Outside Arcadia - Sci-fi Short Film

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(birds chirping) (door creaks) (slow guitar music) (rock bangs) - [Brookie] Come on! - [Willie] No. - [Brookie] Scaredy cat. - I like the fresh air out here. - [Brookie] You'll never hit it. - Well Momma always said shoot for the moon. - Not what it means. - Brookie! Where you at, girl? Dad's gonna find ya! Where you at, girl? - Shoot the moon. It's a dumb sayin'. (Willie breathes heavily) (suspenseful music) - You're serious? You brought me back out here for, for what? You expect me to believe this is even possible? - I expect you to trust me, Brooke. (van door slams) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. He will have a fit if he sees you, man. - I remember well. Bourbon and bird shot, right? - And more bourbon. (both laugh) - Hey. - Y'all, if he gets wind of this-- - Peg. I need you to stay focused, okay? You are absolutely critical to this. - Where is he? - Piddling with a deer head. He's behaving right now, I think because we're all here, but if he pours bourbon, we got the bull by a long horn. - Is it safe to fire inside the barn? - Safe? Uh, in theory, yeah. - Will says it really works. - Well, if it didn't, we wouldn't be standing here right now. - What if it makes things worse? - Worse than you've already told me? Uh-uh, hun. Uh-uh. I'm gonna go check in on him. Quiet in that gravel. - Whistle if he starts to move, all right? - How 'bout a gun shot? - So when are you doing it, again? - [Will] Friday afternoon. - Coulda waited for the shield, Will. - I'm sorry, what are we waiting on? - The zinc shield. It focuses the energy. But apparently, it's hard to find. - Well excuse me, Doc Emmett Brown, I couldn't find it locally. You have to pick it up in Arcadia. - Don't, don't do this. - I emailed you the tracking number. - Yeah, don't you even. - Do you realize how many moving parts there are to this stupid plan? And the insanity that we call Dad? - Hey! We'll adjust, all right? We'll improvise. It'll be fine. Get outta here before he catches on. - What the hell is going on around here? What's that boy doin' here? - Just visiting, I guess. - Mm, just visiting. Awful lotta visiting goin' on around here. You're up to no good, ain't ya? Huh? - No, sir. - He keeps coming in here and asking me if it's one of them interventions, like they do on television. - What? - The shield. It won't come in until Friday, in Rayburn. And it's bigger than I thought. I'll have to take the truck. - But that's four hours one way. - Just make the trip Saturday. - No, that's impossible. If we miss this window, it's gone. I'll go up Thursday night, sleep in the truck, and come back Friday morning. - [Peg] Just pray the truck makes it to Rayburn and back. - But that means Peg and I will-- - [Archie] Drive up where? Rayburn? - We were talking about that time that Peg drove out to get me. When my car broke down, you remember. - [Archie] No, I don't remember such a thing. - [Peg] Archie, what can I get you, hun? - I don't need a damn thing from you. And don't call me Archie. That's what your sister called me. - [Will] Convincing? - It'll get me moving. When I read that, I'll be as shocked as I am now to learn about all this. I'm the only one that'll read it? - I'll deliver it right to your hand. (knock at door) - [Peg] Oh, that's Chuck. Good evening, Chuck. - My goodness, girl. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? - Get on in here, you sly ol' fox. - What'd you invite me out here for, Peg? Of all places. - He's out cold. - I don't want no trouble. - Sheriff Thompson. - [Chuck] Will. What on God's green earth are you doing here? - Just visiting, Sheriff. - [Chuck] Y'all grown up. You ain't visited here in years. Why are you here now? - (clears throat) Slice of pie, anyone? (slow guitar music) - Well now. I sorely wish things coulda gone different out here. Your momma was a sweet, sweet woman. She deserved so much better than... Now, you know I'd do anything under the sun for the three of y'all. But honestly. This whole thing sounds a little fantastic, for sure. You know, a preacher once asked me if I could change my life or any life, where, or even when would I start? As crazy as it seems, a letter to a young Chuck Thompson just might be the place to start. (crickets chirping) (suspenseful music) - [Brooke] I can't stay. - Did you see that moon? It's huge. Same ol' moon, Willie boy. - It'll be different soon. Like nothing ever happened. - What the hell are you doing in my truck, boy? Open the door, damn it. Get outta my truck, I'm going to town. - What? Dad, you been drinking. You shouldn't be... - What'd you say to me, boy? Huh? - I said you're drunk. - Huh? - You're not going anywhere. (gun cocks) - You wouldn't dare. - [Peg] Move away, hun, so we don't dirty the nice ol' truck. - What in the hell do you think-- (gun pounds) (truck starts) - Try not to run over the fool. - What about you, Peg? - [Peg] He ain't gonna remember none of this. (truck engine revs) (slow guitar music) ♪ She turns her head to face the sun ♪ ♪ But sees the moon still shining ♪ ♪ My angel, where've you gone to ♪ ♪ In sunshine why'd you go away ♪ - I was jumping around, being crazy. And Ryan had on that, um-- - Stupid gorilla mask. - The gorilla mask, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - He came up, and he said, "I'm the beauty." - And I was the beast, yeah. - And you were the beast. You were so mad. (Brooke laughs) - I acted shocked, but really, (chuckles) he was so cute. (Will chuckles) (railroad crossing dinging) And irresistible. But Dad. That was the night he... The night you said there was actually a way to make it all change. - I don't even remember Mom. - You were five. She laughed so much. (sighs) Then she was just gone. Nothing was ever the same. - Are you Winslow? - Yeah. - Gimme a hand with this beast. (suspenseful music) - [Will] Check with Peg, meet me in the barn. (truck engine revs) - The truck must've roused him. Hurry! - All right, when we pass out the letters, we get out quick, okay? We can't let anybody recognize us. - Okay. - That's the risky part. (gun fires) - That's the risky part? Heaven help us. - Hold on to this tight. Both hands, okay? We gotta get it by precisely 27 after, all right? - Good Lord, that's cutting it close. It's five after already. (gun fires) - [Will] Ready for this? - Yeah. What's wrong? - I don't know. (gun fires) - Will, Peggy! - No! (electronic screech) - (crying) Peggy. Oh God, no. Peggy. (Peggy gasps) Are you okay? - Yeah. (gun fires) Does he have both letters? - [Archie] Brookie! Where are you at, girl? (gun fires) (electronic screech) (Will screaming) (dramatic music) - Hey there, hun, what you havin' today? Are you okay there, sugar? That's my handwriting. Oh my word. What is, what is he? What is he doing to that poor child? Oh, I will kill that sorry son of a... (car horn beeps) - Whoa, what're you doin'? - [Will] Sheriff, you have to read this. - Sheriff? - Sorry, Chuck. Just read it please. Quickly! - Get out of my car, right now. (muffled speaking on radio) (siren blares) (tires screech) - Brookie! Hey little girl! Whoa, where are ya? - Let's go out that door. - No, he'll find you. - Whoa, Brookie. Oh, okay. (gun cocks) (gun fires) Come here, Brooke. - I can't stay. (gun fires) - [Archie] I know you're in there, girl. - Let's get his pistol. (door creaks) (Brook exclaims) - [Archie] Oh no, Brookie. Come here. - [Brookie] Let go of me! - [Archie] Oh, no. Come here. - [Brookie] Stop, please! No. Run, Willie boy, run! - [Archie] We're just gonna go play a little game. - [Brookie] No! (pistol cocks) (screaming) No! (siren blares) Help! - [Archie] Gonna beat the shit outta you, boy. - [Brookie] Help! (electronic screech) (gun fires) Willie! - Get in! - [Brookie] No! Willie! - Gimme that gun. Go, go now. Come on out, Archie. Get on the ground, Archie. - I know the routine, you son of a bitch. - [Brooke] Get down. Get down. Get down. - [Archie] (laughs) Brookie. Brookie! Let's play a game, Brooke. (laughs) Think about it Chuck. I'll be out in the morning. (Brooke breathes heavily) (Archie coughing) Chuckie! Come on. Get me outta this horse shit. - You saved us. (electronic screech) - Where y'all goin'? Brookie! Come here, girl. (laughs) (graceful music) (rock bangs) - Yeah! - What is that boy doin'? - [Brookie] Shoot for the moon, Willie boy, shoot for the moon!
Channel: DeSoto Arts Institute
Views: 22,856
Rating: 4.7746477 out of 5
Keywords: short, short film, robb rokk, DAI, Memphis Film Prize, sci-fi, film, science fiction, time travel, time machine, indie, independent film
Id: xslWj7VNS7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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