A Sci-Fi Short Film 'This is Andromeda'

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today we have in studio with us to theoretical physicists that will launch the experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in a few days professors Marc pride and David homeless good morning good morning doctors agree Adi couldn't make it she's fine to Geneva today and it's David Holmes not homeless so my question about the Large Hadron Collider is this are we going to be around after the experiment because you know I've been hearing stories about the black hole that will eat you know everything in a few days the Large Hadron Collider is going to be turned on it's 17 miles in circumference and it is the largest machine of science ever built you can put Manhattan inside the collider that's how Bay it is in principle it could create many black holes but it's not going to gobble up the earth now what we really want to get out the collider is something so fantastic it could rewrite all of science it's one beautiful gorgeous theory that would allow us to read the mind of God this is Einsteins dream a theory of everything an equation one inch long that would summarize all physical knowledge of a universe that's string theory and we're hoping to test part of it by creating super particles with the Collider in Geneva Switzerland why wouldn't you want to take us this what's wrong my husband or not yes you are my husband that's exactly why I'm going alone I have been prepping this experiment for six months I have to focus yeah yeah the Large Hadron Collider blah blah blah besides you do know this is dangerous right what is it that you think we do exactly well you take a thing you heat it to a gazillion degrees and take another thing he back to a gazillion degrees and then you smash them against each other at ridiculous speeds and poke around out what's left oh look it's a black hole Oh black hole where have you heard about black holes have you been watching interstellar again well yes but your friend Gary told me that every 15 billion years scientists gathered together at CERN and launched the Large Hadron Collider and and that's it stupid where's my shirt hey I'm not as dumb as you think I am I do know what the string theory is oh really and what is it well someone's always pulling the strings you're incredible I know I am aren't I [Music] Andy Andy come here hey so mom's leave in town for a few days what are you coming back on Thursday just remind your dad and keep them well-fed and don't forget to wake him up in the morning cuz you know how he is come here ratha be a good girl okay I'm counting on you okay [Music] I'm up I'm up hello hi honey hey yeah hey we're about to launch this experiment well that's great that's great I just wanted to hear your voice one more time well here I am how are you I love you today good luck bye hi what does that horse it's a camel silly look here's his hump and that's a horse with a home no camel what is that it's my homework yesterday at school we learned about Egypt today I have to just into Egyptian when I was a kid they taught us about Egyptian pyramids not this round stuff it's the greatest fear of Giza okay okay okay you weird little girl I love you I love you too daddy I mean you don't care I don't care man I mean pyramid spheres cubes pubes the world could be flat for me just google it would while you're at it look up moon landing lies Starbucks Joe iced submachine e 12 truths what's coffee and delivers from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen no hi she's on a trip across the ocean Uncle Dan said that she is in heaven and that will meet her one day Oh Uncle Dan is an idiot why he said it I'll talk to him but I promise you she'll be back tomorrow you and I are picking her up from the airport really it's so great we can watch the moon eclipses together sure I'll watch whatever you want to watch now [Music] I need to cross them onto your life those pyramids right should be parents come on pick up there pick up you why don't you tell my daughter that her mother is dead [Music] hey honey we're here I don't see you your your flight landed but I don't know what happened give me a call please I told you she's in heaven no no she just missed her flight we're not gonna talk about this again get inside so what about that moon eclipse you wanted to watch it's okay I mean we don't have to it's a cloudy night so probably we can't see it anyway well maybe we'll get lucky I miss it I'm sorry [Music] have a seat what's going on man how you feeling hey Stan I know you're there you need to snap out of this madness Donna is dead we buried her at Oakwood Cemetery a long time ago she's gone Stan let her go sorry that I take some time off [Music] BYE MOM [Music] [Music] dad dad thank sir you got another one for the man who comes from the world with only one moon tell me more where I am from we have blue skies rainbow gay marriage a black president and raging red feminists weary from the Milky Way galaxy man look away like a joke what galaxy do you think we're in now give me a dollar I'll tell ya this is in drunk you didn't know that you didn't know that who are you hey hey listen listen you already got my hundred bucks just like you but I want to go back just tell me how to get back my man I didn't know there were others okay okay but I don't know much all I know is that when I'm knocked out everything is different after I wake up knocked out yeah like by booze or crack or the police listen I got a guy he's a smart fella he's a janitor at the planetarium and I find him and ask him every time where am I and it's always earth and it's always this guy I see in the infinite universe there are infinite earths and variations thereof and and variations listen to me I need you to take me home where's home [Music] some whose never change you are welcome my man you are welcome hey you forgot your kid sending a ride over [Music] [Music] like my cup silly [Music] Hey why didn't you pick me up at the airport [Music] Charlie where's Andromeda and in other news president Mitt Romney earlier today dispatched National Guard to the Canadian border where members of the Buddhist terrorist group soldiers of Buddha took the humanitarian aid convoy hostage in a small town of Chicago Illinois [Music] thank you again work least I could do Donna [Music] how long do I have with my family maybe a second maybe a lifetime enjoy every moment of it yeah well I don't know what happened one moment we're launching the collider next I know you're not here and people tell me you died in a plane crash years ago then you call me from a mental institution asking if Stan and Andromeda have ever existed and then I find you all here alive and well that tiny black hole Donna we are traveling through parallel universes attached to an expanding wormhole coil it created I think we all should be grateful what that we have any time at all [Music] [Music] remember that tiny little smudge under the big bright side I guess it's the Milky Way galaxy that's from where we know we're home in Java [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alex Guilderland
Views: 361,269
Rating: 4.6821356 out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi short film, Large Hadron Collider, Mandela Effect
Id: nk6KKMZcK94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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