A programmer's journey of Windows, Linux and MAC

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hey there everyone they share back again with another video and in today's video I want to discuss about my journey how I moved from a Windows computer or Windows operating system into the fanboy of Linux and finally moved into the world of Macintosh so how was the experience and how what was my thinking process behind moving all of this and what I think about when I think of this entire situation right now with the experience of little bit in programming so this is going to be entire journey video so I highly recommend to grab some popcorn maybe some make some iced tea for you and let's get started a quick side note for all of you this is more aware like a story narration which I'm gonna walk you through so it can be a little bit longer video I have no idea what the length of this video is going to be maybe shorter maybe longer but you can actually watch that in the time bar so in case you don't like the longer videos here is your cue to just leave and probably watch some other videos that is on my channel now let's start the journey of how I moved and got my first Windows computer now when I got my first Windows computer actually there was no thought about Mac because I was not aware of that these are even the operating system and all of these things so the first computer that I got was moreover about that I want to get a computer and that's all about it never thought about how Windows is there or even if anything else do exist apart from Windows but eventually after that I bought my first laptop and that time I was much more aware about the things that how it goes how it doesn't go so just like many of you I was also at the same condition having tight on the budget because everybody is during their student life and the college time so I wanted to buy a machine for myself where I can just enjoy the college stuff which everybody does and can have a machine of my own now the problem with that time is you are always tight on the budget and you want to get the best of the best machine that you can get you are always counting on the numbers the processor that you are having how many threads it's running how is going to be the performance what's going to be the cost issue heat issue so yes every all these variables were in my mind also so I look down to onto the web and it was not that much of a heavy at that time so most of the time I was looking on to variety of shops and showrooms and finally settle down on a machine now the big point that was going in my mind at that time was can I have the best experience on this machine I was having not much idea about the heating issues because this was my first laptop and internet and mkbhd were not there to make me aware Dave 2d videos were not out so that I can know that heating was an issue so I got my first Windows machine and I was quite happy with that there was no such issue in the earlier and I was pretty happy with my machine now when you get your first machine obviously you want something better but you are low on the budget so you make sure you cut out some things another thing that was in my mind that I wanted to play games yes Macintosh also came to my mind earlier but I had no orientation or known love towards the Macintosh and in fact I was thinking that it's the waste of money of buying Macintosh because I can get higher numbers of speck in the less amount of money as compared to what I can get in Macintosh now from the current scenario perspective with current experience if I looked at at that time I would say that yes definitely that is one issue that you get higher numbers in the other environments like Windows compared to Mac but now I would also think about one big variable which is how the software and hardware is optimized and how they how easily they talk to each other because just having the higher number is not always a good idea because you might be having like 8 8 gigs or 10 gigs of RAM in your system but if it's not connecting well with your hardware it's not well optimized by your software so what's the point of having these numbers but these are thoughts that I'm having right now but at that time it was a whole different story ok fast forwarding to a few years I realized that my machine which I bought of the Windows eventually is getting slower and I was not happy with the performance at the first the day when I when I bought this machine it was all good all amazing and eventually after certain like couple of years it just not as performing well and then I did what everybody else does formatting and formatting and formatting and getting Windows updates and everything but somehow it looks like that hardware is getting old or probably something is wrong with my machine that I'm not getting that much of performance which I would be happy on the day 1 now eventually after that I started to load up my laptop with different bunch of software's which are pretty heavy centric software's like VirtualBox and trying to play with the Linux and backtrack operating system and Ubuntu and all of that I realized when you install a couple of virtual machine your laptop fan on the windows goods with so much of high intensity and speed sometimes I just felt that it's going to launch up like a helicopter or something so that was the situation now this constant noise of the fan was one of the big issue for me because making videos on these kinds of machine or anything like that yes I was recording videos at that time also so it was a big problem for me whenever I used to send any videos to any friend or anybody it was just this big problem because they say content is good but I'm not able to listen to you because your hands feed is fan noise is so high so I just hated it now eventually at that time since I was getting my interest towards Linux I started to move into the world of Linux and that is also an interesting part [Music] so Linux is one of the great thing which happened to me and my life as early into the carrier I am super happy about it so I started to work on to Linux I saw it and when one of my friends computer Ubuntu and the graphics everything just I was just var this is the thing I want to have totally being honest with you no performance nothing at all I just was impressed with the graphics and the things you can do with the one two I was just impressed with that and that was one of the reason I wanted to just have this operating system in my own computer now getting a Linux operating system in those time was not as easy as you think right now you can just click on a button download and just get on to your computer at that time the downloading speed was a big issue I was having like 15 kbps of a speed yes you heard it right it was just 15 to 20 kbps of speed earlier I was having 8 kbps so yes now you got to know that how these patience is much more in the generation of like me but yeah so getting onto the point so getting is operating system of 600 MB or 650 MB or something from a speed of 15 kbps is not so great idea so in those time when CD was just getting into the market DVD was still expensive we want to do was doing a great service you can just add your postal address and everything and they're gonna send you a CD directly to your home and I did exactly the same after a couple of months yes a weight of couple of months I received my first CD of Ubuntu and I was super happy about it that yes finally I'm gonna get that but installing up in a bun too was no piece of cake so during the time where Internet was not so much friendly what do you do as a kid who is just an engineering college and trying to install an operating system yes I took the help of seniors and couple of other people so I was friendly with so with eventually after a couple of days of headache and everything and having a feeling that I'm gonna lost my machine and everything I was finally able to successfully install Ubuntu but I wanted to do it again so I try to did it with myself completely a wrong idea had to go to friends again and finally third time I was able to successfully install this Ubuntu great system on my own computer I was super happy but if that would be the end of story I wouldn't be telling you that just after installing they went to the problem came up to me that my trackpad was not working my Wi-Fi drivers were not working so I had to look up online I went to a friend's home whose internet connection was not as bad as me but just copying and pasting these commands and terminal without having an idea downloading something was not something I was pretty sure I had no idea what's getting installed on my computer where it's coming up from and why do even I am writing these commands on a terminal so after fixing up all these issues I realized that I need to get professionally trained in Linux so that I can have better usage of that and I just wanted to get trained in Linux that's the whole idea I also noticed that the performance of my computer it's all not getting much hot and it was performing well compared to the windows so I said I'm gonna be installing and using Linux from now onwards surely there were struggles about finding software's like Photoshop and finding software's like Microsoft World was a big challenge but still I wanted to give it a go so after getting professionally trained in Linux I got trained in the Red Hat and giving couple of nightmare exams and certification I was pretty comfortable in the Linux and I was working on it but eventually I got so much of the comfortable in the Linux that I started using Windows and Linux like simultaneously it was no big deal for me now during this phase I I was getting some of the internship as well and I switched on a couple of devices as well a couple of machines well the big issue that came up to me was during my internship so during my internship I was the only guy who was working on a Linux based system most of them were working on on a Macintosh or some of them were working on Windows maturely on Windows so the only tasks that they gave me as an internship was to make a presentation I did that in my open office I showed them all transferred it either I could send only a PDF or the PPD which isin is not at all compatible with their Microsoft Word system so I got a notice from my boss that either you're gonna be fixing up all this issue or just install the windows on your system or don't come tomorrow and yes I get the point that once you become a fanboy of a Linux it's so hard to just get rid of it even sometimes you try to convince other that hey why you are not using Linux instead forget about these Macs and Windows just try to use Linux as well and I came to know about a very good advice from a fellow company person he said no matter how good the Linux is going to be but it's never gonna be accepted in the industry because most of the software's are oriented towards Windows or Mac so the paid clients are there so no matter how good it is it's gonna be always in the development world it's gonna be Mac and Windows surely it's gonna be used and the back-end system like your servers your hosting and everything but again it's not gonna be very front-end into the development part anytime soon so I moved back on Windows and things were going good but somewhere inside me always wanted to this was a bug inside me that I always wanted to get a Macintosh machine just like you I'm no exception I always wanted to have this kind of thing but always used to bash it because it is expensive numbers are low and everything stuff like that but eventually I came into the development world of iOS and usually that's the story for most of us same with me I wanted to develop an app for iOS I wanted to learn that but in order to learn that you need to have your first Macintosh [Music] so again what to do being an Indian the student you always run through the numbers you run through all the crunching numbers how much you're getting how much you are paying value and everything so I thought and I looked into all of these devices I came to know that Mac Mini was the most amazing and affordable thing I can have to have a Macintosh experience and I think that should one I can get because Mac MacBook Air was low in specs - price and Mac Pro was totally out of the question at that time because it was not even close to my budget and now when I look back I realized that Mac Mini was ultimately the best thing that happened to me and yes I know I cannot play games on that which was a big deal for me during the college and that's one of the reason I picked up the Windows best-possible the machine I can have but eventually when you move on to the Mac first and foremost you just stop playing games and to be honest you become more productive and since it was a time when I was taking more of the things from client work to a lot of paid jobs and everything and during those paid jobs you really don't want to be bothered about your heating machines your low-performing machines or things are not getting compatible and I hate to say the world but the exact word that the Mac people use that it just works it's actually true all these things in the Mac world actually works over these years I was afraid about that is the software going to be available on Mac am I going to be able to run a Mac properly or not these issues and these all things came to me as well I was fearful about that but eventually when I moved onto the Mac the first thing that I noticed was low heating and amazing performance I know low heating is not at all now this issue but compared to other laptops which I have of Windows I struggle early do make videos on them also I noticed that my performance of everything that I do is also better on Mac now the big question comes is what is the thing that I do is which can be done better on Mac and that is actually making of these videos if still somebody is doing all kind of development thing I think a Windows machine is still a great choice and you can do all of your stuff but at the time when you are having an Android studio running into your system and on the top of that you are recording those videos as well then it becomes a power-hungry machine so this is the major reason why I use Macintosh as my daily life first and foremost I can just start the machine and start working on that that increases my productivity I have to worry less about a lot of things that I have to constantly worry about in my Windows machine but on top of that making these videos is much much better experience and the software's are much better which are exclusively available on the Mac machine so if you ask me today that hey Paige what would you recommend to a big nerd who is getting started in the in the journey of his engineering or maybe coding I would still say that Windows is a great machine you can have but don't go for numbers because if you are just crunching down the numbers you are not comparing them rightly Ram that is 8gb in a system and another system is having just four gigs of RAM that is no way of comparing because these are just numbers these companies are hyping around so another big aspect is how the software and hardware are optimized and how these performance issues are gonna come up that should be a big big concern in your mind and definitely most of the people who get started in programming and everything they eventually are gonna just end up into Windows no matter how much you appreciate the Linux or Mac they are gonna be on Windows because first and foremost the pricing is a big issue another one is the gaming of course if you are not gonna game right now when you're gonna do that so surely gaming is also one of the big issue budget is one of the issues and on the third issue which usually you don't cater around is actually the fear that a lot of students just get a fear of Macintosh that their I'll be able to do it how expensive it is and all that this actually stops you from buying your Mac but still I would say that if you want to crunch up onto your productivity you want to get a lot of user good experience then of course Macintosh is one of the great thing that you can have so if budget is not at all an issue for you I would highly recommend you to at least try a Mac Mini or something somehow just borrow it from your friends or anything like that so at least don't just miss out don't just be this close minded person who just hates Mac for no reason or hate Linux for no reason and just love Windows because that is your first computer that is not at all a good idea to have it I know I'm trying to be more philosophically in this one video so this is entirely my story about moving from Windows to Linux to Mac and I know this is a very very long video but as I told you and they're starting that I have no idea how much long this video is gonna be this is a long story line and I have no idea how much long this video is going to be so that's it for this video I hope you have enjoyed this journey about Mac Linux and windows and how I experienced it so that's it for this video I hope you have already hit that subscribe button if not give it a try it's a pretty amazing button you can just click on it and it's going to say hey subscribe to hit ish that's it for this video and let's catch up in the next one [Music]
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 49,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, Windows, buying windows machine, linux, MAC, Buying mac, programming machine
Id: B_ejX2mPMN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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