The Most Fool-Proof Macarons | Easy Recipe

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hi friends welcome back to my kitchen i'm amy from neurotic mom bakes and i'm so happy you're here today um i'm going to revisit a recipe and tutorial that i did way in the past about a year and a half ago um since then i have tweaked and perfected it a little bit more gotten a little bit more of the science and the weight and the you know just little techniques that are going to help you with the perfect macaron everyone wants to know how to make macaroons they are so tricky they are so tricky that even in the best case scenario when i do everything right every once in a while i'll have a batch that still just doesn't work but i'm going to show you all the tips and tricks today and the exact right measurements for the best possible chance for a really good outcome and the perfect macaron okay first things first i usually don't measure with the scale however with this one you absolutely want to invest in a scale they are not very much money i found this at my grocery store just like in the baking tools section this was ten dollars you need to have the measurements down to the ground to make this work perfectly so yeah that's the first thing you're going to need to do and i'm going to show you if you haven't used the scale before i'm going to show you how to do this okay so you're going to set the setting to grams it goes in ounces or pounds but i want to do grams and for the shell all i'm going to need is some almond flour and some powdered sugar okay so what i do is i turn it on and i'm going to set my bowl on top and obviously it's going to weigh the bowl out but i'm going to push reset to zero once the bowl is on okay you need also a strainer or a sieve because you definitely definitely need to sift your almond flour there's little chunks in there and it must be sifted anyway you're going to start with 95 grams of the almond flour there we go back to zero and there'll be little clumps in there and i'll just get a spatula or spoon and kind of push them down push them down in there we go okay 95 grams now you will reset your scale again don't forget to do that i'm gonna reset to zero and i'm going to add 180 grams of powdered sugar there we go 180 grams of the powdered sugar and you're just going to set this aside and now we're going to work on our egg whites of course you're supposed to have room temperature egg whites and i never remember but here's my trick to getting them to room temperature quickly all right i have a bowl here with just very warm water not quite hot hot but pretty warm and you really only need about four to five probably only four eggs we're measuring in grams again so i can't just say four egg whites i'm gonna put five in there just to be safe and i'm just gonna let that sit for five to ten minutes until they are room temperature okay while those eggs are warming up let's talk about the bowl that we're going to use and the whisk attachment what you need to do first to ensure that there is absolutely zero fat or grease in the bowl or on the whisk is you need to get a paper towel and either white vinegar or lemon juice and completely wipe it down this is going to give you the best chance to get the perfect egg white consistency and any spoons you're going to use wipe those down as well now i'm going to measure out 55 grams of granulated sugar and again turn your scale on to grams set this on and then reset it to zero and i need 55 grams of granulated sugar all right my eggs feel right about room temperature make sure the bowl you're cracking them into has also been wiped down for the egg whites you need 110 grams of egg white what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to crack them in a separate bowl because if you have your egg whites here and you're almost you have cracked like three of them and then you get a little piece of yolk and you have to start all over so crack them in a separate bowl and then here's a tip don't throw your egg yolks away you can totally use those for uh pata shoe dough lemon or lime curd which also go really well with let's see how many grams that is go really well with as a filling in macarons there we go zero grams let's see what one egg white is 31 92 so this is going to be tricky because i know i'm not going to need a full egg white 110 11. 111 is going to be good okay perfect we've got our 110 grams of egg whites and i'm going to pour them in the bowl start my mixer on medium to medium high and when it gets foamy that's when you're going to start adding the sugar and the vanilla all right let me just show you this stage where you're going to start adding the sugar you can see all the bubbles it's nice and foamy um add one half of a teaspoon of vanilla and then add the sugar just a quarter of a teaspoon at a time very very gradually [Music] all right your goal for the next step is to get to soft peaks that means that when i lift this up it will fall the peak will fall over those are still um not quite even to soft peaks yet [Music] [Applause] let's check again oh that's better see how it just kind of falls over just a little bit that's soft peaks at this stage if you're going to do food coloring this is where you would add the food gel um two drops max macarons hold their color really well however if you want a really really deep color i wouldn't go with more food gel that's going to mess up the liquid consistency so i would find a powder powder gel however like i said it holds color really well so two drops i'm going for pink this time this is where i add so this is where i add my food gel and then i'm going to mix for only 90 seconds maybe two minutes more until we get to the stiff peak consistency you don't want to over beat because that's going to mess with your macaron texture you have to get it just just there i'll show you what that looks like so no longer than two minutes after this point okay you're going to be tempted to go over don't go over this is perfect that's the stiff peaks that's what you're going for the other test was someone said if you can if you can hold the bowl over your head and it doesn't i'm not gonna go over my head but if it doesn't fall out then they're ready okay so that's ready whoops now this is the next very tricky very critical part of the macaron process it's called the macaroni micrornas or whatever i don't know i've only seen it spelled but it's the it's the method of stirring and folding until it's the exact right consistency and i'm going to explain this to you so i'm going to get all the egg whites out of this bowl i would say of all the steps this one is the most critical but i'll explain it so you know exactly what you're looking for now as i'm stirring the the egg whites are going to lose air and that's what we want um and it's going to go from stiff to a little bit more runny as i am folding gently as i go along it takes a minute to start incorporating but i'm gently going to just fold go around the bowl and then through around the bowl and push it through so the goal at this point is to knock the air not not too vigorously but the air is going to slowly come out of those meringues as we fold it all right it's starting to come together continue to fold make sure you get all that stuff off the bottom now the stage we are looking for is when you can lift your spatula up and a ribbon of of batter will be falling off and you can draw a figure eight into the batter then you just that's when you stop you don't mix anymore but clearly we're not at that stage yet it's not falling off my spatula yet and sometimes i'll kind of spread it around the sides just to kind of knock some of the air out and then gather it around again and you can see it's getting smoother spread it around the sides bring it in again okay we're getting it's dropping a little more but we're still not there but you can kind of see what i mean i i hope all right see how it's falling off the spatula but still not quite in the ribbon there we go a steady stream of that stop stop right there you're going to be tempted to go a little more just stop all right i have my pans here prepped and ready to go i am using parchment however silicone mats work great too and there's uh silicone mats that have the prints in them where you can measure those little circles and get the exact same shape with all your shells i don't have those yet i'm just going to eyeball it i have a piping bag over a glass right here with a very small hole cut in the bottom i would say between a quarter and a half inch not too big this batter does come out pretty quick and you want to be able to control it [Music] here we go twist hold it upside down as i twist so it doesn't come out and you are going to pipe small only about an inch to an inch and a quarter they spread more than you think so you don't need to pipe them huge not too close together either because again they do spread as they sit once i'm done with that very important you're going to want to pound the bottom or slam it on your countertop you need to get all the air bubbles out [Applause] and then if you still see some air bubbles get a toothpick and just kind of pop them and swirl them around to make the top smooth again or if there are any big holes that formed from those bubbles popping you can just kind of smooth them over with your toothpick just so you get that smooth shiny shell and i'm going to actually do it one more time [Applause] because you'd be surprised how many air bubbles will keep popping up okay set this aside and do your next okay now it's the resting period these need to sit out not too long but they need to sit out long enough to form a shell um for me in my kind of drier climate i have found that 25 minutes to 30 minutes is perfect for these however if you live in a very humid place you may need a little bit more time to form that shell you will know that they're ready because you can touch them and nothing you could feel the shell on there nothing comes off on your skin so we're just going to set those aside and let them do their thing okay i'm so happy right now because they worked they are perfect um i put these in a 290 degree oven the lower temperature works better i think so 290 degrees for only about 12 to 14 minutes now to test for doneness i will reach inside the oven carefully and i'll find one that maybe isn't as pretty like that one and i will gently pick it up if the top pulls away from the bottom it's not ready however if you can pick it up and it comes off the parchment it's ready and you don't want any color you want to try not to get any color on the bottom tiny bit of brown will be okay but it's best if there's no color but it's cooked through these worked i'm so happy yay okay now i get a lot of questions about how do you flavor macarons you can add a little bit of flavor to the actual shell however that messes with the ratios and added liquid really just doesn't work you can add cocoa powder or strawberry powder but i like to think of macarons as like a vanilla or white cake they are just kind of the vessels that carry i mean they have the flavor and the sugar and they're good but the the flavor comes from the fillings and there are endless possibilities for fillings you can do a lemon curd you can do a strawberry compo you can do raspberry compo you can do lime curd you can do a like a nutella filling you can do um a chocolate ganache i mean you can do an oreo buttercream it just goes on and on and on any way you would flavor a cake you can flavor a macaroon so how i generally do it is i will have a buttercream you can flavor that any way you want lemon or strawberry i have just vanilla today because i have this lemon curd that i made and it just it packs such a good punch of flavor that you you just only need a little bit i do have my lemon curd recipe on my youtube channel if you want to go check that out it's really easy to make and really perfect for macarons and cakes so i have a piping bag here and i'm going to cut the tiniest hole in the bottom and then i'm just gonna put a little bit of this lemon curd in here set that aside set both of these aside so here's my these are going to be my fillings now what i like to do is i like to go through and kind of match up the sizes of this shell so i'll just kind of find two that look really really similar and i'll put one up face up and one face down and i'll just kind of go through and do that i mean these are mostly the same you'll get kind of some funky ones like that those are your taste tester ones that you can eat yourself um like ones for a party or display i try to get the the best shells [Music] possible i'm just so happy with how i got the feet on those like i said they're tricky and sometimes they just don't work out for whatever weird reason they're so temperamental okay so i've just i've gone through and just kind of matched them up and now we're going to fill them i'm going to get my buttercream and i'm just going to pipe a ring on the outside just one little ring like that not quite to the edge and then just get a little bit of that lemon curd right there in the middle and then just gently press them together until the buttercream comes almost to the outside edge believe it or not these actually taste better and have a better texture [Music] after spending a day in the refrigerator these keep best in the fridge you can freeze them they will last in your fridge for four or five days and freezer a couple weeks or just at room temperature on your counter for a few days but like i said they're best stored chilled you can leave them just like this there are a number of ways to dress these up i'm just going to show you one i have this edible luster dust it's different from glitter this is has a little bit more matte finish but well i shouldn't say that it's just it's still shiny it's just not glittery um i have gold right here and you can just like brush a little bit of gold right there over the top just on kind of one side or the whole thing just kind of dresses them up a little [Music] bit [Music] and then i also have this in pink which is just gonna be so i have kind of this like cosmetic brush it's clean though i'm just going to get a little bit on my brush and just swirl it all around and it just gives it this beautiful sheen it's like barely there this is called prism powder i actually have ordered this from a sprinkle company called fancy sprinkles and it's just so pretty the way that just dresses it up i'll just do one more so you kind of get an idea of some different ways you can leave them plain you can brush some luster dust on or you can kind of brush this glittery powder prism powder on top for a nice finish okay i need to know if this method works for you um this is like three or four times in a row that this has worked for me successfully um so i'm curious to know if it will work for you so if you give it a try give me some feedback in the comments and then if you would like to see more content and tutorials like this make sure you subscribe to my channel [Music]
Channel: Neurotic Mom Bakes
Views: 205,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macarons, delicious, dessert, cooking, macaron tutorial, baked good, food, fsc, perfect macarons, almond meringue, biscuits, how to make macarons, cookies, tasty macarons, buttercream, best macarons, fool-proof macarons, easy recipe, amy droubay, neurotic mom, neurotic mom bakes, the most fool-proof macarons, french macarons, macaron recipe, fool proof macaron
Id: JYr6dBTexuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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