A Sad Loser plays Wii Party all by himself

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a sad loser

Perfectly describes me

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Meme25327 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Can't wait to watch it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chase_1941 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

It hurts me a little when he calls himself that, even when it's satirical :'(

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/digitaleJedi 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
her selfie has a party games he's gonna light up to four people fun for the whole family extra the pair games he's designed for two people to play together and last but certainly not least as a house party games Easy's your living room it's part of the fun do you have anything for like just a man on his own like the microwave meal because I'm not going out to meet anyone for dinner tonight I'm just home by myself yeah yeah it's just me and you guys yeah single player who we party all our friends default Me's on the Wii console this is your first time playing likes playing this works it's not Mario Cart every trying to ruin will compete in a minigame to win a gold silver or bronze bonus day remember guys it's not Mario Party he tried to competitor minigame will determine the order of play in the winner of each bonus tie once again it's not Mario Party yeah this is Mario Party oh we can swing the Wemo to roll it the motion controls in it's actually the worst thing we could have rolled because even if he wrote a one we would have moved five forward everyone else is just moving like miles ahead joint first that's pretty good we actually we actually want a minigame now let's go we got snake ice cool yeah I was I was afraid this would happen Oh time for a bonus roll great perfect oh yeah challenge time what's this a lead role of four or five or six to advance challenge time random chance we'll take the wheel he just passed it the stone statue will trow Chris ahead oh no because Chris needs it yeah it's poor Chris he's like kind of falling behind here you might not overlap us oh yeah he's gonna get a double with two so he gets the roll again oh yeah I had a six on to his role yeah I would've liked that oh yeah give him a +5 - you know I don't think he's doing well enough at the moment oh look we're playing Wii golf it's barely registering the remote what if I stand up this is me this this makes no difference come on I want to I it's not over yet just really looks like it it chris is 19 spaces away so like we really got to catch up slowing down a little god dad okay that just screw you Chris come on don't roll high enough thank God he's finally been stopped I'll hold the wheel horizontally until is it left or right to move cool can't just press left and right Chris what are you doing you just hedge Chris into it come on Chris calm down you're crying baby are rocking in a rhythm with the beaten hair well this is just a nightmare that my kids - he doesn't look anything like me let's see if Steve makes it time don't want him to I just want to see what happens I want to see the Me's tortured and in pain you just got thrown inside a volcano bit got it you know he's gonna like boil life or two of you and only one pizza customer this seems like a really horrible business practice for you Chris 50 I don't necessarily have to win I just have to make sure you lose oh god no Chris wrote Chris I swear to god you don't roll high nope you're gonna push us back - oh you bastard just go come on just another day in Wales no Chris you suck it's a mad dash to the flag grab it first to it be careful not to jump the gun they weren't even close to lay on them they just didn't run to the binds of the pop-up be careful not to shoot the ladies though or you'll lose five points Hey ladies can be bandits - you know intend oh that's very close-minded of you okay anyone can be a criminal these days this is not the Equality ask for oh my God we're in the clear oh no no it is a final challenge I have to dice real higher than six for the love of God thank you see I'm less happy that I won't put just glad it's over hello and welcome to bingo your first time playing I'll explain who hasn't played bingo there wasn't enough random chance in the last game we just straight-up playing bingo now I'm not doing too good here [Applause] guy in the back is just saved come on shift come on oh no we were too short don't need like a photo finish here it's pretty clear who won oh so yellow just wins now thank gee I wonder which one they're gonna pick oh look it's a bingo bring back bingo bingo sucks guys you want if you want me to play bingo just go play bingo yourself you don't need like mr. Miyamoto to package that experience for you hot spots where we going we're going on a taste or birth you could travel to Canada and eat salmon that's what Kevin was famous for fly over you ate some salmon in Canada it's so fresh up here people are going [ __ ] wild yes they won't stop clapping breaking you someone ate salmon it must be a slow news day no I really was like all these people are like [ __ ] ecstatic kill me yeah okay let's let's end the madness we're gonna souvenir photo plus one oh I can hear myself think again first me he's on the moon oh my these knees should be dead I think Steve is dead he's ate a hamburger pass the ketchup these people just not know what food is and like it's just an incredibly big deal the burger is gone what happened there was that the only burger ate the entire stock oh is that like the Simon was such a big deal cuz there was a holy one a kind of impoverished world are we living in where like like air travel is cheaper than just food and there's only one of each delicacy left that was the last burger in existence like there's no more if burgers are gone we're going to like Mexico to take the last tacos Mexico is out of food you ate tacos in Mexico pass the salsa because god only knows you're not gonna need it for anything else now Oh God we're going somewhere else now it's colonialism all over again Madagascar you wait Raavi Toto in Madagascar what a sublime stew and the crowd is going wild we ate Madagascar no don't don't don't get it confused Polly he's claw oh it's sightseeing now it's changed the route of food [Music] Wow okay my teammates suck on Japan's famous Mount Fuji the view was incredible and I'll tell you something else you know we didn't why we're at Mount Fuji we ate some salmon and what was the food in Madagascar we ate and we ate Madagascar this is the final hot spot so you get a bonus souvenir photo why is anyone clapping for this one world traveler now if you spin the wheel and compete to win medal saved him in the bank it would cause a lot of fun stuff to happen like playing minigames and winning medals instantly oh that was pretty clean I guess you could say the other contestants were feeling a little sheepish his job I won't die here is about us yeah crowd is going wild and the epileptics just got flushed out cuz Jesus Christ there's a lot of lights oh I'm dead wow this is a fun minigame I think I've like already hidden we just have to try and mislead them Oh No you shouldn't hide behind that one cuz they can actually see you I want to get the medals from the bank - I don't want to keep like adding more to the pot the more that gets added to the game the more I didn't have to win to be in the lead Oh God thank you make it pass just Oh No yes so this final mini game is just gonna decide the winner in him like literally everything else else in this game has not mattered because if we play a single mini game and you win like that's it hopefully ten rounds until someone wins all the medals in the bank one shot one kill I'm lost everything I did was meaningless nothing mattered in this entire game Bank Bonanza she just wins 40 grand oh gee I wonder who the winner is at 40 1688 medals we could have just play that puncher game like round one and the game could have just been like like okay you won thanks for playing you know we hit round 10 round 11 that's when it all came into play the long con strategy you'll be in dead last and sucking at everything finally pays off [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 2,394,077
Rating: 4.9690166 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, Wii Party, Wii Party funny, Wii Party gameplay, Wii Party singleplayer, funny Wii games, Wii games, Nintendo Wii, RTGame I want die, Wii party games, Wii Party funny gameplay, Wii Party funny moments, Wii Party no friends, Wii Party multiplayer, Wii Party AI, Wii Party globe trotters, Wii Party minigames, Wii Party Bingo, Wii Party board game
Id: TdwSWkRkq0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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