A Real Alternative to Windows 10 ❓

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[Music] what you guys in this video we're taking a look at an alternative to Windows 10 which is called linux FX it's also called windows FX as well you can download it from distro watch comm it's great by brazilian company or brazilian person who is made it it look exactly like Windows 10 and they say that it's because they want to help people transition across from Windows 10 to a Linux based operating system that makes it look like Windows 10 but it's actually Linux so you can see here if you boot up to your USB flash drive you'll get this installation wizard popping up here you can then choose your language pretty straightforward stuff here and you can choose whichever language you like there's quite a lot to choose from here so we'll go ahead and choose English and we'll go ahead and continue with the installation I'll be interested to see what it actually looks like and how it works so we're gonna go next here and this looks very linux II gonna choose the location and also to keyboard layout here and we can go next now we can erase the disk here and this will take care of all of this for us once we click on erase disk it's not going to do any sort of swap or anything like that I don't think it's just going to basically install as you see here so let's go ahead and click on next here now this is on a virtual machine but they advise you to install it on working computers instead of virtual machines because it works better let me go ahead and give it a user name and change this computer name here just to something a little bit more recognizable so now we can give it a password to login so I'm just gonna give it a quick short password here this should be a really strong password if you plan on using this OS for any long period so let's go ahead and let this now set this up and it will go ahead and fix this all for us and get it all installed so gonna click install now and I'll speed this process up it does take it at a time get this installed and working you may see the display screen looks a bit small here but that's so case because it's on a virtual machine once I install the drivers we should then have a full screen once we boot up to the desktop and install those graphics drivers you should see a full screen on your computer if you install it on a computer it wants to install some updates I'm going to let that do that by putting in my authentification which is my password so let me go ahead and quickly put that in and authenticate that by clicking there and also they have cloned completely the whole experience here so you can see they've even tried to clone Cortana with their own emotion whatever that is I don't know but if it sounds a bit rough but you got the software updater here and the updater for the distro as well war for the operating system you can update as you see here from these updates and install these now that looks all pretty much as I would expect and again they've done a very good job at making it look very Windows 10 esque but it's not Windows 10 at all it is based on a bun to the backup software they've used which they've implemented into this build let's take a look here let's go to about and you can see this is the school dot backup tool here so that's what they've used for their backup tool and again they've this take a look at some of the other options available for this you can see the edge Hall Explorer part looks exactly or similar to Windows 10 and again I'm not really too sure what they're trying to achieve by making it look like this this see what this has been created with this has been created with Nemo that's how they've got that to look exactly like Windows 10 here now I'm not sure what their way of thinking is to try and help people migrate from window tend to this operating system it looks pretty nice what they've done they've done a pretty good job at doing it that's not in dispute but I think to try and trick people into thinking they're on Windows 10 when they're running say Linux Ubuntu with a bunch of different customizations to make it look like Windows 10 is still a Linux based operating system and to me personally it's not gonna work the same as Windows 10 it's a complete different architecture so it's not gonna work the same so you're not really helping and I think that's just my personal opinion you can see here the system information is completely different to a Windows 10 layout and of course everything you see here is Linux based it's not Windows based at all so I'm not sure how that's going to help when you get a problem with the operating system a windows fix is not going to do it it's gonna be a Linux fix that you're gonna have to do so because you're on a Linux operating system so even though you are familiar with Windows operating systems this is completely a different animal altogether because it is a Linux operating system and as far as I know and remember Linux is nothing like Windows 10 whatsoever and it's gonna be very confusing for people now of course you can do a lot of things like change wallpapers change themes and things like that in in this operating system but again it's all based off of a Linux based system as you can see here now I can understand the concept of trying to help them transition across from Windows 10 to Linux but again just install a Linux distro there's plenty of em out there that are pretty awesome and work pretty well you can see here the Windows Store is meant to look like a Windows Store but it's nor Windows Store it's basically a Linux based Straw to download ya programs and stuff like that now of course this is called the snaps law and you would be able to just install from here just like you would do on the Windows Store okay except this is on a linux based system so the wallpapers changed then you've got a bunch of different icons and and streams have changed but really the back end is Anna Bunty operating system now this looks very Windows based and you can see they've done quite a bit of a job to mimic this and this is also run by Nemo here so that's how they've created all of this operating system to make it look like that and they've gone to a lot of work to try and make it look exactly like this you can change also the themes the borders the icons you can have it as a dark theme or a light theme inside here and you can do whatever you like in here is your operating system you install it you can use it how you like you can also see this menu down here also has some features to it as well which you can just click on these and obviously open them like the run box here obviously it's not a Windows run box it's a Linux run box it's going to be completely different so these types of clones Windows clones are really sort of not gonna help anyone get into Linux really because you still need to know a little bit about Linux to understand the workings of it again all of this interface here is not Windows at all like the PowerShell box which is not PowerShell it's a terminal window it's called air terminal window get people used to using the terminology which they use in Linux rather than trying to use Windows based terminology because they're both different beasts you know so I can understand that you're trying to ease people in but I feel like I'm bashing it a little bit but I'm not I'm just trying to be a realist I mean really if you want to get into Linux there's plenty of distros out there you can use this so you got a bun - you got linux mint you got Manjaro arch linux eagle scent OS elementary OS Papa bass you've got loads of different types out there that you can try robbing and installing something like this and you know being confused about Linux because I don't think this is helping in my personal opinion this is just my personal opinion there's loads of YouTube channels out there that help with Linux there's also discord servers and things like that people don't use Linux on a daily basis yeah and I'm quite willing to help people out rather than using something like this this is just my personal opinion I mean they've got their own courses oh I'm ready to help you you can see that is just what what no I don't know so anyway that is the Linux effects someone told me to install it and take a look at it and said it's an alternative to Windows 10 and to be honest not sure it's an octave to Windows 10 at all it's well it's just I want to be Windows 10 clone which is done very well but it's Linux really you can see the menu system here is done by cinnamon you've got bunches of apps installed on here as well which you can use and again you can install this onto a working computer and have it as your main system you can see the main menu is cinnamon there so yeah I mean really you could literally use this as your main daily driver if you really want to I mean if you really missed Windows 10 that much then use Windows 10 don't use something that's cloned it anyway so that's my personal opinion on it if you are going to jump ship to Linux then use Linux there's plenty of decent distros out there that you can choose from and you know whatever floats your boat go out there choose your flavor install it and enjoy it if you want to stay within those by all means use Windows 10 then that's it anyway I want to just take this time to say a big thank you to everyone who has been subscribe to me over the years we have reached the milestone of 500,000 and I'm so chuffed I really do appreciate every one of you there subscribed and continue to watch more content over the years I will be continuing to make content as long as you continue to watch them so a big thank you to everyone because without you this channel would not be what it is today so anyway my name is Ben Bryan from bright at computers Cody Kay thanks again for watching guys bye for now now if you haven't subscribed yet hit the red subscribe button and hit the bell notification button and click all to be notified when we upload new videos [Music] 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Channel: Britec09
Views: 79,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Real Alternative to Windows 10, Windows 10 Alternative, What is the best alternative to Windows 10, Is Linux an alternative to Windows, Is Windows 10 better than Linux, Which Linux is closest to Windows, Which Linux is best for Windows users, Is There a Real Alternative to Windows, alternative to Windows 10, Windows 10, Alternative, Linux, Linux FX, Windows, Windows10fx, Linuxfx 10, WindowFX, Windows 10 Clone, windows fx linux, Britec, Distro
Id: IyeuNDTgGqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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