Linux vs Windows vs Mac OS - Which is best as an IT professional?

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today it's all Linux versus windows versus Mac OS which is the best operating system you have ever asked yourself this question yes the answer hi everybody welcome to the digital life my name is Christian and I'm always teaching you how to become an IT professional so if you are interested in learning Linux Python cloud networking and all those stuff don't forget to subscribe to my channel so when you read on social media or watch youtube videos you will notice it people always argue about operating systems some say Linux is just better than Windows or Mac OS is just for stupid fanboys to be fair some arguments may have some small truth in it but overall people are just complaining about everything they don't like you will also find lots of people especially in the Linux community you who always complain about everything that is not open source or even complain about different Linux distributions or single applications I respect them for being very enthusiastic and most of the time they have a decent knowledge of technology but on the other hand I believe thinking and these stereotypes doesn't help your IT career if you are that kind of person probably consider to change your mindset trust me I don't want to convince you to use a specific operating system but let me tell you from my experience of many many years working in the IT industry and working in enterprise companies and finally you may decide for yourself which is the best operating system for you [Music] first I want to tell you Linux Windows and Mac OS are just all amazing they are all very solid secure and flexible operating system and they can suit almost everything from beginner to pro they may have some major differences in certain areas but overall you can just work with every one of them in my years of working in the IT industry I've worked with Leonard with Windows and also with Mac OS many many years and I've gone through lots of issues but I also saying every single operating system has its positive aspects and that's what I want to tell you in the end it doesn't really matter which operating system you are using but what's the difference then right so although they are really good in our areas they have some strengths and weaknesses in specific ones I don't want to talk about every single advantage or disadvantage but I want to give you a brief overview of what I've come across in my add Hickory so Linux undoubtely is the most used operating system when it comes to servers to running services like websites or web applications or in cloud environments Linux is just everywhere and if you want to become a real IT professional you definitely need to learn Linux but it doesn't actually mean that you need to use Linux as your main desktop operating system to be honest with you Linux desktop environments can be very frustrating that splitting and forking of every desktop environment on Linux is just confusing and I think it really doesn't help the Linux community it often seems like everybody's running his own thing or somebody is reinventing the wheel there are millions of ways of how to configure a Linux desktop experience and that is not always an advantage you could spend hours and hours to configure your desktop environment and sometimes you just want to get things done on the other hand if you really like to configure every single bit of an operating system and if you're not afraid of running into trouble or issues then Linux is much more fun than Windows or Mac OS so Windows is most commonly used desktop operating system for computers and that's just because it is very easy and intuitive and it can run almost every software on it it also has a very great half a compatibility almost everything is just track and play some people might say that Windows is less secure than Linux or Windows but I don't think that is actually true anymore Windows these days comes with lot of great security tools like Windows Defender a built-in firewall or window set boxing just to name a few ones of them and don't let anybody tell you in the hand or viruses from Mac OS or Linux it just gives you a completely false sense of security all those security vulnerabilities are much more often abused and windows because it's just so commonly used that doesn't mean that they are no security vulnerabilities existing for Linux or Mac OS always be aware of when you are affected by a malware on Linux or Mac OS and you don't have any protection at all that can be much more painful than on Windows also Microsoft has been much more open to open source in the last past days just have a look at the windows subsystem for Linux which is very very nice and odds are some smaller project like the Windows terminal which is completely open-source I mean this is nothing compared to Linux but it's just funny to see a big company like Microsoft finally changed a bit their philosophy about open source although many people might hate Windows for whatever reason it still outperforms Linux and Mac OS when it comes to usability and compatibility [Music] if you want to use the Macintosh or not that really depends if you get in love with Apple its ecosystem it doesn't mean you have to buy all Apple products but it can make sense in some areas because they have some great built-in integrations between their products which is not available for anything else on the other hand it can be very frustrating if you try to break out of it you will also notice that many high-skilled people in the IT industry will use Macintosh especially when they are working in software development and that's just because Macintosh is a UNIX based operating system and you can combine those interesting features of having a UNIX based operating system with these business applications that are available on Mac OS but not on Linux it's also very accepted in the creative industries such as graphics design music production or video editing a lot of powerful applications in this area highly focused on Macintosh although these devices have their unique a beautiful look and design there are often more expensive compared to personal computers with same Hoffer components and you also need to accept Apple stupid repair terms and conditions [Music] so if you're wondering which operating system I'm using in my day-to-day work I'm a very creative and what's a very technical person I like to learn new things I'm very technical enthusiastic and I just want to know how things are really working but I really don't care about an operating system an operating system for me is just a tool to get my work done and when I want to create YouTube videos play computer games or do those technical research I just need a flexible operating system that can run any application I want to use and this actually windows that doesn't mean I don't know how Linux is working you know I do a lot of great Linux tutorials on my channel and i also use linux in my day-to-day work when I use it on servers on virtual machines and windows subsystem for Linux is really blessing for me because I can just use a Windows desktop environment and when I open a terminal I just feel more comfortable with the Linux way of doing it so don't overcomplicate this old stuff just use the operating system that can run all your applications and that best fits your requirements just see it as your tool and really think of what is my workflow what are you really doing with your computer in which operating system is best to achieve that goal many people just like me also using all different operating systems in virtual machines or test labs and something else so it really doesn't matter which is your main desktop operating system so you can finally see saying something like Linux is better than Windows or Mac OS is just better than bla bla bla that's just stupid because it's just a general statement from someone who may have completely different workflows who may have completely different skills and that being said we all are just human we all have our personal favorites or personal opinions and that's just ok except that somebody else might not like what you like so don't judge anybody for using a different operating system saying they are new or something else just understand that in IT Korea is much more important to know how things are really working instead of just using a specific operating system that does make you an expert right sorry I hope you like this kind of video I mean I know the truth may hurt somebody but I really don't care I mean I'm just telling you from my experience I always want to be open and honest with me oh and that's just my opinion right it may not be yours anyway please tell me in the comments which operating system you are using and please don't forget be respectful and honest to people so thanks again for watching everybody enjoy the rest of your day take care of yourself and I see you soon [Music]
Channel: The Digital Life
Views: 52,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, windows, mac os
Id: ehP2-mM7ay8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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