What is Jacobian? | The right way of thinking derivatives and integrals
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Channel: Mathemaniac
Views: 180,428
Rating: 4.9119725 out of 5
Keywords: mathemanaic, mathematics, Trevor, Cheung, math, maths, Jacobian, determinant, matrix, linear, maps, map, college calculus, calculus, multivariable, Change variables, cartesian, polar, coordinates, integral, derivatives, intuition, differentiation, integration, higher dimensions, generalise, 1D, 2D, scaling, factor, scale, partial, total, derivative, integrals, density, uniform, mass, Jacobian matrix, Jacobian determinant, injective, orientation, patreon, average distance, Gaussian integral, relearn, multivariable calculus
Id: wCZ1VEmVjVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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