A Problem With Timber Cladding

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what's got around here in today's exciting  episode i'm going to pull this window out   this deck's already propped we're  going to cut it away from the house hi there mark hi how are you doing i'm doing  good how are you good good what's happening oh   it's a bit slow this morning yeah yeah just  like a bit of contact tracing for the day the other day we went under the stick and propped  everything up and that is because we need to cut   this deck away from the house so that joist goes  all the way through and the flooring is attached   to it all the way along so in some cases you can  keep the deck connected to the house like this   but only if you have a 50 ml drop in height from  the internal floor to the external floor so the   original plan was to keep it like this and put  some saddle flashings over there but uh then we   measured out from the existing house and there was  only like a 30 mil difference therefore cut it out so this is the top part of this wall  and we're making it join with the   existing which is over here this is gonna  be the new stuff and the rain's on the way   the rain is coming because we couldn't move  this beam this beam had to stay here it is   slightly out from the wall line this wall see  there's the frame there's the beam so what we   have to do is we have to put a vertical  flashing that is stepped i got one made oh the rain's arriving but we got the flashing  in now we gotta get the frame behind it so oh there's a bit of a rush with the weather  coming in and you know it's about to buck it   down with rain so we've quickly got the window  in and um now look at it there's one cloud r2 this is one of those uh hand-me-down tools from my  dad laser level i have to plug it in every time i   can use it the battery the battery is always flat  but i shouldn't complain about a free laser level   those things are expensive so that rotating  laser has picked up on this receiver here   what i'm trying to do is get a level line that  we can reference when we put our weatherboards on so the laser lets you jump from there  over to there with the same height   and then around the corner all right now the corner marked i can reset  up the laser on this side of the house   the main reason we need a consistent  level line around the perimeter of this   wall that we're clouding the main reason is so we  have a reference point because we want to try and   match up the weatherboards that are way down there  on that side with the weatherboards on this side   now the chance that they're level with  each other i know it seems pretty slim   and it goes all the way all the way all the way   thanks to this guy it goes all the way around  here too what i wanted to do now was see   whether the weatherboards match so you count  that one and tell me how many into our chalk line one two three four five six  seven eight nine ten eleven   twelve i think yours lines up with the chalk line  that bottom weather board um mine doesn't 25 mil   difference that's pretty good for a 100 year old  house it's pretty good this is a little plastic   strip that keeps that bottom weatherboard where  we want it to be because it's not overlapping all right these are the old weather boards  right they're just sort of flat boards that   have slowly warped over time as they've been  pushed against the wall and you can see where   the paint isn't is where they overlap now it's  always an issue in renovations trying to match   weatherboard profiles these are the closest  ones we can find and they're bevel back which   is you know what what you want but they're  a lot wider that's quite a lot wider there   when you line them up they aren't too bad so  you can see that that will uh that will work   so in order to match with this we have a much  larger overlap on the wider board so usually   it's more like that it lines up grooves to groove  and then you just pop a nail in there but because   we're going to that pencil line there we'd have to  pop the nail way back here and that is my concern   i think i think i have a solution for the  weatherboard problem let's go back to the job   after a little bit of deliberation we've come  up with a solution to our weatherboard issue   so this is the original one and we've cut this  one to match the existing ones and because we   cut the top off that weather groove disappeared  so we've routed in a new weather groove there and   then we've just got to prime it all so now instead  of this where you've got a weather groove there   and there and a too big an overlap we have this  so now we can put a nail in there so the thing   is you should only ever nail the bottom of the  weatherboard and when you're nailing the bottom   you should never let that nail go through the top  of the board below it so if you nail both the top   and bottom you're not allowing the weatherboard  to move and expand and that leads to cracking see   out there if we had overlapped more and nailed  all the way up here there's a chance that the   bottom could soak up moisture and then when the  bottom moves as a result of drying out curls and   that wouldn't look good either so the extra time  that we'll spend making it match the existing will   prevent both cracking and warping how's it going  buddy oh you know covered free it's going good bro   so ripping the boards and routing the weather  guru mate you're working your way for that   yeah got a few left but um over there  so like any bear edge that we create   we're gonna have to prime all  this and then it's ready to go up   once rich and i finish this slow part we can  um these things are going to fly up the wall ah so although paddo is milling  up a bunch of new timber   we are trying to recycle the old weatherboards  that we managed to take off intact   a lot of them were cracked and split  you know being on the wall for years   getting better by the sun but there's some good  ones and it's native timber so it's very strong   so these are the packers i paint them all rich ask  me why and i don't really have a good answer so   just go over and above over and above why do the  minimum code why do the minimum code when you can   go over and above homes on homes eh homes on homes  so we're gonna have our bolts either at the bottom   or at the top here staggered up  and down as the stringer goes along   it wasn't very nice under there you
Channel: Scott Brown Carpentry
Views: 148,899
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Id: E2rXZ9CFtC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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