A Ride Along in a Crop Duster Ag Helicopter Applicator

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I've been in a lot of big equipment taking care of agricultural projects all across the state think of the tractor cabs and the combines and the row Gators well those are only good when the soils right but what about when the conditions aren't right to get into the field you go over it Stan sayers my guest and right behind us is his helicopter that we're going to be learning more about here at sunrise cooperative in South Charleston how many hours do you have you need to ask that first gonna hop in with you here in a little bit total hours yeah if you can't count them that's ok I've got about forty four years in them and we're surpassed probably twenty thousand hours those might have seen the video of Joel Pugh Norwood up in that plane with mr. Fisher a couple of months ago and now it's my turn to have a little bit of fun but this time in a chopper tell me what's the difference well basically we can get into the smaller fields a lot more economical than they can we can wrap up the corners and they got their speed of about a hundred and forty hundred fifty knots and we're running about fifty to sixty knots so we got a little bit of control with that kind of stuff but I would assume it at the big fields they do gonna keep right up with as far as that or their cost factor is cheaper as far as operating costs so we have to kind of accommodate ourselves with it with these companies like that to keep our cost down and they they do all the the paperwork force to get it started and get everything routed so I always find myself in unique situations like this one but this isn't what your we're not doing anything for real this is a demonstration and that's the only reason I'm allowed to go up with you that is correct under that under the FAA laws we're not allowed to haul anybody for dispersing chemical or anything but for today's purposes we will will it be a demonstration and we'll only probably be performing with water the things got seatbelts right that is correct okay ready to go [Music] we have been in agriculture and thus on the road crop side the fungicide craze about a decade now to start out with airplanes but what a thrill here riding this chopper this is kind of where it's going isn't it absolutely real excited to have you here today and help us showcase the benefits of the chopper I mean ten years ago we started you know punished like crazy ten or twelve now probably everybody jumped in kind of lightly and treading water is trying to out see what happened and you know for us we were we were happy with the results from an airplane but we felt like we weren't just quite getting what we needed and results were maybe a little disappointing time so got acquaintance with with the choppers and been using them now for about ten years and frankly just feel like we're getting a better job you say it's just a matter of quality over quantity absolutely you know we're asking the growers to invest in a program we're gonna make sure we return the to them and we're definitely getting we feel better coverage and for us at sunrise it's all about quality sure we want to get a lot done a day but that quantity doesn't mean as much as quality to us here's Erin thank you very much for the opportunity to be here a really fun day yeah absolutely glad you came and excited to showcase what we're doing so appreciate it at sunrise cooperative in South Charleston I'm Ty Higgins on the Ohio AG net we'll see you down the road
Channel: Ohio Ag Net & Ohio's Country Journal
Views: 101,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crop duster, helicopter, aviation video, flight video, arial application, agriculture
Id: RbPluBp2Lmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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