A playmobil game but it's my childhood

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oh hi there sorry couldn't see you behind my million subscriber play button sorry i just had to inflate my ego a bit no thank you i appreciate this this was a cool achievement and that's all thanks to you guys and of course that man behind me obviously but yeah we got two videos today because there's a sponsored video again apologies it was a bit close to the last one i try and keep them once a month but sometimes the company doesn't want them later in the month they want them earlier and that's fine i just have to work around it but appreciate your support throughout these sponsored videos i appreciate that you guys are nice about it and you're not just flaming me for doing them they're just a good way of supporting me and the channel but yeah this is going to be a bit of a strange video too you see i did an intro for this when i did the first part but now the channel has grown a lot in a short space of time so i've kind of put off uploading the next one but there's like a cult following for these videos and they've been demanding it so i'm going to challenge you to do the same thing i challenged everyone to do the last time to be open-minded i'm telling you it's edutainment there is so many benefits to this game i read them out last time this product will encourage your child to develop hand to eye coordinate nation and you see you've my childhood in your hands so don't be mean because otherwise it's just you know smashing that oh that felt good but yeah i won't delay any longer i hope you guys enjoy this video and the sponsored video later on and uh thank you for your support folks enjoy today we're playing more hype the time quest it seems that i have made an almost cult-like following for this game cults seem to be a recurring theme on my channel for some reason but hey a lot of people want to see more of it and i figure i can probably finish out the game in like two more videos so i figure why not ow and if you were watching along last time that lizard who's our friend uh wait did i say lizard i meant to say wizard but yeah he's got a prisoner down here the king wants to see you in his fortress oh really i gotta walk that whole way why couldn't you just tell me beware of his knights and his knights are gonna attack me oh well a great start to this time period huh and where's go good is he dead i don't think he is dead actually i think he's up here yeah he is look at him just standing there so happy to have someone starving in his basement i like him hype oh don't cough dude we're right next to each other okay he's gonna continue researching i always arrive just at the time before he finds out what i have to do next very convenient must be kind of annoying that i seem to be like his one good friend and you know i just show up and don't even talk with him and then disappear for years again oh no i don't want to talk to the dragon oh there's bees up there though what kind of a dragon allows bees to just be in his home like that you gotta show dominance god damn it i can't hit the bloody thing no wonder he's just left it there it's awkward god damn it come on come on oh my god i finally got it it only took like five minutes wait who are you it's you hype i'm nolan leader of the brigands oh god i have no interest in talking to you i've walked here every day hoping to meet you oh you said little woman all right i want to move on go and see task in the third in this fortress how does everyone know this like it's not a very good secret that everyone seems to know about it oh my god what is this oh jesus this is a hazard who is dropping these on me like where are they falling from there's no even logs on these trees oh there's no one to even greet me this time except bees oh we're destined to be enemies yo dude fix my armor i know you think my prices are high but there's a war on you know all right then i'll go to where there's not a war on evening no war is here you're in luck yeah there we go 25 that's more like it here's a knight who knows a bargain when he sees yeah dude i travel through time to get this bargain do you ever go absolutely scouring the web to get like a discount code or a coupon for a website this is like a hundred times more extreme just walking right past him like how did he do that he looks exactly like his great great grandfather by the way oh there's a spell in there i can't remember how to get it though oh wait is there like levers or buttons around the town something like that oh yes these buttons but i don't know where they are maybe if i can get a small child and trick him into going in there for me it won't make people suspicious of me at all you know a strange night gathering children in the town leading them to the river it's like the bloody pied piper leading them to the river to drown scaling the rooftops that's probably suspicious in itself but that's the only way i could see into his castle well it's a hen the entrance it should really work in their security like what's the point in having these high walls if you can just jump right over him surprise oh god he's got a quick draw oh bob and weave boys oh god i just bobbed right into it like i am definitely the bad guy here i'm invading their castle these guys are just doing their job now i still hate them though please forgive my knights for attacking you i absolutely had to keep this meeting a secret don't worry man it was totally worth killing all of you guys you oh yes i did i did i'm quite the hero but just imagine the power of the black knight all right he's fanboying over this black knight a bit too much focus on me here i'm right here my son is your king i am a glorified babysitter all of a sudden you recognize that ginger god right there think who could it be who could it be from the past two videos oh your armor is really beautiful night now get out of my way a little [ __ ] i have a cliffhanger here for the people i used to be the gatekeeper at the field of courage that's right you guessed right i imagine most of you got it you know it's pretty obvious i mean who it was he looks exactly the same i got drunk and fell into the moat oh you and me both man so what i'm asking you sir night is to return to the past in taurus get my weapons from the field of courage and bring them back to me oh yeah that sounds reasonable i mean you could just buy some new weapons but no no no i'll go back into the past and defeat you to get your weapons and bring them back to you i don't get why they had to keep this meeting a secret and make me kill all these guards though i mean i get not wanting to tell them it's me and all that but you could just say hey this is my cousin grandpa he's visiting from the netherlands [Music] where am i okay the camera just decided to go on a bit of a spin there get a bit of exercise oh my god why do women always do this when i approach them she just goes right back to smiling everything's fine again oh god that's the back of my head oh man look at that scalp soft as a baby not even a sign of dandruff now i know why i smelled head and shoulders look how clear he is alright so back in time to get these damn weapons what a stupid use of my powers like you know what they all say if you go back in time and squish a bug and all that it can have huge consequences but these guys are just like not [ __ ] like if you didn't know that this was him then i just don't know what you've been looking at he's got the exact same stance the same body language everyone knew it was him you've come from the future all right you're a lot nicer in the future stop laughing at my powers luckily hype seems unfazed he's breathing very heavily though i hope he's okay like it's definitely not good if we're going in for a fight and he's already struggling to breathe come here stop running you'll never get away from me oh god what are you doing okay whatever it was it wasn't effective ow dude what the hell was that look the crowd is booing you that was an abuse of the game's mechanics oh god damn it oh no oh no oh no look at that that's insane no no no no don't throw it at me okay that missed somehow oh but [ __ ] hell he's invulnerable anyway so who cares come on die die die there we go weird momentum there like what if he quits his job as a gladiator now because he has no weapons and he doesn't fall in the moat drunk and you know what he'll definitely fall in the moat drunk at some stage we all have the crowd are still egging us on like fight fight fight even though it's well over you guys are animals let me write my name in the guest book my name kevi ow the same one got me again how did it get back up there yeah i got gotta go meet them in the monastery now because they couldn't wait around for some reason i don't know some secret room in the monastery oh great they want to attack me here too where don't they want to attack me someone's shooting me off perfect sake i ran in a circle into the bullet okay back away what a goofy back away like why didn't they tell these people i'm i'm just killing a lot of innocent people to get to them he's got some very important information for you why are all these people sharing this info constantly like it's very sensitive information oh my god where did these guys come from how long was i up there either way i'm trapping them now oh it doesn't move that bridge back i was like that's one way to keep them safe trap them up there with no food or anything to be fair that's what was happening originally when i got there they seem more like prisoners than hiding oh god ghost probably ghost of all the bees that i've killed please get it god damn it no i can't get the bees god damn it god goku needs to take better care of his bri yeah exactly for that reason there's just holes all over this bridge oh where's he gone now i was just here and he was out in the garden oh here you are god i was looking everywhere for you my friend i found something in the treatise of time i have a feeling he does no research when i'm not around because he always finds out exactly what i need it this city is also that of the virtuous i appreciated the voice he put on for that i like when he adds character when he's reading me stories oh i like that strut it's like he's sizing him up now listen here you're telling me you're researching all those years and you only figured it out now he's got that blank smile on his face he doesn't have a clue what's going on it's just like an angry parent and their son except the son is older than the dad alright so apparently these brilliants are finding this lost city for me where i need to find my next jewel and i believe it's here oh god why are you hiding in there that's terrifying she's just waiting to mug people i am my mother was right you are what was that i am what heavy panting it's fairly creepy makes it even creepier that you're hiding under this bridge bees god how come the bees found the lost city before i did oh god damn i missed okay i think that's all of them yes yes oh wait what what the hell is this what the hell is this i gotta collect the torches oh god i'm not ready for this pressure okay good now i can go through this stone portal you know this is all really advanced that was an epic leap there by the way oh for god's sake what kind of a lost city is this no wonder it's lost they don't welcome anyone here like i wouldn't want to bloody find this place yeah whoever [ __ ] built this i bet they lost it on purpose you're dead well are you dead again i guess oh god oh jesus christ what is this i can't see anything hey run oh god i'm getting brutalized i'm getting absolutely brutalized ha ha can the game let me save please i'm getting tense oh what are you doing here if you could get here the whole time why didn't you just bring me here look how his hype is about this it is eyes attila yeah i know i don't have a lot of friends that look like you must now prove that you are worthy of the jewel of virtue by confronting your worst enemy the antithesis of virtue oh it's the anti-me one with good jokes and rugged handsomeness but i bet he has tons of dandruff oh god i really want to fight this guy i don't have the save points i don't have any recent saves i really don't want to die i think i can just spam here oh god maybe not that [ __ ] hurts that [ __ ] hurts die die die this is spooky i don't like it no no no no you bastard look at his health look he's looking away he doesn't he he can't even bear to look at what he's done look at me when you kill me all right he's morse coding me something now he's saying he sucks and i was the one that deserved to win oh my god look how far back i am god damn it that's it i'm putting my fan on full blast sure it won't help with this feeling of defeat but it'll help with this feeling of the heat it is bloody boiling that's what i'm trying to say just thinking imagine if i dodged that the last time i probably would have lived oh my god look at all those bats waiting for me i'll [ __ ] off seriously caught me some slack all the bats are gonna kill me next oh my god there's one up here too are you kidding me i struggle to believe they couldn't figure this one out it's just match the picture to the picture and they're like this is fair as we can go we don't understand it you must have to be some kind of genius [Music] okay not as graceful as the last time oh my god there was a safe book right here too how many did i miss okay i did pretty well like going up that section this time just running past everything no panic all right you're going down this time buddy if i know me i can never beat someone twice in a row and you or me oh for [ __ ] sake how come that empty me is so good oh he's still that's socially awkward as me though he always just faces the other way pretends there's nothing there look at him he looks depressed i [ __ ] missed he's obviously a lot better at magic than i am oh god i got one more potion in me i don't think i even need it but here goes nothing oh god i needed it good no no no no oh thank god he's dead oh thank christ one version of me is enough evil in the world my work is done oh your work huh i didn't see you helping to be honest and let us go and charge the jewel with energy from the sky yeah why not i'm kind of beat after that i wouldn't mind getting a lift god that was tough how did i do that when i was a kid i must have been tortured why can't he even drop me off at gogoods i'd really appreciate it dude and you turn away from me that's so rude oh just take out my anger on some of this wildlife oh sorry i was just destroying some of your property hype i'm old you are i didn't notice it's no you saying anymore good luck ah poor go good all right well i'm off to the future anyway bio i could come back but i won't i just realized the last time i saved was before that [ __ ] boss fight i hope i don't die it's him no no no no no no no you step away from me catch him before he strikes the sundial he mustn't get away oh thanks for telling me exactly what to do he didn't even do anything too he's clearly a double agent hey go good i know i said i wouldn't be back to see you but i need help again uh this lady is uncomfortably close okay so i basically have to change the history books so that they won't know i'm coming the hell is this that's so creepy why would you hang that up it doesn't even look good it looks like a playschooler druid an intruder an intruder okay well there goes not being seen oh all the monk scribes must stop work when the great monastery belt strikes like why are the monks using this sort of black magic you think this would be against the religion you know reanimating spirits oh my god jumping my biggest weakness right next to being too charming oh thank christ i'm here okay some black armor that's fine oh my god there's like a bajillion bats please die please die oh my god what is this okay that actually worked great i love that spell oh yes i got it oh and that killed all the bats too brilliant he's like forget that intruder earlier it was lunchtime oh [ __ ] off jesus that is terrifying as if they weren't scary enough i'll give you a paper cut there you go [ __ ] you guys all right that's one book down only two more to go like that has got to have more than just history in it that was so well guarded it's gonna have secrets like what boys and girls they like oh come on dude really shoots me as soon as i get out oh it's that lady who was taken prisoner by go good you must not be a very good bodyguard if you got taken captive by that old man enos his magician has betrayed him he's fled with his almanac of course he has i'm told he's living in a dark tower which is accessible only from the sky ah well now we gotta take a dragon there a potion the king's secret stash oh my god more of those tapestries why are they in the sewer actually i think i can answer that people have probably been flushing them i would too okay so i stand on this is it oh god damn it well done i just slide by oh for god's sake i gotta do more with those pipes like why would they even design this contraption like this what kind of an old wizard would be able to do this i'm like right at the top they're preying on my weakness jumping you'll never get out of here oh please this would be my hell there's just loads of jumping oh thank god it's done god that was horrible i hated that so much oh the floating history book i've been looking for come on pick it up what i got to stand on the books or something what give me the damn book i've worked for this oh wait there's there's many floating books all right i'll take this one then all right i can finally leave this god for second place i never want to come back here you know a lot of this trouble would have been avoided if they just kept on top of their sewage system it's very important folks just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't need maintenance climb on my back now yes i want to get this over with i want to defeat evil so damn bad i sense that this place is already the domain of evil what gave it away look at this place of course it's evil or maybe it's just me you know i can sense other forces of evil wait that doesn't affect them god dammit it killed me oh god damn it it only affects things on the ground but why did it affect the bat earlier then like what kind of an evil lair is this where are the prisoners you now hold the symbol bad wow this guy's a little bit uh in your face about how evil he is how did the king see him as a traitor oh and the evil music and everything i hope this was just playing around him all the time oh okay he's all about the hidden doors isn't he i guess each evil genius has their passion mine is prisoners and his is well lame secret doors okay i think i finally did it is there a saving thing please oh thank you so much evil wizard wait that's his armor dude your armor is lame god he's not a very aware wizard is he i forgot i wasn't going fighting him and you know i was just stealing his books after all knowledge is the greatest power of all all right get me out of this hell hole how do i leave [ __ ] hate this place you see this would just annoy me being my evil lair i'd have to go so far just to answer the door oh they just killed themselves when they realized that they couldn't have my company see what i mean when i said earlier that sometimes i can be too charming i'm coming home i'm coming home tell the world i'm coming up it's so warm in my room i'm dying oh great he's gone where the hell did he go now oh there you are oh you bastard i'll say that you were killed by the brigands when you were trying to go back in time for some unknown reason yeah that's a great story goku good cover i'll hide some information here for you it's just gonna be a note saying do you like me she's too nervous to say it in person but i've grown up listening to wonderful stories about you i've thought about you all my life you're creeping me out lady i love you we've only met twice you were hiding under a tree one of those times i like how hype didn't even respond either she's still smiling away though yes i am so in there goodbye buddy and goodbye creepy weirdo you know in hindsight i think defeating those three guards would have been a lot easier than doing all of that just thinking about it and yet there's still two here oh my god that was a complete waste of time all right well we have made it into the final period of the game i probably should have split that into two videos but oh well here we are but yeah i hope you enjoyed guys i will probably finish it off because i may as well at this stage and you guys well a few of you guys seem to love it there's like a little cult following going on as i said but yeah i hope you enjoyed and i will see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 558,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, playmobil game, hype the time quest, nostalgia, playmobil, childhood games, old pc games, old pc game, callmekevin pc game
Id: GtxZH-jgAhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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