watch this i'm making this thing turn oh oh you're doing it too yeah um you get in one yeah oh again jesus oh you're out hey you hopping okay um oh i thought you were in oh stop stop you going too quick i i can't it doesn't stop it has to keep going okay okay there i'm in okay are you ready [Music] okay i'm out now is this anything oh it's a slide there's a slide hmm [Music] the town loves you that's nice i'll be there any minute i'm coming i don't think there's anything else here though this music is lovely yeah it's so nice and chill get up there chill [Music] i think this is cannon and i will get along well stick to it no stick to the front the front i can't oh [Music] i don't think it's activated maybe we need to do the tower first oh oh what the heck wait where does that work oh i make them oh go up [Music] no i don't know how to yep yeah nice nice do i need to go higher oh here we're going across here oh yeah okay i'll just fire them they go down on their own oh i am very high up no no that way no nice i think so no yes nice perfect perfect nice shooting tex you did it hey no problem at all nice [Music] whoa owls snow wipes snow globe or shouting out oh i see nice we're going to or should i say ice that's the last bell oh i can hang on the birds hey it looks like that gondola lift is working harry let's catch it to get to the top i wanna i want a bird blaze has a great energy now [Music] mini game yeah i wonder where it is why don't you see one whoa snowball arena wonder where i am yeah yeah this one here this looks like a mini game snowballs oh you're gonna destroy me in this uh-oh hey mate come here aim and throw okay oh he [ __ ] me up last time do we need to collect balls first i can't grab them though oh no i can't i just didn't show i just abused your dodges guys you can't really tell when they're coming yeah the lock-on is a little unfair i mean i have the same lock on [Music] nice well no the mini game in the bag that was that oh sorry folks come through i'm tiny take that snowman [Music] wow whoa what is this shuffleboard ah nice oh wait you're blue doesn't matter how long we've been playing as they'll go for the wrong one yeah i don't know i don't know as close to the edge as possible wait so oh we have to be down here uh okay whoever gets the closer to the edge wins okay [Applause] oh that's way too much okay [Applause] okay that's not enough i can still win it though wait you can shoot multiple times oh you i already shot all three oh oh that's way too hard whoops yeah that's what i did okay one more one more time because now we know the sensitivity a little bit yeah i like these ones instead of the ones where it's like hyper intensive speed timed oh there's a block on the ice oh [ __ ] it's harder now there's too much sauce on that one [Applause] nice oh i see i see icy icy well i can knock one into it but is that even worth it at this point ah [ __ ] that's what i did is that a draw so far oh you've one left dang it okay well you're gonna win this one i'm gonna try a thing nice okay one more one to one i think someone touched my pups best out of three yeah let's see how difficult this thing is oh god oh okay i think that's good oh it's good oh it's good [Applause] nope [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] that was way too soft dang it dang it okay dang it [Applause] you already fired one so far oh no two that second one came back oh yeah um come on come on dang it oh dang it yes well played so hoping it would get four points well played nice that was fun oh i win something today yay that's i think that's my favorite mini game so far the whole town is alive again we made it yeah my ears are still ringing oh i like the sound effect in here wow look at the town you too they really do that for all the hey there's the shot where i got your crew they altered the sound of our voices a lot depending on your favorite gifts before we got wow this is gorgeous i did but i left them at home it is you could have told me i wonder if we can just play the minigames for fun after this i was worried be disappointed from the main menu of course not big house could have waited for my christmas i could see the kitchen table oh yeah weird that's awesome smart as always me fake lamp [Music] oh time to get drunk time to party what's up oh pink purple that's so pretty awesome yeah wait i connect i got their head like this one huh grab their head they're look yeah whoa this one oh [Music] give me drinks i'm up here now oh wait where oh all the way in the back yeah damn i got i'm gonna see if i can keep this hat yeah what if you can keep the hat until the end of the game oh i would oh if you don't die that would have been awesome ooh speed racers hey cody do you feel the rhythm oh yeah it's bobsled yeah i was like is that the word feel the rhythm feel the ride here we go it's bob's time cool let's [ __ ] wow look at that whale that's so cool sounds like fun sounds like fine fantasy 10 music nice this is so fun yes let's go oh [ __ ] white house let's get that same one the music's great yeah everything's [Music] great oh into the whale oh my god oh oh i need to bring all the goods we're inside an actual dead whale i don't like that oh it stinks it smells how do you know he's dead maybe he ain't dead did he look like he was moving um also where's the exit to the whale yeah i don't think [Music] holy [ __ ] jeez this is awesome eat my snow oh is this what we were supposed to do yeah what did you think oh i thought this was like a fun extra little thing oh no it was way too pretty for a sightseeing yeah god they're so cute with the winter outfits yeah really cute oh come on what this how are we supposed to get to the top of the mountain from here oh [ __ ] that will take you to the top of the mountain just follow it's live ah come on wait what's the name of that glass again a fresno lens or frontal lobes yeah fred frannel yeah there's an anime but it's you're fun to me lobster archie that's from the lighthouse movie right here he can't go in water okay swim oh can we swim under the sea under the sea oh no it's the same controls everything's better don't worry it's whiter under the sea do you just dash all the time to get forward go forward hold forward you just press a to correct yourself because when i do that i just sometimes just get completely turned around and i'm like no i didn't mean to turn that much oh oh what is that machine i think it's right under the lighthouse are we still inside a snow globe [Music] i have no idea also we can breathe on the water i guess as dolls it's not important oxygen fresnel equals fernell oh fresnel lens yeah fresnel wasn't that the way to pronounce it i thought it was fennel but whatever it's a disaster of a word she's tiny are the dude's really yeah of big i'm totally listening hola over here oh great here we go buckle up your ears they're delighted you came all this way to repair their candy factory candy what again you see those generators over there that's an effort worth doing prepare them and the sweet candy will flow again candy i see okay so uh saturday i can have candy again yes back into our relationship of course without sweetness our relationship will die yeah right just throw us some sweets and we'll cancel the divorce sweetness comes in many forms man when was the last time you thank cody for taking care of everything in your home um whoa um oh here he comes appreciation for working overtime to support the family huh huh well there was that time when you know exactly turn on the candy production and make the swiss sweetness flow i hope you packed your tool kit here cody okay listen to the [Music] wait what do we need to do oh we need to be down there huh i found the rich help me up hey um how how do i get down again what button b b okay okay you can click the right stick to find me right okay so what do you want to do there grab it oh we need to lift it and take it you got to put it on top of this the fish is here though i think i just lost a few years there holy [ __ ] okay [Music] you can put it on this bolt i can't lift this for some reason come on up up up am i doing it up why it's not going up no it is it is it is just very slowly oh it got stuck i maybe we need it on this [Music] nice okay okay he didn't like you that's instant panic okay other side wait so righty tighty yeah right he thought he left him he coming back oh okay same again so we did it now we just need to take it with us yep this way okay let's go he's on my oh he's behind us he sure is oh he's coming we need that okay bye okay i touched him i touched the butt oh he's coming back immediately oh jesus did he eat you yeah i died i was just hiding under the cable wow okay i'm here okay let's do it we got the fog gotta have the funk oh we got the funk right i gotta do it one more time after this righty tighty lefty loosey nice he's ready though he's not here yet he's freaking out you can't you can't guess me i'm on the floor can't catch me she can't swim [Music] okay this is easy oh this is far away such an easy one oh swimming is actually easier than the flying because you can just aim where you want to go yeah [Music] get the sweetness flowing get the sweetness flying again uh the red and white candy whoa cool oh we get to control that hey it's working look at that now what [Music] wow it's so quick yeah jesus whoa wait do we go here sharkies oh we have to do two more of these let's follow the pipes they're so big sword boy where are you that way wait i don't see you oh i'm over here i'm coming should we have brought the wrench that would suck the game wouldn't do that to us just in case you forgot yeah well i did forget earlier this is like a journey thing there but you just go nice god that is lovely i love this it's like abzu yeah it is so nice wow that was amazing that was totally wicked oh god how do we do this oh there's things to grab you see yep we come out on the other side oh see i thought you went upstream i ain't salmon i can't swim oh whoops i [ __ ] it up i [ __ ] it up [Applause] okay [Music] nice do we go here wait i can't grab it oh i did it anyway you're pro like that i'm just built different water pillars holy [ __ ] you jump into it and then you basically launch yourself with eggs but you have to launch yourself to the other yeah exactly oh why did oh man you'd be so close sometimes yeah kind of sucks sometimes here here we go uh come down a little bit and go so cool nice can i just launch to this one yeah that's why i did i did the same thing i was like can i just skip one that's so [ __ ] cool yeah it's fun okay let's see let's wind it up yep and push it and push it and push it nice oh look at that teamwork are we doing the right thing oh yeah is this okay we got some good practice in with the the roundabout thing in the yeah second generator up and running look at that peppermint goodness only one kid i'm so excited for candy let's go whoa this is the best mario game ever oh ramp rings boost speed pass through the yellow checkpoints to complete the lap okay okay so we need to hit yellow for sure race time this really feels like playing like a spyro or a crash game catch you later okay so we can't really oh oh god oh okay no that was my ring no stink ah oh you can dash in the air as well i almost went too far i had too much speed i was gonna miss the ring catch me if you can i'm trying nice here comes the eyesight how many rounds do we need to do oh god i missed every [ __ ] three oh you're so far ahead now yes oh lordy babe speed is key how could you forget that speed is it's not relative easy ah turn oh god i bumped into the wall oh oh man it just hit like a tiny lip and it stopped me completely yeah oh man i lost something [ __ ] as well what the heck oh [ __ ] i missed him oh [ __ ] i missed him unwinnable there we go i'm missing rings though well i'm missing brain cells so very relatable that doesn't really stop you too much no no no not that way no oh quick recovery yes wow so close hey nice uh they were blocking my path good job okay well that was that stressful oh we can go underwater water so pretty where do we go uh follow the tube oh yeah you're right oh my god so fun this is so well designed [Music] so what do we have here oh can you grab this yes i can i don't know what it does though can you grab it and pull it out oh wait i can if i go up swim up nice thank you oh oh i can see the generator it's on the opposite side wait but um oh can you pull those from there yeah nice i need that whoa that's so cool like that yeah do you want to go go again this way is that lava yeah all the way up oh wait you can't go any further [Laughter] um yeah oh no no no no no let go let go let go oh god i panicked am [Music] bring it bring that one down and go around and then i'll get onto this one on this side wait don't know what are you doing no grab this one just grab it and pull it down and to the right uh where do you want it down to the right like like this yeah i can probably just oh i can't quite spin it like i thought i could grab this awesome okay yeah i think we can turn it somehow yeah maybe just grab the other one see what if i wait is this do i have to do anything with this bring me back that's what i was thinking well halfway there yeah extend in that and then i'll turn it around all right that's what i was trying to do i see yeah all right no that's okay hey this thing's got an underside whoa oh my god we're coming oh god that's cool it's a big propeller okay [Music] so now i just gotta go around again yeah bring it to the left yeah to the left to the left and down is that it candy that did it good job good job okay now that we got this working maybe we should end the stream after this little cutscene maybe yeah after whatever is that like a boss left maybe i don't know is the boss right after this chat i just want to make sure you have enough time to eat before you have to do your other thing oh i'm kind of running out of time to get food i have to order well i can take care of most but yeah [Music] where does the slide take you how do you get out of there uh i think people send the bosses after this we could just do that oh we could yeah and then i'll just make you food um [Music] should we just go to the objective yeah ah people are out here saying it's like another whole hour we did this in like 10 minutes wait people said no boss for a while oh okay i was i was gonna say that let's just open otherwise people be lying people will be doing heck and fools yeah let's go until it says saving in the corner it'll probably say saving right after this oh big screw oh pretty wow oh cold we're all wet still oh it didn't safe up and up and up we go where do we stop probably at the top i'm getting hungry now i'm starving i'm 360 views oh big [ __ ] yeah i'm getting dizzy keep on going cody come on me your tiny little legs yeah my oh i thought it holding right was gonna be fine but i need to hold down as well sometime yay oh like i just flopped for some reason so pretty this me push the peppermint little nightmares vibes yeah come on this way wow perfect are you guys going through this i hope it leads to the top of the mountain yeah so do i oh nice yep here we go the magnets in the middle yeah they're two little kids cute here we go that's terrifying finally a breather yeah you say that but terrifying we sure have wow what a nice area oh a pirate ship back there yeah so i said when we were in the lighthouse you could see it in the distance oh i didn't i completely missed oh it saved nice you know we haven't been on vacation since rose was born really what has it been that long oh god dies a long time wait why didn't we stop going skiing well rose was born and then the bills piled up yeah yeah i guess welcome to being an adult and then we have the leak and the roof remember oh don't remind me um but maybe once we sold the house there might be some money left over for a weekend trip hey you could take rose to waterland yeah it's a great people love that place us all summer to take her there and then i'll take her again when it's my turn yeah she'll get to go twice a double of fun yeah yeah double the fun they both don't like the idea also i like how they were both like yeah since rose was born oh well should we call it here not yet let's go you want to go yeah i just want to keep playing the game oh look at the mountain in the distance holy [ __ ] hang on to your glasses no way you can dash or something right oh yeah yeah you can holy [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] ah ah i'm starting to get it oh my god even the music sounds like journey oh holy [ __ ] nice we're playing baby i keep dashing before i land it doesn't help oh i do that too though i think it slows you down got that yeah i don't think it slows you down really i don't think it slows you down nice oh where are we heading though oh here hey oh i wanted to go further here i am meditating oh hey someone's frozen in here [Music] look we can slide this thing around oh what is that oh is that a monster whatever it is i'm glad it's small whatever it is i think we can like can't we wall jump this oh no we can't huh there's a bouncy thing over here that i can go on but i can't reach anything when i go on it oh then move me okay yeah [Music] noise but i think then you can probably reach it cody crash it yeah use that butt of yours i got a [ __ ] donkey the power of the dumpie dave this is so fun yeah i love this game oh my turn i'm on a hook okay i'll get you across hang on tight and wait oh god i'm high up shrek i'll get it down i'll get the different huh [Music] okay i was gonna chance it but i don't want to [ __ ] things up okay thank you thank you for your love and support during this very difficult time of my life thank you for the ride [Laughter] since i said that yeah yeah when are we when are we playing bloodborne again babe soon afterwards oh i just saw it the banner has red and blue in it that's why it works for both of us whoa are we on bones oh oh god we're gonna have to fight like a big yeti oh that would be awesome this is so cool i can't go on that one it's super fun it's so nice when a game lets you like keep the flow like that yeah push more games than that [Music] it's just so fun it's not even a house but it's really fun to do well yeah the flow is just right just enough of a speed boost that you're like okay this is awesome oh no i fell he got a double jump stink yeah i didn't i just let the i just let it carry me it's like playing a pixar movie yeah that's what people are saying oh my youtube comments are like this is like a pixar movie yeah i wait think come on come on over here mate i'm here oh look at that let me see if they know the way to the top it's a lock though oh but it's red and blue yeah teamwork someone say it takes two you just open the door of opportunity look along yes when something dies something new can be born whoa whoa wait a minute are we dying now are we having a second baby surprise you're pregnant remember that one drunk night [ __ ] you need to rebuild your relationship relationship what where what i thought he was going to show up oh lord this is the bridge of cousin doom fly you fools are you so much quicker than i am i don't know the game just launched me baby get out of here keep moving i can't stop technically oh that was not where i thought we were going oh yeah i thought we were going to the right same nice nice hey come on man bounce me up [ __ ] the wall oh god now miles getting mad i just went out over the edge and it killed me for no reason like where i was supposed to go i just died you're telling me don't slow down look how far behind you are cody just keeps killing me oh so many boosters oh god michael didn't work for some reason no and the game just stopped me yeah i'm just standing here i'm dead you know when you were talking about the flow earlier yeah yeah i was giving it too much credit huh what the where the hell am i oh you're way behind now yeah oh it's all your game now what what happened i did apparently okay i made it oh yeah oh i guess you were ahead and it couldn't yeah it doesn't want to load the area yet until we're both there stinky game good work with your magnets can you feel it hey you feed it yes they feel like crap no your attraction has grown stronger look oh can we break things in between us now use your growing attraction to get to the top of the mountain morning to you ladies top of the mountain ladies this is the result of all my weight training i will carry you i'm like a tick on your ass suck the life on you i can't carry the magnet for you but i can't carry you can i oh thanks for the piggyback can you like can we shoot each other yeah jump oh okay now you bounce off of it now you come to me oh yeah senor can you feel the power of love that's so cool yeah we're like slingshots oh i thought i could do that mid-air so you like jump across well i can't jump across no no go well you could probably just go the other way but i want to test something yeah that's what i was thinking yeah yeah nice oh okay i thought we were doing something that wasn't allowed a storm is coming yeah we should stay close to each other keep your magnet ready magnus always ready baby really feel this magnet pulling towards you oh there's the tower i can't move look at me grab me you have to get up there you're too far away oh you need to grab yeah you need to grab the red and then i just grab you hold on tight i don't see that oh i want this one oh you have to be really close to it yeah so now you just hold um i'm still being pushed back though uh can't we're gonna make it through this okay [ __ ] now you grabbed me this one pushes you pretty far yeah i can't do this without you i mean i'm not doing anything i'm just holding up to your head we can make it through together okay oh you're like going for it here comes the way what isn't this good well there was another one in the left we skipped i believe in you mate this is better fight through it fight toilet man you can do it loves strong strong vibes go to the next one go to the next one oh we made it come on mate oh scrooge [Music] why isn't it working for me let me crouch oh you crushed through this see [Music] you're [ __ ] fine calm down are we going this way to the right no well i think we are nothing in here um there's a bounce pad here oh is it just never ending window yeah this is exactly like journey [Music] journey's so good yeah i hate wind sections like this in games though um okay let's test oh i got it i got it i got it i got it do you want me to come to you i don't know i don't know if this actually helps oh yeah come to me stick to me you're going to have to stick to me and i think i can go left and get out of it oh [Music] nice [Music] um now we can get across while you're in the thing i think the other side huh can you hold that cross while you're in there if we both do that we'll meet in the middle oh yeah oh so you just stay there then yeah that makes sense i forgot we could do that it wasn't until i saw you on the other side i was like oh okay one two three oh we brought it somewhere hurry up the cody pole and the maypole nice we did it oh this looks so warm and colorful people pointed out that the magnet says calm cnm either side of a giant you [Laughter] it's windy out there my ears just popped what's going on here hi all that snow made me horny you want to go to a cabin can you imagine that's what happens she gets pregnant and that's why they stay together oh god one kid couldn't keep us together but two yeah stolen aurora boring alice look it's so pretty yeah we brought the sweetness back that's really cool looking hmm pretty now i know why that book sent us here yeah this is where i proposed oh [ __ ] i was i was so nervous i know that's what made it special oh really you know how you forgot your whole speech it was the worst proposal in the history of proposals no cody i didn't care about the words it was the way you handled it so cute yeah it was brave i like the little swirls in their chin he's happy hello what a beautiful moment you two you're making great progress we got more work to do though are you ready let's get going yeah we still only have one page wait is there no boss for the snow section i don't think we're done with it yet oh i think we are because we made it to the top of the tower ready it's snowing mommy daddy i've just been eating butter straight from the knife trying to feed myself i don't know how to cook i'm seven [Laughter] the final boss was love we can't turn up the game where it's literally maxed out yeah it's a really soft game for some reason oh hmm oh that's so cute girl's like i've never seen him go skiing actually yes different lifetime letter b is number two that's kind of cool actually yes we're thrilled good now how do you find your purpose ah the outfits are back to normal i love how they're like handcuffed basically to the chair your purpose in yeah passion path purpose passion you know maybe he's talking about you wanting to be a gardener goodman tell him delhi well we partly moved here because you wanted to build your own garden oh so i've got a sprout in my head i never understood why well i mean firstly you never really encouraged me like at all and i mean that's not what should stop you from seem to appreciate doing something you like oh so now it's my fault you see this is why we can't live together you see that's why i gave up i do see but look what it did to your relationship goody it's time to awaken fashion can you imagine blaming your significant other that they didn't encourage you enough so you didn't do something that does not make any sense [Music] you
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 181,074
Rating: 4.9774823 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, it takes two, boyfriend, jacksepticeye, it takes two steam, it takes two gameplay, it takes two walkthrough, it takes two playthrough
Id: 4okrfWDgG3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 29sec (8069 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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