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you managed to do the 30-minute prayer [Applause] how was it was it shot long foreign okay so next time we we doing our right [Music] [Applause] that's all right so we are going to send you the announcement for that particular prayer [Applause] we are not going to pray anyhow we have to be given directions by the spirit of God so I will let you know but it is it's also very important for you every time to come out with at least a page one page of information okay diesel the minimum has to be one page of information 30 minutes in prayer my minute you must have received at least a page of information from the Holy Spirit [Applause] it's not enough for you people to just be praying and be talking to God next time I have to come here and ask you so what did you hear from God that's the kind of a God that we served he talks so we are coming from the flesh anointing which is the covering that is laid upon the the spirit man which becomes the empowerment or an authorization handed over to the spirit man to function in a physical world so the flesh becomes the anointing of the spirit the flesh becomes the anointing of the spirit the flesh becomes the anointing of the spirit not because the flesh is a spirit but the flesh is the material used by God to anoint the spirit man is so your spirit man is covered Yama thereby that covering becomes an anointing and that covering is flesh then from there we went on to the body sacrifice the sacrifice of the body what was the scripture Romans 12 what was the scripture oh and what does it say I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that ye presents your bodies a Living Sacrifice only acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service which is your is it just a service reason it's a what a reasonable a service that is what a reason and bodies are supposed to be offered by whom by the spirit who offers the body so who was the letter written too so that who brings the body as a sacrifice it can be the body right bringing the body for a sacrifice it can be the body so it has to be the spirit offering the body for a sacrifice and the body is supposed to be in what state is living so it has to be alive and we said unlike Old Testament sacrifices but you have to be alive so you don't die for serving God you become alive so there is a life that you gain even as a reward for serving in the house of God and that life is bigger and greater and more value than the money um diesel so it is important that we understand that this probably is the only reason why Jesus has not been coming for thousands of years now because after you are born again and he makes a mistake of coming or taking you home there is not much that you are going to get in terms of a reward as this is because you will not be rewarded according to Salvation you will not be given a crown simply because you were forgiving of your sins you don't need to be paid for that reason being a sinner and you ask for forgiveness and you are forgiven and they reward you for that there is no system like that we have to save foreign [Applause] therefore training is necessary this is and briefly I'll just talk to you about that upgrade you a little bit so that you you become a competent uh service provideration look at these people that were standing over here well decorated well foreign so training is very very important you are so sure that the results are going to be positive so again we really want to thank the Agape thank you so much [Applause] thank you if that doesn't give you Joy that nothing else you must be happy even if you're here and you know that you're a partner of this ministry for yourself get your hands together for yourself you can stand on your feet and put your hands together [Music] thank you maybe seated so quickly I'll quickly I'll give you something very very small and I want you to make a good use of it when it comes to eight training so that you can at least come out with one full page after 30 minutes to hear God's voice God himself would not make that difficult if he wants to be hurt even if I were God I would not want it to be difficult for my people to hear me and still expect them to follow my instructions it's not reasonable I would do I'll do my best as God to simplify my communications so I cannot be smarter than him it means God now is communicating with you at a frequency that is so easy for you to perceived but the reason why you are not hearing him it is not because he is not speaking it's simply because you are not hearing him it's important for you to know but he is speaking pray and you ask him to speak important and he is speaking some of you might not find this subject interesting because she told everything about you by the propheta but the prophet must be able to tell you how he is told everything [Applause] a true Prophet must be able to tell you how to say he himself is told yeah the things that he is telling you about you know so that you stop bothering him because all of us should prophesy at least to ourselves first and foremost you ask God who am I he tells you okay what am I he tells you what can I do he shows them where can I go you can see that place you see he said the first man Adam who has made a living soul but the last Adam was made a quickening spirit First Corinthians 15 45. and so it is written the first man Adam was made as saw it is rated the first man who Adam was made a living soul he was made a living Soul the last Adam was made a quickening spirit then the last Adam that one was made a quickening spirit yet we see him coming in the flesh yet he is a quickening spirit the first Adam who was made a living Soul Adam was made a living soul when the Breath of God entered into the body and that man then became not just a soul but a soul that was alive a living song when a soul is living foreign [Music] foreign that can I chose is no longer as effective as it was Jesus then the death of a soul has occurred when Adam became a living Soul Adam the life that he became was his and it was only for himself but Jesus coming and he is a quickening spirit the quickening ability is not just so that he quickens himself he is not powerful only in terms of raising himself from the dead he has to also be able to Quicken Lazarus from the dead [Applause] the first Adam could not do that Adam he did not have that power is that sufficiency of life to raise you from the dead the life he had was enough for himself only enough for procreation but one least as soon as you are detached from him he could not longer make a follow-up and still Quicken you up but the last Adam you must understand that if he is a quickening spirit is foreign what is it that he quickens people talk about Souls being served one is but not many ever ever asked a question what really is happening when I saw foreign because what gets born again is the spirit and I told you I gave you this story of Nicodemus coming to Jesus by night but unless you have to be born foreign and I explained to you the born again in two forms one being born from above it means you have to descend again being born from above and also you can't be born again unless you were once born you can't be born again unless you were born so that which is supposed to be born now is that which was born and for that to happen I talked to you about a recall of spirits where we all have to go back into the factory so that we are recalibrated because there is a fort that has been discovered that in the product called spirit and it's a universal malfunction that requires the manufacturer you have to go back to him and the spirit has to be brought back to you to the body rather so as you go back into God where you were before you were breathed out when God breathed you out that's how he delivered the pregnancy to your body which is the Midwife or something like and your body received the spirit that came out of God okay and that was you coming out of God and you were placed into a physical body which is your anointing which is your license which is your right for you to function in the physical world because of a fleshly anointing that you care but when that happened you were born the first time as a spirit and because of the Fallen nature then the spiritual was corrupted and he could no longer commune with his creator so it has to be returned back into the factory and experience a reset and then you come back again when you're born again we are fresh renewed and the errors are deleted so it's a new spirit that is born again okay so those that are not born again they have only been born once as spirits and the era is still at work the manufacturer is still waiting for them to return those Spirits for a correction good so every foreign foreign but I'm I'm briefly telling you I'm just this is the Salvation of your spirit but how about your soul when people talk about who Souls being saved how'd you get served is it most people don't even know what a soul is because they think they are that most people think that they are their soul so when the soul is said they think they are said Jesus himself at some point he said my soul is so sorrowful hear the song Matthew 26 38 then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful okay it's all right let's leave it like that if you if if you become one if you mistaken yourself and you you're not aware of your identity and you don't understand your boundaries end of the three of you you don't know who exactly you are you you you're going to inherit problems that have nothing to do with you foreign foreign all of these things that we have had that your soul is your emotional part your intellect your feelings your reasoning those are your emotions okay but are you that are you your emotion foreign notice at some point the Bible says when a man had gathered enough he said to his soul be at peace he said there is a man saying to his soul for much has been laid for you okay let's forget everything else that was said then a message from God says you fool for tonight your soul shall be required of you who who is the the spirit man [Applause] Luke 12 19. if if the if this soul foreign ah okay all right okay let me show you something else you know okay so okay Luke 12 right are you read it that's number 20. verse 20. but God said unto him thou fool this night thy Soul shall be required of Thee then whose shall those things be which thou Hast provided okay Mark 8 36 for what shall it profit a man a what a man a what a man what shall it profit a what a man if he shall gain the whole world as a man and what and lose his soul who loses his soul a man ah amen who is a Manu and he goes on to gain the entire world and then he loses his own soul that man cannot be a soul is a different personality he's different from the body in one place Jesus even said you should not fear flaws especially in the book of me he said those that kill the body rather fear those that are able to kill both the bodies and the soul in Hell Mark 10 28 and fear not them which kill the body fear not them them them it's not just one thing another place he says him it's one person who comes to kill the body but in this instance is there's a list of things that are capable of killing the body so many things can kill your body but the instruction from God is as long as they have the capacity to kill just the flesh you are not supposed to offer them your fear Don't Be Afraid anything that can kill your body but he tells you what to fear but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and Body in hell let me leave this subject at this point but the part that I I really wanted to bring out I might not have enough time to explain that but so let me jump straight and leave this one here because this one ah ah I can show you places in the Bible if I wanted to dwell much on this way I can show you the separation between the soul and the body and the body and the and the soul is still effective it is still emotional it still feels outside of the body in as much as it was a parable but the rich man died and was buried so the body was buried but the soul went to hell what kind of what they did to the body to bury the body and the soul went to a separate place not even his body because what is happening to him is happening before Resurrection from the dead and while it's the soul that was in hell was in Hell without the body feel pain it was hit that the soul could feel foreign could also communicate and call out for help that was outside of the body they had the memory but they were brothers left of the relatives so information is stored away I wish I sometimes [Applause] away from the board the soul was away the soul still had sight because he looked up and he saw us there is still sights the thing that can no longer see is the body she thinks that can no longer feel pain is the body the thing that can no longer thinking the thing that has lost its memory is the body it knows nothing so what was knowing all alone when girls and boys came here graduate having graduated what is it that they would have trained [Music] yeah yeah he's still aware that he has good brothers and sisters and he's pleading that they send someone what is that I'm just trying to show you the power of the Soul for I have five Brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of Torment you see that he's he's talking what is talking go back to the place where they died who is talking who has that ability to talk right now who is speaking now then he said verse 27 I pray thee therefore father that thou would Ascend him to my father they died where they died and it came to pass that the beggar died the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's Basel the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments ah Sida as if the beggar was not buried we only hear of the burial the beggar was carried by the Angels but that doesn't mean that his body disappeared he was also buried but his soul was taken care of it was taken by angels the other one was buried um if you can no longer feel after your soul has Departed what I really wanted you to understand today is this aspect of knowing what to do with your soul so if your soul is to be saved it is being saved from what you must know what you saw has been delivered from because sometimes you can have a feeling that is wrong it's wrong in the sense that it is not consistent with what God is saying about you you can feel down yet you're not down you can feel oppressed this but you can still feel like you're oppressed you can feel like you are behind yet the scripture is saying you are the head feeling it is wrong when it is against what God is saying there is salvation of the Soul where your soul is supposed to be foreign do you know that with before we even talk about the ability of the spirit man to see into the spirit there are times when we prophesy by the soul is there are times we prophesy by the soul foreign do you know some of the people that are into should I get there it is you have noticed that there are people that are not even born again their Spirits are not renewed they are spirits are not regenerated their Spirits are not even born again yet you see them doing Supernatural things somewhere they can tell you secrets about your life yet they are not born again it means they are not doing that by the spirits they've trained their souls so that their souls can feel it in a certain way so if you have if you are if if if you if you take this subject seriously and you really want to focus on the salvation of your soul it's not like your soul is just going to be saved from sin is which is simply missing the point feeling the wrong way being condemned when you are forgiven for sure feeling down when you are up it's a scene that you need to be saved from that personality Moon in you that can feel like that is you need to take advantage as a spirit same way of the rep of the other personalities around you yeah that were given to you by God so that they can save the spirit man they need to be serviced the body requires to be serviced by the spirit the soul has to be serviced by the spirit so that is a soul you feel according to the spirit and as a body you walk according to the spirit so those are your first two members given to you by God so that you can supervise them and that's your number one Ministry you have a church we have a Ministry and you are the pastor do you remember of that congregation different personalities Pastor those two individuals you can heal your body is a spirit somewhere you can heal your soul as a spirit somewhere you can cause your soul the right way thank you if you're supposed to see as a soul and they are not seeing well what are you supposed to be saved from and you are supposed to to sense or to feel the presence of God and you are not feeling it it means you're supposed to be saved from what is so when you are saved can our opponents is a soul you'll continue seeing and continue hearing and continue but the feeling is more accurate when a soul is served you'll be able to look at your brother come on and you feel offended in offense yet he didn't say anything to you he didn't do anything to you and you know at that point that there is nothing wrong with you but there is something wrong with him but you are feeling on behalf of God because your soul is safe it's God telling you that I'm not happy with his life because it's a soul that is served that is feeling it feels like God there is a brother there's a sister that you look at that you feel excitement it might mean that God is excited it's not your feeling because you have been saved from your own personal feelings now you have inherited the feelings of God behalf of God you think on behalf of God foreign of an intercessor who is down here and The God Who is up there we have tried to correct now the God is in you so the direction is so when you're praying now the Bible says you you have to go into your closet and I told you of that closet that is not your bedroom it's an inner area foreign so next time we say let's go and pray where are we going in here so that's the first movement before you begin to talk to God you know how to migrate from your external environment forget your problems move away from your wife move away from your husband move away from your job that is not giving you any money foreign foreign foreign that is why the disciples were not allowed to preach the messages that we preach these days they would not promise people that heaven is coming once they arrive they will tell people um who are physical why they didn't understanding that you can't have me here and have Heaven over there Heaven is where God is Heaven is where God is heaven denga is where God where is he now so that's the first point don't have a way of my location in here so when I when I talk to him sometimes I might not even need to wake you up you might not even know that I'm praying if the inner house is really inner Empire in foreign I don't need to disturb you you are here I don't need to disturb the neighbors [Applause] but sometimes when neighbors there are times when you pray like that is no problem but I'm just saying when neighbors get to hear every time it's most likely that the room is not that inner foreign [Music] the same time that I'm talking to him it's not like I talk I talk I talk I talk and sometimes I keep quiet so that I hear what they say yes when you're just starting that's what you do keep going but when you've become seasoned and we are one with him tonight is you talk you hear him and sometimes you hear him as you hear yourself be ready to write down information because you're going to be told what is going to happen in the next three weeks foreign [Applause] yeah that's why I said the page is minimum and you know what sometimes the moment you begin to write the holy spirit will not tell you things you know sometimes he will not tell you things to write you tell you things because you are right [Applause] you'll try it foreign to write down information [Applause] it's like he has seen a certain level of seriousness it is the same spirit that would tell prophets write these things now write these things there is like something that happens when the heavens sees that you are you are you are getting ready to record a conversation that we are having ah [Applause] there cannot be a time when you have nothing to write there is because the moment you are ready because it was this is where you're going to have all of this if I come here and I prophesying to you after such an exercise what you're telling me I hate that but that was his voice but if I was writing I remember only starting to write and what started to come there is my God you realize that your mind is going to open up then you will know the soul has been activated you'll begin to write things random don't even writing Point foreign that's what I used to do so I would have that if you come across that piece of paper you might not even know what was happening but at first so I have a piece of paper paper containing information I don't even know you move on to the next stage where information will begin to be put into their rightful place ah man ah so when you when you go back and you're praying the next time you are not going to be asking God for a list of things to pray foreign [Applause] so the kingdom of God is arranged in that manner with feelings Visions ideas are brought to you and you can't make sense out of it you don't even know so what is God telling me here be happy that he is happy that you are confused yes because now a room for him has been created for him now to be your helper in putting order into those things that you would have seen him before we talk about your spirit I'm talking about your soul you'll be made to feel things and you write things that you are feeling and those things are accurate because you are saved as a soul from feeling a wrong way you are saved from wrong feelings so you cannot sin what is sin missing the mark so as a soul as you feel you will not miss the mark you will feel the right feeling and you will know I know me I don't usually feel like this if we are to do that exercise even now and say to use it right my God you'll be shocked you will be shocked without you hearing anything from God when a soul is safe the way that Soul feels it's a communication from God you know [Applause] foreign if he is a quickening spirit what does he Quicken Channel what can you do foreign by God this time some of you you realize that 30 minutes even having prayed for 30 minutes but you'll be there not for not for less than an hour yet having prayed for 30 minutes because you are still at a point where you pray one minute and what you get you need four minutes to write and then when you pray again for another minute then you come back here and then we'll tell you what to do with what you have had he's a talking God he's talking [Applause] you will not believe some of these things you want to be told right when are you going to be told by a propheta why should you come to a prophet and he picks information from your environment and he tells you know your environment things that are being said around you was that are happening around you if I see your vision it is not my vision it is your vision I will end up seeing fishes that are not mine because the owners of those Visions are not Visionaries you should be able to open your eyes see [Applause] there are times when you ask the Lord to heal you from a disease that you don't have and you don't recover because you are not sick the one praying is not the one sick your body that is sick it is your body that has a disease and you are not your body how many times if you said God heal me and he heals your spirit and you wonder why you're still sick because you are not your body [Applause] when I when you are God's child born again you don't get sick as in these sicknesses that are known this is what we are correcting now not being able yeah [Applause] that's your disease how many times have you said I'm having a headache how many times have you said my back there will come a time when you are able now to separate yourself from the body and when that happens you can be able to heal him until the body also knows how to ask for healing from the spirit to you and you are there people listening to the prayer of your body nobody asking for prayer foreign because the power that is going to heal your body is already available [Applause] the spirit it is the spirit that quickeneth the spirit the you can Quicken the body as long as you get to that point where you understand that it is the body that is having problems you are not as long as you are in good books with God you are not having any marital problems you are married to God and your relationship is intact as a spirit it's him it's a deal and the reason why that is eventually going to affect this it is because you think you are that is how come don't fear those that kill the body because you're not that whatever comes and it kills the body everything that is done to the body you are left untouched that's what the scripture is talking about you are left untouched so why should you be afraid of a disease it is in the list of those foreign [Music] you have empowered the disease you know every person who is sick it's not just a disease that is present in his body but health is also what present health is also present in that same body [Music] there is no medication ask these doctors including the new ones there is no medication that will bring any healing from external foreign see [Music] any medication that you take it has to work with what it finds they must be some healing in your body that requires quickening by the medications there is healing already in your body in smaller quantities or maybe it is silenced overwhelmed by the disease but there is healing already trying to happen in your body it's not like your body is trying to recovery every time health is trying to happen it's it's a conflict between a disease and what Guru yourself if you come here we stretch our hands towards you totally We join forces we activate the healing that was already taking place it will Fast Track IT and Spirits can do that spirit is yes so I want you today I want you to I want you to see this for a moment questions learn to separate yourself from what you thought was you which is your body you're going to realize that you as a spirit somewhere you're not having any disease the only disease that you're probably having where you can say I feel sick spiritually is when you desire to have a stronger communication with God and you are not you are not getting spiritual things right that can become a disease of the spirit if you don't know how to activate the healing power present in your body this body can die and this body can be buried because of a disease and another dead body can be brought um and it can touch your bones and that young man was raised from the dead having touched a body that was killed because of your what is a disease there was power in that body not just to heal the body but even to raise the Dead [Applause] he died there is a location fun and symbol where that healing is situated right now the problem is because if the doctor is going to give us any painkiller and then we take the painkiller we put it in a plastic and another plastic make sure it is tight and we give it to you to drink and you drink is it going to kill the pay foreign you're not supposed to go back home [Applause] there is something that you can do if it's a spiritual sickness and you want your relationship with God to be corrected and you know because that really makes you sick if you want if you want to really have a relationship with God and you know that my relationship with God is not that well I'm not really it becomes a sick and the only way God can heal you from that is when you begin to he starts talking to you and now you can hear you you are healed by that voice [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] sensitive to the things of the spirit will heal them through their souls if we take away your soul and we leave pain there you will not feel pain I want Google [Applause] there are times when we are not supposed to heal the body we simply have to heal the soul foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] some of you might have forgotten do you remember there was a time when I prayed for a certain lady she was having pain in this right leg and I said we are transferring this pain from the right to the left and she began to scream now she completely forgot about the right leg same amount of pain now she was screaming because of the left the question was so what has happened to the left maybe the right you were wondering maybe I fell in an accident happened but with the left there's there's not been any accidents we haven't fallen we just transferred the pain is this is soul moyo [Applause] so moyo this body that you have is under instructions told the but you are sick your body is a servant it takes orders a wrong diagnosis from an expert can make you sick but they tell you that you have cancer and you don't have cancer you start manifesting cancer am I right doctors immediately because your body is a servant therefore it was ready to be told some of you are sick because your body has been told if I tell you something different right now your body is ready to follow that [Applause] foreign he was having problems with acids and the problem was so extreme when it comes he could no longer walk he could no longer stand even talk it was extreme right at the end the doctors had tried everything they'd advised him to stop almost everything this this was not just we are not just talking of fizzy drinks and so on this one now it takes water a cup of water so he was moving from one level of Glory to another country you would not just take if he sees a bottle of Coca-Cola when he sees it on the table now serious like you would have to carry him there were times would be carried was that terrible then one day we were together Pastor was there some other pastors then he said how can I be helped this problem I know if you are if you want you can heal me that's what he said if you want you can hear me I've had this problem for years then I said to him yes you can be healed but I'm not going to pray for you this is how I'm going to help you and I helped him okay I helped him I don't know if I had time I would explain to you but I helped him he did not recover the following day from that day I think now it's a it's about three years now there is nothing that he doesn't take he takes it like like he's uh he's getting out of here yes from that same moment [Applause] thank you [Music] yet I would ask him very simple questions I said you don't know what is happening if you can give me access into your soul and I can help you from there I said your body is a servant foreign yeah it's my lemon eating and I'm enjoying my life in your presence but you just seeing that your body is already preparing for a meal so look at the chemicals that are already coming out getting ready to receive what is never coming because your body is already reacting okay acids are already going up all these things we haven't tested but you've just seen something is wrong in your mind [Applause] and we managed to go in and close that circuit [Applause] s 20 minutes I was explaining to him how the body functions according to the soul Marine and what happens to the body when that soul is saved we were conducting the salvation of the Soul good morning [Applause] so you tell me now that you are ready is prepared for my lemon and you don't have it what are you going to do with it tell me dude it's like a baby that is sucking that little thing like like his breasts breastfeeding like she's sucking milk from the mother nothing is coming out for five hours nothing is coming up but there's a program down here there is a program the body is being told something is being sent down there and there's a preparation that is taking place yet nothing is coming foreign child of God there is no need for you to go back homes [Applause] your body is not you Jesus wants you well Jesus because that's the anointing of the spirit you might not be able to do much when your body is having pain but I want you to agree with me today so that we save a soul and your body is saved from a disease [Applause] your body can recover today if if that is what you want [Applause] us [Music] how do we how do we you have seen us quickening by the end of the almighty God and I've asked you this question several times how do you decide if doctors decide that a woman delivers and she delivers immediately but if they do that before the child is mature and so on it can be called in abortion of food but tell me how do you stretch your hands you cause a woman start to deliver could America [Applause] what are you working with cheers explain that technology to me please then immediately the body is told by a hand and that cannot affect immediately the baby has to come you begin to see sights then you understand that your body once you are ready to take orders if your body your body is sick because it was taught to be seen your body can decide to disobey that is [Applause] so let me have just as maybe five people who are in pain [Music] they're in pain I just need five I should not bring all of you here it's okay [Music] be seated please the rest of us no I can't bring all of you here but I encourage you know every time to be attentive morning and as you see it's up to you you have to make the decision you have to make a choice and I know sometimes what happens to your body when it sees another body when you see when your body sees another body getting healed that's that's there is something that happens to you so it's so important that you observe while these Miracles are happening all those people are in pain foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you come [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] she went on to create a banner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so you see this is an issue of addiction what do you think needs to be corrected huh this is so so because when they do this it's a Feeling that they get one and you know what feels now you know what it feels it goes but I'm not sure whether these drugs are the other drugs or just normal drugs foreign just to interrupt you this young girl here she was here last week she was in a school uniform she had been turned back from a boarding school because the legs were becoming swollen she couldn't wear any shoes she was wearing slops last week men of God you minister to hear in the Sick Bay over there you ministered she brought your body and body was very small couldn't even walk properly [Music] as soon as they got warm the swelling came down over the week she's been wearing shoes she's been doing everything okay she's wearing these sneakers people of God stand on your feet and give God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay it'll be very very good for Jesus saying to him again let him hear you again thank you thank you Jesus wow that is so important thank you so much that is so so so important let's learn to appreciate and to thank God every time that is notable okay all right I'll go back I'll pray for me thank you I've got a nice uh uh lineup there but you know I don't want people to so will give them a VIP treatment later men of course these over two when we saw the pain oh okay [Music] okay these ones they have no pain I want people with pain this was the one to deliver one hour everyone in pain well let's minister to them they want to deliver these ones let's let's just help these ones [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my soul says say yeah say yeah yes my soul say yes say yes to the Lord my soul my soul says say yes [Music] we fix our eyes on the screen they are already showing signs of early labor that is low abdominal pain and severe baking foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign it's okay you know but she's even sweating yeah she wasn't sweating when she's tooth here what's happening pain left sided low in pain for one month for one month especially these days foreign [Music] Touch where you're feeling pain [Music] yes [Music] say yes to the Lord my soul say yes say yes say yes [Music] my soul says [Music] be healed let the pain go [Music] let the nav be healed now [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] most of these things are not in the body ah [Music] this lady walked on himself to the front she was overdue or if I just look at what's happening to her self-delivery in the name of Jesus some delivery we'll be celebrating them soon okay father we have the five volunteers that have come we are in pain just watch what is happening [Music] ministering to the souls my soul says say yes to the Lord my soul says say yes say yes my soul says say yes to the Lord just check your screen as the man of God is just moving his hand look at what they what's happened to the lady she's just shaking hands look at what is happening he's not even touching him look at the distance between the two agree with me we did not know any agree with me we can set that body free today people of God's souls are being set with bodies are being set free is that what we can do for Jesus look what is happening an amazing miracles in this place look at that what's your screen man is shaking [Music] say yes say yes my soul say yes say yes foreign your father okay what about somebody who is so we are representing someone who is in pain [Music] look behind you guys foreign [Music] [Music] you spoke about you asked about the type of drugs that this young man has been taking okay he was taking a drug called it's all right it's all right it's all right I'm coming it's all right I'm coming to you say I'm coming to you yes please the moment just a moment from there say enough please I'll call the next group healing of the Soul Miracles how many people of God hmm pain cause healed healed [Music] healing of the Soul [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to the Lord my Souls say yes say yes my soul says say yes to the Lord look at all this happened just watch it happen look at what is happening people of God this is serious Miracles happening in our sights just watch the man of God stretches for these hands to you alone the bodies the instructions giving pink given to the bodies let's watch your screen [Music] my soul is saying [Music] yes [Music] what what God is healing is the anointing [Applause] is that what we can do for Jesus [Applause] if you ahead of that the healing of the anointing not the anointing of healing good dealing with the anointing [Music] to the Lord Quicken Quicken Quicken quicker Quicken [Music] [Applause] quicker quicker quicker quicker Quicken Quicken it's it's happening so fast [Applause] so fast [Music] [Music] be in the name of Jesus I bring healing into your body now from now you recover from every pain be made all so what's what's the what's the condition [Applause] the problem is happened years ago and and he was taking a drug called crystal meth and he was addicted to that yes and since then he has been is being manifesting things that the mother is worried about he says himself that he had stopped taking the drug but there are certain signs and spiritual manifestations that the mother is worried about that she thinks he might be taking the drugs or these are the effects of the drugs that he was taking okay which are now in his body okay so for example yesterday I got that people around so that to say he's going to marry somebody and nothing happened so there's also an effect in terms of the mind he's going to what he was going to marry him all right but nothing happened it's all right come okay just watch your script look at what is happening the man of God stretches the ends come here watches it [Music] just watches me what's happening just look at those eyes [Music] everybody [Music] continue to watch your screen and see look at those eyes we cannot even blink [Music] two manifestations at the same time as the man of God is praying for people of God people of God oh [Applause] Jesus I said your friend Jesus and pick him up is that all that you can do for Jesus people of God deliverance from drug addiction put your hands together for Jesus put your hands together for Jesus put here to fix your eyes on the screen and see the Miracles that are happening the man of God is stretching for the ends up [Music] say yes [Music] healing of the bodies board is being used just watch [Music] my soul says watch your screen continue to fix your eyes on the screen and see what's happening say yes say yes [Music] my soul say yes I say yes [Music] being healed instantly just watch your screen every one of them every single person coming up front just watch your screen God is being healed say yes my massive Deliverance of the body [Music] say yes to [Music] my soul say yes my soul says say it say yeah yeah say yes what is happening here just watch continue to focus on the screen and see what the men of God is doing [Music] this watch say yes say yes to the Lord my soul says [Music] [Music] my soul my soul my soul says say yes in my life my soul saying my soul say yes say yes say yes say yes say yeah my soul says yes my soul says yes hey say yes yes saying yes [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] yes yes [Music] years I saw my soul my soul [Music] foreign [Music] my soul my soul [Music] yeah say yes [Music] today my soul s [Music] [Music] today you say the Earth [Music] my soul say yes yes [Music] again foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my songs [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say yes say yes save the years [Music] [Music] say yes [Music] [Music] say yes [Music] [Music] to say yes [Music] [Music] say yes say yes say yes [Music] yes yes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what I'm yelling [Music] we say yes [Music] to you Lord Jesus yeah yeah we say yes we say yes to the healing to the deliverance we say yes we say we say yes to the healing we say yes we say yes [Music] yeah we say yes we say yes we say yes we say it yeah yeah [Music] we say yes to you Jesus we say yes to the healing say yes to the healing we say yes to the healing we say yes to the healing we say yesterday we say yes to the healing we say yes to the yeah yeah we say yes to the healing we say yes to the heat we say yes to the healing yes say yes [Music] my soul says [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] say yeah my soul my soul says [Music] say yes [Music] my soul saying yes my soul say yes say yeah yeah my soul's day yes [Music] say yes to the Lord my soul say yes [Music] say yes say yes [Music] my soul say yes [Music] to the Lord all right please can I ask you to do this one thing for me please this these lines that we see we are going to all stretch our hands towards these people in pain because I know eventually everyone would want to come and be prayed for here but you know if Jesus heals by his word so [Music] we are not going to take much time but I want you to stretch your hands towards these people the Overflow you just stretch your hands towards the auditorium towards the church building [Music] and then you're stretching your hands towards someone who is standing who is in pain leads us through a song everyone is going to be praying including the ones being prayed foreign [Music] [Music] foreign just have to check your body don't call your friend call your brother find out it would have happened there is no way that you can remain with that sickness in your body God Wants You Well so that you can be effective through Ministry well you cannot where else can I go [Music] where else [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I run I run to you Jesus [Music] [Music] I run to you I to you foreign of Prayer everyone who is having a condition whether that condition is a spiritual Condition it's a physical condition it's an emotional condition it's a solid cow condition hear me child of God I want you to believe as I speak over you I speak over your body I speak over your soul and I speak over the spirit man yes may you recover from that disease now I receive let your body be healed now I'm commanding every pain in that body to go now painkill now pain corner [Music] Affliction goal now in the name of Jesus be well be well be well be well be well be well be well be well yes be well be aware I receive beware foreign be me at home now your body from today is becoming fresher and fresher like that of a child be renewed in your strength in the name of jibiring you did your strength in the name of Jesus renewed in your strength in the name of Jesus we are still going on Child of God you'll get to understand there's so much that you're going to find yourself doing for the Lord so much don't worry those of you that are going to be would be selected for certain classes that are coming I know I'm not saying anything but I'm saying a lot that I have to sit apart okay yes this also yes there are people like that you just need to pray and this also and then we will have some good times together yes something has to be imparted something has to be shared something has to be given yes so that they can be light and fire everywhere light and fire everywhere light in the fire everywhere I know it's now time that I give birth that I reproduce that I multiply I replenish go ahead if you want to give a seat I want to pray for that seat before you give it to God let me pray foreign [Music] today [Music] [Music] shall not go in vain I pray that you multiply your people and you will increase them they will never leak again in this area I pray that many shall come and they shall give unto your puzzle and you shall be increased and you shall multiply and you shall reap a hundred fold in the name of Jesus when it is trout for everyone else you shall receive plenty I pray that your those who remain open I receive from morning till evening from evening till morning your guests shall never be shut Gentiles shall come and they shall bless you in the name of Jesus you shall rise and rise and rise and you shall never fall again Make Some Noise to the King of Kings go to the altar go to the altar go to the altar go to the altari while you're coming to the altario terrorist important announcement we know people have been healed people have been delivered all those that have testimonies because we could not have time to give testimonies today can you put down this number number e plus two seven eight three six five six five one nine that's a WhatsApp number I'll repeat plus two seven past us you can pick up those numbers as well from the city numbers especially if the test bullets are coming through the zones plus two seven eight three six five six five one nine or SMS on o772 four two one triple zero seven seven two four two one triple zero for your testimonies God bless you sorry for those that were receiving prayer there is someone who left the spectacles if you are receiving prayer and you left your spectacles come to the praise and worship day if you left your spectacles come to the choir Bay thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign Amanda foreign
Channel: Emmanuel Makandiwa
Views: 50,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makandiwa, friday, thursday, midweek, Jesus, God, Christianity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 42sec (9342 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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