A New Dawn | Cinematic - League of Legends
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Channel: League of Legends
Views: 66,383,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riot Games, Riot, League of Legends, League, LoL, MOBA, RTS, League of Legends cinematic, LoL cinematic, new dawn, LoL movie, League of Legends new dawn, LoL trailer, LoL new dawn, cinematic LoL, League of Legends movie, cinematic League of Legends, LoL animation, League of Legends cinematic new dawn, League of Legend cinematic, ๋กค ์ ๋๋ฉ์ด์
, LoL video, LoL film, LoL cinematic season 5, trailer LoL, League of Legends animation
Id: vzHrjOMfHPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 22 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Evidently playing with raidboss full AP Nautilus here.
Wow. First time it ever got so.. brutal. I like it.
Graves looks so fucking bad ass
I was surprised to see blood and at least hints towards violence in the fights in LoL.
The other cinematics were always very tame in that respect.
The Rengar - Draven interaction is based on a true story, or actually any story involving Rengar and an ADC.
in the next patch naut model size will be 3x its original size and graves has a passive in which he takes down fuckers with him.
Even in this cinematic Rengar oneshots the ad carry.
Nautilus: "1 for 1 worth"
That graves is so happy rengar is on his team