A quick trick for computing eigenvalues | Chapter 15, Essence of linear algebra

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I mean, it's the same thing as the ad-bc formula for determinants - it's going to get tricky for n>2, which is actually true for most n.

👍︎︎ 180 👤︎︎ u/LurkingSinus 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 đź—«︎ replies

The method in the video can be really helpful for quickly reading off what's qualitatively going on in 2x2 matrix exponential calculations, since the important information for a real 2x2 matrix is the sign of the trace, the sign of the determinant, and if the determinant is positive, the sign of the discriminant T^2-4D. (Equivalently you can look at (T^2-4D)/4, which is what he called m^2-p in the video.)

So in the thumbnail example, the trace is 4, the determinant is -1, so I immediately know that there's a positive and a negative eigenvalue, which is really what I want to know for qualitative analysis.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/zojbo 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 đź—«︎ replies

My quick trick for computing eigenvalues is googling "eigenvalue calculator" or looking up the matlab function doc if I'm working with a really nasty matrix.

👍︎︎ 266 👤︎︎ u/I_Am_Coopa 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Here is his simpler quadratic formula that he mentions towards the end, which is essentially the same technique but without the context matrices. And that was based on Po Shen Loh's video on the same technique (that video is kind of overdramatic, but it's still a nice technique).

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Kered13 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 đź—«︎ replies

It’s essentially the same thing. I don’t think it’ll be really helpful for 2x2 as both ways are easy and can be done quickly one you get used to them. The really problem is when you want to compute for 3x3 or higher order matrices, in which case both methods are equally inefficient and difficult to solve.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/superfast_turtle 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Haters gonna hate, but I like the occasional silly trick. I think he's earned the right to be like "Hey, that's neat! I'm going to make a video about it, maybe someone else will think it's neat too!" His original video on eigenvalues and eigenvectors was outstanding so I cant complain that he didnt explain what they are in this video. This is like a 'oh by the way' he stumbled across.

If you dont want to use it, dont use it. I probably wont. But remember that math, at it's best, is just enjoyable to the mathematician. I enjoyed it.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/bjos144 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Why is this allowed but not a question about a derivation in LA? The latter would probably provide just as much conversation and learning opportunity for people not aware. (If not more)

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Rocky87109 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 đź—«︎ replies

So I was told of egnevalues in uni but never explained. We aprentlt had done them in systems but we hadn't. Can someone explain to a design engineer what they are I am not a mathematician don't use math terms to much or it will go right over.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bonafart 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 đź—«︎ replies

And a quick trick for inverting a matrix M: if the characteristic polynomial is, say, x3 + ax2 + bx + c then by Cayley Hamilton M3 + aM2 + bM +cI = 0. Hence M2 + aM + bI +cM-1 = 0 and you get M-1 ... except if c=0, in which case of course M is not invertible.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dark_g 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 đź—«︎ replies
Intro This is a video for anyone who already knows what eigenvalues and eigenvectors are, and who might enjoy a quick way to compute them in the case of 2x2 matrices. If you’re unfamiliar with eigenvalues, take a look at this video which introduces them. You can skip ahead if you just want to see the trick, but if possible I’d like you to rediscover it for yourself, so for that let’s lay down a little background. As a quick reminder, if the effect of a linear transformation on a given vector is to scale it by some constant, we call it an "eigenvector" of the transformation, and we call the relevant scaling factor the corresponding "eigenvalue," often denoted with the letter lambda. When you write this as an equation and you rearrange a little bit, what you see is that if the number lambda is an eigenvalue of a matrix A, then the matrix (A minus lambda times the identity) must send some nonzero vector, namely the corresponding eigenvector, to the zero vector, which in turn means the determinant of this modified matrix must be 0. Okay, that’s all a little bit of a mouthful to say, but again, I’m assuming all of this is review for anyone watching. So, the usual way to compute eigenvalues, how I used to do it, and how I believe most students are taught to carry it out, is to subtract the unknown value lambda off the diagonals and then solve for when the determinant equals 0. Doing this always involves a few steps to expand out and simplify to get a clean quadratic polynomial, what's known as the “characteristic polynomial” of the matrix. The eigenvalues are the roots of this polynomial. So to find them you have to apply the quadratic formula, which itself typically requires one or two more steps of simplification. Honestly, the process isn’t terrible. But at least for 2x2 matrices, there’s a much more direct way to get at this answer. And if you want to rediscover this trick, there are only three relevant facts you need to know, each of which is worth knowing in its own right and can help you with other problem-solving. Number 1: The trace of a matrix, which is the sum of these two diagonal entries, is equal to the sum of the eigenvalues. Or another way to phrase it, more useful for our purposes, is that the mean of the two eigenvalues is the same as the mean of these two diagonal entries. Number 2: The determinant of a matrix, our usual ad-bc formula, is equal to the product of the two eigenvalues. And this should kind of make sense if you understand that eigenvalues describe how much an operator stretches space in a particular direction and that the determinant describes how much an operator scales areas (or volumes) as a whole. Now before getting to the third fact, notice how you can essentially read these first two values out of the matrix without really writing much down. Take this matrix here as an example. Straight away you can know that the mean of the eigenvalues is the same as the mean of 8 and 6, which is 7. Likewise, most linear algebra students are pretty well-practiced at finding the determinant, which in this case works out to be 48 - 8 So right away you know that the product of our two eigenvalues is 40. Now take a moment to see how you can derive what will be our third relevant fact, which is how to recover two numbers when you know their mean and you know their product. Here, let's focus on this example. You know the two values are evenly spaced around 7, so they look like 7 plus or minus something; let’s call that something "d" for distance. You also know that the product of these two numbers is 40. Now to find d, notice that this product expands really nicely, it works out as a difference of squares. So from there, you can directly find d: d^2 is 7^2 - 40, or 9, which means d itself is 3. In other words, the two values for this very specific example work out to be 4 and 10. But our goal is a quick trick, and you wouldn’t want to think this through each time, so let’s wrap up what we just did in a general formula. For any mean, m and product, p, the distance squared is always going to be m^2 - p. This gives the third key fact, which is that when two numbers have a mean m and a product p, you can write those two numbers as m ± sqrt(m^2 - p) This is decently fast to rederive on the fly if you ever forget it, and it’s essentially just a rephrasing of the difference of squares formula. But even still it’s a fact worth memorizing so that you have it at the tip of your fingers. In fact, my friend Tim from the channel acapellascience wrote us a quick jingle to make it a little more memorable. m plus or minus squaaaare root of me squared minus p (ping!) Let me show you how this works, say for the matrix [[3,1], [4,1]]. You start by bringing to mind the formula, maybe stating it all in your head. But when you write it down, you fill in the appropriate values of m and p as you go. So in this example, the mean of the eigenvalues is the same as the mean of 3 and 1, which is 2. So the thing you start writing is 2 ± sqrt(2^2 - …). Then the product of the eigenvalues is the determinant, which in this example is 3*1 - 1*4, or -1. So that’s the final thing you fill in. This means the eigenvalues are 2±sqrt(5). You might recognize that this is the same matrix I was using at the beginning, but notice how much more directly we can get at the answer. Here, try another one. This time the mean of the eigenvalues is the same as the mean of 2 and 8, which is 5. So again, you start writing out the formula but this time writing 5 in place of m [song]. And then the determinant is 2*8 - 7*1, or 9. So in this example, the eigenvalues look like 5 ± sqrt(16), which simplifies even further as 9 and 1. You see what I mean about how you can basically just start writing down the eigenvalues while staring at the matrix? It’s typically just the tiniest bit of simplifying at the end. Honestly, I’ve found myself using this trick a lot when I’m sketching quick notes related to linear algebra and want to use small matrices as examples. I’ve been working on a video about matrix exponents, where eigenvalues pop up a lot, and I realized it’s just very handy if students can read off the eigenvalues from small examples without losing the main line of thought by getting bogged down in a different calculation. As another fun example, take a look at this set of three different matrices, which come up a lot in quantum mechanics, they're known as the Pauli spin matrices. If you know quantum mechanics, you’ll know that the eigenvalues of matrices are highly relevant to the physics they describe, and if you don’t know quantum mechanics, let this just be a little glimpse of how these computations are actually relevant to real applications. The mean of the diagonal in all three cases is 0, so the mean of the eigenvalues in all cases is 0, which makes our formula look especially simple. What about the products of the eigenvalues, the determinants of these matrices? For the first one, it’s 0 - 1 or -1. The second also looks like 0 - 1, but it takes a moment more to see because of the complex numbers. And the final one looks like -1 - 0. So in all cases, the eigenvalues simplify to be ±1. Although in this case, you really don’t need the formula to find two values if you know theyr'e evenly spaced around 0 and their product is -1. If you’re curious, in the context of quantum mechanics, these matrices describe observations you might make about a particle's spin in the x, y or z directions. The fact that their eigenvalues are ±1 corresponds with the idea that the values for the spin that you would observe would be either entirely in one direction or entirely in another, as opposed to something continuously ranging in between. Maybe you’d wonder how exactly this works, or why you would use 2x2 matrices that have complex numbers to describe spin in three dimensions. And those would be fair questions, just outside the scope of what I want to talk about here. You know it’s funny, I wrote this section because I wanted some case where you have 2x2 matrices that are not just toy examples or homework problems, ones where they actually come up in practice, and quantum mechanics is great for that. But the thing is after I made it I realized that the whole example kind of undercuts the point I’m trying to make. For these specific matrices, when you use the traditional method, the one with characteristic polynomials, it’s essentially just as fast; it might actually faster. I mean, take a look a the first one: The relevant determinant directly gives you a characteristic polynomial of lambda^2 - 1, and clearly, that has roots of plus and minus 1. Same answer when you do the second matrix, lambda^2 - 1. And as for the last matrix, forget about doing any computations, traditional or otherwise, it’s already a diagonal matrix, so those diagonal entries are the eigenvalues! However, the example is not totally lost to our cause. Where you will actually feel the speed up is in the more general case where you take a linear combination of these three matrices and then try to compute the eigenvalues. You might write this as a times the first one, plus b times the second, plus c times the third. In quantum mechanics, this would describe spin observations in a general direction of a vector with coordinates [a, b, c]. More specifically, you should assume this vector is normalized, meaning a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 1. When you look at this new matrix, it’s immediate to see that the mean of the eigenvalues is still zero, and you might also enjoy pausing for a brief moment to confirm that the product of those eigenvalues is still -1, and then from there concluding what the eigenvalues must be. And this time, the characteristic polynomial approach would be by comparison a lot more cumbersome, definitely harder to do in your head. To be clear, using the mean-product formula is not fundamentally different from finding roots of the characteristic polynomial; I mean, it can't be, they're solving the same problem. One way to think about this, actually, is that the mean-product formula is a nice way to solve quadratic in general (and some viewers of the channel may recognize this). This about it: When you’re trying to find the roots of a quadratic given its coefficients, that's another situation where you know the sum of two values, and you also know their product, but you’re trying to recover the original two values. Specifically, if the polynomial is normalized so that this leading coefficient is 1, then the mean of the roots will be -½ times this linear coefficient, which is -1 times the sum of those roots. For the example on the screen that makes the mean 5. And the product of the roots is even easier, it’s just the constant term no adjustments needed. So from there, you would apply the mean product formula and that gives you the roots. On the one hand, you could think of this as a lighter-weight version of the traditional quadratic formula. But the real advantage is that it's fewer symbols to memorize, it's that each one of them carries more meaning with it. The whole point of this eigenvalue trick is that because you can read out the mean and product directly from looking at the matrix, you don't need to go through the intermediate step of setting up the characteristic polynomial. You can jump straight to writing down the roots without ever explicitly thinking about what the polynomial looks like. But to do that we need a version of the quadratic formula where the terms carry some kind of meaning. I realize that this is a very specific trick, for a very specific audience, but it’s something I wish I knew in college, so if you happen to know any students who might benefit from this, consider sharing it with them. The hope is that it’s not just one more thing to memorize, but that the framing reinforces some other nice facts worth knowing, like how the trace and determinant relate to eigenvalues. If you want to prove those facts, by the way, take a moment to expand out the characteristic polynomial for a general matrix, and think hard about the meaning of each of these coefficients. Many thanks to Tim, for ensuring that this mean-product formula will stay stuck in all of our heads for at least a few months. If you don’t know about acapellascience, please do check it out. "The Molecular Shape of You", in particular, is one of the greatest things on the internet.
Channel: 3Blue1Brown
Views: 373,768
Rating: 4.9673367 out of 5
Keywords: Mathematics, three blue one brown, 3 blue 1 brown, 3b1b, 3brown1blue, 3 brown 1 blue, three brown one blue
Id: e50Bj7jn9IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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