A Simple Message || Joey White || September Shake Up

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[Music] ah when september comes to mind all you can imagine is the most beautiful trees and landscapes and shake up of course phil now is not the time september is about the wild flowers and the petals and the beauty and majesty and checkup community jacob nature shaker phil it's about the coming together celebration seasons majesty nature life people season friends nature birds why am i in a suit welcome to september shake off [Music] [Music] look what god shook up god chucked a bit of powder in a protein shaker and out i came we are here [Music] thank you so much you may be seated good evening good evening and it is so good to be here with you for international sunday and if you're joining us online like luke said to those in sydney and melbourne our hearts are with you and over there in the uk past andrew and louise we've been praying for you this whole week and i sire you are the man over there in seoul south korea i know that there's connect groups meeting right now and i want to welcome all those new people that are joining this week it is so good to have you with us tonight and i want to take a moment i want to honour pastor joel and ellen they don't like it but i'm going to do it because this couple has played an important part in my journey here it was a shake-up of a journey there were many shaking up conversations but i stand here because of your guys trust in me and i want to thank you can we please or give pastor joel and ellen whether you're at home tonight let's thank them we honor you guys and my mum my mum is joining me from over there in para para umu in new zealand and my sisters my little brother mum as i said yesterday please make a decision after this message that would be great say yes to jesus she doesn't know him yet but i wanted to and it is international sunday and what a privilege it is it's just it's a privilege to be here with you you've seen all the culture on the stage through worship you got to see a haka but who is honored to be a part of a church that sees and doesn't mind what culture takes place within the church but we know the main reason why we're here right we know regardless of ethnicity regardless of where we're from where you grew up where you're at right now some of you walked in this evening you feel left out because you don't have a culture i remember my wife saying to me oh she's australian by the way but she was like babe i'd love to have some sort of dance or i said no because we've got to come and get some of your culture to keep ours stable so don't worry australians please take pride in it because we love your culture just as much just as much and i want to take a moment to pray right now before we continue join me holy spirit we invite you into this room we thank you that whoever is watching online whether they're joining us for the first time or in this room lord i pray fertile soil lord father i pray that you would see hearts tonight in this room that a seed begins to be scattered lord it would fall on good soil that people need to hear the words that are going to be spoken tonight father let it be god breathed heaven ordained and jesus focused as we bring a word lord let it not be my words but let it be yours in jesus name we pray and everyone said amen amen well like i said i've got my mom joining online and i got i got approval to use a particular story from my mum and she was okay with it so two months ago we went back to new zealand for a conference and it was great we had a few boys we went back we were going in for a conference hotels were booked i even had the boys messaging me calling me like bro i heard you're back in town some of them might be watching hey bro um bro come stay man it's been years two years coverts locked us out of being able to see our family some people in this room can relate so you can understand my eagerness to get back and just want to give my mom a hug give my little sisters and my nephew my newborn nephew a big hug and so i said to my mum i'm coming back she's like okay cool where are you staying i'm like at a hotel we're good there don't you worry and if you don't know new zealand mums you're in for a treat right because she pretty much put me in a position where i couldn't make a choice where i stayed now even i'm a 34 year old man yeah love you mom and so i pursued i proceeded to head back to new zealand we got to the airport everyone settled into their hotels and off i went to paraparauma new zealand about 40 minutes north of wellington now my mom had moved into a new place it was great i was man i had big expectations you know five-star expectations and so we came to the house i get out greet my mum everything's good greet my sisters i'm like man so good to be home that was great i'm like mum can i quickly refresh can i quickly refresh i need to use the shower and stuff like that can i go can you show me my bedroom so she proceeds to show me the bedroom in her new house and it was like beautiful i was like oh mum stepped her game up like man there's woolly blankets double beard i'm ready to stretch out up on this thing right everything's set to go and then she walks up to the corner of the bed and she pulls it and she goes you're sleeping with me thanks mum now see that shock that you feel that's how i felt that's how i felt that shock was legit and i said to my mum i'm 34 years old with three kids ain't no way i'm sleeping with you thank you very much but i don't know what your culture looked like growing up i don't know what you dressed up in i don't know what could have gone on in the home whether you were a single parent or you have the privilege of having both parents there can be things associated with culture that one we can love or to we can hate or three we're kind of in between and so i come from this culture of your as you've heard from my mom we had five children a few extra kids on the side that we've called adoption which is like uh pretty much you adopt them with no papers it's called fungi and they become your new sister that's how it works in the maori culture just say you know when we say kazi yeah we mean it but like i said there's one thing that brings us all together and i want to talk about that today you're here you're here down there in the corner brie keegan's here him he's here lee's here joel's here because there's a culture that we all honor there's a culture we all know we're a part of but no one's really ever defined it no one's ever said okay cool kingdom culture it's always been this word yeah kingdom culture yeah like hey everybody's like yeah don't make me explain it though because i have no idea right hey so unsaid one night yeah kingdom culture mount part of the kingdom yeah but really it's like yeah yep jesus all the way but let's see what god has to say about kingdom culture hey let's have a look in the word let's see what he's got for us and i want if you can turn to philippians 3 20 if you do have a bible there i'll give you about 10 seconds so you'll never get there anyway just look at the screen and read with me but we are citizens of heaven citizens of heaven let me just take a moment to understand this when we are talking about heaven we are talking about the kingdom of god but in order for a kingdom to take place god has to reign so there has to be a king reigning over his kingdom so if we're going to talk kingdom culture you've got to understand that god has to reign if you're actually going to say you're a part of it otherwise yeah you just you're probably under an umbrella we are talking about kingdom cultured people that say yes lord i sit under you but we are citizens of heaven where the lord jesus christ lives and we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our savior but in the context of the scripture it's interesting because paul's referring to the future of heaven so some people get stuck and this is why people don't want to confront the conversation of kingdom culture because we're uncertain we're unsure we're like oh is it now was it then is it oh heaven like but heaven on earth but when i go back to matthew 6 and i look at the lord's prayer it says thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so the question i have for you is are you not wanting to kind of allow kingdom culture to flow over you because you're uncertain and if you are i want to begin to define that for you today or are you deliberately not wanting to come under his reign you want to be a part but you don't because it's like uh yeah cool i own a three-bedroom house but i don't own the garage you'd never do that to a real estate agent but we want to hold one room out from god 2013 my beautiful wife and i made our way over here to australia to live in 2012 we actually came and had dinner with pastor joel and alan after we got married and in 2013 my wife is from sydney by the way if you didn't know i'm from wellington in new zealand she flew into wellington i married her six months later true story she moved back to wellington for three months and then we moved back from sydney from wellington back to the gold coast right man it was amazing i was like man the sun's good wellington's depressing no i love you wellington but still it rains all the time me like and when i came over i was like man this place is good this place is good there is so much here in australia but there are a couple of things that i quickly had to adapt to culturally pastor joel's not scared to remind me every so often as well of a couple of things that i need you're in australia now [Laughter] don't be saying that and i've got a couple of images that i want to run past you image number one do we have image number one it's not that defining it is supposed to be an esky yeah like yup i think it looks like a stereo or something else but that's all right an esky right use or know what an esky is well when i come over i rock up to a barbecue i'm like bro can you get the chili bin chili bin please like i think it's appropriate appropriately name right because like it's a bin and things chill in it and then they get chilly in it but then esky i'm like what like blowing my mind but then we've got a new one image number two this one's just completely inappropriate oh we don't even want to go there we don't even want to go there these are called in australia thongs these are laughing because you know where this is going hey if you're a kiwi see an esky i can tolerate like i can go to a kiwi hey there's an esky they'll still give me grief it's like chili burn but with these a thong in new zealand has a total different meaning now if you didn't know what a thong is in new zealand it is a piece of underwear that is about as thin as a fishing line right and then i gotta tell people yeah i got two thongs no don't get me don't get me with it so i've i've had to adapt to life hey like i've had to quickly change my language and i bet i'm not the only one that's had to adjust a different a different understanding of what it looks like right but here's the thing i've learned a culture a normal culture or what we would define as a normal culture say ethnicity or even personal it always carries a message there's always something behind what's being delivered there's always something trying to be said right then it carries language right i can talk my traditional language tommy can maybe talk his traditional language yeah yeah he's got it but then there's actions so i've got a message right actually let's go message down here i've got a message i've got some language and i've got some actions so then why is kingdom culture any different why is kingdom culture any different see oh i hate to break this down for you i've called this message a simple message i'm quite a simple guy right these these get degrees i was halfway to seed but not quite john's john 3 16 right and i'm going to bring out the gospel here because i feel the kingdom culture the kingdom message is simple for god so loved the world that he gave us his only son that whosoever should believe shall return receive eternal life and not perish i think that message is fairly clear i'm trying to figure out where it becomes complicated like i've been asking myself this question how did it become so complicated it's simple he sent his son for us to die on the cross that whosoever anybody online over there in the uk over there in seoul see without the message of jesus there is no kingdom culture you're just rolling on your own so i've established now that i've got this message that i carry not this message jesus i carry jesus rolling with jesus i've got to understand what the message is so i've got to break down okay what does jesus represent now because in order to understand a kingdom culture i've got to understand what he stands for otherwise i will go off and make decisions on my own that i don't even know line up with the word of god for example love now we'll go into that a little bit deeper faith hope these are words that some of us don't want to use but when it comes to culture it's super simple healing i felt this clearly there's somebody watching that wants healing the message of jesus will bring you healing but it's up to you to pray tonight provision some of your requests are simple to god you just want provision thank you tilly you're amazing just going to get this provision truth obviously with all the news some of us aren't certain on which way to go that's why as pastor joel said we're releasing a particular statement certainty forgiveness i'll just leave that one there you take whatever you want from it and last but not least for me victory because no matter what's going on in the world it doesn't matter anyway because we know that jesus is on the throne and if the message is simple i want to give you a couple of things that you need to understand language that we need to be talking that if we're going to be part of kingdom culture this is a language we need to be ensuring that we are providing people through the message of jesus a hope for their future healing for their sickness provision for their lack truth during uncertain times and forgiveness from sin so my question again have we complicated it somewhat do we get in the way of what jesus is trying to do with people i i say this from a place where i've had to ask myself the question the message hasn't changed it never will change jesus is our message actually if you want to know glow's message jesus is our message [Applause] so if i've got my message sorted and i know who and what i'm carrying then what does the language change look like i touched on a few little things but what does it actually look like for us to touch on language for example these different types of languages and different cultures as i mentioned before hello my name is joseph i'm glad you understood it everybody speaks a different language depending on the type of culture you're from that's what identifies your culture as i mentioned be very aware of the message that we can communicate subconsciously not knowing language is more than words it's how we use our words it's the effects that our words will have on others i have to ask myself all the time does my language build up oh you think i'm talking to somebody else but i'm talking to you when you talk to you language is something we all struggle with right we struggle to communicate with each other we struggle to communicate internally but then kingdom language wants to go there i just want to thank you for the question that's a great question actually i had to ask myself that same question [Applause] see i figured out there's two languages one is your heavenly language you need to understand what that entails what that looks like but that's a message for another day passage i'll preach on that in two years time but it says here death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat of its fruit my question is what language are you speaking what language are you speaking to you life and death are found in the power of the tongue you will eat of the very fruit that you speak you poor guys that don't like your life i'm lucky my guy start speaking life into your life change up what words look like change up what language looks like change up that focus faith is available hope is available love is available healing is available come on some of you in this room need to stand up and praise god for his goodness he wants to move but our language isn't kingdom language and we're wondering why he won't move on it when i was 17 years old i got kicked out of church too sorry i think someone's watching that knows about that i was 17 years old come from the little town of potter in wellington new zealand and i rocked up to this church and i tried to be a christian it's like yeah i'm a good dude mate i'm pretty cool i love people i thought i could just rock in there and play the game six months later i got my passport to exit true story some of you'll be like oh yeah well why that doesn't matter just know what was valid i was 100 legit and i went away totally okay what i was trying to do was i was attempting to modify behavior i was attempting to travel somewhere without the message having language here that resulted in actions that shouldn't have occurred that's why i say they were valid like because i didn't know what i was getting into i tried church out i didn't go to jesus see when i got saved at 22 years old coming out of the nightclubs in wellington at a church called arise the only reason i knew it was there because there was a foyer a nightclub and a church and a movie theater but i walked into this church and it was interesting because nobody met me while i was at the back sitting by myself so it's interesting that i would go looking for a church but yet jesus would find me at the back of a church by myself and in that moment during worship god just showed up and he came and i remember specifically he said just give me your life for two years i'm like no bolt nope i'm out cool i had to go back and check i was like what's that voice if you ever want to know what the voice is you'll know the holy spirit speaking to you when it's biblically aligned and you would never tell yourself that that's how you know that's how you know and so then i knew then i knew so point number three so we've got the message we've got the language now i come along to my actions and obviously my actions in previous seasons got me booted out of churches so then god had to do a little something to me he had to spend a little bit of time on me and the actions here's what changed me matthew 22. the great commandment do you really want to hear it though do you really want to hear it do you want to hear it online see it's talking about love your god with all your heart all your soul and all your mind that is the greatest commandment then the second is like it love your neighbor as you would yourself but joey i need you to give me vision can you tell me what my purpose is for my life like honestly read there and then save me 80 of pastoral care thank you thank you very much please if you ask me what your purpose is i'm just going to tell you matthew 22 because when i was lost when i didn't know what my purpose was i went to the message then my language began to change and then once my actions kicked in the gear then you see what god can do with your life and there are people in here asking god every day lord use me he's already told you what to be used for [Applause] this commandment has two particular actions if you are wondering because actually hearing it sometimes doesn't kick in our first action is upwards my heart my head my message my language my actions have to go upwards your actions change upwards because you get yourself right with god right i've got to spend time with god to know who he is i've got to spend time in his presence to be changed because if i don't then the message can be skewered then my language can change i'm hurt i'm offended go back to the message go back to the word of god go back to jesus with the forgiveness and then make your way through again because if you're not here living out the matthew 22 calling in the great commandment it's usually because something went wrong here or something could have been hurt by people language got used towards you and if that was you please i get it it happens but i just want you to read matthew 22 again and just begin to process it in your spirit so if i've then gone upwards and i'm good with god then the next step is if i've got to love my neighbor i've then got to flow outwards key word there it's got to be upwards before it goes out does that make sense once your relationship with god is good you'll find that blessing your neighbor is simple oh but i don't have the money to buy them dinner or my next-door neighbor's kids presents i would love for you actually before you even think about that if you would just go meet them that would be cool imagine what would happen to our church and i got convicted on this true story that's why i'm talking about it because i'm like man i got convicted first so i can lay it out to you too god hit me one day we had all these new neighbors moving into our neighborhood and i realized one day i hadn't chatted to any of them i realized i hadn't gone over and just had a convo welcomed them to the neighborhood yet here i am a part of an awesome church speaking it every sunday but yeah i haven't even taken time to go see my physical neighbors now the word neighbor right and the maori greek whatever language i know enemy is a part of the context like literally so neighbor physically as far as enemy and anything in between that's your neighbor that's your neighbor so if there's one thing i could ask i would love for everyone that's listening to this message go and say hello and love on one physical neighbor this week that you've never done it before you've never let's go i'm excited i'm going to find a neighbor and somebody else's neighborhood i'm fired up [Applause] now one final verse tonight it's going to bring it all together the message is tucked away in my heart the language is tucked away in my head because as a man thinks that's what he'll become then the actions begin to work themselves out in 2 corinthians 5 20 says this we are therefore christ's ambassadors as though god was making his appeal we're making his appeal through us we implore you on christ's behalf be reconciled to god see we know we're citizens of heaven the issue has nothing to do with citizenship the issue has to do with reconciliation some of you don't feel you can say that say the right language because there's no reconciliation there and god wants to do a work tonight spiritually and i'm going to break this down for you so listen up because i need this to hit home for you to carry out of this room what god wants to do or out of the online room thank you the message the language the actions see in a country when you've got those three things and you get it well enough they'll send you to another country to represent the very country you're a part of we want to talk about an ambassador for christ i just wonder whether anyone needs to graduate tonight i wonder whether everybo there's some some people sitting here and i've got these three things but there's no outlet on them they've been going lord what are you going to use me for i'm here i'm faithful you are good you've been providing provision in every area of my life but yet i feel unused i don't feel good enough to be a part of your kingdom there's going to be reconciliation tonight across these three things and when you walk out of here you're going to get a revelation that you are an ambassador for christ you are called for a purpose you are called to go out to your neighbor you are called to reach into your community you are called to go out into the foyer and meet someone new here tonight and i don't know about you can i get everyone to their feet tonight god wants to do some work in hearts tonight some of you are older in age and you feel like you're unused i want to speak to you right now some of you have been disqualified you've been kicked out of church some of you have been in circumstances that you feel disqualify you from being apart or being an ambassador for christ and right now if you just hold your arms out each and every person in this room and online there [Music] father we just thank you tonight we thank you lord that we've got people here that in their heart lord they've been reconciliated lord with you where they don't feel good enough father where things from their past have stopped them from carrying the message in such a way where they feel disqualified to talk and act like the way that you've called them to talk father i pray right now holy spirit speak to them father we're those that have been citizens for a while 20 years 30 years they know they've lost their first love they feel like their past are used by date but no lord they are here to be mothers and fathers in this house they're online there are people watching that are not going to church god is going to heal you god is going to reconcile the hurts that have taken place and they were he he saw every tear they were not they were valid hurts [Music] and holy spirit we invite you right now to speak to every person listening to this [Music] their lord we want to be kingdom cultured ambassadors they want to graduate from citizens lord and we want to carry your message into every environment that we have in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] [Applause] and i want to take another moment tonight and i want to pray for you people that are online or in this room where you're like i don't actually know god [Music] i was like you at church when you were 17 getting booted i tried some of you were in here and you tried and god's saying try again there are people that are like oh i don't know about this christianity stuff neither did i neither did i but i will say taste and see that the lord is good and tonight god wants to meet you right where you are god wants he can see your heart right where you're at every bit of anxiety bouncing around going i'm not sure whether this is going to be a decision [Music] i want to speak to you i know these people online watching now god is showing me faces of people that want to encounter god's love but they don't know how and right now we're going to pray a prayer and i want you whether you're on the end of that camera or you're in this room i want you to close your eyes and we're going to pray a prayer right now if you're in this room i want you to join in follow after me dear jesus this is the moment i surrender my life to you from this moment my sins are forgiven i'm a child of god a new creation a follower of you jesus i am a believer jesus is alive in me in jesus name amen and amen
Channel: Glow Church
Views: 1,524
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: glowchurch, joel, cave, joelcave, glow, church, christian, Gold Coast, Sydney, Steven Furtick, Elevation, Hillsong, Preach, Relevant, elevation church, bethel music, bethel church, brian houstan, Arise Church, Melbourne, mass, Prodigal, Series, sermonize, proclaim, teach, spread, explain, advocate, recommend, advise, counsel, lecture, good news, news, word, note, communication, meaning, sense, import, idea, point, task, job, mission, Bush, Design, tribe, sydney, Church, Bill Johnson, Holy Spirit, Joel A'Bell
Id: zNYOnionGmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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