A Prisoner Of Appetite is Unhealthy Eating A Sin? by Shane Idleman

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[Music] the title is a prisoner of appetite a prisoner of appetite and I'm going to talk about unhealthy eating and taking not taking care of our bodies and is that a sin now the reason I didn't announce that prior is we probably would have a lot less people here it's a it's a topic that we don't want to talk about it's difficult but it's very very important and what I mean by unhealthy is the ability to take care of our body but choose not to do so that's what unhealthy is it the ability to take care of our body and we choose not to do so and the irony and this whole sermon is people their misconception about me is laughable like I eats perfect no I don't you should have seen last week it's it's it's an area I struggle with and I'm just gonna be honest with you I'm not here to beat anybody up I want to encourage people because I see a very close very close parallel with our physical health and our spiritual health for those who can do something about it obviously there's people out there who can do nothing about it I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the 99% of us who and if this doesn't apply to you get the CD and give it to somebody who does but for most of us this is very applicable and this is a struggle for me when I'm overweight it's because I neglect this area and it's hard to preach on what you're not living out that's why many people won't preach on this and even just I'm just gonna open up a little bit about myself even many of you might know but this time last year I was probably 240 pounds and I've dropped about 15 pounds of that and it's always been a struggle since I was a little boy growing up and trying to stay and that's why I do it because I know where it can lead in this area and a few things I just God brought so many things to my memory this week but I had a nickname chubber Lane remember with mr. t when he fought Rocky Balboa and he was called clubber lang they called me chubber Lane and I still remember the person Mike Muller he's a fireman now I think LA City used to call me that at the movies and movies I still remember that I'm gonna actually email him this sermon to make him feel bad that was like 34 years ago I think and also in the yearbook if I go back it I think it was a Bethel Baptist there's me sitting in a wagon with an apple and there's stuffed pig underneath the the the heading there and all these I mean they live with you right and and and just grow and so I remember that and I said now what I'm gonna do when I get out I'm gonna get big and strong and I'm gonna show like that guy little weak wimp wimpy guy that gets real big and then put other people's face in the sand and that's what I set out to do and that's what why I got into health and fitness and I wasn't healthy I wasn't fitness to fit a lot of steroids allowed the rest I look like a lot of the wrestlers I have a before and after picture I don't want to show you guys but for email me I can I can share it with you but when I got to my biggest at 272 or 75 pounds and and looked like Brian Bosworth of the the the Oklahoma Sooners was one of my heroes and and being big and strong but that wasn't healthy I was dying inside I was drinking and and and and all kinds of the party lifestyle but a lot of it stemmed from that poor self-image a very poor self-image being called chubby at LED pants I remember that and just being made fun of it we don't know how that affects growing up so I can relate I'm preaching to the choir and actually this is pretty funny I don't I don't know if this is true or not I still need to research it but for my height I should be 195 pounds so I'm still thirty pounds overweight what's going on here I mean it doesn't make sense buy no muscle weighs more and I I'm what I'm trying to do is I want to just trust God Lord let me take care of this and you put me at the weight that I should be at because when you start eating right and taking care of it now here's the biggie this affects everything I do when I don't take care of this I don't want to go the hospital homes I don't want to preach I don't want to witness my attitude stinks I'm Moody I'm disgruntled and I'm angry I think this is important the topic and it doesn't affect you well it does affect you you just don't know how much it affects you until you start to experience something called withdrawals have you ever withdrawn from sugar and caffeine the worst panic attacks I've ever had is withdrawing from caffeine these things affect us in a very negative way and we should talk about it and I'm reading a book I'm actually gonna recommend I ordered it and it's not here and enough time but it's called breaking the stronghold of food by dr. Michael Brown breaking the stronghold of food by Michael Brown I've built a relationship with him over the last year and I should see his before and after pictures it's like 80 or 90 pounds just the energy he has and eating a very healthy and and this book is good and it's very convicting but something he's said in there really really set in nuts well it's set well with me but didn't sit well in this regard he asked the question would Jesus be overweight and I thought what Paul lose credibility would we take James less seriously if they were I mean I was carrying around extra 3040 pounds you know people might say Oh shame that's no big deal and that's true you look fine that's true I understand that but I know that the appetite is there ready to take me down it's something that we must talk about in Thomas Khan staines history the three Edwards he describes a life of her in all the third a fourth century Duke in what is now Belgium grossly overweight Renauld was commonly called by his Latin name Crassus after a violent quarrel reynard's younger brother Edward led a successful revolt against him Edward captured Reynald but did not kill him and said he built a room around Reynald in the Newark castle and promised him he could regain his title and property as soon as he was able to leave the room this would not have been difficult for most people since the room had several windows and a door near normal size and none was locked or barred the problem was Reynald size to regain his freedom he needed to lose weight but Edward knew his older brother and each day he sent in a variety of delicious foods instead of dieting his way out of prison Reynald grew bigger and bigger and bigger when Duke Edward was accused of crude cruelty he simply answered my brother is not a prisoner he may leave when he so wills Raynard stayed in that room ten more years and wasn't released until after Edward died in battle by then his health was so ruined he died within a year a prisoner of his own appetite and that's where this message really comes from is a prisoner of our own appetite and the difficult thing in actually whites a double-edged sword is the more knowledge you possess in this area the more responsibility you have the more reach the more we know how the food and how nutrition how these things the more we know and we know a lot in America we don't have a knowing problem we have a doing problem the more we know we have a responsibility I know these things will hurt me I have a responsibility to do something about it and it's interesting a lot of people are not aware and they might be upset that I'm bringing this to the surface because now they know but even the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on mental disorders that psychologists use list caffeine induced anxiety attacks a panic attacks anything over 400 milligrams of caffeine set you into a mental mental disarray it's it's in their books and it's it's it's it's it's it's what we're feeding our bodies it's what we're we're using to stimulate and often there are ramifications with what we put in the physical effects the spiritual here's the big deal this is why this is a big deal Shane if I eat a doughnut is that a bad thing well no you're not going to hell and you're not caught in sin and now you're not the prodigal son it's just not a good idea it's it's it's going to begin to make a certain effect on your body the physical effects the spiritual again the physical effects is spiritual we've been talking about the filling of the Holy Spirit for the last two months haven't we the filling of the Holy Spirit and what quenches and grieves the Holy Spirit in our lives disobedience disobedience another book I want to recommend is the school of obedience by Andrew Murray the school of obedience by Andrew Murray the one thing God asked of Adam and paradise was obedience the one thing by which a creature can glorify God or enjoy his favor and blessing is obedience the one cause of the power sin has got in the world and the ruin has brought is disobedience the true the secret of true obedience is the return to close and continued fellowship with God I was just talking to Mike in the back about this we think of this I'm gonna do a sermon someday hopefully soon on obedience is not a bad word it's not about what the difference between legalism and biblical obedience is a relationship to the Father and I like what Andrew Murray said the secret of true obedience is the return to closed and continued fellowship with God God which say just obey my voice just obey my voice just obey my voice so we have to listen what is he saying anything to us in this area well here's the question does the Bible say anything about addiction why stewardship of our bodies disciplining our bodies or a word I'm gonna throw out there that we don't talk about gluttony does the Bible say anything about those areas if not let's just close up and go home but if it talks about these areas I think it's important to discuss so does the Bible say anything about addiction why stewardship discipline our bodies and gluttony yes it does so that's why I recommended that book breaking the stronghold of food by dr. Michael Brown so let's talk about this for a minute I can take you the early church fathers and this was a huge issue the early church talked about it is it one of the five or seven major sins out there right gluttony and what this is let me just let me just tell you what it means the word means to gulp down if you look at the root word of gluttony it means to go up down and what did you do at Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner with a little petite salad and come back to it later or was that's why they call it a big gulp comes from the word gluttony it's to gulp down and again the whole point of this message is to help the whole point that's why I even brought free copies I wrote the very first book I wrote was what works when diets don't giving people a biblical model to follow and I do want to help me on this area because I would help to over twenty thirty thousand people through many years on this area and in every case once they improve this area other areas of life improved physically spiritually mentally energy better parents better spouse it's an all-consuming area we forget about why do we forget about it because we don't talk about it very often this is an important topic gluttony means to gulp down and throughout the Bible actually I had scriptures on it and there were they were took up a whole page but basically it's the overindulgence and consumption of food or drink and it's often tied to wealth extravagance and waste sounds like American lifestyle doesn't it as stravagant wealth and waste and the modern American lifestyle promotes gluttony it actually see we don't follow the world and in the regard to the movies don't follow the world in regard to television or Facebook or how the world layers or the world don't handle the way the world handles all this but when it comes to food and give me everything I don't care what the world does let me embrace now you better be careful it's the same type of influence and it's funny this week people always make the comment it bothers my wife but it doesn't bother me when they say I know she oh she ain't can't have one cookie here's the problem one cookie here in and out here tri-tip here sirloin here lobster here but try this pumpkin pie in this cake and these cookies in this trees and this and before the week's over I just had a plethora of junk same with you so the responsibility no you know I'm not talking that you have one cookie now and then we come on folks we need to just grow up we of course I'm not talking about that what I'm talking about is a consistent pattern where it hurts the body and if we had time again this have to be condensed down but how food affects the body what would would probably shock many of you how it actually affects the body chemicals nicotine caffeine alcohol how to fix the body most of the anxiety attacks panic attack depression that people go through are a result of what they're putting in their body many times I'm not discounting mental disorder because it happens with of no fault of people it's not always the case you can't just say that but you look at the studies all these additives all these fruits are the rise of attention deficit disorders the rise of this and all these different things you have to look at what are we putting in the body here's here's here's let me just encapsulate all this and maybe I'll get to God gave life-giving good food for us to consume that brings life to the body so I think fruits vegetables greens this colored yak well that's That's Life that's life so when we take in death that food that has no nutritional value you can sit a Twinkie or a Big Mac on the and the shelf and come back and look it's not going to look any different a week or two or three or a month later it doesn't look it's dead food it's the it's dying it's gone so when we consume things that give us no life but bring death it amazes me probably the thing that amazes me more than anything is why aren't we dropping like flies boom boom boom boom boom because we are fearfully and masterfully and wonderfully made God has made us and but we we dilute and pollute that by putting in these things that bring no benefit to the body you look at a Coke caramel coloring aspartame if it's a diet coke caffeine why do they need caffeine a coke have you ever thought of that it's called addiction so we want more coke and you look at these ingredients that were consuming there's nothing life-giving in it and what I found is there's not a problem I said this before ate too many apples in broccoli yesterday have you ever said that no why because unhealthy food is tied with gluttony unhealthy think about this gorging on unhealthy food but I I haven't ever ate I ate too much of that salad why because it's healthy life giving food that satisfies to the body and I'm convinced that Starbucks puts a little bit something else in their coffee to keep it coming back because those that line from 5:00 in the morning til 10:00 and night is just round the Clarks all the time and you know what their little logo means a siren enticing wayward sailors to their death through seduction that's a good logo to choose but that's how it works folks it's it's it's it's you have to in if you don't take my word for it take it to the Lord take it to the Lord and ask him to show you in this area now with that as the backdrop here's the hope submit to God rather than the god of our bellies the Bible verse it talks explicitly about this as in Philippians 3 their God is their stomach their God is their belly and their mind is set on earthly things Paul to the church and Philip i's contrasting these evildoers these wicked people these false teachers their God is their belly everything is surrounded by what he means is everything is surrounded by their appetite so I've joked about this but it's true when I get up in the morning would I run for my my green smoothie or my coffee and doughnut and that couple hours later I need my this and that couple hours later I need this and a couple hours later I need this and then I have to stop and get my drivers ice cream or my coal stone or my yogurt and I can't go to bed without this Frappuccino and I have to have this and I'm I'm addicted all day long in my appetites are controlling where I go their God is their belly that's who's controlling them that's why fasting I talk about often breaks the addiction it breaks the bondage and you can change your appetite you can change your palette you can crave you can begin to crave good life-giving food just like you can create crave more of the spiritual things of God isn't the parallels are amazing the more I get into God's Word and submit and surrender and read the Bible and pray and come to church I'm hungry for those very things so once I begin to feed on life-giving life-sustaining food I feed on those very things if you don't think this is a big deal look at the obesity rate in our nation look at where the health care is going you think the Health Care's messed up you ain't seen nothing yet as my daddy used to say right that could say okay that from the pulpit some of the old I'm gonna say no you can't say that it's okay let me back up a little bit you can the the this is not going in a good direction something has to change something we have to we have to make a difference somehow there is hope you can change your appetite and your palate Greg Laurie I don't know if you've been hearing him on the radio he's given a wonderful example he's been talking about a trainer in one of the gyms who want to take on 70 pounds just to see what it felt like and he said it was heaven Captain Crunch Donuts the first few days the first few days but then everything started to come undone and he said I wonder if I ever get my desire back for the healthy things and his analogy was a course of sin or or falling away from God but it's the same thing here we what we start to feed on we crave and what we crave we want more of and that's why it's hard to break this cycle of addiction on food I mean there's this week just praying lord please I know this can offend people please help me with this sermon preached I'm for each of the choir but I'm pretty Lord helped me and I just I so many things one of the confirmation was I saw an email threat on Facebook about somebody named Eric I think it was through dr. Michael Browns ministry who's a very overweight he said coming out of the homosexual lifestyle was easier than controlling this area and breaking food addiction let me read that but then you start to think it's bondage you if you're bound by something you just don't quote it just doesn't you know say okay devil that's enough tomorrow morning you wake up and you make some grapefruit juice and you love organic smoothies and you're gonna make organic pancakes with wheat germ and cut out dairy now and then and and watch them me you know it's not gonna happen it's a fight it's a fight but there's hope submit to God submit to God in this area you will not find freedom until you submit this area to God until I finally said yeah I know a lot about fitness but God I have a problem guess guess what out of nowhere I want to stop and get a huge coffee and doughnut this morning and I get home I go open up the church turn on the heaters and I say okay Lord I'm start I've got to do this 40 days I got to get rid of all this junk I keep compromising know for me it's dairy meat I'll explain I just want to do a Daniel Fast and I walk in and there's I smell eggs and toast and I'm like oh and I just got like I can't have this started all I got mad I got irritated I'm like in a bad mood because I couldn't have eggs what's wrong with me but see how it work cuz that you know you don't want to is it a big shame you could have yes I could have but I want to be Philip the Spirit of God I want to make a commitment to God I want to fulfill it I want to starve the flesh so I got out the orange juice organic for those who care and I put some I put some plant-based organic protein powder with frozen bananas and then got it going and then put in some big dinosaur kale that big green stuff you can't even taste the kale I made my kids drink and they loved it but then I felt bad or after I over but that addiction didn't want to go out easy did it because our bodies our cravings begin to pull us away that's why why do Paul say I discipline my body and I bring it into subjection what for to be a good example to be a good testimony now here's the excuse verse that somebody's going to pull on me after the service so I'm going to throw it out there right now first Corinthians 6:12 Shane haven't you read I have the right to do anything yeah I did but you got to keep reading I have the right to do anything you say but not everything is beneficial I have the right to do anything but I will be not mad but I will not be mastered by anything so people actually use this excuse to just eat all types of garbage and not take care of their body I can do anything I have a right and a privilege well actually the context is do not be deceived do not use your liberty as an opportunity for the flesh because see that they were bound in the Old Testament they were bound by the law they were balanced appalled come saying freedom in Christ and people are saying I have freedom in Christ I can do everything possible on some things aren't beneficial don't be mastered by anything so we have to look at scriptures in context in this area another point Epis tight is a very strong pole propers 23 I'm gonna paraphrase when eating with the rule or pay attention to what is being served if you are big eater put a knife to your throat don't desire all the delicacies for he might be trying to trick you giving up to those delicacies and delicacies what this really is talking about is this this appetite of us of ours is a very strong poll now resolutions are good New Year's resolutions what do we do we reevaluate we re-examine and we change why do they fell in this area that they very very easy Scripture remember this the flesh is the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so the Spirit is willing how many people are willing saying that makes sense I want to do this guess what you don't know a battle until you leave these doors when you battle for that that that appetite that's why so you have to feed the spirit there are spiritual disciplines you have to put in place that will help you in this area in here they are first you have to find the motivation find the motivation ask God for help and what I mean about motivation what helps me stay motivated is I'll pick up a book by Jenson Franklin on fasting I'll read Andrew Murray oh my lord have mercy on my soul when you pick up the old-time authors that talk about obedience and crucifying the flesh and I'll get up like the book I recommend to dr. Brown's book and I'll read these and I'll bring in the motivation I'll look to the Word of God and what God's Word says about gluttony and addiction and not being overcome and I'll and I'll pray and I'll ask God and I'll stay motivated by that that's why I have free books you can pick up on your way out because you need that motivation because it's you're very motivated right now but when you head out of here what's gonna happen to that motivation Christ talked about the abundant life and many times we hear that word abundance and we think of more and no doubt it carries that meaning but abundant life is an energetic life a life where your even-tempered you're not Moody and angry with these mood swings and all these things it's abundant life a life flourishing because of your doing it spiritually and physically I want to throw this out there as well have we ever thought about the example we're leaving to our kids I mean the the childhood obesity rate is alarming it's absolutely alarming and what what is the example we are leaving for our children about this area in this area that should be motivation enough I don't know about you but that takes care of half my motivation I don't need the Captain Crunch and the garbage in the pantry because out of sight out of mind what little kids what's in the house they'll eat that now they're wanting to cut up oranges and apples and celery with peanut butter and all these things because they can't get anything else if I put that in the pantry along with big league chew what are they gonna grab you guys no come on tweeting there's a lot of upset faces in here I better hurry up get through this thing God's grace is divine empowerment you have to ask for God's grace in this area now here's an interesting concept God's grace meet God give me the Great and I joke about this but it's true it's like the person who said god help me with gambling is ahead to Vegas that's how we abuse his great God help me with drinking as you stop by the liquor store let me just look at it see what it looks like this year 2000 and we and we fall in these areas but God's grace works with us Noah had to do something Abraham had to do something Moses had to do something so God empowers as we submit and obey because I talk to people got Jim why won't they take away this addiction I just talked to somebody recently why am i addicted God won't take it away no he might not he might not just take it away you have to fight sometimes you have to apply biblical principles in your life and I don't like that any more than you do Lord would you please take away the desire for caffeine and sugar right now take it away is that gonna happen and sometimes it does praise God for those times yeah there's times where he'll take something away immediately and people never go back to it but many times we have to fight so you have to find the motivation you have to ask God for help you that's the key because if you keep feeding on the Carl's jr. commercials every day and not something to bounce it out what are you going to drive to bashang in and now has scriptures on their cups and they're there Christiaan there if I hear that if I hear that one more time and they're a Christian company I'm okay that's that's your excuse actually I had a good excuse and dr. Michael Brown called me on it this week and I was thankful he did I said you know it's a lot harder for me though I have kids under 11 he says that's just an excuse shame that's true isn't it I mean we find excuses now it might be a Christian company there might be good things if anybody there works there then get them to them they need to get organic meat not processed meat and not process bread and nut and vegetables that came over from Canada and a freight train that have tons of pesticides herbicides and fungicides on them and nothing is healthy in that so send that to them have their upper manager make the changes and now I've been there before I've been there recently probably a few months ago and it sounds good right now but we can't we have to find the motivation I'm gonna get back on track here it's a lifestyle number two this is a biggie this will help a lot of people it's a lifestyle there are no short shortcuts don't just throw away all the advertisements on 3rd on TV lose 30 pounds in 30 days exercise for just 8 minutes wear this belt all garbage all garbage they sell the whole industry fitness industry is based on creating this emotional 8 minutes a day that's all I need exercise no no you need to move a lot you know can't just wear a belt I did last time I spoke on this a few years ago I had a corporate executive from Pepsi got mad at me we make good drinks - you know Gatorade or whatever well there's Gatorade the same stuff in the Gatorade is in antifreeze come on folks wake up I mean let's honestly the garbage that we are consuming would alarm you it's it's amazing what we're allowing into our body specially it's really hard for me a little league when the kid parents bring all the snacks my own don't eat don't eat the big league chew and a Diet Pepsi and a Twinkie and it's like oh goodness kids it's no wonder we're experiencing what we're experiencing so there are no shortcuts lose weight quick is a great marketing but it's not realistic all that you do do to the glory of God that's why this area has to be focused on a lifestyle it's a lifestyle but you fall forward you fall forward do you think anybody who has ever accomplished anything has ever not stumbled and fallen I can show you people who take care of their body and they make mistakes I can tell you people who have succeeded and they fell many times along the way but you have to make a lifestyle note say the month of January I'm gonna do this and then back on February 1st it doesn't work it doesn't work that way it's interesting too my wife told me I wrote it down a while back she did 40 days thing is no sugar and it took took a while it was a hard fight I was pretty and pretty impressed actually but unless you make a lifestyle that desire is gonna come back again and again and you're fighting the same demon you fought many years ago is there a demon Sugar Shane no it's not demon sugar but you fight what I mean by that is you allow that open door to come back and it comes back stronger if there's a bondage in one area why do you go back to it well that doesn't make any sense it reminds me of the verse where the they find the house come the demon finds the house clean and swept and then brings back more with him and the last state of that man is worse than the first because he allowed that door of bondage to be open when it's a lifestyle I'm prepared for the ups and downs you get through the holidays you get through the different seasons number three choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret this will apply to those who even don't want to hear a message like this they want to get back to the Bible this is Bible it's called gluttony it's called taking care of this wonderful thing that God has given us and we need to start talking about these things that are so important choose the pain of discipline over the pain of regret physical discipline always have spiritual disappear achoo benefits what happens is you discipline your body then joy comes after I drink that smoothie I was happy to be had I caved in to the eggs not happy because I blew the fast I want to start today oh my gosh I can't get through one day but joy comes patience then peace abstinence then fulfillment see do you see how that works discipline Bob Paul said this in first Corinthians nine I strike a blow to my body and I make it my slave I discipline my body like an athlete to train to do whatever it should I keep on disciplining my body and make it serve me that's three different applicant translations but the bottom line is Paul said as of believer here's what's offensive here's what people don't want to hear you have to discipline your body and stop allowing your body to discipline you you have to take control you have to lead in this area you have to tell your desires nope you're not going down that path here's what I'm going to do God has called me and you discipline your eventually your body will be quiet it'll be quiet in these areas because you resist long enough to be dead the devil will flee Elliott's commentary on this first Corinthians the body is spoken as Paul's adversary it's the seat of those lusts and appetites which war against the mind which makes it a slave the idea is carried on that the body is not only conquered but led captive we must remember that the language all throughout this passage is figurative and the statement here refers not to inflicting his own by not hitting his body but subduing the appetites and passions which are located in it the true position of our natural appetites is that they should be entirely our servants and not our masters that we should not follow or be led by them but they should follow and be led by us that's what I'm saying and I'm I'm dead serious that our appetites control our entire day morning where I'm going to lunch where I'm doing this one and when I'm feeding this appetite when you begin to control your appetites you say no that's not what we're having this morning this is what we're having I'm controlling you and when you want to stop and get that large strap a cap or a patina that has tons of stuff and I gotta wait in this line I've gotta you'll make excuses sorry running late traffic's bad no it's not you're in Starbucks line because it control let's get real these things are controlling us and Paul said I don't do that I've never done that but I've heard people doing that before Paul is saying don't allow this area to keep controlling you John Owen was a Puritan author he said secret lusts like lurking in our own heart which will never give up until they are either destroyed or satisfied secret let's never give up until they are destroyed or satisfied the fourth point is fall forward hopefully this is encouragement the enemy uses regret and procrastination those who succeed in this area are those who have fallen many times before so you can have a wonderful 2017 you can say well Shane I was just born this way my pituitary gland my my this my hereditary it doesn't matter you can succeed in this area and a lot of times we blame our body are up I did I've blamed different things on my body and we can't continue to do that yes that sometimes plays a role but I want to encourage you to fall forward fall forward can you imagine this time next year or this time this summer feeling better because you put it's not just weight or bad food it's putting your body in subjection and you controlling it versus you controlling you it already controls me when I leave here what am I going for lunch golf down right girl hurry hurry good more food more food where am I going for dinner I'm gonna stop by here and get a candy bar gonna stop by here and get this and it controls us he's saying put your body in check you control it the fifth point I've already thrown this out there it's consumed consumed life-giving foods you have to consume life-giving foods people often say what about the meat debate and the dairy debate and all this you know I'm not gonna get I get real technical but take it to the Lord these things are delicacies in Bible times you didn't you didn't have meat for breakfast meat for luncheon meat for dinner 14 times a week it was a delicacy brain when the prodigal son came home go and get the fatted calf for this reunion it was a time of celebration weddings but now we're feasting on things that were meant to be only now and then so life-giving food from the soil get life-giving food not dead food designed in a factory and I'm well aware as much as I have many of this many of what I'm saying is right now is going in one ear and out the next but I'm talking to that group of people who want to make a change and I can tell you as a living witness when I'm taking care of my body I'm a better pastor I'm a better husband a better father bar none Barna not even comparable to anything else because here's why here's why justjust let's just stay on this topic for a minute when I have when I have and that's why I go off now and then and it's hard that's why I go back to honor gets bondage when I get off of coffee I didn't realize how much of a jerk I was you're you're irritable you're anxious leave me alone get away leave me alone get away can I have my coffee gotta have this get away kid you bother me get oh it's just it's just everything that's not fruit of the Spirit it's not if you treat people you're mean you're rude you're arrogant you're condescending you're irritable that's wrong why should we not say that that we're taking things that actually turn us into jerks and monsters and being just stay away from me to a man like coffee I mean can you imagine that what is that that's a away from you till I have my heroin stay away from me - oh my have my crystal meth or my tail with it because that addiction so be careful in this area it affects you more than you realize and the reason our bodies are falling apart is because we're not feeding them what they need to sustain life we're feeding them death that's why all these injuries many times are happening of course we're getting older and God says in the word you know we're not to live be more in 120 and there's different things on this and and whose avian reach 120 right I mean that's it's been on very few people but the bottom line is I know people who are in their 80s that are running marathons I can't keep up with them in their 80s so you wonder hmm wonder what wonder if we can really take care of this machine that God has given us I mean I could break down on the molecular level how food plays a role endorphins and making you feel better and moody being very moody and being chemical imbalances because you're feeding on all the wrong chemicals added if sugars preservatives all these things the body's not designed to take in you look at just look at the back of something when it says partially hydrogenated oil they are injecting hydrogenated gas into the fat molecule so that the food won't go bad aspartame which is the sweetener in diet drinks was found by a guy trying to cure an ulcer through it's an ulcer medication that's not FDA you live do the research on this it's not a good product but we're consuming and we're consuming and we're consuming and that's why it has such a strong pull try try just stopping diet Pepsi I was hooked on that in 1999 I had to have big 16-ounce get every couple and coming off of that I thought I thought the world was going to explode I mean you start shaking heart palpitations moody talked about Moody and irritable oh my lord and just anxious stay away I can't what is this it's it's withdraws because this is a highly addictive thing you come off broccoli nothing's gonna happen nothing's gonna happen so here's today's tip formulate a plan this is what you need to do you need to formulate a plan so we're gonna have signups I know Kristin will be out in the lobby Kristin Bosma will be out in the lobby she's doing something for 30 days if you want some accountability we've got free books you have to have a plan here's here's my plan a nutshell the power of the made-up mind you've got to make up your mind I'm not doing this I'm making up my mind because here comes the excuses right tonight I can already hear well just have a little bit of meat and sugar chocolate just weaned off tomorrow okay you're right and now I'll get Ben what about a little bit of coffee a little bit coffee's not gonna hurt you know yeah you're right and you start to have all these excuses the power of the made-up mind and expect temptation and withdrawals and plan accordingly don't just go cold turkey sometimes you need to withdraw off of things and get them out of your system that's one of the benefits have you ever noticed the benefits of fasting if you've ever studied the benefits of fasting is not just spiritual it's physical the body restores and rejuvenates itself selves our cells actual cells come back to life disease is killed and conquered and many times fasting allowing the digestive system to rest it's a wonderful instable out of sight out of mind this is an important thing go through your pantry and remove all those things that are going to pull you back you can't just have a pantry full of something that you're trying to quit look at the ingredients look at what you're consuming if you can't pronounce it and the list is this long it's not good and I have more on that that we can help you with don't Center things around food that's a big deal we send it seem to Center things around food that's one reason why I did the men's walk we started when the church start is don't go there's guys sitting around having three doughnuts in a big thing at Kauffman I'm so tired I don't know what to do I'm Moody versus let's go out and walk for an hour and a half and not Center everything around food have help the options available move more stay active you have to stay active sign up for the hospital home sign up for something do something stay active getting home putting your feet up on the couch and watching TV is not a good thing it will actually hurt the body and of course fall forward I want to get I want to really encourage you to fall forward because many people make mistakes but you get back on track and you move forward so here's what we're doing as a church we're doing a 30-day focus on health as a church I'm gonna start back in the book of Acts next week some of you like thank God but but and I would have a health seminar where I could talk more about this but twelve people will be there so I had to just you know get you out now I'll get CDs available for those who thought they could miss it we'll make sure they get CDs next week so if you didn't if you know somebody's not here give them a CD but as a church I'm just gonna go I'm gonna do a Daniel type fast with intermediate fasting where I fast all day and just get back to healthy good god-given foods and and see what that does I want to have a tip each week to kind of help you get on track through the month of January and there's no no better way than to start the new year off in this direction and most of you know who ate a lot of junk the last couple weeks and they do not feel good about it oh and there's nobody except me there we go you didn't have to raise your hands I was just saying I actually have at least Morgan those by 6 shirts in my closet I'm just waiting to wear just waiting to wear I wore them three years ago and I don't know what happened the reason what happened is got kids church is growing I'm busy so what does that mean exactly when it should be the opposite because I'm actually more productive very productive when you're taking care of what God has given us the right way then you're more productive you're not Moody you filled the Spirit of God and life is a breeze compared to being addicted all the time so trust me this is a huge area that's what we're doing as a church for the month of January so consider fasting it's a purifying process we have more information on this and I'm going to leave you with this closing thought how much longer are we going to talk about this and not do it how much longer are we going to neglect our health hurt our families and leave a poor example for others and our children think about that what about Jesus walked around with with the extra amount I mean and really what weight is what when I had extra weigh have extra weight now what weight is it's this energy that hasn't been burned yet you realize that right calories are units of energy when we take in and we don't burn it it stores in stores and stores it just means I need to move more I need to burn this energy it's a very good thing because it'll get you up and out of the house and motivated remember this gentleman he stayed in his room for 10 years and wasn't released until after Edward died in battle by then his health was so ruined he died within a year a prisoner of his own appetite [Music]
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 6,194
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: Speaker Name, Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Shane Idleman, unhealthy eating, appetite, prisoner
Id: a7gbKKScBGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2017
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