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you a man of God can be deceived we're in a timeless truth series and what I mean by that is timeless truths that some truths are timeless if it's according to God's Word right I guess you could say all truth is timeless and the whole series is going to last months maybe a year I'm not sure I'm not in a hurry but it's gonna focus on timeless truths and things that we need to focus on a man of God or a woman of God can be deceived and I will let you know up front I talk about this often but it's good to know that much deception can be prevented by simply obeying the Word of God if we simply obey the Word of God we can get rid of a large amount of deception in our lives God wants us to obey but what does the flesh want to do it kind of wants to disobey and go a different direction and just this week I received a call from my son he's 10 and he said dad can I built build a fort on the roof of the house and I said no you cannot build a fort on the roof of the house he wasn't too happy but obedience right leads to safety it leads to a wise decision so I'm going to actually be in a first Kings 13 first Kings 13 chapter 13 verse 11 we're gonna have it on the screen and it's quite a bit to read but I don't want to lose the power and the story and it's an interesting story here's the context the man of God he's just known as a man of God he prophesied against the king and against his false worship and against his false altars so this this man of God he prophesied against the king he in other words he spoke God's truth to the King and he came against the false altars the false worship and the King became very upset and he railed against him he probably cursed him out we don't know and he was probably going to harm him but the Kings arm his hand began to wither and it begin to get diseased because of his rebuke against the prophet and the Word of God and the Prophet for the king and the Kings hand was restored as new as a result the King offered this mighty man of God a reward he said I'm gonna give you whatever you want for restoring my arm and for speaking to me what God has said to you what do you want and the man of God was very keen very insightful you'll see this throughout a lot of the prophets in the Old Testament he simply turned down the offer of reward and instead said no I can't eat here I can't drink here I need to go a different way and I need to leave this place so that's where the story picks up interesting thing happens to this man of God when he begins to disobey let's read this first Kings 13 11 now an all prophet who dwelt in Bethel this is different from the man of God an old prophet dwelt in Bethel and his sons came and told him all the works that this man of God had done that day in Bethel they also told their father the words which he had spoken to the king and the father said to them which way did he go for his sons had seen which way the man of God went to came I'm sorry for his sons had seen which way the man of God went who came from Judah then he said to his son saddled the donkey for me so they settled the donkey for him and he rode it and went after the man of God and found him sitting under an oak tree then he said to him are you the man of God who came from Judah and he said I am then he said to him come home with me and eat bread now remember he was supposed to leave get out of this region go and and back home but now this other old man man of God comes to this prophet and says why don't you come back to my house and eat bread with my family so verse 16 and he said I cannot return with you nor go with you neither can I eat bread nor drink water with you in this place for I have been told by the word of the Lord that you shall not eat bread nor drink water there nor return by going the way you came so he knows that God spoke to him he knows that he's not supposed to be even considering any other option but here's where the deception comes in he said to him I to him a prophet as you are and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord many false cults begin because an angel spoke to them and told them something different that that God has spoken so the angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord and the angel said bring him back to you and your house that he may eat bread and drink water and in parenthesis there it says he was lying to him so he went back with him and ate bread in his house and drank water now it happened as they set at the table that the word of the Lord came to the Prophet who brought him back and he cried out to the man of God who came from Judah saying thus says the Lord because you have disobeyed the word of the Lord and have not kept the commandment which the Lord your God commanded you but you came back ate bread and drank water in this place of the which the Lord said not to gets a little confusing there someone skipped at verse 13 so it was I'm sorry I'm gonna continue eat no bread and drink no water your corpse shall not come to the tomb of your fathers so it was after he had eaten bread and after he had drunk that he saddled his donkey for him the Prophet whom he had brought back when he was gone a lion meant him on the road and killed him and his corpse was thrown on the road and the donkey stood by it the lion also stood by the corpse and their men passed by and saw the corpse thrown on the road and the Lions standing by the corpse then they went and told it in the city where the old prophet dwelt so that's a lot to read but I wanted you to hear the impact of how deception works isn't interesting this man is convinced he knows what God has told him to do he's on his way to do God's will but then he gets sidetracked and a lion attacks him and he dies I mean every time I read this I'm just perplexed and this week I'm like the Lord I need some insight here because this is a very interesting story so I wanna I want to just go over a few points here first like I said earlier you can never go wrong obeying God you can never go wrong by obeying God and I just wrote this down yesterday I strongly won to get this point across in everything we're thinking of from dieting and getting in shape to attitude adjustments to the Lord is speaking to you about certain areas of your life front whether it's consuming certain foods drinking certain things doing certain things if he's speaking to you you know it's resonating in your heart you know the conviction the holy spirit obey that voice listen to that still small voice of the Holy Spirit directing you because often we want to hear this right oh okay I know now but the Holy Spirit's often hey I'm still gonna keep knocking and so that's my encouragement to you tonight is to obey that still small voice I believe and again just throwing out some personal opinion here that I believe that many people are suffering from even health issues because they're not obeying that voice and they're not taking care of this body that God has given us I believe that we're in many different problems encountering many different problems in our life because we're not obeying that still small voice and we're fighting against God so being be encouraged tonight to get back on track so here's the first point that we see deception is often sent the enemy will send deception now sometimes it just finds us but often the enemy will send deception you know the story of Samson and Delilah correct some of you most of you Delilah was sent and it doesn't matter what Delilah is the Bible doesn't describe Delilah it just shows that there was she was sent there was enticement and that's the first thing you need to remember about deception it is sent to kill to steal and to destroy the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now a church can say you know what I'm not going to talk about this I don't want to upset people I just want to be positive and uplifting and that's wonderful but you don't prepare people for spiritual battle you don't prepare them for the deception that lies ahead and here's where we see deception is being sent verse 12 and their father said to them which way did he go which way did this prophet this man of God go I'm going to go to him he sent to him and I'm gonna go to him and I'm gonna tell him that an angel spoke to to me and come have him come back to my house personally I think this this whoever this older gentleman was he just wanted the Prophet the man of God to come back to his house and have dinner with him and fellowship with him and he was lying to him so deception is sent then the second point we can find from this is this deception will often relate to you okay deception will often relate to you he said to him in verse 18 I to him a prophet you're a prophet me too oh and now I'm disarmed right when the king when I was talking against the king I was mr. tough guy but now when the Prophet comes and says hey I'm a prophet too it disarms us so deception it often relates to us it's the person that says hey I know how you feel or or that struggle or that different thing hey I know how you feel I can relate to you see if deception was like a sounding alarm we wouldn't open the door but it's that hey I can relate I understand you I'll listen to you do you know that most affairs when adultery occurs it's because the other person the person the spouse that had the affair found someone that would listen to them that would understand them that I can so relate to you we should have married I mean I don't know what gods how did God mess up I can relate to you and see it's calming it's reassuring that's how deception works listen when I go fishing the fly on the end of my little leader looks like a fly they think well that's a big well that's a nice big mosquito the fish thinks right that looks wonderful until he bites it it's got a hook right here so the deception is always going to look good so don't be fooled by your feelings and also most people fall into wrong relationships because the person relates to them I talked about adultery but also in dating how many people compromises for young adults are your singles out there how many people compromise well I know what God's Word says I know that it's not really right but I can relate to this but it just feels good it's kind of warm and welcoming so deception does that it always relates to us if you're not sure about something here's what I recommend you do wait trust God pray and obey what you do know pray stay and obey it's very easy to remember you just pray lord I don't know what to do in this situation I'm trusting you I'm praying I'm obeying you and the enemy will use the opposite he uses confusion and rushing and rushing rushing that's a new word so he uses confusion rushing and pressure to move us so do you ever feel that when you're feeling rushed and pressured and you can be sure the enemy and deception is trying to work the Everett do you ever fly off the handle and say something you shouldn't have or texted or emailed or were you in a nice calm state when that happened or were you rushing and being pressured and just leave me alone and so deception is this that's the second point is it relates to us it's it's it tries to disarm us and then the third point that we find from the story deception often works through familiar familiarity what is familiar again he said I too am a prophet and when something is familiar it relaxes you correct and here's something I've noticed over the years old strongholds that people get go back into they go back into it because it was familiar they go back into that this that the deception or bondage because it was familiar to them it felt comfortable so the man of God who was bold against the king now is dropping his guard because this guy is relating to him this this sounds familiar it this worked for me so he dropped his guard and you ever read in the Bible where it says familiar spirits their familiar spirits in their or their demonic influences and demonic the demonic realm that imitates people sometimes in order to deceive so it's if it's familiar spirit it comes in in order to deceive you now I don't want you to get worried the only anything that's familiar or comfortable I got to watch out no just understand though that's how deception works it's smooth it's one step at a time it's one compromise at a time it's what's familiar it's what it's what's comfortable to you and that's how that's the draw I mean think if it was difficult if deception felt like getting a root canal nobody will be deceived it doesn't feel like a root canal it feels like tastes like the Snickers bar so that's why you have to look through what the enemy is trying to do and what happens is we put our guard down in familiar settings nothing bad can happen here nothing bad can happen here we put our guard down they said they were a Christian have you ever hired somebody or dated somebody or done something they said they were a Christian right because it was familiar so the guard goes down and I've learned when I get a business card from somebody if it's got a sign of a fish on it that doesn't necessarily mean this person's be wonderful call references call references doesn't matter if there's a bumper sticker on their car bumper sticker I love Jesus and then above it says tack service make sure make sure that you know what but don't let me I'll call that person do my taxes familiar Mille he stood strong against the king but the prophet but not to the prophet who could relate to him so here's the key that I said earlier when God says something do it when God says something do it he's not schizophrenic he's not jack on hide his name his truth his counsel is wonderful so when God says to do something I know I'm speaking from personal experience sometimes we think we know better than God right don't leave me hanging on now you got you you don't you don't feel that way we think we know better than God the best safeguard against deception is obedience now the fourth point deception can use scripture or Bible lingo lingo here's where you need to be careful the deception often quotes scripture or using something biblical many cults I can name them around here and around the valley they all use the Bible they're their books and their curriculum and their material comes above the Bible but they still use the Bible and I've seen this sometimes in charismatic circles or Pentecostal circles it's this way we have to be careful sometimes people can come and say well the Lord spoke to me oh really the Lord what did he tell you and then we then we just throw caution to the wind and go with it you know the God says discern the spirits are they really of me and I've be careful of those who say well God told me to tell you I mean usually somebody where God put something on their heart they'll come in humility they'll come in fear and trepidation I mean if I'm gonna say God told me that you might want to sell your house I'm gonna be I wanna actually I've never said that God told me to say something I've said hey I've had this impression all week I feel really inclined to want to give you a call and share this with you test it I'm not sure and and you you share that with them but deception use the scripture or Bible lingo in a different way like we saw in verse 18 and angel spoke to me and angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord saying bring him back with you to your house that he may eat bread and drink water do you know the church down the street began a couple hundred years ago because an angel spoke to Joseph Smith told him about gold tablets and special glasses to use to read the gold tablets and he said the gospel has fallen astray nobody's preaching the real gospel you are going to restore or the gospel and then they start to teach many things that are just not biblical such as you'll rule planets with your celestial wife and have spirit children and things that God was once like us just just saying that gives me the goosebumps God was once like us and then someday we'll be like God see where did where does that come from that tn8 but an angel spoke to me an angel spoke Tinh what did the angel confirm what the Word of God says because Paul tells me if an angel or any other person preaches any other gospel than what we have preached to you let them be anathema it's a Greek word that means cursed any other gospel is it is cursing there's other religions where an angel spoke to a certain prophet and form that religion form because of it so just because there's some scripture on it or just because because our our guard does let down sometimes sometimes Mayan lets down if somebody uses Bible language and they use the Bible verses like oh my guards let down a little bit but the enemy knows the Bible verses as well too and I've seen a lot of people getting a lot of trouble with taking scripture out of context I've had I've had I've had alcoholics try to try to continue their addiction quoting Paul's words to Timothy to take a little wine for your stomach yeah little wine maybe now in there not and or or leaving leave leaving their spouse what are you doing you need to stay merit no whoever whoever doesn't leave father and mother husband and wife and children does not follow me is not worthy to be my disciple they know quote that like wait a minute context is king here context is king Jesus is saying you have to love me more than any other relationship you have to put me first so we have to deception will twist the Word of God the LGBT community then homosexuality and different things I people I reach out to I love that group just like I love any other group but they we'll use scripture and they'll turn it judge not love your neighbor that was Old Testament that doesn't apply now God created this mean this way he loves me just as I am I love Jesus and I can be gay and weak and and we begin to twist things and turn things we should just let the Word of God speak for what it and let us say what it says about any area of life an angel spoke by the word Lord saying bring him back with you to your house that he may eat bread and drink water and yes this actually was the first red flag this was the first red flag because the other deceptions are he's he's he's he's feeling comfortable the Delila was sent technically there's familiarity but it's okay it's okay he had a chance but it's when he said okay I believe you and not God I'm gonna go to your house when he turned when that when that deception made him turn course that was the big red flag and then the fifth point deception uses the flesh against you now I know how much we love ourselves sometimes right we love our body as far as eating and drinking and sleeping and it's comfortable in the we have this relationship with the flesh but the flesh is not your friend the flesh is the carnal nature the old man so the old man was crucified with Christ the Bible talks about so now we live in with the new man the born-again spirit within us a holy spirit within us but that old man is still there that carnal nature is still there so here's what deception does it deception doesn't relate to the Holy Spirit in you it can't the deception relates to the carnal man that's in you that he can draw from so he'll go and and deception will go after your flesh here's what here's basically what the flesh does it says I feel a certain way I feel like Jesus felt hungry when he fasting I feel like bailing out on my marriage or I feel like doing this I feel like angry outbursts do you ever feel like an angry outburst come on this is Wednesday night you this for spiritual people come to church on Wednesday you know you know they ain't you know sometimes I tell myself if I was not a Christian I would let that person have it my goodness I could let him have it if I was not a Christian and then the flesh that come on just just let him have it just just let him have it Shane let him just just just this one time got good at pleased and it's just battle because the flesh is never satisfied so think about this without this poll there wouldn't be a lot of deception because I'm wanting to work walk with God my flesh is wanting to go out the side exit so I'm wanting to walk with you Lord but this flesh is wanting to take the side exit so that's where the deception is so when I'm hungry say I'm fasting or I'm hungry that door opens and there's a big Subway sandwich right it's a the attraction or the lusts of our flesh it's it's it's sleep instead of come to prayer meetings right sleep instead of coming this Sunday at 6 a.m. no pressure I'm gonna put worship on at 6 a.m. to show you how bad the flesh really is and how much it wants to keep us in bed so be here at 6 a.m. just an hour of worship on the screen the lights are low we're seeking God and trust me nobody leaves here disappointed they came but the flesh discipline that doesn't even sound good that doesn't sound good to my flesh and I have to be here right now as I'm saying it I'm my flesh is saying you should have never come into that you could just you could just slap in so but that's where you have to remember if this has helped me a lot when I learned this many years ago that the flesh the lust of the eye the lust of the the the lust of the eye the lust of the flesh and the pride of life is what is going to always be the attack of the enemy we saw this in Eve right she saw when she saw the fruit was good for food oh this looks good food flesh or pleasant to the eye it looked good or desirable to make one wise the devil said you'll be like God you'll understand things so that's how so it's either going after my flesh it either looks good like oh that new Dodge truck with the diesel Cummings and the mega cab I know it's $65,000 and if we stop giving we can probably afford it and see that's the flesh talking to me right the the lust of the eye the lust of the eye you walk through the mall and you like that oh that's a $300 or whatever the lust of the eye wants that so that's where he's going to be working and that's in your heart and that's why some couples get in fights you know couples fight over finances just just just just don't it out there so you know okay now you know now you can leave you're going I didn't know that but but that's that's why right because we lust and we war we lust and we war I want the money for this the other one says I want the money for this so the lust of the eye now with the lust of the flesh we don't even need to fill in the blank on that when we know what that is it's what the flesh crazed with the flesh desires from everything from eating too much and drinking too much to this epidemic it with pornography to all these different things the flesh the lust of the flesh to fulfill that lust and I truly believe if the flesh had its way completely it would just kill us it would over indulge on everything a second helping I'll be done after 10 helpings when I can't even walk that's why I don't avoid all of you King sushi now because you just leave there right just it's just a parade of flesh Oh 30 bucks I can eat whatever I want or as long as much as I want and the flesh just keeps filling up and then the final thing is one of the most deadly is the pride of life he uses pride in a very interesting way because we want to get the last word in right we want to be right we want to get our name see it's all about humility a lot of times so if a person wants a big name in business or anywhere else they're fighting in the stride for that there's deception in that or pride in men pride in women it's it's it's just ugly so deception will work against you in that way so it's interesting in verse nine here's how it worked against him so he went back with him and he ate bread in his house and drank water see it's interesting this old fake prophet didn't entice the man of God by saying hey come back with me and you can help me cut a cord of wood does that sound fun hey I need help cutting a cord of wood and loading it can you come no I'd already spoke to me but he went after his appetites cuz I know this guy's hungry right he's been walking back then they they didn't have Taco Bell in the corner it was you know his walked from Bethel Judah and and you you could you could go all day without eating back then I know it's hard to believe but people and and he was probably hungry so he related to the lust of the flesh come back to my house and angel told me it's okay and have bread and water he's probably just chomping at the bit ready to get back to that so that's how deception works in those areas of the lesson the flesh it uses it uses the flesh against you and the six point deception grows when we fail to expose it here's where it gets important for us not that the other points were but this is where there's a turning point deception grows when we fail to expose it which basically means acknowledge the deception do you know you can stop deception in your life right now right now if you're caught in deception and there are a group this size there are people caught in deception they're being deceived you can stop it right now if you simply acknowledge it and take it to God repent and say lord help me I'm acknowledging it I need help Shane you don't know how far I've fallen you don't know how deep I'm in I do know this though when you give it to God he can repair and rebuild and restore it and way more easily than you think you're going to try to hide it and work around it usually when God does something you look back and you say Lord your mercy and your grace you I can't believe you you you fixed all that thank you lord but when we go our own way we're in misery there's regret because we thought we could fix it we so you can expose it so that's how deception grows it grows and it grows and it grows when we fail to expose it here's something interesting question you could ponder did God know a lion would meet him of course he did right and it doesn't say that God sent a lion it says that a lion meant him on the road so I obviously pondered this week and not sure exact what could it be that God was warning this man of what direction to go because he knew what would befall him if he went that direction I mean he doesn't say God sent a lion to go and eat him and punish him it says he meant a lion on that road because he disobeyed the Word of God so many times I think and I know actually that God is trying to prevent us from going down the wrong path we don't see the lion two miles away we only see the nice smooth road right the relaxing things but God warns because he sees down the the road miles and miles down the road so repentance and acknowledgement may have redirected his course and verse 23 it indicates there wasn't remorse so that this this old man if you look at verse 23 this old man told the Prophet after he had already eaten and stuff he goes oh prophet man of God I lied to you you went against the Word of God instead of saying oh I can't believe it and remorse and repentance it's almost like you said oh well it's at Alfred eating bread and finished and after he had drunk then he saddled the donkey and the Prophet whom he had brought back when he was gone a lion met him on the road and killed him so you you have to wonder could he have redirected his course and that that's applicable information for us today or the the point of application is can we is there can we read director of course we can that's why I think God gives messages like this to redirect our course back on the right path and then the last point verb seven deception always takes and never gives deception always takes and never give something I used to say many years ago when we started the church actually seven years ago is this and I found it again sin takes us farther than we want to go keeps us longer than we want to stay and costs us more than we want to pay you can easily put in there deception takes us farther than we want to go keeps us longer than we want to stay and costs us more than we want to pay deception always takes and never gives so remember that no matter what you're going through or going to go through that deception as it's running its course is not the end of that course is not the light at the end of the tunnel it's darkness it's deception so that's why God tells us hey get back on track get back on track so I don't want people leaving here going you know in the state of fear and all the in anxiety and things but just to turn back to God to get off that course of deception whether it's addiction the lust of the flesh whatever is happening in your life to expose it and get back on the right path I mean you're here so you haven't met a lion yet right and it's funny though because I thought of the Bible talking about the enemy goes about the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour this man meant the actual lion on the road because he allowed deception to take him off course that's what the enemy is looking for that's why it says he goes about as a roaring lion he can't do anything that lion is roaring he can't do anything and tell you what open the door and he jumps in that's that's how the roaring lion does anything we give him the power isn't that it's like a toothless snarling lion outside can't do a thing to me he can't do a thing to you maybe harass mentally maybe bring in obstacles or challenges or different things but think about that he can't do anything what can he do if Christ is in me if Christ is in you greater is He that is in me than he that's out there there's no deception nothing can overtake us Paul has said nothing can even separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus - depth and principalities and powers and things to present things to come no creative thing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus so the roaring lion is nothing unless we invite him in and it's interesting in contrasting the Old Testament the Bible says that the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the whole earth so you have the eyes of the Lord going to and fro throughout the whole earth finding those whose hearts are loyal to him you find the enemy going about as a roaring lion seeking who devours so basically boils down to this who finds you who finds us who finds you where you got the eyes of the Lord he's looking for those whose hearts are loyal to him and the enemy is looking for you who find you it's who you open the door to what you do with deception and I don't want anybody think that I've mastered this area or my wife has mastered this area we're going to teach this wonderful course on preventing deception because we finally have mastered it it's working the same things I just just broke down - you working all of our lives in mine - I high alert when the enemy's coming in in these areas when my flesh is wanting to be pleased when it when I'm wanting to just get lazy and or different things you know what that with all these things we struggle with so let me throw this out there someone you can relate to is leading you astray if something that is familiar and they're leading you astray break it off immediately do something and people it's hard because we well this person I like them it's familiar IRT right comfortable but if they're leading you down the wrong path what path do you want to be on because that's truly that's really not a friend is it we think well they're friends I know them well is it really is it really a friend that's gonna lead you down the wrong path or are you going against the Word of God are you making excuses in a certain area is the flesh side tracking you are you hiding and covering up things expose them expose it before it's too late you don't have to make an announcement just take it to God that's why I said earlier and I truly believe this God says expose it and he will take care of the rest God says expose it he'll take care of the rest and we come back and we find out that that's not as bad as I thought yes I was caught in this yes I was being deceived in this area I exposed that broad to God and he saw me through but when the deception thie sees you through that's when you meet the lion this isn't the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe this isn't something made up this is this is and this is why I get I get passionate sometimes because I want to encourage I want to uplift but I also know that the spiritual realm and the demonic realm is real that they want to take out families they want to knock us off course thereafter your children your grandchildren he's after me he's after my marriage he's after you he's after your marriage so we don't want to ignore the devil and we don't want to talk too much about him but we have to understand to be forewarned is to be forearmed if I know he's not dressed in red red holding a pitchfork with easy to see if I know he's going to come in as something that is deceptive to the in it but but the something that pulls the flesh you can be on guard a lot more this white tell people all the time do not trust your feelings they're the caboose of the Train the Word of God is the engine that drives it and many times I've had to make decisions that didn't feel good I just open up too many years ago when I when I came back to the Lord and in fur it was struggling with alcohol I went good for a year and then just fell again it was it was almost as if the enemy was was putting people in places and things in my mind but it can went back to it just felt good right it felt good to go and just get relaxed again and it and it feels good you wouldn't do if it didn't feel good so the feelings can't be trusted your when I feel something when you feel something you have to filter it through the Word of God and I I'm I'm convinced to this as well God even single people the devil will use those who are not those who are unequally yoked and they who bring them together have you meet them somehow and then you say but it just feels right right that's not that's lust if the Bible says listen do not be unequally yoked and this person doesn't know the Lord there they're just they're fighting God they have nothing they don't want anything to God but they're gonna whisper sweet nothings in your ear because they like you and that's gonna draw you to them don't trust those feelings but Shane I'm single I can't keep waiting well I'd rather be in God's will waiting then outside of his will making foolish decisions so be careful that's how deception works in a nutshell is it will entice through the lusts of the flesh the lust see I the pride of life and it's interesting here's how pride works is pride says okay shame that's wonderful for some people but I don't need that I'm not gonna fall in this area I would never I would never you know it's interesting I haven't read it in a while but there's a book written by Steve Farrar I think it's finishing strong it's a men's book and he talked about how they interview two hundred and eighty or so two hundred and eighty of top Christian leaders in the United States I think this twenty years ago now who fell into sexual immorality the top two hundred eighty five leaders who fell all these names you've heard before and different things and the top four reasons were interesting and those top four was one of these all of them without exception said I never thought this would happen - muah me nanana I preach it there's no way I'm going to fall right it'll never happen to me the enemy loves that because pride begins to mean pride comes in you make up your own rules you begin to compromise in areas you shouldn't compromise because you're prideful and arrogant you think you can do that the other reasons a couple were pretty interesting they are too busy so they had no more devotional time isn't that interesting too busy so they lost that intimacy with God no more devotional time I can't remember the other two right now but that's that's how that pride comes it says this isn't this isn't I'm not gonna fall in that area and then the enemy works in that that so his pride is so destructive I've seen that probably more destructive than anything else because pride is at the forefront of the other sins if you know you have a struggle in a certain area humility will keep you broken and humbled before the Lord and turned away pride will keep you strong and think you can handle it and then that's where you can't handle it because the enemy works in that that deception through pride
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 1,420
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Shane Idleman
Id: 29pCAUawevE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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