Do not install Linux without watching this

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hey dear everyone this year back again to the other video and in this video we're gonna do the Linux installation so all those people who are watching this video for the first time make sure you watch the other videos we are running a Linux series but there is one big thing before I start the Linux installation process that I want to tell you don't you know my friend that Linux shows no mercy to the first-time installers okay I do agree that was little bit overdramatic but what I want to say is please make sure you have backup for all of your files in case you are installing and using this method for a full fledged install or a dual pivot if you're following up exactly my instructions throughout the cities then you don't need to worry about anything the method that we are going to follow for this installation and I recommend all of you to do this installation first and then the dual boot or whatever the things you want to do so if you're following up this instruct these instruction that I'm gonna show you in this video then you don't need to worry about anything everything is being taken care off even if you do some mistakes it's totally okay you're not gonna be deleting any single file in your system rest assured so if you're installing all these things just as I walk you through then it's totally okay but in case you are using this video as a knowledge source for installing it as a like dual boot or you want to totally install everything on your main machine then you're gonna need a couple of things to get started for that part also first and foremost get one thing out of your head that your machine is a very special machine no it's not regardless of what brand you're using whether it's HP Dell maybe a high-end gaming machine or whatever that is the reason why that machine is working so flawlessly with the windows because thousands of engineers are working on writing the drivers and making everything compatible so whatever your trackpad is whatever a keyboard is whatever these hardware's are that companies are using they just make a request to Microsoft or sometimes write their drivers and send them to Microsoft that hey please make sure that Windows is compatible to all the hardware that very using but in your case since you are using a Linux which is not having thousands of paid engineers chances are high that some things may not work and that may include your keyboard your mouse your trackpad your wireless drivers and everything so I'm going to give you a list that are the things that you need first and foremost in case you are doing this installation thing make sure do it on a given Sunday or maybe a free day because you really don't want to do that in a hurry up so make sure you do that everything on a free day get an external mouse because your trackpad may not work with Linux get any brand keyboard because there are chances that your keyboard might not work make sure it's the wild one and not the wireless one and also make sure that you have an Ethernet cable this is a cable which you plug in into your router and your computer so that you get an internet connection because the highest chances are that in the full-fledged installation you don't have the wireless connection and in order to resolve any of these problems like mouse is not working or that is not working you need to install some of the drivers and that is only possible through Internet so this is a must-have now you have collected all the material and in case you don't want to collect all of that follow my installation advice on the VirtualBox that we are going to be following and doing in this cities so now let's move ahead and try to understand the installation process make sure you watch each and every step very very closely but there is one more thing just one more thing that you need for this installation regardless of you are doing it in VirtualBox or real world grab yourself a nice tea because you're going to be staring the screen for a really long time so make that iced tea I hope everybody got the assets that we need for this installation video now I highly recommend to first go through along with me watch this video and then only try the installation process the most important thing is the first installation should be on to your VirtualBox it should not be on your main machine otherwise I'm pretty sure you're gonna mess up the entire operating system entire files and important stuff and that's not gonna be good here I want to ask you a question by the way how many times did you when you tried the first time installation of Linux did you messed it up like deleting all the files did it happen to you it actually happened to me as well so first important step is to have backup now the way I'm gonna walk you through with the installation process you don't need to worry about backup or anything this is not gonna mess anything because it is in the virtual box it's kind of fade in just one folder you are installing an entire operating system and that's it that's all about it now another important thing is make sure you also look out in the comments section and if anybody says hey I want an installation of Debian just let you know in the comment section that you need to watch entire series just comment on it will be super fun I'm pretty sure somebody's gonna come up and say I want installation on Debian we are all aware of the Linux that we have another flavored Debian RedHat and all of that so let's go ahead and talk about these steps now this video is gonna be a little bit longer because I want to explain the features and a little bit more about the VirtualBox as well so that you can install it with its full potential so we have a lot of options up here now what word should box does it creates you a file just like an exe it gives you a VDI file VDI extension and you can simply just move that file also you can give it to some friend or anybody else and all the configuration and anything that you're gonna do into the Linux is actually transferable in the VirtualBox so it has a lot of options and capabilities that we can use first and foremost we do have preferences here in the preferences you can see this is your default machine folder where all of the operating system that you're gonna try to install is gonna be installed here after that we have some of the important stuff like updates there are certain command combinations which can only be transferred to this virtual machine through this input segment here for example the control all delete which you are quite familiar on the windows system cannot be directly transferred into this VirtualBox so we have to send an input through these input signals update we all know about it how does that work then we have language and display and all of that now this is the automatic default size display the moment you're gonna install the VirtualBox by my method it's gonna be on to a very small segment and even if you do a full screen it's not gonna go into the full-screen mode we're gonna talk about that later on that how that works and how this X server actually helps you to do that that's gonna come up later on after that we have Network so by default it connects into a net which is a a kind of a thing which bridges into your machine internet and your virtual box internet but we do have other systems as well through which you can connect to Internet as well and then extension and proxy are pretty obvious ones we have extensions and proxies which I guess you don't need that so we're gonna close that right now then we have import and export as I mentioned that sometimes in the OS you can transfer one Linux file to another with just VD eyes and it's all good so in that case we goes for that and in order to add those file we have shaddup here okay enough of the talking now let's go ahead and click on the new so as soon as you click on the new you're gonna get this one and it will be opened up in your system as the guided mode there are a couple of modes in the VirtualBox the guided and expert mode yes I know some of you are afraid of the expert mode but you really want to go into that one now by default it says window but I'm gonna try it my name as simply Ubuntu and notice it automatically detects the Ubuntu here so I'm gonna call this as Ubuntu whitey because it's YouTube CDs that we are running up and automatically detects that the type is Linux and it's an Ubuntu and if you're gonna open up that we have a whole variety of Linux which we can have it including from Centaurs to Red Hat a whole bunch of OS are there our is rightly detected if not just go ahead and do that but you really don't want to do that just next here because you want to go into the expert mode in most of the cases and in all of the cases you want to go for the expert mode so typing again here we want to go for ubuntu whitey and now it's asking it how many how much of the memory size you want to give now you don't have to worry too much about it because we want to is fairly decent and get run in pretty good in one gigs of ram and in my other system we have pretty good amount of ram so I'm gonna give it like two gigs here almost so there we go two gigs is fine because I have to record videos and it should be faster on my other machine I usually give 4 gigs of RAM and it totally depends on how much RAM you are having in your system so yes sometime it's a little bit heavy Ram consuming process in initial days but once you understand it here you can install it on a full machine and can take advantage of the things here so we're gonna go ahead now the next option is hardness now it says create a virtual disk now this is the option that you want to use right now because it's gonna create a virtual disk that simply means it's gonna create a folder and we'll treat that folder as an entire hard disk so that it can install it I told you this virtualization concept is more like a magic and you're gonna see that in a minute board about that so we're gonna click on create now and now comes up some of the interesting stuff now first and foremost this is the file location where it's gonna install all the things and notice here closely this file extension which vdi this video file extension is the file which can be transferred to your friend's computer and you can probably save that and this entire installation process can be saved up just by having this VDI file and it just is so amazing after that it says how much file space size you want to give that I think 20 gigs is really fine for Ubuntu but don't worry it doesn't really consume 20 gigs from your C Drive directly it's kind of a space that you want to give that if you want to expand more you can do that so notice here it says dynamically allocated that means I'm not gonna consume 20 gigs right at this moment but I can consume it if I need that and definitely you want to choose VDI which is VirtualBox this image there are other types of this video which are supported by third parties as well but right now we are all good with that so we're gonna click on create and there become now the half of the things are only done because remember we actually got this Ubuntu we actually never walked it through looks like it got crashed I'm gonna open that up again it's a usual stuff on windows so notice here we have this Ubuntu ISO image means a disk image but we never actually showed it that where you should use that image it's not gonna do it automatically now you want to click on this Ubuntu you see that a lot of options got opened up general system display storage you want to navigate to the storage by the way the next method that I'm gonna tell you is actually gonna be asked to you directly when you click on the start as well but I think it's better to have it here so go into the storage click on this optical drive it's almost like clicking on this drive button and the drive is coming out of your computer so click on that and now you want to choose a disk click on the choose disk and you want to click on Ubuntu or whatever the OS you are having so you just need a disk here and I'm gonna click on open and there we go now the disk is actually inside your computer and now you can click on the start but it means I'm turning on the computers so I'm gonna click on start and now it's gonna take a little bit while depends on your machine so as I told you you need a lot of things to get started with this installation and iced tea is one of them so now notice you really don't want to close any of such messages you always want to read these messages because you are on the learning phase you just don't want to dismiss anything that comes up so click on that and it's gonna give you all the message I highly recommend to read them first I have done this installation probably hundreds of times so I know them and you really want to read all of these messages they gives you the idea about the feature which is being provided by that so let's wait for a couple of seconds till it loads up the Ubuntu in the meantime I want to show you more stuff look at the very bottom of this Ubuntu here there are a lot of things available here that how to get in a command into it and all of that so whenever you right-click on any of them a lot of options are gonna be shown to you for example let's just say your trackpad is not working on your operating system or your machine so what you want to do is simply just connect a USB mouse and just right-click on that and just name that Mouse and just click on connect as soon as the tick mark is gonna come up that hardware is gonna be now directly contacting with your virtual machine and it's gonna work like that so pretty fantastic stuff now let's go ahead and you can definitely try the Ubuntu but I am here to walk you through with the installation process so let's click on the install Ubuntu here ok come on now it's gonna take a little bit while because I'm recording at the same time as well as we are installing it so it's gonna consume a lot of memories so my machine is gonna be little bit slower and make sure you prot you use proper keyboard because changing the keyboard afterwards is a little bit pain in almost all of the Linux so let's click on the continue and we'll wait for the next screen and here comes the interesting part as I told you you never want to go for the default for anything now with the normal installation of specially the Ubuntu and fedora and couple of like elementary OS they actually try to install some of the features like default things for you it's almost like a bloat where that you can install later on if you wish but right now I don't think so it's a great idea things like LibreOffice OpenOffice some media players like VLC are gonna be automatically installed for you if you want that definitely you can choose that but we're gonna go for minimal install it also says that you can download the updates while installing the Ubuntu it all depends how much internet speed you have I got 100 Mbps but still I'm not gonna do that right now and I'm gonna just uncheck that now there is another option which is install the third-party software so what is going to happen if you are installing it as a full-fledged machine like a complete OS into your system not virtualization then sometimes your trackpad doesn't work your Wi-Fi drivers doesn't work so it tries to find the best possible match case for you and try to install that but in some time it's not gonna do a great job so you have to install these drivers and libraries manually so I'm gonna just uncheck that for a moment because I don't want to spend a lot of time in just installation I'm gonna click on continue by the way everything what we are seeing here is installation installable later on as well I'm going to click on continue with the minimal install and let's wait for the next screen now here is the most tricky part where most of people just erase their entire operating system including your C Drive D Drive e try what are the drives you are having I'm gonna talk about the drives in a minute how many drives you can have what are the hacks people use in all of that in a minute let's go ahead and click on something else you always want to customize everything in Linux okay so we don't want to erase the entire disk and install the Ubuntu and by the time you're coming up here make sure you have the notes of your drive because just having notifying the name that I have a C Drive and D Drive is not gonna work here you need to have the exact size of those disks just to make sure it comes handy so we're gonna click on continue okay now this is your actually entire hardest which is slash dev slash SDA the Linux way of dealing the things is little bit different it calls everything as slash dev slash as da and if you're installing it as a full-fledged install all if your drives are gonna come up as /s da one slash as da two and no actual name of C Drive and D Driver it becomes so hard in that case to find out that which one is see which one is three because the arrangement is not always like C is gonna come at the top it it always changes out there and one more important thing this button here which says create new partition table windows format of keeping the files is completely different from Mac and Mac is completely different from these Linux what are these file systems and partition tables you might have seen in your disk sometimes that it says I'm gonna format that drive into NTFS or fat32 or fat or something like that these are the way how your operating system likes to arrange all of your files it's like almost like a library system some like to keep all the science book one side some like to keep them in just alphabetical order it all depends so while the file system that Linux use is ext4 one of the file system that is being used by Windows is NTFS so that's the difference we're going to talk about that in the upcoming videos later on we're gonna click on first and foremost new partition table the moment you are gonna click on the new partition table that means the drive that you have selected or whatever the drive you are having here is gonna be reformatted totally and there is no way no software that can get you the data back because the way how these data software get here things back is by rearranging the things but if the partition entire formatting is changed there is no way to get the data so it's always good to have but in the case of virtualization don't worry this is not gonna do entire formatting of the entire OS because it doesn't have privilege to go there so don't worry in this case we're gonna click on continue and there we go now it says that the partition is being changed means it is ready to be partition it hasn't yet partitioned that I'm going to click on this free space here so notice here it is the free space it is not yet ready to be used by our Linux because notice here the type it has no type right now it doesn't know the NTFS it doesn't know fat32 it doesn't know ext4 the mind mount point is also not mentioned what is this mount point this mount point is actually responsible where should I start keeping all of my files what should be the root folder in the case of Windows it's mostly the C Drive it's depends what operating system you're having in all of the Linux system we have the mount point as slash yep just one slash I'm gonna talk about that in a second now what you want to do is select that and now you want to click on this plus button this plus button is gonna say that I want to create a partition in which I'm gonna install my operating system now notice here we are having primary and logical so technically yes this is hackable little bit but technically you're gonna have three partition system no matter what the size of your desk is it's 1tb or ten TV you can have three primary partition in your operating system and only in the primary operating system you are allowed to install the operating system surely there are ways around to go and challenge this particular rule it is possible but it's not a good idea and you can have a one a logical partition this further logical partition or extended partition can be further broken down and you see like ten different drives in the people's so operating system so again probably we'll discuss that a little bit later on we are going to look for this beginning of the space as for this one here so make sure you click on that and make sure you're installing your OS in the primary OS as well or primary partition now notice here it uses ext for journaling file system means understand that as a like a library system here and we can see we have got a ext3 - we have got some of the fat as well I don't recommend to install Linux onto a fat operating system you're gonna make a big mess up here so make sure you always choose ext4 if you are installing the Linux that's the one we always want to go for that notice here the mount points in the mount point you want to write a just a slash just this forward slash not the back slash in the Linux world we always go for the forward slash and windows world goes with the back slash so keep that in mind we're gonna click on OK and now it's gonna take a little bit minute and now it is ready notice the type actually got changed to ext4 mount point is here size is also mentioned and used is unknown because we haven't installed anything up here there we go okay one more interesting stuff which a lot of people just forget about that notice here at the bottom it says device for bootloader installation this bootloader is gonna be your very first file which is gonna tell from where to start looking up for an operating system and if you fail to install this particular step that means it's gonna be a problem you want to use directly by default in the place where you're installing your operating system the bootloader ideally should be in that same place and notice I said ideally because yes there are ways to challenge that as well it's a Linux it's a completely customizable and a lot of things can be done but ideally you want to install that in the same thing here so notice when I say is it's in the day of /s da I'm using as da one I'm using that in that here surely I can say that I want to install it in SDA one that's usually the case but in case we are going for that we just want the entire disk to be used that later on I'm gonna walk you through that how you can challenge this boot loaders and grub system as well why when you install the Linux the first default selection is always Linux how you can modify that and how you can make the default as Windows should load up dual boot it's gonna come up later on have patience so we're gonna click on Install Now and definitely you can change the grub file and locations so we're gonna click on install now ok now it says so far we have just practiced everything and we haven't done any like particular things being written on your desk so you can if you can go back and you can just completely forget that anything happened to your operating system or your hard disk so this is the last moment where things are not yet crazy yet once you click on the continue and that's it now the things may go crazy but if you have followed all the things you have listened to me properly I don't think so you're gonna mess it up ok now my region somehow is giving me the kolkata probably it should give me delhi but hey ass looks like it also loves kolkata just like me so we're gonna click on continue and now we need to process one more step the one more step is to choose your username now we're gonna discuss about these username root user and bunch of other things later on right now we want to just go for that so we're gonna give it a user name of youtube right now and pick a username is youtube that's fine and for the password I'm gonna choose lco I'm gonna choose again LCU that's a very weak password but we're going to talk about these password policies and everything probably later in the course you can choose a different password which says subscribe yeah you can choose that also and now we're gonna click on continue ok so this is gonna take now what you need to do after this step is simply just stare at your screen nothing can be done at this point it's gonna just install everything now once it has installed everything it's gonna just ask you to restart you don't need to worry anything just click on restart everything is gonna be fine everything is gonna be good so that's it for this video I hope you have enjoyed the installation process you have learned couple of more things about file systems and a bunch of other things and definitely we're going to talk a lot about them but right now there is an assignment for you the assignment is really simple since you now know about the ext for the file system the grub the a lot of formatting system as well I recommend you to try to install the cent OS OS cent OS operating system onto your virtual machine if you are able to successfully do that just click a photo with that Center OS installation and post me on the Instagram my ID is if they show the official I would love to see that how many people are following this series if you are following it up I would love to continue this one okay so in case anything happens do let me know in the comment section I would love to see your feedback and we're gonna go from there so that's it for this video I hope you're enjoying this if you are enjoying it do please let me know it gives me a good and very big morale boost that I should continue this say so please let me know in the comments section that's it for this one hit that subscribe and I'll catch you up later on [Music]
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 268,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, linux, linux installation, linux wifi issues, linux driver issues, linux dual boot, linux virtual machine, linux for beginners
Id: EH37ee9JDg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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