A Simple Guide On How To Make Macarons

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I know people are gonna call me out in the wait whoo I know people are gonna call me out on the way that I pronounce these I'm singing in English okay go easy on knuckle rolls I said it it's out there the important thing is that they're delicious which they are [Music] see this is why I usually put my hair in a button because this is just not good mostly my fault though so you know hey I blame myself let's just get this out of the way all right if I'm gonna break you might as well just make it quick clean cut right do that right there these aren't exactly the easiest thing to make now with that said anybody can make these I feel like I've really dialed in the process here and hopefully my explanation will get people success on their very first attempt crispy super crispy on the outside almost like a shell and then super chewy and sweet on the inside typically filled with like a ganache or whatever in this case we're doing a fancy rosewater vanilla buttercream sounds fancy it takes fancy it's not that hard to make now upon researching this I found that a lot of recipes have the exact same ingredients and a lot of this relies on techniques it's gonna take a little bit of practice so in a food processor you're gonna weigh out a hundred and twelve grams or one cup of almond flour 216 grams or two cups of confectioner's sugar which is just powdered sugar it's just if you want to be fancy you can say that and six grams are three-quarters of a teaspoon of sea salt I actually use fine sea salt so you may want to drop it down to half a teaspoon there and you're just gonna pulse that a few times in your food processor just to get it a little bit finer now I will say that depending on what kind of almond flour you may or may not need to do this if you can find superfine almond flour then you can probably totally skip that and then just go straight to sifting it this part isn't necessary it just gets smoother tops on your macarons then you're gonna tricks for that mixture to a fine mesh sifter and you're gonna go ahead and well sift it until all of that mixture goes through now there's gonna be a few little bits left at the top that don't go through and those are the bits that you want filtered out you can just toss this in the trash it'll only be like maybe a teaspoon or a tablespoon of stuff that's gonna get thrown away so okay so we're starting to enter the more crucial stage for technique so pay close attention you're gonna take 90 grams or three whole egg whites and you're gonna beat them just until they get to this soft peak form which essentially is like you pick up your beater and they should gently fold over themselves pretty easily and should be really loose it should only take about maybe 3045 seconds of actual like beating and that should happen and then once that happens I've got 58 grams or a quarter of white granulated sugar next to me and as you're beating you're gonna add this gradually a little bit by a little bit I would say about maybe a half a tablespoon at a time until you've added all of it don't add it all at once or else you'll risk knocking too much air out of your whites and then you're just gonna beat while you're doing that until all the sugar is used up and they've reached stiff peaks which is essentially like you pick your beater up and they should stand straight up I saw a BuzzFeed tasty video that they literally took the bowl and put it over their head so if you can put it over your head if you're okay with potentiality of it you know ending up on your head then that's fine but yeah they they put it they basically flip the bowl over on their head and nothing came out and it stuck to the bowl that that's a pretty good indicator now this is the moment where you'll add food coloring ideally you want gel or icing food coloring so it retains its color better after baking I added a light amount of red food coloring to get that pinkish color then just beat that bad boy in okay now for the most important part in the macaron process the Macra nage this is where you can either make them or break them most problems are routed back to here so you know no pressure no big deal also just as a side note humidity will absolutely affect this process so the more humid it is the more likely these will not turn out anyway so you're gonna add your sifted and mixed almond flour mixture and you're gonna gently fold the two together over and over don't be too violent when you're doing this but also don't be so gentle that you're not doing anything at all the idea here is to push out air and all those big air bubbles for a more uniform and slightly aerated batter a lot of people swear by counting their folds some say 50 is perfect I personally feel that going by appearance is going to be way more accurate since each fold is going to be slightly different than the last the final texture you're looking for is a smooth glossy texture with no big bubbles and it should be able to form a full figure 8 shape before breaking the second you get that figure 8 you're pretty much good to go so stop there as soon as you see that transfer that to a piping bag fitted with a round tip spray a baking sheet with cooking oil and then line that bad boy the parchment paper the spray helps the parchment stick because you know it's really annoying when you pipe out this batter and then it pulls up the parchment and the parchment goes over and the batter gets are it's it's not good so don't don't do that then pipe your batter into 1.5 inch round spaced about an inch apart from each there make sure not to pull the tips straight up when you finish these rounds it's better to kind of like twist and flick at them off as you can see here at the restaurant that I work out the pastry chef called them macaron nipples so you don't want that now once you've piped them all out tap them against your counter a few times to get any excess bubbles out then let them sit there for 30 minutes to an hour completely exposed to the air to develop a totally dry surface do not skip that step it is very very important that you let that dry out a little bit then bake it at 285 degrees Fahrenheit or 140 degrees Celsius for 17 to 19 minutes oven temp is important because you don't want your macarons to develop feet too quickly otherwise they'll deflate and that's at 285 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit or 140 degrees or 148 degrees Celsius should be a good range to be in depending on how hot or cold your oven may run let those cool on the parchment slightly before attempting to remove you don't want the bottoms to stick or tear apart very sad then carefully remove them and cool them down to room temp while those are cooling you can make your rosewater buttercream simply beat 56 grams or a quarter cup of softened butter until creamy and light then beat in 90 grams or 3/4 of a cup of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt once incorporated beat in 2 grams or a quarter teaspoon of rosewater which you can totally get at most grocery stores 3 grams or a half a teaspoon of vanilla extract and three grams are a half a teaspoon of whole milk beat until light and fluffy oh ah why is that so hard to say until light and fluffy transfer to a round tip piping bag once your macaron shells are completely cool and I cannot stress this enough cool pipe about a tablespoon of your buttercream on one cookie and gently sandwich two of them together again make sure your cookies are completely cooled I know you're excited but they got to be cool repeat with all your macarons of course you can joy them now or you can store them in the fridge in an airtight container for a few days they're even better when they've rested in the fridge for one to three days I would recommend a base macaron recipe now you can switch it up by changing the flavor the filling and the color of your shells now as per tradition here you guys know the tradition all right you're in on it it's b-roll time [Music] alright guys and that is it homemade macarons see that wasn't so bad pretty straightforward but again it's gonna take some practice so get a couple in the only time set is that price of almond flour but I would say it's gonna take you probably one or two tries to get this method down perfectly rather than that I don't really have much more to say so if you enjoyed this video or you learn something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next week [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,077,175
Rating: 4.9743023 out of 5
Keywords: macarons, french macarons, macaron recipe, traditional macarons, how to make french macarons, easy macaron recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, cooking show, french cookies, macaroons, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, homemade macarons, how to make homemade macarons, baking, desserts, food, dessert recipes, easy dessert recipes, french macaron recipe, macaroon, how to make
Id: MErF3yfOkU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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