A shocking look inside an ABANDONED time capsule house frozen in time! Explore #93

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hey welcome back explorers today we're another  abandoned house this place is a really special   place it's been on my radar for a long time  i just haven't had a chance to check it out   but it's a complete time capsule house everything  is left behind here everything is frozen in time   forgotten just everything is left behind here  it's just unbelievable um there's a barn here   also so i'm gonna probably check that out for  sure you never know what's inside these barns   and the house looks like it's the roof is caving  in so i hope it's not too damaged in there   did a bit of research on this house and the  previous owner stopped paying the property tax   so i'm assuming that someone probably passed away  but you really don't know but i i got a feeling   someone passed away here and there was no family  to take over the house and the belongings and to   clean everything up these houses just sit here for  years um and they just decay and then eventually   the town will step in and take the property and  then sell the property as like a public tender   like a bid so they will sell this property at  a starting bid at twenty five thousand dollars   it's going to go well over that it always  does this house and property is probably worth   at least a half a million dollars maybe more so  it will definitely be land value only the house   looks like in pretty rough shape but eventually  they will uh sell this off sometimes they take   10 to 20 20 years to sell these places i've  seen houses in toronto downtown toronto sit   boarded up for 20 years before the town  and the city takes over and sells them off   so it's pretty incredible how these houses  just sit here forever but this one's a real   special place can't wait to show you guys  you ready to go i'm ready to go let's go this place is totally frozen in time this is a real gem this one unbelievable all right so i'm just at the front door here in this place you can tell they  smoke heavily in here this is   like all nicotine sayings it's like syrup  look at all the knickknacks and stuff here what a pristine location so yeah this place is i think it's been  abandoned for approximately 10 to 12 years   there's some dates and stuff around here   so i think the last time someone  lived here was probably 2011. like these plants are all here incredible we got an adult video here   must be vhs because i couldn't see the  person that lived here using a dvd player there's a drill in there electric drill  look at this, a painting here.  like this is all like nicotine what is that i don't know what that is we got bullets all kinds of stuff we got pictures  here family photos just left behind   so yeah this place it's pretty sad when you  see places like this because usually it's   the old owner passed away and no families  around to clean it up sell a property   or anything so like i said like this place they stopped paying the taxes on  it so the town will take this over   there's the old guy there i'm not too sure  if that was the owner that used to live here but the town will take it over and just they will  sell it kind of like a bid starting at what is   owed for the property taxes so i did a bit of  research on it and this place owes around twenty   five thousand dollars in property tax well that's  the basement wow we're gonna go check that out in   a minute i don't know if those stairs are safe  enough but we'll go check this out in a minute yeah so they owe about 25 000 on this place it's this crazy because usually  when someone passes away   and there is family around they  would come and claim this place and sell the land off even if they  didn't want the belongings or the house   like this property's worth  probably half a million dollars this room is pretty dark see if i can open the curtain a little bit here   look at this unbelievable this is where  you sat or she i'm not too sure who   lived here last if the older gentleman  lived here the other woman the wife old snowmobile suit again you can see the syrup i always call it syrup  because it looks like syrup just dripping down   but they probably spent a lot of time in here  smoking you see the ashtrays here watching tv untouched you can tell the  animals have been in here for sure oh these houses are just incredible you could totally spend hours in here just  looking at stuff but it has quite a bit of decay oh i just want to take a  look in here one more second oh there's raccoon poop on  the couch there's an xbox 360.   i don't know when that came out but i think  that came out after 2010. i'm not too sure look at this there i could see coming in here that there's a hole in  the roof oh yeah this kitchen isn't rough shape oh wow look at this incredible totally rotten i got my winter boots on i don't have steel  toes so i really hope i don't step on a nail there's a freezer i'd love to take a look in there   but i'm assuming it's probably full of  meat and it's been rotten for over 10 years we got a nice wood stove right here just incredible look at this cupboard's still full it's an old radio the fridge is empty wow you got an old rotary phone here no way this phone is still working   i don't think you hear that i'm gonna  put this phone right to the microphone that is incredible here's like the side door i guess all kinds  of stuff in here let's take a quick look here's the oil tank for the  furnace so i'm assuming it's got an oiled furnace in the basement  as well as the wood stove i think the man left lived here last to be honest just looks like it to me looks like he had one more one more load of wood that was it it just looks more like a gentleman's  house to me but maybe i'm wrong very small house look at the raccoon poop unbelievable looks like an old life jacket look at   that little attic hatch i'd love to take a look  in there i wouldn't even be able to fit in that look at this old baseball glove we got some old fishing gear here i actually  collect old fishing stuff i buy them at um garage sales people sell them for like five  dollars each and they're worth a lot of money   but again i never ever   take anything from abandoned places this is  actually a hunting coat actually i thought it was   a life jacket well it is actually full of little  air maybe it is yeah you can feel his air in here oh look at this this is like his office an old shaver there all kinds of  antiques in here this is unbelievable   i'm probably rambling on a  bit because i'm pretty excited it's an old goldy blocker for hockey and the  gloves right there let's take a look at that oh yeah look at that incredible shoe shine kit he definitely like fishing here's an old ice  fishing tip up this will balance like that   when the fish hits it either goes down a  little bit or up and i'm a big ice fisherman look at this stuff bullets there's a little   fly reel for fishing we got a knife  there bottle openers all kinds of stuff it's just incredible yeah i just hate seeing these ones because there's no family around to clean this place up or get rid of it just there's a lot of valuable stuff in this house so eventually the town will  probably sell this place off   and someone will probably just clean it all  out but i'm assuming they probably will save save some of this stuff for sure i know i would yeah a lot of this stuff in here expires in 2013. this bed is still made i'm not too sure there's two bedrooms in here i'm  not too sure which one was used which is the bedroom and which  one was used as a spare bedroom looks like an old bowling bag i don't know if you can see that but  it's all frost that roof is soaked i can't really smell the mold right now just  because it's so cold everything's just frozen   but i'm assuming on a warm summer  day this house would stink pretty bad i can't get this door open oh  there's mold on the shoes there still clothes all hung up i just see  men's clothes here i don't see women's maybe the wife passed away first and  the husband lived alone for a while jewellery box yeah so this must be the spare bedroom it's just incredible i think i forgot to take a look in this  closet here just wanted to take a peek yeah i think this is a hunting water ski vest okay it's orange so i'm  thinking it's for hunting and then it's   got air pockets oh yeah this is a  life jacket never seen one before this shaver is unbelievable i'm assuming there's probably guns left behind here oops jeez i'm assuming there was as empty i'm  assuming there was probably guns left here but   someone probably took them it's a very small house look at the decay here unbelievable all right let's check out the basement here this one kind of makes me nervous i don't trust these stairs oh ya there is all kinds of stuff in here that goes outside this is where you usually find the decorations all the christmas decorations camping we got a fuse panel over there something died here i see fur it's rusted shut it's definitely a vintage  toaster what kind is it proctor so we're just in the barn here man  the snow was so thick getting here but look at this motorcycle here this  looks like a honda gold wing pretty sure these looks like hunting blinds oh yeah look i bet you thats his hunting boat right there   so they set these up and they hide  behind them and use them for hunting look at these these are worth a lot of money yeah honda goldwing beautiful bike plate says 1997. so it's been  sitting here for quite some time look at this place i don't know what that's for but do they  put the bales of hay on it i don't know i love going in barnes i know a lot of explorers   most of them don't really go in barns some do  some don't i always like checking the barns   out because you get stuff like this you get  old cars old trucks all kinds of cool stuff this looks like a fish hut i'm  thinking it's got the skis there yeah barnes there's all  kinds of treasures in barns big stuff they can't fit in the  house or they don't want it outside   they just throw it in the barn all right let's go take a look down here oooo all right let's watch your step here oh wow this is nice frozen in time yeah i always wanted a barn for myself not just for animals but i would totally  make this like a club like i'll would put   a bar in here stereo system coaches  good spot to hang out we got some   bones here we got a skull that looks like a  cow can't tell for sure but it's pretty big there's definitely a lot of bones  in here it's not a human skull   because i'd be a weird looking human  if it was i'm pretty sure that's a cow but yeah i totally hang out in here  i'll have a pool table music going it   took men and women possibly  a long time to make this barn hard work goes into this all these  stones here are usually found   on the property so they picked  them up placed them there by hand and all these beams here look these  are all tree trunks and barn beams hey welcome back guys i hope you  enjoyed that one that was incredible   um these are by far my favourite type of abandoned  places the ones that are just completely frozen in   time everything's left behind there's some  decay in there mold like i love all that   stuff it's one of my favourite explorers so i'm  glad i had a chance to show you guys this place   my heart was just pounding in there every time i  go in a time capsule house my heart always pounds   a thousand feet per minute because it's just so  exciting to see houses like this left behind like   this so eventually someone's gonna probably buy  this place up because the town's gonna take it   over and they're probably gonna demolish it  and rebuild here so i'm glad i had a chance   to come by and take a look at this place before  it's gone forever but yeah i'm pretty sure the   gentleman that lived here before passed away  and uh just stopped paying the property tax and   nobody stepped in no family members came by and  took it over sold it themselves so the town just   takes it over so it's pretty sad to see all  his belongings just sit there rotting away   but i hope you guys enjoyed it and i'll  definitely see you guys in the next explore you
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 89,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, urban exploring videos, urban exploration, abandoned time capsule house, everything left behind, barn finds
Id: _vukyFH8GcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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