“BREATHE” | Official Launch Video - Legends of Runeterra
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Channel: Legends of Runeterra
Views: 11,469,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legends of runeterra, legends runeterra, legends, runeterra, runterra, LoR, what is legends of runeterra, launch, announcement, release, trailer, official, cinematic, cg, animation, music video, riot, riot games, fleurie, flurie, flurry, league of legends, league, lol, champions, strategy game, card game, zed, darius, cithria, noxus, ionia, shadow isles, demacia, piltover, zaun, freljord
Id: TNhKAJwlj04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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The kids: "There's so much bullshit and so many shadows in Runeterra. Unlucky for them we are their reckoning. Everbody loses when you try to kill Darius but you lose more. Understand that's the motto every time you try to come at us."
who would win:
I love the animation style. It looks like an animated painting, especially in that final battle scene.
Darius cape got the doug dimmadome hat effect
Cithria's appearance is so damn sick. I really hope they bring her to league eventually.
Darius' portrayal in Riot's art changed overtime from a bloodlusting warlord, through barbaric warrior into a Noxian hero figure lol
Did Demacia just aid Darius/Noxus?
Whats zeds total score in cinematics now? 0 wins 4 losses?
This is amazing, the quality is incredible!
Who are the two kids with the slingshot?