A Perfect Start?! | Let's Play Modded Project Zomboid | Ep1 | Build 41.50

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hello fellow Potatoes and welcome back so i'm  gonna start a brand new series of Project Zomboid   this is what i'd call the ultimate zombie survival  game it's very detailed it's got everything so   it's got thirst hunger tiredness it's got illness  it's got everything you are predominantly the only   survivor left in a world filled with zombies in  the state of Kentucky and it's all about how long   you can last and avoid the inevitable which is  just your impending death so let's get started   i have loaded a couple of mods up i  will um leave them in description below   but it's they're not nothing particularly  changes much it is just what i would say adds   already on to the vanilla aspect of the game but  what we're going to do is we're going to play a   custom sandbox you could play survivor and that's  absolutely fine that's basically what i'm going   to be doing there's just going to be a couple  of changes which i will go through in a second   so we're going to probably be playing on riverside  to begin with all these maps are linked together   so it doesn't really matter which one you go  for so as i said this is basically going to be   the survivor setting however there's a couple of  different sections i mean if you want to just make   your own sandbox you can do with this there's  loads and loads of different options available   what we've got changed is this this is pretty much  it i think we've got zombie house alarm triggers   so i've got that set to on and that means that  zombies who are inside houses or managed to break   into houses can set alarms off which i just think  is just makes sense because by default that's off   and zombies are attracted to noise so they could  travel for a fair distance just to find that   alarm going off and having this on just means that  right at the beginning of the game you could have   a lot of house alarms going off on oil all over  the place and it just creates a bit more chaos   right at the beginning which i think is kind of  what you want if you're starting off the only   other thing i've changed is i've disabled zombie  respawn because i think it plays better this way   you can have it so that because naturally  in the main game if you clear out an area   over a certain period of time that you set zombies  can just respawn out of the blue which i don't   think is particularly realistic i prefer the idea  that there is a set number of zombies on the map   and don't get me wrong there are thousands  and thousands and thousands of them   i think it's realistic for how big the  population of Kentucky is so there's there's   not ever going to be a shortage of zombies but  this means that if we clear a large enough area   potentially we could be zombie free this means  i would have to kill hundreds and hundreds so   it's not going to be a simple task but this does  mean if we if we spend enough time on it we could   technically make a safe house and not see many  zombies at all until we travel however travel   is a massive part of this game later on so this  kind of becomes redundant later down the line so   anyway let's have a look at our occupation so this  occupation tab is how you see all the different   skill sets and how your character is in terms  of customization i have set a little one i've   just called him unemployed this is the guy we're  going to play he is going to be well he or she   depending on what we get they're going to be  obese which gives you a cost of 10. so this   is how it all works with points so you start  off with a certain amount of points and you   can add to those points if you get unhealthy  or um kind of just bad traits so we've got   the obese trait which means that we are reduced  running speed very low endurance prone to injury   and we have minus two fitness which means we as  it says get tired quicker read slower so if you   want to read it takes a lot longer however reading  you're never really going to do on the fly anyway   so i've added two what you're going to want to  do though out of everything is you want to go get   lucky lucky doesn't seem like much you just read  it and you go oh no for the first couple of places   i didn't even bother getting lucky however what  this does is this opens up a whole new hidden loot   chance from everything from every single container  in the game if you have lucky it opens up a whole   new loot table if you don't have it that's  hidden away so you're gonna want to get that   regardless of anything else you get i've also got  inconspicuous less likely to be spotted by zombies   not sure if that fits with obese and slow but well  we'll say it does organized very organized person   so increase container capacity and their stout so  they're pretty strong they can knock some zombies   about melee weapons and they can carry some more  i think that just works out quite well you can   go for occupation so you could be like a security  guard and these all add different major skills so   we could technically be an engineer or a metal  worker and this enables you to have some extra   skill right off the bat in terms of of course your  neck electrical you have cooking fitness of your   burger flipper that sort of thing but we're gonna  go unemployed we're gonna start off with the base   skill set and yeah just go from there that is an  amazing haircut i love that look at that right   so i'm just going to click random until i find  someone who i think players oh here we go Logan   Stone oh he looks he looks magnificent okay right  just jump straight on in these are the end times yeah this isn't a very positive  game if you haven't got this already   there was no hope of survival there's  there's no way to complete this game   just as a heads up there's no way to  get over it there's no way to be rescued   you is just a case of seeing how long you can  survive there's no thriving in this game there's   no anything it is just a case of desperation  and seeing how you cope with the apocalypse   so here we are with Logan oh okay where  are we looks we're at trailer park okay so i haven't played in a while but i do  roughly know a fair amount of riverside so as   you can see this is our inventory if you're near  something like things if you um inventory things   if you go to the right you can see this is what's  all in these are different inventories and you can   grab whatever you want um bridges they're really  useful early on for holding stuff fridges and   freezers however once the power goes out after  zero to 30 days it could be one it could be 30.   these videos stop working and they will just  stay off unless you have a generator nearby   so yeah just make a note of that they're good  early on but they uh don't rely on them too much let's take that let's take that we just wanna  gonna grab the basics really what we want early on   is a container and a weapon it matches as well uh  take the lemon we are overweight so we're probably   not going to want to eat high calorie stuff like  say ice cream and crisps they're crisps they're   not chips because i'm English and that's what we  say oh sheets are useful because you can use them   to cover windows zombies can't see this through  the sheets so that's one way to protect ourselves books also incredibly useful especially  if you find early on a volume one version   uh knowingly they're volume two and volume  three probably gonna pick up the volume two   volume three we could probably give a miss for  the time being really early tip for starting out   here we go right so if you're in life and living  like this i would turn it down you can get some   experience right off the bat really quickly so  at various times during the day i believe it's   uh is it 9 12 and 6 something like that a random  channel will be on the life and living channel so   you can this is a cooking show at the moment you  could have a carpeting one you could have anything   this will just give you some experience  so if you go into this you can see   our cooking has already gone up by yeah 12.5  each time we fast forward this um i it is a   little bit bugged if you go too fast i believe  you can lose a little bit of the experience   but pretty much right off the bat from watching  one show you can get a level there we go level one   in cooking and this is what books do if you if i'd  read the cooking book this would increase my xp   significantly and it goes up a lot quicker there  we go that's that's that program done so i'm   presuming that means that we we are probably about  12 o'clock i guess um i spot on some different   clothes as you can see you can see the defense  in the bottom right so bike defense plus seven   scratch fence plus that so we're going to want  to wear that we could also wear the hoodie for a   little bit more uh hoodie up hoodie down doesn't  matter let's do hoodie up just for time being   that's an alarm that means a zombie just set  off an alarm so we're probably gonna want to   keep ourselves hidden for the time  being is to make sure no zombie sees us   we got the sheet let's just put that up close  the curtains we're just going to hide out here   for a second just until the alarm stops and the  zombies have time to die down a bit um could be   any one of these trailers around here that's  gone off it looks like there's a lot of them but as long as no zombies  attacks us in here we're fine it'll sound like something might be bang  on the door though move the curtains okay i think we're fine oh god another one went  off but i think we're going to want to skedaddle   yeah that one was right outside the door all  right so alarms going off up there if we're   quick maybe zombies won't motors us as much if we  scoot round here try and lose them in the trees as long as you get out of line of sight  of zombies eventually they will start   to forget that they've seen you and lose interest oh you can keep trying the windows when it makes  that noise um if it if it doesn't open straight   away when it makes that clonking sound just forget  it but if it keeps doing this there is a chance   you could just open it and the latch could break  like that oh god okay oh come on get up get up oh we're already in a position where  we're having to fight them okay   those windows oh that was close right we got  a watch put it on quick oh this is a lot more   intense than i was expecting this early on um  what can we find in this kitchen before we have   to run away corned beef i'll take it cooler  an apple a lighter oh god okay run run run run out the door okay there's a trailer that's from  one of the mods i've installed but they're really   useful if you attach them to a car because you  can it has a huge carry capacity 202 about 10   times what my carry capacity is right let's go  to the drive what's in oh i've opened too much   what's in here to go to the driver's seat is the  key in the ignition it is not all right okay run   if you pull up if you click v you can pull up the  little ue from the car and that enables you to   kind of see if there's a key in the car  or what's in the dashboard and stuff   so if i don't go through all of this very  quickly i'm just going to try and stick with   actually playing the game rather than going  through everything because there's a lot to   explain but i will try and explain as  much as i can kind of going forward   okay where are we on jump over this fence um hey looks like a storage lock up this might this is potentially  a really good place to   to make a base because they're really high fences  zombies can't break them down or get over them   if you block the entrance zombies basically can't  get in but we're not really at that stage yet we   need to get our carpeting up or get enough cars  to block it i think in one of the current builds   zombies can go underneath cars if they're blocking  their way so just keep note of that i don't think   it's as easy as just blocking your path now with  cars like you used to be able to right push them   so i've got it set on a setting which means that  when they're in range they all highlight in green   um you can turn that on or off i've i had it  off for years and then personal preference i   decided just to try it and actually it works  really well for me so i decided to keep it   metal bar that good weapon not bad better nothing  propane torch and a welder's mask already uh   so welder's mask is really good because you need  one if you want to use the propane touch for   metal welding but i don't really want to break one  loose condition this early on i might just wear it   leaves me actually carrying it a  bit and it gives me some protection   make the propane torch heavy  but better than nothing right most of these i believe will probably be  locked yeah um you can use a sledgehammer later   on to smash down the walls or the doors  um but we nowhere near at that stage yet   is it normally somewhere i think you'd probably  go fairly late on in game but we're uh we're   lucky to be this far this early on which is nice  red jacket oh i actually need to put it on up now   if you wear bloody clothes it it's not horrendous  short term but it will make you unhappy long term   if you leave them on so you're probably going  to want to wash them as soon as possible really   here a zombie coming gas can i'm  going to take that it is full uh baseball bat oh my god there's so  much good stuff here choose metal kettle   uh uh oh i don't know what to do open secondary  there we go we can just carry it that's fine   we are getting a bit tired that's the only thing um and there's not gonna be a bed anywhere  nearby because we're in a lock up oh my god   there's a generator this is what you need if  this if the power goes out this is what you   need to keep everything going and you gas  to power it let's just stay in here i just oh okay he found me we could just stay in this  lock-up just close the door   okay let's just close the door uh let's put the  gas can down so we've uh we found our new home   in the storage lockup um i don't think we're  actually gonna stay here i mean if we find   a sledgehammer i'm more than happy to stay here  because we can knock down the wall rest the walls   and that that can be it oh my god there's  loads of them oh that was slightly terrifying   right good tip stand on them if  you stand on them they can't get up   that means you can attack the other ones while  they're still up and trying to attack you   and also instead of left clicking to attack them  just place press space and that will stamp on   them instead you don't need any durability on your  weapon and it means you can actually try and take   them out yeah without really damaging your weapon  at all because eventually your weapon will break we'll stand on him have a look around no other  zombies we're fine find aim for the head if you   can that does i believe have a better chance  of getting a crit and killing them quicker   let's have a look see if any of  them have anything decent on them   you have a metallic dress style digital watch i  think and i wear that got some bling on us now   oh good old Logan let's grab some crisps we're  obese we're probably not going to want to have   this but it's always good to have a stash  this is if we block this little bit here   we could then basically have this whole place  to ourselves indefinitely and not have to   worry so i think that's probably what we we  could do that maybe that's what i should do   if i find if if i find some and open one of  these and it has some furniture i could use   that and block block the entrance that might  be the way to go about it can i pick these up   and pick them up oh pick these up too heavy  for inventory okay so what you can then do   with this is i could then  technically place the item   and if i place it say here this zombie will  not be able to get past there we go and then   that's one place blocked then we've got a few  more to go but these are already empty anyway   they're not going to be needed so we could  just do that with this one as well and then   that's a few less spaces that zombies can get  into place that down there we go i can hear a   zombie trying to smash something i think it's that  door there starting to get a little bit tired but   we're fine we're still good we're still good  yeah we don't really want that zombie smashing   down that door because that's the only  other way they could potentially get in there we go right so does this link yeah so this  is the problem if a zombie breaks through this   door this door in this door they could also  get into here so we're gonna probably want   to block that as well um can we pick these up  uh we need a wrench if we want to do that or carpentry two to pick it up  right okay that's not great   we could take this though large metal shelves if we then carry can we  carry both of these at once   we're lucky no okay let's place place one and  then we'll get the other one place that one   and then we should be able to put  that up and that might block that   off just in in general which would be amazing  okay we're one short that's a shame but it's fine   because we can't walk through that they just  have they can only walk through there now but   technically if we get one more thing block that  we're good if there's anything in here we can use that would be good carry all the chips let's pick that up  and this will be our compound pretty   much complete we then just need to  block this door off and we're good   yeah they can't get through that door they could  technically smash it down but chance of them   doing that are fairly slim place this down and we  should now be safe from zombies getting in here and we did it we've actually got a secure base  right off the bat i've never done this before   this early on normally this takes a lot of effort  now i just need to make sure there's no zombies   actually in the compound itself there's bound to  be a few at least but we're good we're really good all right come on go on Logan get  him i'll get that one oh come on take the old lady out you can do  it oh there's a zombie in that   lock up by the look of it you can see the the  garage door moving that means there's one in there   which i mean to us it's not great because  it means there's a zombie in there   but we wouldn't be able to break that door down  without a sledgehammer so and the zombies can   technically there's a bed actually beds in here  oh i think this might be our little house then oh we've got a little pipe wrench we've got a  couple of beds oh this is cozy this is nice i   like this oh i've got the other container leaf  rake okay that's not great but we could go get   like a tv or something we could pop that here get  a little chair in here be nice yeah i'm liking it all right we just need to find a sledgehammer  and then we're golden oh this is dar this is cute   oh we can't we can't pick up that unfortunately  we could pick up the little orange chair though   take that back to our little house there we go   a nice little chair i'm very thirsty but luckily  we've got lots and lots of other stuff like we've   got these pops and we've got soda we are going  to want to have to watch our weight because we're   overweight i think we need to get to 95 to get to  overweight and about 80 to get to a normal weight   this will mean we don't get tired as easily  and it just means that we will be better in   the long run in general so guys i think that's  probably a good place to end this episode because   i want to keep these videos a little bit  shorter than what i've been using in the   past and the fact that we've got a pretty secure  basis early on i think it's absolutely amazing   so i think next episode i'm going to go around  and i'm going to carry on looting around here   i'm also going to try and find a  sledgehammer um and expand our little base   into some of the other ones and just  explore some of the more lock-ups in general   thank you so much for watching guys if you've  liked we've seen please leave a like and subscribe   any feedback you give me would be great thanks  so much again and i'll see in the next one cheers   bye
Channel: IslandPotato - Survival Gaming
Views: 421,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid guide 2021, project zomboid gameplay 2021, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid guide, project zomboid first day, project zomboid build 41 lets play, project zomboid modded, project zomboid build 41 gameplay, project zomboid mods, project zomboid 2021, project zomboid beginners guide, indie games, best indie games 2021, project zomboid tutorial, project zomboid multiplayer
Id: Qd9JHZ8t1Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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