Healer or Hoax? | Charlie Goldsmith put to the test | Sunday Night

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is your gift powerful enough to save lives yeah absolutely [Music] this is Charlie Goldsmith at work he claims he can cure the sick without even touching them what are you doing amazing arthritis infections chronic pain and much more Charlie says he can heal them all with just his energy and he does it for free a lot of people sitting at home watching this will be shaking their heads thinking what a crock mm-hmm this guy is either a con artist or he's crazy mm-hmm are you a con artist they're two obviously really great options to choose from are you a con artist I'm not a con artist tonight I don't believe I'm crazy either they feel good we've spent months investigating Charlie's claims putting him to the test with people we've hand-picked in front of two respected doctors I'm always in pain and it's a seven out of ten yeah that's definitely better I don't think what Charlie's doing is likely really to work any more than sitting down with a friend and having a cup of tea all I can say is I saw it so therefore I must believe it just give me a second denied will show you the results it's gone I feel like I was leaving my body so you can decide if charlie is the real deal how did you just do that for more than a decade Haleigh kaffir Ella has been living a private kind of Hill a bad day I would wake up in just a gurney I often am sobbing I do not have a pain doctor taking care of me arrogant bastards we don't want to listen it's a chronic pain condition that can affect either a region of your body or several regions or in my case it's spread all the way around and affects my entire nervous system Hayley has complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS it's called the most painful condition on earth more excruciating than childbirth or having a finger amputated worse still there is no cure for Hayley some days are so bad she's confined to a wheelchair what feels like a light touch to me feels like your bones are breaking yeah absolutely sometimes even just having clothing on is way too painful it feels like the clothing is fire or something like it feels like it's it's an attack just to be touched every few months Hayley is admitted to hospital for five days she's hooked up to an IV drip flooding her body but the powerful sedative ketamine [Music] and what about mentally uh yeah it's I feel like I've been to hell and back psychologically I've been severely depressed I've suffered really really severe anxiety I've been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder you'd do anything to stop it you'd do anything to swap you'd do anything to wish it away hope it away work it away but it just doesn't go away the only thing that has kept her going is her family and partner Tim you guys are pretty desperate for something to work absolutely thank you you don't want to go on like this fair at all but it's hard to say future sometimes they call it the suicide disease because people do kill themselves has it ever got to the point where you just think oh I need out yeah yeah I mean I've definitely felt like that I've definitely thought yeah um that's it I'm done I kind of do this anymore Charlie Goldsmith's arrival offers a tiny glimmer of hope Hailey's never met an energy healer but figures she has nothing to lose nice to meet you doctors say they can't cure CRPS but Charlie says he's healed two of the four cases he's seen i've got an extreme pain in the center of my lower back just above my pelvis um shooting down through my hips yeah yeah usually I would feel pain through my hands my feet my legs like sort of the further you go down my limbs the more painful it is yeah um I've got pain through the side of my face my jaw and do you ever have no pain like your whole body just feels good no it doesn't happen okay but it is this way you don't do anything just closing his eyes he focuses his energy on Haley for about 30 seconds then checks in with her okay now how about in the face actually just really surprising its and your back um the back he's definitely still so but not bad so what are you feeling inside your body when you're doing it not a great deal it's kind of subtle it's more like I will feel like magnetic pulses going around my body why do your eyes flutter the way they do I don't know her so if I could stop but I would know how about in the face as I speak actually the jaw sort of going back to how it did feel okay and what about the rest of your body I can actually feel more pain through my shoulders and my upper back stand here I'm just gonna and face away from me is it this is here how does it actually work do you put your energy inside someone else so that's a complicated question that's probably beyond my ability to answer okay so just sit down again sorry to make you do that I just wanna see no that's that's really weird mm-hmm like they're still paying but there's less mm-hmm isn't it a lot less it's yeah it's all let's see okay and the in your jaw Nell um not particularly painful just weird 45 minutes in the pain relief Charlie has given Haley feels similar to being given the sedative ketamine and now how are your hands yeah I don't know what you're doing they feel like they do and I um and one ketamine yeah right that's the sensation they like they shrink back to you feeling feeling how they should hand shaped yeah instead of like I've got big Mickey Mouse gloves on and I'm not hugging probably going too far but every time I've got out I'm taking a step today I've been you haven't been working out well legs what couldn't you do before the way I just hit my hand to my leg yeah that would usually hurt my hand a lot and it's not doing that it didn't what about after ketamine though after ketamine it would still hurt actually yeah just so this is a bit better than ketamine is what you're saying so far when Charlie leaves I asked Haley to be completely honest about what she's feeling that was really was uh I didn't think I would do anything honestly I thought it was a pretty long shot but this is better than what you would normally have when you have to go into hospital and have really hardcore drugs pump three Oh much better I go into hospital get all these drugs put through me I have a bunch of side effects I spend a week in bed and then I might feel like this but I you know I also feel nauseous and this is really I honestly didn't expect expected to do anything [Music] Charlie Goldsmith was 18 years old when he first felt a strange sensation between his hands he says he soon discovered this energy could heal people worried about exposing himself to a world of doubters he wanted to keep his gifts secret until science supported his claims did you ask yourself am i making this up am I going oh yeah for years even I would I would be like is this a dream my logical brain was like this is impossible [Music] after years of pleading with hospitals and universities in 2013 doctors at New York University's Lutheran Hospital let Charlie treat patients they couldn't help I worked on them and within you know a very very short time minute or two 80% of them responded hugely to what I was doing to me that's not really a scientific study it's a series of anecdotes and a story lacks credibility just the methodology was so slack and Boyd really wasn't an experiment of any sort well Charlie can say he works 80 percent of the time but to me he currently has no evidence that he works for 80 percent of the time hi I'm Jana dr. Justin Coleman is a self-proclaimed skeptic we're about to see how Charlie's gift holds up under the scrutiny of one of his critics so do you think he's delusional I think he's he has beliefs which are not rational and not really justifiable I suppose I always tell everyone I can't do everything I'll just do my very best so if I can't help you I apologize the pressure is on this is Charlie Goldsmith's chance to prove he really can heal these five patients you have to do anything I'm just gonna do my thing using only his energy under the skeptical eye of dr. Justin Coleman what do you think he gonna say today I think I'm gonna say a charismatic bloke come in and wave his hands over people and ask people whether they feel better afterwards I'm not I'm trying to get a sense of what would impress you how many would have to say there was a difference before you go maybe this guy's on dessert they all honesty I find the underlying mechanism so implausible that it would require a huge amount of evidence for me to convince me that it might happen I'm just a train wreck really I just you know I want everything out first off is 68 year old John feegan had major back surgery and hip replacement and and both shoulders are gone I can't sort of the kind of thumbs ago that cuz they're really painful all the way up here and that's when you start with your left thumb does it hurt it all now no not like it was John's thumbs and feet feel better but the relief doesn't last still he is intrigued I think there's something here there's something happening I do need spinal surgery at some point next is Anthony Vohland I get pain down my left side it stops it the back of my hip if I like awful sneeze it's like someone stabbed me with a knife okay his results are much better and just bend over tell me what you notice with your back now if I do that I'm always in pain and it's a seven out of ten no I've got a bit of two so you came in here not expecting much no to be honest I was very skeptical and I thought oh I'll just do it cuz I've got nothing on today I've got a tiny bit yeah and before I couldn't do and I thought maybe I'm just too old and cranky and skeptical for him to heal that's what I thought yeah I'm going and now you walk him out of here touching your bloody toes again why not I know and anyone that knows me knows I haven't done that for a long long time yeah that's that's absolutely correct but no idea how he did it no I don't to be honest I don't really next Charlie tries to help Giada burns another person suffering with complex regional pain syndrome down the hall that side yeah right sewed in the face my head and now it's just gone into this hand his hand can still be touched yeah nobody not even my husband's touch this hand or arm and nearly two years yeah right okay okay now I just I feel more relaxed yeah no expert hates of pain yeah usually if I don't get an effect nice and quickly it's not a great sign with me Mike pain is still there quite badly surprisingly like I did have pain in my hips but I didn't even mention that to him and that's actually not there so that's that's really good I basically have pain every day everywhere in my body 16 year old May grade has juvenile arthritis she gets some relief while Charlie works on her and now the pain in my back is gone and my knees don't hurt how are you feeling the first time he did it it was like I could feel the pain leaving and then like a couple minutes later it just came back you ready eleven-year-old Chloe Troughton has the same condition I have arthritis everywhere in my body yeah I had it when I was 16 months mm-hmm [Music] when you to walk again to the table let me tell me how your knee feels feels a bit better it does yeah did it hurt it's okay if it did but I just at that time don't you to step up on here how is that right here cuz I live my muscle yeah alright and again it's not hurting anymore it's not hurting okay that's okay so get back down I want you to test your jaw for me okay my job back of us honey yeah that's there all right do it again [Music] it's better it's better how's the rest of your body feel it feels fantastic you feel good okay I'm good I think Charlie's a miracle I really do he has a gift Thank You charlie for fixing me I think you're a very very nice person for fixing people that have disabilities [Music] she's very sweet you wanted to give Charlie a hug Deanie you feel good dr. Coleman remains unconvinced you've seen Charlie in action what did you think it was impressive that the people did feel he'd helped them I don't think it's evidence that that the magic did occur while he was blinking or holidays hands together so you're still convinced it's placebo and nothing more there's nothing I saw today to make me think it was outside the normal realm of human interaction as opposed to a supernatural extra force that somehow Charlie Goldsmith says he has a gift his critics say it's simply the gift of the gab the real test is whether he can do what traditional medicine can't in the doctor surgery he said I can't believe you're even walking Linda hey Hurst has osteoarthritis nuts and bolts are holding her back together she's had both hips replaced and warps with a permanent limp after two knee operations Linda has been a patient at the practice for six years and she has chronic constant lower back pain Gold Coast GP dr. Karen Coates has 30 years experience she's keen to see if Charlie can do what she and her colleagues can't does it surprise you that a lot of doctors we rang as part of this story wanted to have nothing to do with Charlie Goldsmith it doesn't at all I'm at that age and situation in my professional development where I really don't care about what other people think if I've got the confidence that what I'm doing is the right thing for the people who I'm looking after you don't give a stuff when I think no and I think it's a matter of getting out of your ego and basically sitting down listening with an open mind do you ever have a good day oh don't have it over that paying no Linda I can't bend her right leg unassisted well normally I have to pot up to help your leg yourself yeah if I get in and out my car on once okay okay you know walk again how's your back feel yeah it doesn't feel as painful as it was before okay so just take a seat back up here okay how is it now hmm yeah better so no pain no pain no okay I imagine that stays of the the greatest cuz it's gonna affect back hip hips yeah knees I want to see if you're uncomfortable I did see a set of stairs down the hall Oh that'll be good yes yes ting I can't fix this knee properly so I'm going up sideways like a cramp right hurts a lot looks horrible yeah do it Linda tentatively climbs a flight of stairs no pain no pain that's good it's great I'm just tight sorry no all right just do you want to just go again a couple of steps that's from the sea how's the tightness that time is okay all right back is good keeps good knees good I think the biggest thing is practice will get you comfortable doing the things you couldn't do before yeah sorry it's gonna be able to do that just tell me why you're feeling so emotional oh this I think this is so long my bank my hips are my knee I was only new and it was gonna destroy me because I guess I just can't walk properly no I've got a constable in but it's just I can't even go out cuz I just feel like I get up early you know I know it does hate it just I can't explain it all I can say is I saw it so therefore I must believe it so Lindo we have some stairs here show me what you can do these days it's been six weeks since Linda had her session with Charlie and there's no pain no no and before I had to go down like this but now I could just go at this how long has it been since you've felt this good at least twenty years ago that's when I first study young hip and back pain your specialists were saying you had to have back surgery and now you're saying that you know think you want you need it don't need it now I don't need it these are pretty eel it's hard to describe how amazing it is when you've had it for so long and all the sudden it's gone it's like I can't fake it but where does it come from how does he do it how many people get a second chance applies I've just been given a second chance for Anthony Vohland it's a dramatically different story it's been six weeks since you've seen charlie how are you doing I'm back to where I was before in pain again but for that day that I saw Charlie and that whole night I was completely pain-free I thought this is amazing but unfortunately I woke up in the morning and the pain was back but something definitely happened there's no doubt about that I know one will convince me otherwise that something didn't happen you know I've been disabled for nearly 12 years and now I'm not when Charlie met Haley kefir Ella two months ago she was suffering with the neurological condition complex regional pain syndrome I thought I was gonna suffer and then die I thought that was it now her future is looking bright tell me about the little crazy things that you're getting excited about like doing more than one load of washing doing three today hanging it outside just inside of the line unpacking the dishwasher and then repacking it all in one go and how do you explain this transformation magic you look beautiful and Chloe trout ins juvenile arthritis pain hasn't returned since the day she met Charlie Chloe's mom Rebecca still can't believe it it is like Mary talked to me watching her being able to do these things that she couldn't do before we met charlie so it's great it's absolutely great so have you had any pain in your knee have you been able to get back to being a normal school kid I have been able to be a normal school kid has that been fun yes I can run I can jump I can do up things little bit yes I can [Music] you you
Channel: Sunday Night
Views: 832,267
Rating: 4.7771072 out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Night, News, Channel 7, Australia, Australian News, Current Affairs, Melissa Doyle, Charlie Goldsmith, The Healer, energy healer, energy healing, cure, arthritis, pain, heal, energy, mind, skeptics, doctors, Angela Cox, Sunday Night investigates Charlie Goldsmith, Charlie, Goldsmith, Sunday Night charlie goldsmith, channel 7 charlie goldsmith, healer or hoax, Charlie Goldsmith australia, australian healer, Charlie Goldsmith 2018, Charlie Goldsmith latest
Id: w1sOZFf4ak4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2018
Reddit Comments

Interesting that the test is always pain relief and not - you know - growing back limbs or removing tumours.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jambot- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

See, that's your first problem. NEVER read the YouTube comments. Those are one of the worst cesspools of the internet.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InfintySquared πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

wow those comments are literal aids "doctors are quacks" ....... are these bots commenting or is this fucking real? I know Australia has a sizeable anti-vax crowd, I wonder if this type of stuff is just an offshoot of that mistrust of the medical community.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/howardtheduckdoe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh, another mysterious "energy" is it? Which one is it this time? Life energy , chi, spiritual energy, cosmic energy, or the Jedi Force?ο»Ώ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RappScallion73 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit!! This comment is nuts:

The earth is moving towards a new level of awareness and consciousness. Charlie is one of a growing number of healers who can access life force energy and focus the light telepathically to heal others. We will also be healing with sound and frequency, colour and music. Open your mind people, to new ways of living. It's all about energy. The medical profession has it's place but should not dismiss alternative forms of healing. Thank you Charlie for being brave enough to show your gift and share with others

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/princesspooball πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The problem with this kind of thing is that pain is subjective, and just to make it even more tricky, people are really shit at rating their own pain.

I'm a paramedic, and so I'm rating and treating peoples' pain on a regular basis. It's frustratingly hard to do and a balancing act between "I want to make this patient comfortable" and "I don't want to bomb this patient out of their mind on morphine".

We use a pain scale from 0 to 10, 0 being no pain and 10 the worst pain you could ever be in. There are several problems with that scale, the first being that it is subjective and so one person's 5/10 is the next person's 10/10. Therefore we have to gauge the effectiveness of our treatment against their responses and titrate accordingly. Has it got better? Can you tolerate it now? Is it still the same?

The next problem is that people are terrible at rating their pain out of 10. I often look for physiological signs, (HR, BP, RR, diaphoresis, etc), and body language in conjunction with the mechanism/illness and their story. I've been told the pt. is in 10/10 pain whilst they chat amiably with their friends, laughing and joking, making posts on Facebook, etc.

While I can't genuinely tell whether or not their pain is the worst they've ever experienced, (and it might well be if they've never had a serious injury or illness before), the physiological and behavioural signs tells me that I don't need to be cracking open morphine amps just yet.

Furthermore, after putting 5-10 mg of morph into a patient and reassessing their pain level I might get told it's reduced from an 8 to a 7/10, all whilst the patient is drowsing off on the stretcher.

None of this is a disparagement of the patients. It's just a really hard metric to use to judge pain by and it's very hard for the patients to properly articulate their level of discomfort. Sometimes they just don't understand the purpose of the questioning, sometimes they just have a low threshold, and sometimes they're over blowing it because they want someone to make a fuss over them.

People with chronic pain add an extra level of complexity because they're usually dealing with some level of constant pain on a day to day basis. Sometimes they're genuinely worse today and need a bit of help and sometimes they're not any worse but just sick of being in constant pain and are no longer coping.

So with that in mind, it's really hard to take this guy's claims seriously. Some of these people may genuinely have felt some relief, but I'd be curious as to how long the effects last. The whole "experiment" has absolutely no parameters, no controls, nothing that approaches a scientific study.

I'd rather see him do his thing whilst the patient was unaware of who he was or what he was doing. Have him in the room as part of a routine checkup. He doesn't need to touch or interact with the patient as he didn't touch any of them during this video. I suspect they won't see such a profound effect when the patient is not influenced.

Incidentally, Dr. Karen Coates who "saw it and therefore she must believe it" has some sketchy looking credentials. Apparently she is in fact a doctor, but is also a herbalist and has a team of naturopaths and acupunturists which honestly just undermines her credentials.

All up, very much a feel good puff piece that has absolutely no scientific credibility and at best is a good display of the placebo effect.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImGCS3fromETOH πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have no doubt that placebo has an important effect in this mumbojumbo, but neurological conditions don’t disappear. I wonder if they hired actors, especially the 2 women in severe pain all day every day who magically got healed. I’d love to have access to their medical records... And that doctor who agrees with it all is mindblowing... how about a post β€œintervention” X-ray in that last case, so we could see if there were any changes?! This gets me frustrated beyond measure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Highness-ICF πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It just means the content owner is moderating the comment section heavily maybe even paying for a few fake reviews as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/syn-ack-fin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The people that support these con artists are not in the reason business

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tulanol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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