A Short & Personal Story | The Console I Fell In Love With |

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how lower one retro presser back in the days I was a massive Sega boy and I did happen to own the Sega monster system too as well as the Sega Mega Drive also known as the Sega Genesis in the US it did also happen to own the Sega Game Gear that was the handheld console from Sega but sadly I don't own that anymore yet the Sega Genesis has blast processing Super Nintendo doesn't so what's blast processing do [Music] and uh what if you don't have blast processing during the 80s and 90s there was an all-out console war between Nintendo and Sega and both companies had their respective first and second generation of consoles as I said Sega had the monster system and the mega drive while Nintendo had the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System they both competed for the Dominion of the video game Market all over the world and as they say all is fair in Love and War [Music] 16-bit sports section [Music] [Music] get through Montana free pet rally free Buster Douglas free super Monaco GP free or Collins free what Nintendo now just as a little side note in this time of History we are in fact into the third and fourth generation of consoles but just to make it easier for myself and for you I'm just gonna refer to the years when Sega monster system and the Nintendo Entertainment System dominated the market to be the first generation before this it was mainly Atari and like in television collegrovision The Odyssey and a bunch of Pawn consoles that flooded the market from like 1972 to like the 1980s before Sega and Nintendo took over but let's turn time forward to 1996. it's coming straight at us I've never seen anything like it before action racing [Music] adventure Nintendo 64 the fastest most powerful games console on earth now at 99.99 in the year of 1996 Nintendo would release their third generation of consoles the legendary Nintendo 64. now there is no point in explaining the Legacy that this console have in the video game history we all know it it is awesome at the same time Sega released their third generation console named Sega Saturn I'll admit when I grew up I never even heard of this one and I don't recall anyone owning this console as far as I understand the launch of this console was absolutely horrible the console was announced to be released on September 2nd 1995 but Sega of Japan demanded an earlier release to be able to compete with the upcoming Sony PlayStation this resulted in a surprise release which meant the stores had absolutely no time to work with the console and some even dropped Sega from their lineup it was a complete hit show the console would also be marketed with a price of 399 dollars while the Sony PlayStation was sold for a hundred dollars less at a price of 2.99 this badly hurt sega's reputation which we will come back to later but there was one console that was marketed and holy damn I was excited for this one now this would be sega's fourth generation of consoles and this one would later compete with the Microsoft Xbox there's only PlayStation 2 and the Nintendo GameCube I remember clearly reading about this in the gaming magazines and I do remember seeing pictures of it and the name oh the name like the first moment I saw this console I knew this would be mind-blowing but sadly I never got my hands on one and the Sega Mega Drive would be the last second console that I owned growing up but I don't remember anyone having this console so maybe there is a reason for that now the console I'm talking about is of course the Sega Dreamcast now what happened to this console like it was looking so goddamn promising but somehow this would be the last console Sega would ever make oh yeah [Music] Sonic man stay off the light speed my bad Sonic Adventure the Sega Dreamcast was released on November 27 1998 in Japan and then a laser in the U.S and Europe in 1999 but once again Sega would have some troubles with their release this time Sega did actually receive a lot of interest and many pre-orders but then Sega had some problems with producing enough dream costs due to a shortage of a power VR chipset caused by it having a really high failure rate during production this led to sega's stopping pre-orders obviously losing them a lot of sales Sega also promised the new Sonic game Sonic adventures to be released along with the console but the game was delayed a couple of weeks the sails didn't live up to sake of Japan's expectations so they did as they have done many times before they reduced the price of the console to a level they would no longer earn profit from the sales but it did result in more units sold and with the release of namco's Soul Calibur they did gain a 17 on their shares in the US the release was actually pretty good well Sega was still feeling the setback from the Sega Saturn launch and many retail owners didn't really have the best relationship to Sega at the time being a bit hesitant to another Sega release EA the biggest third party video game publisher at the time would also cut all their bombs with Sega saying they would never develop games for this console at the same time Sony was already starting to Market their new PlayStation 2 which saw a lot of hype so Sega was in general in a really rough spot at the time but even so the sales were actually pretty good and could be called a successful launch in Europe the launch was also successful and by Christmas in 1999 Sega of Europe had sold a half a million units six months ahead of schedule but the sales didn't continue on this space so in total they sold about 1 million units in Europe total so there is no denying that the sales in total wasn't is really the best and in 2000 Sega had a change of precedent the new president had long before advocated that Sega would abandon the console business and not longer after he came into his new position he got his wish in January 2001 Sega announced they would discontinue the Sega Dreamcast and withdraw from the console Market as a whole focusing on being a third-party developer 9.13 million dreamcasts were sold worldwide and the last dream costs were sold at a price as low as 49.95 dollars that is a [ __ ] disgrace for this console and [Music] I don't know like growing up with Sega there's just something about this whole story about Sega and the Sega Dreamcast that just pisses me off and I'm not saying that they made a wrong decision about withdrawing from the console Market completely like Sega still lives today due to that so my question is like did it have to come to that point that is what's bothering me Sega was a respected company and they were a worthy competitor to Nintendo back in the 80s and early 90s but just a lot of stupid and in my opinion greedy mistakes just resulted in a slow and steady downfall of the company's reputation that would affect any future launch and this console right here this insanely powerful Innovative beautiful Behemoth paid the price and that is [ __ ] unfair like could you imagine how well this console could have made it if just Sega didn't [ __ ] up the launch of the Sega Saturn or how they completely ruined their reputation with like the stupid add-ons for the Sega Mega Drive or the Genesis like the Sega CD and the Sega 33x that just made Sega a laughing stock and the fact that they didn't have enough consoles for the launch that did affect their sales badly and as well as having one game for the launch itself sadly that is an answer that we will never get and as someone who grew up with Sega this story just makes me really really sad and I'm not joking when I say that I haven't stopped thinking about the Sega Dreamcast since the very first moment I saw it and now here we are today and I'm holding it in my hand like even though Dreamcast couldn't really compete in a strong Market against big companies like Sony Microsoft and Nintendo there is no denying that this console has a legacy even to this date many people would say that this console is the best console ever made and you know what I have to agree it's even hard to have them how Innovative this console was at its time Sega Dreamcast was an impressive and insanely powerful console when it was released having Hardware capable of practically reporting arcade games perfectly to this console was an amazing feature second read cast was also the first console to come with a modem and it introduced the console based online gaming and do you remember this was 1999 and it was also the first console to have free downloadable content for the games even the memory cards was innovating as they used the visual memory units actually capable of playing mini games on the memory card itself as well as having two ports for the memory cards on each controller being able to plug into two memory cards and exchange data the controls even had microphone attachments and voice recognition that were used in games like siemen at the time of its release Sega Dreamcast was clearly Superior to anything it is truly sad to see this console take the consequences of sega's past decisions and being a true example of being ahead of his time this is to this day one of the greatest consoles ever made as I've said the faith of the Sega Dreamcast does truly break my heart but at the same time it is truly emotional to see the Legacy that this Council have today and we need to promise ourselves that we will never ever forget about the Sega Dreamcast but hey what about the games themselves now I do have a few games here and except for Sonic adventures I have never played any of these games before so tune in next time and we will try out some games for the Dreamcast and see what this console is all about thank you
Channel: HorrificallyDyad
Views: 336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: myGiUBgdTso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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