XCOM & Highfleet Had A Baby. And It's AMAZING(ly brutal) - Mech Engineer Day 1 Tutorial!

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the year is 2198 the main asteroid belt of the solar system at the Plato space research station an experiment is underway to create a long-term traversible wormhole in a do decahedron filled with antimatter the experiment was broadcast the entire system from within a 12 km cage during the experiment a wormhole was open for just 1 second this caused a large alien ship to appear similar in appearance to a seed clam with two rings around it the ship accelerated and broke through the cage after a short pause it started to obliterate everything nearby with missiles an AI within the production ship vodro yuk received an order to evacuate people from the distant lines of the system back to Earth VOD yug was Mining facility with human-based artificial intelligence which used mechs to mine and deliver all the alien ship caught up with the vodro yuk near the Earth and launched a rocket the facility was critically hit and sunk to the bottom of the at Atlantic Ocean soon after an orbital bombardment of the main cities of Earth began and then the Invasion the AI decided to wait out underwater and rebuild the ship into a walking City the artificial intelligence will have to arm the minor Mech and fight the Swarms of Invaders on the surface to find the necessary Parts in order to fly away from Earth welcome everyone to what was initially going to be a first says welcome to Mech engineer however after the third attempt at recording a first sa video I have to admit defeat I'm going to I'm going to go on record saying this game beat me I can't compress this game into a single kind of let's have a look video unfortunately there is so much game here the best I could do with one video is give you a glimpse of the complexity in this game which for some people might be all they need they would just get to the point of this is a really hard game it's got extreme consequences and it's gritty and realistic and well I mean as realistic as a Sci-Fi Mech kind of simulator can go but uh they would uh that would be enough for them but for a lot of people you kind of need to understand what the payoff is for that complexity for that kind of gritty uh consequence driven simulation and that I couldn't fit into a single video so this is going to be a sort of first taste miniseries maybe it'll be a full series who knows depends entirely on how much interest these videos get but this is Mac engineer a game which on Steam you're probably going to find is got a Perpetual kind of mixed review sort of status partially because it is complicated partially because it has gritty consequence this is a game that caught my attention in my email purely based on its publisher which is micro Pro micros have published some of my favorite games throughout my entire gaming career so the second I see their name I pay attention and I'm very very glad I did because up to that point this game hadn't really been on my radar now I've spent a long time telling you about why I'm looking forward to making this video or these videos I should say but not really much about what mach engineer is so let me correct that Mech engineer is as I've mentioned a Sci-Fi Mech assembling kind of management game it's got a lot of uh simulation and managerial kind of elements but also kind of well I say engineering with with strong air quotes but there is a degree of build your own Mech customize your own Mech but in a way that I think most people aren't going to be uh familiar with in these sort of games in this game you have to tune the reactor for the things that your Mech is going to be doing you have to tune the weapons you don't just slap a laser on and call it a day no you go in you you adjust the fire rate of that laser the weight of the laser the energy draw the accuracy all all of these sorts of stats you can add modifies onto your weapons and then then that isn't just a class of laser that is that specific gun your your team of Engineers specifically toiled overnight getting that that one weapon to your specifications then they slapped it into the one Mech that you had built for to carry that weapon on the mission that it was designed to do this is a very very deep simulation game now I am well known for using analogies and likening to other games so here's here's my kind of tagline for this one Mech engineer is what happens if XCOM Terror from the deep yes that the O OG xcom's XCOM Terror from the deep had a kid with high Fleet and that kid was brought up by Uncle mortal engines the book or the film depending on how you consume that media yeah it is a very very weirdly wonderful game and I'm so glad to be able to Showcase this for you now with that all said and done this game uh is one of those games where I could have also thrown in or uh astronauts into that it's a very Niche game but it much like high Fleet everything is kind of done by dials and buttons you don't really have a menu as such you have to do the thing click the button turn the knob pull the lever it's very satisfying in a way but for some people I know it might be a bit much nevertheless I hope you will uh hope you'll give this this game at least enough of your attention to finish watching this video and make a decision on it if you do enjoy the game then please check out the video description down below where you can find all of the details on where you can pick this up but with that all said and done let's jump into a fresh game shall we all right then the very first thing you need to do at the start of a new game is to decide where your landship crawled out of the ocean or if in fact it did you can started the ocean I wouldn't necessarily recommend it though and speaking about recommendations as I've mentioned I have tried to and failed to condense enough of this game to give you a full-bodied snapshot a preview of all of the things that this game has to offer into a single video the consequence of that is that I well apart from having being a giant failure uh I've also accumulated three restarts worth of knowledge about the game so this uh start is going to perhaps be a little bit uh of a deviation from what you may be used to because I know things that we can do to improve our odds that being said and this is the big one here this is why I'm doing this as a forward I've got about 4 hours worth of the beginning of the game's worth of information just rattling around inside my brain box trying to spill out at every possible opportunity I am going to do my level best not to info dump you don't want me to be sat here explaining the ins and out of every detail before it's really relevant but that being said I may stray off course a little bit so I'm just going to get a couple of things out of the way nice and early there is an in-game manual literally an in-game manual the base manual rtfm applies as much in this game as it applies anywhere else it is super useful to read through this there is a lot of really really cool things and I think that I think a read of the manual will avoid you making uh making obvious mistakes uh because some of the information in here isn't as as readily available in the rest of the UI it the game kind of assumes that you have read the manual and even if you don't feel that you're going to necessarily be able to just uh kind of uh regurgitate this information on command there'll be a little voice in the back of your head whenever you ask a question don't readily have the answer they'll be like but I know roughly where to look for it that answer does exist in the manual here so I strongly strongly recommend you uh leave through have a read and uh that will set you in good stad there's also a beast theory if you're interested and uh at the very beginning of the game these are the ones that we're going to be fighting the most every entry in the Beast Tre has a bit of a bit of fluff about the morphology of the creature and then under biology it explains how they how they work how best to stop them working and how they will try to stop you working so this is actually uh in my opinion required reading we'll actually get to that a little bit later but back to the game itself where are we going to start now my recommendation in an effort to avoid info dumping I'm just going to go through my first day I'm going to show you what I think is the best thing to do I'll explain why I think it's best to do it but I won't spend a lot of time explaining all of the other things that I could have done otherwise we'll get to all of that organically in the future as it becomes relevant and the first bit of uh this is what I would do is start somewhere cold in this game I think very much in the early game heat is probably your biggest enemy so starting somewhere that it's already cold is going to be a very very very big help it will help you manage the temperature of your reactors and avoid overheating shutting down your Mech and forcing them to reboot so pretty much anywhere near the equator and most places south of the Equator are probably not great start locations you want somewhere nice nice and chilly and to the north the second thing you're going to want to look out for is uh get used to what all of these symbols mean you can just hover over them to get a little bit of an idea before you gain access to actually being able to open up the legend which uh will pop up in a moment once we've actually selected where we start the chief goal of the game is to get off the planet Earth to do that we need to get Rocket parts to find the rocket paths we need to investigate clues in cities so starting near cities is a good plan uh here in the North America uh North Americas rather is a good place you got two cities readily available and you've got two very close together here in Europe uh not so much uh the very far east Unfortunately they start moving much further south of the Equator but possibly by the time you get to those it'll be all right so I'm going to start here in Norway where it's nice and cold uh there is one other thing though to be aware of your walking City cannot walk over mountains it can walk in through the ocean but it cannot walk over steep mountains so bear that in mind so uh getting over to this part of Russia is going to be a a bit of a doozy early on cuz you're either going to have to go through very very hot land to the South or go up through the ocean to the north but uh that is something that we'll we'll uh deal with when we get we're going to start here where it's nice and snowy though there we go now the first crisis of the game is going to be the fact that enemies these are little hordes here are approaching our walking City and we need to deal with them but there's a bunch of stuff that I think you want to do before you deal with them firstly you don't want to use any of these mechs they are serviceable but you can make better but we're going to approach this like I would approach my kind of mental to-do list of the day again you can sort of think of this like a day one tutorial if you like but once more I will preface that by saying bear in mind that my experience is only with the beginning of the game so take anything I say with a hefty pinch of salt we're talking A Fistful of salt salt billowing out between your fingers getting caught in the breeze levels of salt now with that said the first thing I like to do is to go and upgrade the city there are a bunch of things that we can do you can look at your calendar pilot missions hang of research production and Engineering we want calendar or if this little tab is there this will take us directly to where we want to go but I'll go through this way just so we can show it uh this is the calendar shows you what upcoming things are going to be important here not only stuff that you're doing but stuff that the world is doing so keep a watch of this check this out at the beginning of every turn the the the days pass in a turn-based way in the geoscape but the battles are real time with pause uh on the Tuesday every day we're going to get some Specialists that'll be engineers and science team but we want to to turn this knob down here so that we can go to the city upgrade screen now in here we've got two upgrades available you start the game with two upgrades and you have enough components probably to upgrade anything though I can't say that with absolute certainty but there are certain things that are more important to upgrade but I'll give you a quick rundown on what this screen is telling us the first and most important thing to look at is the percent of City damage it is 69 that is not nice I know that is your instinct but in this instance this is how badly wrecked are city is anything over 0% is in fact bad even 69 I'm sorry but it's true uh everything else you get a little bit uh you've got varying degrees of damage I don't think this is randomized I think it's always this uh the green is from what I can tell your level of repairing the city or you can think of it as how much functionality you have restored bearing in mind this can go above 100 uh 100% but right now you could probably read this as your reactors for the city are producing power equivalent to 39% of their maximum yield and that is covering 35% of the city's demand for power if this is anything less than 100% then that's bad every need that isn't being fully satisfied from what I can tell is contributing to the city taking more damage this number is going to keep going up and it's going to keep going up for a long time it's going to take a good long while to f fix this if it ever gets 100% we lose the game straight up but as we improve the city as we um kind of meet the needs of the citizens that number will start gr up less quickly eventually it'll start to stall and then finally we will get to a point where we have repaired enough of the city that not only is it not getting more damage just from trying to hold itself together but we're actually making Headway and repairing the city and that is going to be a big milestone for us if we ever get there uh you got all sorts of things down here the food supply we're only accounting for 75% of the the amount we need there are currently 3,933 humans who are wounded and we only have a 177% functional life support system which is accounting for 35% of what we actually need things are rough right now but certain things are better to repair than others and the way the the repairing works is uh well I'll start down here the the blue kind of diamond there shows this is fully fully repaired the yellow the golden bar is this particular um facility's level of repair the blue is the level of repair of any component upon which this is this is built so the foundations you can think this is the lowest part of the city it has no foundations the foundations of the earth uh but for example this one over here this is only um 3/4 functional it's 75% repaired I could repair it all the way to 100% because the foundations upon which it's built are already capable of sustaining that but if I was to look at this one I cannot upgrade this one because its foundations aren't a higher level you can only upgrade to the level of your foundations and that's going to be a really important one to bear in mind now another thing that you you may have noticed is some of the uh components of the city have gold Texs here that means it has a special function Beyond simply the stats that you would improve by upgrading it so for example if I did upgrade this then I'd improve the city's energy Generation by uh up to 3% from Two and I'd improve the city's damage up to 3% from two that that that isn't in increasing damage that's increasing like our repair teams running around so on and so forth but this if this became completely damaged we wouldn't be able to move the city and there are lots of little ones like that around the most important one there are lots of them and and your mileage may vary so I recommend you look through everything cuz there are quite a few of them but this is the most important one in my opinion the Upper Factory this large facility is making many versatile parts and it as the the level of aair on this particular component affects the rate that we create components so we will passively make more components every day we need components to repair the city and we will get one free upgrade every day that passes uh well i' say free we will get the opportunity to upgrade uh a part of the city one level every day that passes but we're going to need components for that we're also going to need these resources up here here metalite beor uh molon and scalit uh I really don't know how to pronounce that one I'm afraid but uh the main one is components they they're what's going to gate us early on now there is a very specific reason why I want to repair this not only will it give us a little bit extra components every day but if we have a look over at production and this isn't really spoken about anywhere else so again if you get the game yourself I recommend you click on all of the buttons to look at the info screens before you click on any buttons that do something because down here we can see from District 56 we're adding 6 days to the production of anything in our engineering Bay because that factory that creates all of the versatile Parts is so damaged if I want to make uh a bulk of components what would normally cost me 2 days is actually going to cost me eight a whole week and a day to make more components that is going to be utterly utterly devastating to our plans so coming back to this the first two upgrades both of them I would immediately syn into section 56 and that will dramatically improve our production speed if we have a look now it's only adding 2 days so every every layer of damage adds two days so now it's only going to take us 4 days to make some more components so a little bit over half a week that is a massive upgrade now that being said the next thing that I would do in a day we will get to research but that's something I would do at the end of the day is missions much like games like high Fleet much like games like like XCOM you always want to be doing something or or Phoenix point is another really good example of this you never want to be idle you always want to be pushing forward and and that can lead to a degree of fatigue for you as the player as the manager as the AI of this walking City but uh just save the game and walk away but always try to be doing something don't just pass days unless you literally cannot do anything else right now we have to fight this battle before we can get on with anything else so I can't really uh showcase the the um way that we pick our missions but what we're going to do is we are going to get rid of these mechs these are not good mechs for us right now I'm going to pop them back in the engineering Bay and we're going to redesign them I will do at least one on camera and then I'll and then I'll kind of uh Fast Track through the other changes I make but the the last thing I want to showcase before we get to the mechs the the meat and guts of the game is the pilot what is a Mech without a pilot uh it is literally uh a fancy ornament very very fancy or very expensive extremely I mean to be fair even as an ornament I'd be okay with just having a Mech without a pilot I just have it in my garden towering over my neighbors menacingly uh but I degress so here we are we've got our Pilots they've got a level they've got a name we can rename them we will rename them but we'll get to that uh they've also got some traits they've got a a bunch of stats and I'll quickly go over what these are just so you can easily see what I'm making my decisions on um uh the CBS test well actually we'll start from the top reactions this is how quickly they will react to orders that their squad leader gives them there are other factors but this is probably one of the major ones it also I imagine uh impact how quickly they will respond to the the dynamic shifting of the battlefield if a primary target dips into view and they're already fighting something else how quickly they will change their target turn the mech around and start engaging uh Vitality literally how healthy they are if this ever drops to zero they die uh stress resistance now being in a Mech being in a combat Arena doesn't inherently produce stress you would imagine it does but it's surprising how safe you can feel when you're when you're just trundling around in a several ton death machine but you feel a lot less safe when that death machine is being crawled all over by alien bugs and they're trying to eat through the the wiring that's powering your legs and you've just watched one of your friends get blown up I shouldn't need to to say this but I will go on record as saying you don't want someone who's prone to panicking in charge of piloting a several ton death machine that's generally what we in the business call a bad move uh however one one pro to the way that this game deals with stress is it isn't like xhol it's like ah I'm super super afraid I'm just going to start shooting everyone including my allies I'm not paranoid or I'm I'm just going to run headlong straight into the enemies no when they become stressed what they they do is they become uh very focused on self preservation they saw the mission saw the rest of my my my group I'm caring about me me surviving is more important than anything else right now they will run away from from threats and they will engage threats that are directly threatening to them not to the group now on on the surface as a panic reaction that's actually pretty good but when you're kind of relying on a shield wall when part of that wall decides it doesn't want to be in theall anymore that usually leads to leaking and then everyone else blowing up and so on and so forth so stress is probably quite an important one CBS the final stat this is kind of your catch all your your general combat skills so uh how accurate you are how quick you are like how how good they are at piloting the mech how good they are at recovering from negative situations from being slowed down walking in mud that that sort of thing so this is just a general combat uh proficiency stat whereas the others have very specific narrow uh narrow um uh guess functions I I suppose you could say now as for the leveling up they level up every three levels I have no idea what the level cap is um I've definitely seen screenshots of people at level 10 and I've not seen any with anyone above level 10 so I don't know if it can go above that but I again I just don't know there are six total skills that only affect the pilot and there are three total skills that affect the squad if that pilot is the commander and the commander does matter for a lot of reasons that we will get to now you've got two characters at the start it seems they always have uh uh they're always uh at four and three respectively and my gut is to have two commanders now the reason for that is that eventually you can get to the point where you can run your mechs two times a day right now the mech goes out on a mission it can only uh it it comes back and needs maintenance that'll take roughly a day before it'll be ready to field again whereas if you got two commanders you could possibly send out one group in your primary Mech they come back and then they switch out with other pilots who then go out again for a second mission and again you always want to be doing something so of the commander skills I think having two commanders and and this also covers things like if one of them gets really badly wounded and needs to spend some time in the hospital they can do um the stats you have are helping with repair drones not really relevant for us right now speed or reload and of the two I think reloading is the more important one not only because when your Mech is reloading it's vulnerable cuz it's not shooting and two when it's reloading it's generating heat it's one of the main ways that you apply internal heat onto your reactor and the longer they take to reload the longer it's applying that heat so being able to finish that quickly for both of them is a super super big deal right that covers all of that so we're going to jump straight over to engineering now this is where the real meet and guts of the game lies this is called Mech engineer after all so we're going to be engineering some mechs now normally on the mission screen you can infer some information like what kind of enemies you're going to be fighting what the temperature of the area but we can draw that information from the fact that the fight is happening at our feet and we chose to start somewhere very cold so it's going to be cold climate furthermore I'm fairly certain that the start the the the initial fight is always against at least in the three times that I've done it so far it's always been against operarios and I believe let me find you uh buas now buas aren't a threat with asteris next to that however they are loot pinatas and you do need that loot we are we are going to be running fairly tight on our resources initially so killing these whenever we can to get the juicy juicy gubbins that are inside them is actually a priority on most missions so we are going to want to bear this in mind the main thing you want to look at is their armor how much armor do you need to overcome how much penetration do your weapons need to be able to kill the strongest thing that you're going to be fighting now armed without information and the fact that we're going to be relatively in a cold area let's go in now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to first put together a new a new Mech we're going to build this from the ground out in fact we're going to make this one our commander Mech this one will always be for the squad Commander uh uh what kind of name are we going to give it uh we'll call it Shepherd it will be The Shepherd of the flock uh or rather the shepherd for the flock uh there we go so me currently this is going to cost us a certain amount of Engineers to field and that is going to be a a primary uh limit on how you can hook up your Mech every change requires something if we have a look at some of the mechs that I brought back I can put them back out there ready for Duty for no Engineers because I haven't changed anything the second I do this will start going up but it's a lot easier to do a small uh adjustment on a Mech that has already been you know cleared for active duty than doing it to a a Mech for the first time so shepher is going to cost us a lot more to field but it should be the only one that we need to now the first thing you're going to want is the the the basics a cabin it's basically a cockpit this has a certain amount of weight that it's going to cost control which uh affects uh reloading times if we look down here the reloading ammunition as a general this is affected by the guns themselves but as a general this Mech will take 12 seconds to reload and will be able to fire continuously for 3 seconds that is not a very good division of time so the control here is going to affect that you can shift click to move it across there we go we've improved it a little bit it's now able to uh it now only takes 10.2 seconds to run you've got Motors the these are literally the the motors in the arms and the legs they well mostly the legs these uh are what uh affect how much weight the mech can carry and this is going to be one of the key things that Gates us early game so this weighs to by itself I can only assume that this is not kilos but I don't know um but the the power its lifting power is 43 the maximum speed is 10 and the energy draw is one so I'm going to pop all of those in there now we're drawing four energy we're not producing yet cuz I haven't made the reactor but we can carry a maximum of 172 and the mech just as it stands is consuming 83 kilos of this could not possibly kilos though cuz that that's like a very big man um and I can only assume that this make maybe who knows we'll we'll we'll just roll with it uh as is but uh the other thing you've got is auxiliary slot and each Mech design has different hard points right now we've got six auxiliary slots and that's actually quite good we could put an invasion modules battery modules but this first Mech I'm going to be making a uh ballistics weapons platform so we're going to put in ammo modules this is going to increase the ammunition and that's the firing time and increase the control so that will reduce the reload time we're going to actually fill all of that out there we go this can now fire continuously for 9 seconds and will take 6.6 seconds to reload that is a huge Improvement on what we had before now speaking about all of that we do need a reactor but first I'm going to I'm going to put together the weapon system because we are going to tailor the reactor to the situation the mech's going to be in like a big part of this is tuning what you've got now I've already decided I want a ballistic weapon a kinetic weapon and the basic here it's uh it's way 12 it's got a Firepower of eight penetration of four a energy draw of five this is a visual indication of how accurate it is it's not particularly accurate but it's a quite a lot more accurate than the uh the rocket launcher there but this is is self-guided so it's perfectly accurate after a distance and this is the firing rate out to the maximum firing rate but we can adjust this we can make it better we have the technology and I strongly recommend you do this for every single gun first thing I would recommend doing is stripping all of the points out of all of the stats these five stats govern the uh performance of your weapon so you've got firing ratees weight reduction cuz currently without any points of weight reduction this weighs 17 kilos that's say I'm just going to call it kilos for now we we'll live with it uh this increases your so the third one increases your accuracy this reduces energy draw I wouldn't recommend doing that for ballistic weapons they don't use energy unless they they actually need to and you will have specifically done that and then the final one is penetration and damage currently it can penetrate the strongest enemy that we have however this is the this is the kind of like the firing range the testing simulation we can do a lot of stuff here we can change uh to a stationary enemy so that this is a little bit easier for just testing base accuracy without having to worry about motion this is a moving enemy this is triple enemy so you can test penetration and then this is just a big enemy uh probably useful for certain types of weapon mod testing we've got a lot of information here the the shots being fired how quickly it can shoot how many misses how many hits accuracy percentage over here we can see the total damage the potential total damage and the armor damage any shot that has armor penetration lower than the Armor of the target won't penetrate but every type of weapon in that instance will damage the armor by a little bit with Ballistic weapons the the the kinetic weapons in particular um they they don't do much armor damage like they won't wear down the armor which kind of makes sense you know you're just just shooting a plate of Steel hoping that eventually you wear the the plate thin enough in one spot that you can get bullets through it'll take a long time and a lot of bullets but it will eventually happen if you fire enough Bullets Over a long enough time you will wear a hole in that armor and the bullets will start getting through other weapons almost as far as I'm aware as far as I've gotten in the research tree every other weapon does more damage um explosive weapons are particularly good it at it but uh laser weapons are surprisingly good at stripping armor as well however if you want to see what armor penetration does you got a couple of buttons over here to reduce the target armor or increase it so let's put it down to now our bullets should stop bouncing off as much but you notice how it still is if we bring it in really close the bullets are getting most of the way through now if we bring it even closer they're getting almost all of the way through as you can see basically this is armor at the front and armor at the back it's bouncing around inside However the fact that if we move it out here it's a little bit harder to see I suppose but you notice how some of the shots are still bouncing off the armor even though we've got the enough penetration also notice how the shots are getting slower ballistic Weaponry in particular loses penetrative force and projectile speed the longer it travels that is some so you generally speaking with a with a ballistic weapon you want to over penetrate the armor that you're expecting to to face and we could easily showcase what that would be if I put that up to six we should start seeing the bullets that are getting in there now we shouldn't see any more bounces unfortunately they're very inaccurate so I could just drive that up so the shots are a lot more accurate oh actually still a couple of bouncing but not all of them uh let's bump this up uh well actually let's pull it down a bit and put that up a little bit more up to seven penetration should only see a few of them so some of the bullets are losing enough energy to not really get that far but generally speaking they are going through let's have a a thinner Target so we can see a lot more of the of the shots actually quite a lot of the shots are bouncing so maybe I was uh maybe they have lost way too much of their power at that that that distance at this distance is is all going through though so you know that is something to bear in mind now as far as this weapon I would like something that is capable of penetrating targets at a great distance and whilst the early mechs if we have a look back here I've got two weapons I don't really think that that's the best way forward cuz a lot of these weapons are having to sacrifice a lot of their points if we have a look here and and a wait this is only nine this is nine that is not the base level of those weapons let's have a look at some of the ballistic weapons this is only if we go back to the weight view this is only nine we know that an un augmented chain gun without any points spent in its weight reduction is 17 so they have put points into making it easier to carry two weapons at the same time I would rather put all of my points into making that one weapon very dangerous rather than having two weapons that are less dangerous but I can carry both of them it it it just seems more uh like it's a it's a better economy for me because as well you're going to be reloading the gun less frequently and that's going to count it'll make the make the staying power of the mech a little bit better so we can increase that the easiest way is just to pump everything into this and we'll bring this back up but that's not very accurate the bullets are they're still slowing down a little bit there are other things we can do uh we can increase the accuracy for example I can do that or I can pop it all into firing rate get it to move really fast or I could perhaps put firing rate up a lot more and just throw more bullets down field but again reloading is something you kind of want to avoid I want each bullet to matter rather than just putting so many bullets it it kind of you know the enemies are fighting in the shade kind of scenario I'd rather make sure that every bullet I fire does damage rather than just i' shot so many bullets one of them eventually will now one other thing you can have a look at is mods for the weapons there's quite a few of them uh this is the battle cost when you field a Mech the cost of deploying the mech is basically the cost of ammunition the mech is going with and you only pay that once and during a mission a Mech effectively has infinite reloads so bear that in mind but uh we you don't always want the most expensive bullets you can especially early game that being said there are some mods that we can add let's start at the top over here you've got Critical Strike this increases damage with less penetration and adds weight you've got shards this is actually pretty pretty nice one you it'll start uh deploying like shrapnel when it when it impacts things you've got flame effects which uh actually set fire but all of them have like a pro and a con by and large uh this would slow uh a a an opponent down so you'll notice that this gets very slow very quickly because it's having a slowing effect applied by the ammunition don't ask how I don't know this one fires more rounds in a burst uh kind of turns it into a bit of a shotgun now the ones that we're interested in here I want something that can punch really far really hard so a long range sniper weapon if you like now the two options for that is the accelerator which is uses more energy uh and adds weight but gives much higher projectile acceleration oh my Lord let's slow you down you notice the compression uh kind of the The Vapor compression in in front of the bullet I love the little details the visible details cuz this is I think it's fair to say not necessarily game which has put uh visual Fidelity at the top of its priority list but the graphics that it has offer an enormous wealth of information if you look for it there's High Fidelity in the graphics that exist I guess is the best way of putting it uh this increases the weight up to 20 uh damage is 10 penetration is six but this is firing very quickly putting a lot of bullets down field uh let's go to a static Target about there so we can get some more uh accurate information here now if we want we could instead also the other thing is this any mod will double the the battle cost of that weapon and if you put two weapons with double battle cost each weapon is is uh the cost of all weapons on the Mecha summed up to its deployment cost but this one the rocket assistance increases the penetration uh penetration projectile acceleration increased lifetime but also adds weight let's pop that in there we've now got an armor penetration of 13 that is very nice uh we want a bit more accuracy though especially there we go that's a little bit better we could drive this all the way up and it'll be pinpoint accurate and whilst that is actually quite nice uh let's have a look at the the damage so we damage taken by the Target is about uh 8.5 uh 850 sorry and the potential damage is about 1,000 so it's it's getting through the armor the armor damage it is doing damage armor now uh it's slowly eroding it there are other ones that we would be better suited for doing damage to armor but this one we're more caring about the overall penetration but I don't want it to be that accurate I do want a little bit more damage down here let's pop that all the way up to damage 11 penetration of 14 now maximum range is actually relatively accurate we could put this out to about 600 M and see how accurate it is let's have a watch uh over time we we're watching the accuracy plummet is about not not great I'm not going to lie it's it's around 50% of all shots are getting to their target which means that 50% are missing so let's increase that accuracy a bit more let's see how this is going give it a little bit more time to catch up uh it's getting up towards 60% let's pop it a little bit further what I would really like to see is somewhere around about 70 75 there we go that's good enough for me there we are right most of our bullets are actually doing something now and I'm okay with that it's got a penetration of only 12 which is isn't as great but and especially over a long distance that's going to be bleeding off so I'm going to give it a little bit of a limit as well uh well actually I could just say you can fire at anything this is the 500 Mark so I would say that's about the 750 so uh about here is let's just dip this yeah sure let's uh dip this down to about the 750 Mark so out to about 750 m this will engage any Target outside of that it's not going to try now if it engages a Target and it goes through that Target and hits something behind it that still counts but it it's not even it's not going to prioritize hitting anything or targeting anything and firing at it unless it's at least that close and I think this is a pretty solid Commander weapon for me now you can go further and look into uh give it specific restrictions on different types of enemies and that is absolutely okay with like big enemies you have to be less less worried I suppose uh so for example I could pump that all the way up there and say for that particular enemy it's allowed to engage at a much greater distance because that's kind of what it's it's a it's a heavy enemy um let's actually have a look at a couple of the other heavy enemies uh this one's the OV we're going to be facing that I'm going to say you're allowed to engage that one at like well just shy of max range just so that we're not because this is infinite range so I would rather say there is a specific limit don't just shoot halfway across the map CU you're not going to hit anything at that range but that should be good enough for now there there we go that's our commander weapon so let's go back to our Mech where is shepher there we go and we will pop our weapon system on there there we are now that brings us up to 105 of 172 weight units it only currently needs nine power to operate this Mech so armed with that knowledge we can go into the reactors and we can design our reactor for it now currently we only have the uh internal combustion engine as a reactor and you got a couple of things we've got some Pistons we've got some injectors and we've got some auxiliary um components I'll cover each one in turn but the Pistons and injectors they they form the the central part of the engine and will dictate how much power it can put out basically to get the most power you want to push as the the the uh piston up to its Max as close to its maximum pressure as you can so if we wanted a big Power output we would put Max uh so the uh a piston with the lowest maximum pressure and an injector with the highest pressure output so that they're closer together and that gives us 62 energy output but the engine will have a lower maximum operating temperature if we instead reverse that or we just give a lower pressure piston we get less power but it can operate at a much higher temperature and finally if we both give lower uh pressure from the injector and a much higher maximum pressure from the piston we get the lowest energy output but the maximum temperature allowed and so for this particular Mech which needs almost no power whatsoever we could do that but I'm not going to I just wanted to cover that that was a thing you could do uh I know I said I was going to try and avoid doing that a little bit but I mean I think it's actually quite cool so I wanted to Showcase this a little bit but here we go we're going to go with kind of middle of the road uh pressure six injector a maximum pressure 10 uh piston and I will show you why I think that that will be uh necessary in a moment uh for the uh for the auxiliary modules now this one I think catches a lot of people out for two reasons one these are numbered for a reason they go in order two this line here resistance has only one direction this isn't specific to this component this is specific to the engine itself you've got two components one which gives you external heat resistance and one that gives you internal heat resistance you can't mix them I mean you can but you shouldn't notice how my resistance is zero now if I take out one of the internal ones my external resistance goes up a little bit goes up a little bit more goes up to the maximum output of external resistance I was getting more cooling power but I can get that cooling power just by putting it all of the of the same type and I get maximum resistance that way but the final one is the resistance multiplier so that's the first first kind of uh trip is trying to mix and match so you got a little bit of of Both Worlds you can't you can only have one type the final one is the multiplier and this is where the ordering of these slots comes in if I put this in here the order of operation means that there's nothing above this notice how as I move down it's showing me what the combined resistance and cooling power is getting to as it goes down up here at zero I'm multiplying nothing nothing multiplies to nothing uh if I put it at the very end instead I'm multiplying every resistance that came before it so now we've got 26 it's giving us a little bit more it took down my cooling just slightly but if I pop this over there we'll get 32 resistance for a tiny decrease in cooling power and overall I think that's the best once you've put together a reactor you have to actually ignite it to make sure it works and then you've got a little bit of a test system over here that will show us some information so the hotter the engine gets the more P the the more bang for bucket getting out of the cooling So eventually this will settle s at an equilibrium point and it looks like our equilibrium point is going to be about here on the reactor temp uh yeah this is almost 260 and once it get there the reactor will not heat itself up anymore you can test this further by putting the reactor under strain by doing something like that and as you can see my cooling power is actually significantly higher but it's dropping off as it gets back to that equilibrium point or you can just like push it all the way to its maximum and it burns out it'll restart if this was in the mech the mech would have to reboot re restart the reactor and in that time well we'll probably take damage from enemies but would also potentially take damage from the reactor overheating itself so you always want to try and get a reactor that's fit for the environment that it's going into but this is a good enough reactor let's pop it over there and let's jump back into the shepherd and equip its new reactor so popping the reactor in there we go we are almost ready so currently it's pulling nine power it's out of the 38 is generating it's 165 out of the 172 weight allotment that's having effect over here speed for example uh will increase with the more spare weight it can carry so the lighter the mech is compared to what it can carry the faster it might move uh we've got its hit points maximum outside temperature all sorts of information right there but I can go ahead and uh have a look at a couple of other things this one won't open until later I don't really know how to use that yet I haven't unlocked it myself uh this is our weight view you can see the the weight that's being uh given to you the the carrying capacity versus weight that's being taken away from that uh generally you're going to see the the Reds on everything but Motors this is the defense menu we're going to get to that in a moment this is the repair menu you'll sometimes need to do that after a mission this is the energy menu you can undervolt or overvolt components and certain components will perform better when overvolted and certain components will perform worse when undervolted but not everyone this one for example we could afford to undervolt it the ballistic weapon doesn't need any energy we're giving it energy but we don't need to however every wire whether undervolt or overvolt you add to an engine will increase the thermal load on the reactor so it'll be a little little it'll run a little hotter so you don't want to do it for everything the other one you can do is you can paint the mech uh we can get into this if this becomes a long-standing series and we start getting attached to Mech we'll start naming them giving them their own custom paint jobs it'll be quite fun but for now we could feel this as it is it would be unwise to do so because we still need to add armor so armor and various other systems you've got a self-destruct system down here very big bomb I can see almost no reason to have this equipped and this is one of the things that's on all of the default Mech and is why I think you should make your own you can add an En Shield if you've got energies to spare currently we do we could put this on there and we would have a little energy shield now there aren't very many enemies that are going to produce energy attacks but yeah if you are facing one and you've got the shield the it'll eat away at the shield before it even touches your Mech and so it's quite nice to have if you've got the head room for it which is why I put in the Middle Ground engine rather than the lowest energy output that I could have because I knew that that would give us a little bit of room this costs 28 energy just to add it onto this Mech this is the ammo ratio if you've got multiple different types of ammo you may have noticed on some of the max they had rocket launchers and Ballistic then this is the spread of the ammo something to bear in mind that I didn't realize uh until I think it was my second attempt at the first taste uh they can only reload one thing at a time so if your Rockets run out and start reloading and then your ballistic weapon runs out your ballistic weapon can't do anything until the Rockets finished reloading and then will'll immediately start to reload so you're basically reloading for twice as long it is painful so I recommend for the most part with possibly some exceptions generally just running one type of ammo per Mech uh this is melee defense you can put on a mining drill makes sense for miners um this has a damage of two but armor penetration of 15 it's not going to fall down you can also dig walls which is actually kind of cool I've not really done that myself but uh we'll see if we've got weight to spare now finally you've got active armor this is kind of like a blaive armor and You' got your your passive armor much like enemies when it comes to armor if uh their damage is lower than our passive armor they don't do damage to the mech but they will wear down the armor so having uh more armor than you need is always recommended have as much armor as you can have cuz it gives you the longest period of time before they eventually wear a hole through your armor hopefully they never do but this is a bit of a complicated one I think so I'm going to go over what I i' I've gleaned you got two types of armor you've got bulk armor and strike faces this is bulk armor as are all of these uh in fact we can't even see the strike faces right now uh so that you always have to have one layer of bulk armor whatever it is this is like layered armor uh and so is more space efficient and this is uh just regular bulk armor it takes up twice as many kind of slots you've got four slots for bulk armor and one uh slot for strike face you can only ever have one strike face but if I wanted to I could layer in four layers of that bulk armor and then we've got the strike faces I don't want to do that just yet uh because that's an awful lot of weight cuz even though it takes up less volume it still has heavy it's overall would give me more armor but I don't have the weight to spare I've got very little I've only got seven uh so this armor here is weight three armor four probably the most efficient we're going to get this is 6 for five this is 9 for six if we had a lot of weight spare we could go for the heavier uh more armored uh bulk armor and then the plates are pretty much the same three for four three for five and then six for six but we're going to go with the basic stuff because we've got the most of it so I'm going to just pop two of those down that brings me almost but not quite to my weight level now I could just go with this and that gives me nine passive armor however how much energy have I got I think that might be where we sit so instead of doing this I'm going to take take one layer of the bulk armor off because the strike face in my opinion it's always best to have bulk armor and strike face if you can have if you can afford to have two pieces of bulk armor then instead get one rid of one of them and put it in a strike face instead so you need to go up to the highest layer for that this is layer two layer two is always the strike face this is layer one layer one is always bulk armor so let's go up to Layer Two so I'm only looking at the strike faces we've got one that's only three weight we could afford to put that in gives us four armor one that gives us five armor one that gives us six armor we haven't got very many of these and then one that g four six weight gives us eight armor that's the the most armor efficient but the least weight efficient this is amazing so there we are we're going to pop that on that gives us a passive armor of 11 that should be good the only enemies we're going to be facing are only doing five damage so it should be okay and but there we go that is our completed Mech the shepherd it is rolling with only one weapon you have to fit 50% of the weapon slots so you can't ever just have one like if the mech has eight weapon slots you can't just send it out with a single weapon as far as I'm away from what I read in the manual uh but uh this will do and I think is a pretty good Mech so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to send that one out now that was an awful lot of talking and Engineering so I'm going to do the rest off camera but uh we are going to ultimately field all three of the original mechs with different uh compositions and the one Mech that we we've done just there one thing I do want to cover though is that whilst that one cost me like 104 to send out if I were to for example put a different weapon on this that's only going to cost me eight to send out because most of the work is already done you might be tempted to click this button down here to clear the mech and then rebuild it from scratch I recommend not doing that take only the parts off that you need to take off and then requip those other parts uh those specific Parts because that'll keep the the cost of Engineers low and that will allow you to do more with them once we're done with this fight but I will bring you back when I've engineered our new Mech hey welcome back I have finished equipping our three original mechs a little bit differently the main things I've taken off is self-destruct system I've taken off the uh the uh melee weapon added an energy Shield added some armor as I was able to do and equip them with a single weapon each I'll quickly give you a demonstration of the weapons we have The Shard minigun over here uh with a minimum operational range of where the the bullets would naturally just kind of fall off I want them a little bit closer than that though so let's just bring you in in fact let's uh switch over to you there we go uh these do quite a lot of damage where they hit uh they've got a penetration of eight damage nine but the shards do quite a lot of damage besid so that one should be good at actually stripping off armor especially close up we can properly see the uh potential damage building up there actually this one's all set up for 11 so let's just drop that down to the sort of armor that we're expecting to see the uh four there that is staggering amount of damage which will actually be very very nice and the other weapon I have got a flame rocket now I wouldn't necessarily recommend playing with uh with rockets as a general um from the beginning however these are very very good at stripping away armor on on much higher Health targets as you can see here the the total damage taken is up in tens of thousands at this point stripping away enormous amounts of armor and that is largely because fire itself does damage based on the damage uh damage profile of the weapon at long range this is extremely uh good at short range as you can see some of the Rockets are missing because it's kind of got a a wide spread at the point of launch and the guidance system isn't able to correct it in time but I don't want them to fire on this any closer than that in case explosions hit my own mechs so at long range this is going to be absolutely destroy uh this is going to be an absolute uh Destroyer for heavily armored Target and given that we are in fact going to rename this from Storm to its actual job shell cracker there we go so we guess and we've got Mr Brown cuz look I'm a simple man I see a meme I I roll with the meme we had Mr Pink and now we got Mr Brown we're just going to have to live with that one uh right these are all good enough one last note though uh if you've got spare armor I didn't actually do it on our first Mech and I should have ADD in some uh coating so we're not going to be seeing any like missile wielding enemies but once we do you're going to want a lot of ablative armor to soak up those hits rather than passing that damage so once all of that's gone it'll start hitting the regular armor and we'll start going through the regular armor pretty aggressively so that's uh that's what we're going to do there we'll feel you let's just double check that I did the coating for yeah I don't have any spare room on Mr Brown or Mr Pink that is absolutely fine let's get them out there then there we go now it has taken us quite a long while to get to the actual combat portion of the episode but we are there now with one final thing stood in our way we need to decide who we're taking and also what we're going to name them because of course I'm going to name them after viewers so if you'll just give me a few moments to name our Squad and we will be ready get into the first mission okay there we go please everyone say a big hello to mini mgle our team leader rery winter blade Taran winter blade specifically and synthetic Samurai now one thing I would like to actually point out is based on their their uh stress resistance score you can kind of see that they get really wigged out when you start moving them around and they've got low low stress resistance uh not every time apparently but uh there we go not super happy about being put in the the cockpit there and regery yeah having a little bit little bit of a anxiety attack there at the thought of having to go out and fight aliens but that's where we are and that's what we're going to do now another thing to note we've got four artillery but I shouldn't imagine we're going to need it for this particular fight now we are going to be fighting against the uh basic enemy and largely I would like you two to focus on the braas instead or brus let's uh choose your primary targets let's get you in position when you don't have one to attack then you'll attack other things or if it's outside of your targeting range you'll you'll choose someone else and actually on that note in regards to uh how they choose targets you can select their primary per pilot Target but if we go into battle over here the target selection order is enemies at twice melee distance so if something gets close it doesn't matter what you've been told to attack you're going to try and stop it from killing you priority Target at that point and then turrets enemy turret if you're in their radius if you're not you don't care about it um or at least you don't care about it more than other things and then the closest enemy after that that's that's the way they'll go and they will avoid Friendly Fire which I think is just nice really right okay District 62 equals 75 that is uh an important note because that is how often we are going to be able to give orders but let's get out there and have a fight now there's a lot going on here but the first thing I would say to do is press tab as that allows you to use wasid for the camera over here you can zoom in zoom out etc etc you've got information up here that yellow bar is how often I can give our Squad orders but you can give the whole Squad orders in the pause menu when that happens this little scanner there is checking out what's what's there you can press T to go into full map view these are the legs of our walking City these are some turrets that are just outside this is what the squad are already targeting and that is a uh buus and then there's another one further on I want to get both of them so that we can get some materials I forgot to make note of how expensive this group was to field but uh it is enough uh it is enough for us to definitely not want to pass up on any uh materials there are a lot of targets right at the top here off the map we can't even count them all the map temperature is 32 is actually higher than I was expecting so our our uh reactors are having to struggle a little bit perhaps but you can come back out of that mode and you get a lot of information on the side here you can uh select people uh individually or you can use the hot keys for that and you can disable weapons so on and so forth you can see the react attempts and all of that Gins but I will spend a lot of my time in this mode you have got other camera modes as well you can go through them some of them are a little bit less good depending on the situation but it is actually sometimes well worth switching between the camera modes if you're in a situation where it's really dark like in a cave or something like that cuz some of them will illuminate more than others will Let's uh find this one cuz that gives me a good good path but there we go now unpaused all of our our basic turrets aren't actually engaging and the the mechs who can't reach it aren't bothering but we've got a huge swarm of enemies coming down now I would like our X to move up if you give the movement orders in pause mode you can draw the movement other if it's in real time mode you can just tell them where to go and they'll make their way there now hopefully my units will start prioritizing the others further on I would very much like to take that out if I'm able to there we go rocket launcher and the uh the uh Shepherd's Cannon are aiming for it but we are probably getting a bit overwhelmed here so let's draw back a bit back to the turrets got to try and protect the base that's our priority over here so let's get back down there you can move them individually and they will move individually to a certain degree uh as you can see they've got different speeds at reacting to my orders do not let the Tet explode because if the turrets explode they explode big they explode as if the a Mech with uh the uh self-destruct or rather the uh the bomb on it goes up where did that oh no the brucas I think ran away we did enough damage to it that it bailed that is a shame okay so we only going to get one of them then that's fine but at this point I'm going to move them around a little bit so I know that Shephard is uh the one with the longest range I'm going to have you kind of stood there in the middle we've got the launcher then I'm going to have my oh have I got oh I did have Shepherd also selected let me uh do those again so shepher you go there I want three or rather four to go here sure and there we go I'll put four of there two can stay where they are there we go there we are that will spread our group out a little bit better I think and they should be able to do a decent amount of damage a shame that the the managed to get away it is procedural you don't always get the same setup here so unfortunately you're not always going to be able to get them but getting one is good enough I think how ARX doing they're doing relatively well we can check in make sure their stress levels are okay uh yeah they're doing all right their health is fine they're not stressed though they are that sound you can hear that that like kind of spooling up sound is the sound of them getting close to being out of ammunition so a lot of them are getting close to that point at the same time which is not ideal I really would like to get over there and grab those uh materials after most battles if you successfully complete the mission you automatically recover materials on the ground but I don't know if that's true for the first mission uh these things over here the brus actually deploys turrets when it feels threatened and those are the turrets that it deployed I didn't notice them before o someone just took a took a bit of a beating there but I didn't notice the turrets deploy or I would have tried to get out there and deal with it but so far so good mostly we're doing all right we did take a a bit of damage someone did or at least someone got hit yes a little bit of armor damage there on Mr Brown that is that is a trivial thing for us to fix now we'll see if I manag to get this back in just a moment we'll see if we actually recovered anything and that will let us know for future yeah we did actually okay so we only need to destroy them we don't actually need to get out there and recover the items themselves as long as we complete the mission we get it back so we got 175 metalite 140 bjor 70 Moon and 105 scan scanit uh scalak nit sorry I put the L and the K in the wrong place we got uh a 105 of that which is actually quite nice that brings this up a little bit now there's some stats you can have a look at you've got medals they are purely cosmetic and honestly I don't really see much of a point uh but for the sake of it I will give them a medal if they were the well no if I give it to them for being the commanding officer it'll always go to the same two people so I I won't even bother uh they will eventually I've noticed them get medals that I didn't give them and again it's purely cosmetic so I'm just going to leave it at that may maybe if we fight any particularly rough battles and you know what they did save the city so this is this is a this is a battle worthy of a medal I guess for everyone everyone gets a medal however you can take out a maximum of eight mix and uh at that point you're not going to have enough medals to give give them out to everyone so I I'm not really a big fan of the metal system as it is but you can get further statistics for example the average reactor temperature the total reloading time for kinetic weapons same for everything else the amount of ammo spent um Precision of the weapons uh total time for disobeying orders mini murgle was very very uh obedient there however synthetic Samurai went off the rails a little bit 6.32 seconds spent disobeying your orders you scallywag now you understand I'm not the one who's mad because you weren't disobeying my orders mini mgle was following my orders you were following mini murgle's orders so synthetic Samurai mini mle weren't uh weren't go oh wow okay so Reger was even more uh even more headstrong and wow winter blade e wow okay mini murle we're going to have to have a talk uh about discipline in in the in the squad here my goodness but that actually actually a good way for us to segue into something now unfortunately n mugle is exhausted and all of our mechs are now uh are now needing some maintenance but we've fully unlocked the game at this point we can quick repair you could as well take the uh the mech back but there's no reason for us to do that right now so we're just going to go ahead and quick repair that's a very small amount that's basically a little bit of armor damage I just need to buff that out but let's have a look at the pilots cuz we're not at the end of the day yet I haven't gone through my full checklist if we look at the ones that had exhausted they have got relations now the relations are are in regards to the person selected if I select mini murle here you notice the relations are changing Min murgle is got a very good relation with himself uh synthetic Samurai uh regery actually Min Mur and reer have a have a good uh relation or or rather uh mini mgle has good relations with regery and winter blade winter blade has reasonable relations with synthetic Samurai and rre now the relations are in terms of if this person was the the the Lance Commander what would be the relation of the like for example if winter blade was the Lance Commander reer would have a relationship score of 10 with winter Blade the more missions they go on the better the relation score gets and the relation score will also dictate how obedient they are how quickly they are to respond to orders or whether or not they think that they know better so it is really really important to build those relations obviously since we're going to have uh a a few people specifically as Squad commanders we will hopefully see relations with the with everyone Rising but you might end up having squads that just work better together in a very specific uh composition and then an entirely different Squad rather than just mixing and matching because the relationships actually matter now after a mission we're not going to be able to send anyone back out because all of the mechs are in maintenance and we don't have enough Engineers or enough mechs to put together another Lance so we're not going to try so what we do now is we decide who's going to train and who's going to go to hospital the the main thing I worry about is Vitality so sort it by Vitality scroll down find the person with the least Vitality wow 15 on Gregory there haven't named Gregory but we will when we take you out you get a name when you go out on a mission synthetic Samurai though is the is the second worst with only 35 this will restore vitality and stress resistance your stress resistance is fairly good but it'll still improve the the higher the stat the less it'll be improved and the lower the stat the bigger the Improvement you will see per day and that's just the way that that works out and then in training it'll improve reactions or CBS but it will drop vitality and stress resistance but it will also give them a little bit of experience that little yellow bar there that is the experience uh so let's have a look is anyone particularly bad for reactions 30 35 they are actually kind of low um regery you've got good CBS lowish reactions uh you're a bit more middle of the road let's have a look is there anyone else that we just sent out particularly bad especially our commanders yes I even though your reactions are perfect uh Jennifer we need you taking some training to get your CBS up I do not want the commanding officer to uh to have poor General combat skills okay so that's all done we've taken care of upgrading the the uh the city we have engineered ARX for the mission that they have gone on uh and just to give you a glance of how that would normally work if I click there I can see what the map is like God that's a nasty map uh we can see uh resources that are available so if I take that off we can see these tiles have particularly High resource availabilities we're getting resource modifiers on anything we earn in these locations uh so on and so forth though this one also has it thankfully because I guess because it's a horrible place to go no buas though which is very interesting that's very very the amount of Nest we'll cover that in the next episode but this gives us an idea of the the um enemy type the any other factors like this is in caves so it's going to be a bit of a rougher one the overall temperature uh we can have a look at the the uh Legend well sorry the um pertinent information for the tiles we can turn the legend on this gives us information about the tiles themselves the mega storm is quite far away we don't have to worry about that cuz I think it moves in this direction we want to get down here now these numbers there's a bit of a game of Mind super going on this number right here tells us uh how many uh it integrates the number of enemy bases labyrinths now not nests but the actual an enemy base can I think XCOM Terra from deep within a radius of one cell including the current one now using this information you can mind sweep your way around any tile that's kind kind of got that uh kind of more goldish color we have information on that tile so I know there's no no Nest here nor in the surrounding tiles and I know there's no Nest there or in the surrounded Towes and the one that I'm stood on by virtue of the being the one I'm stood on but this one definitely has a nest somewhere within one tile radius or itself Well it can't be itself because this would have nixed that and it can't be over there because this also nixes that so it could be there except for these two also ni in that so realistically the only place that Nest could be from this one tile is here right click put a marker this is going to be very important later on right now we don't have a whole lot of information but on on the plus side we can also see there's actually not many nests around us and that's actually quite good we can now see Giants and biomass there are always two giants one is golden one is red this one is the more dangerous of them to fight this is the more dangerous in a strategic sense because of these two meet this one will eat this one and make another one of itself the biomass here and it gradually accumulates every turn and once it gets to a certain amount it'll spawn more of the red giants just on the tile and then they'll biomass levels will go down however if there is an enemy Nest underneath it like a labyrinth then it's going to get a lot more biomass each turn than normal and will eventually spawn those giants a lot faster this is why you want to Mark the nests once you've got them marked eventually we're going to have a way of clearing them out permanently and we're going to want to try and prioritize the ones that are under biomass when that time comes to avoid us having a doom spiral of just too many super powerful giant enemies and just to give you a an idea the enemies that we just fought health of 13 and there was a lot of them yes but you know we we managed to get through it the bras has 1,400 armor of four this let's find it this is the is the red one armor of 20 Health 100,000 I don't even know what we're going to do against that but apparently we can and this one the titana centipeda uh I don't think we actually have information you just don't know it's like yeah know this it's it's on a scale a human mind can't comprehend but uh yeah together they are super super duper uh dangerous and we're going to want to watch out for that this one from what I've seen is quite sedentary but wherever they move they spread biomass to those tiles this one will chase it if it can see it and if we get close enough to either of them they'll chase us as well same same difference but you have to get quite close so uh this one is just going to wander around Meander this one's mostly going to sit still until it sees something it wants to eat and then it's going to chase it down with with great conviction uh we can see the cities on the map we can also see these pings these from what I can understand a special Map sites three of them down here in Africa and one over I'm not actually is is that is that China is that up in Russia I I can't quite tell I can't see enough of the actual map because he under the the biomass but uh one over here that we're going to have to worry about as well but but uh we potentially get some interesting stuff there I'm not really sure what finally we can also move the city but you can only move to a tile that you've cleared and technically we've only cleared the tile that we the city is currently on so moving is not an option right now okay so that's covered everything on the map that it's all very important for the Strategic layer and making decisions but the one of the last things we have to do is research so let's have a quick glance the main factories and plants have been restored and re-equipped this will allow us to adapt Mech to new conditions the mechanism for moving the city has also been completed now we've got three nodes presently there is a district of the city that you can repair that will give you full access to the tech tree and you can just cherry pick whatever you want to research without having to go through the nodes in front of them but we're not there and I'm not going to make it that much of a priority because I don't know it feels it feels like you'd be trying to run before you'd learn properly to to use your legs for walking by doing that I feel like a lot of the tech probably is predicated on the existence of the earlier Tech to support it in your Mech um that being said I could be wrong so do let me know in the comments if that's the case uh but we've got an option to get tank guns large Firearms forly used on tanks in military conflicts on Earth blueprint obtained from the general military database we have got first generation engines the first Improvement of the internal combustion engine there are obvious limitations in the design but we will try to improve efficiency with each new model this one will add a motor module and then finally cabage in one reinforced frame an additional metal frame in each module adds to the overall structural strength of the mech the new cockpit is also stronger the cool thing about researching this game is it's it's not a case of you just ah you we've researched thing now go ahead and and make more of those things instead you have a scenario where they will present you with the Prototype they made while researching as well so anything we choose to research we will get a free copy of that thing as well as the ability to make more of them for that reason as much as this is tempting it would require 100 staff and I only have 160 but I could research both of these in the same time I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to research a tank gun I want a better Long Range High Caliber weapon there we go that'll give us two days and 80 staff and although this would only take me two days so in two days I could start work on this one I am going to say instead I'm going to go for this motor this would give our Mex the ability to carry more weight it's going to take 4 days to finish that though so there is a there is an argument to be made to wait on it but I think we're going to go for the for the motor right now instead there we go and last but not least now that I've done everything else I've I've addressed the missions that I had to go on I've have engineered the mech I needed to do I've I've seen them in combat I can I've decided I don't need to make any further adjustments at least not this turn I have done my research I have upgraded the city I and I've still got a spare 198 Engineers so time for us to invest now we need components I would strongly recommend you put down two orders for components they are costly they take 60 Engineers each and we're not going to get those Engineers back for 4 days so that's 120 Engineers currently tied up over here that is going to mean that I'm not going to really be able to field two New Mex next turn I will still be able to field one but uh we'll get a bunch of Engineers back who had worked on the mech that we deployed this turn and the the other tweaks that we did to the mech so we will be able to deploy one at least but right now just getting two um crates of 125 components each in 4 days will allow us to do further upgrades cuz right now we can't do any of that and there's nothing else really here that we want to make I could I suppose make some more armor I'd get five plates out of it but once again there's actually a district that will improve that so I would say not to worry about it but that is about it that's everything we needed to do for our first turn so it is time at long last for us to click to the next day do a double check you've done everything you've got uh all your research done you've got your production done this one I actually forget enough that I will put a special mention of it make sure You' got someon training make sure you've got something in the hospital this is more often than not the one thing I forget to check when I'm passing my turn is that I'm actually making use of these two facilities don't waste those facilities if you can avoid it but with that said time for us to click on to the next day and there we go we get a bit of uh information about the current state of affairs no new humans on the city but all of this information there the city is taking 0.7 further damage which is quite quite rough uh life assistant wounded humans I'm not sure if that went down or went up I think it didn't actually change I could be wrong about that though but there we go that's given us a new prediction uh you can actually get that information from this area as well so we can see that our engineering team increased by three and our science team actually increased by five due to the Specialists joining the city which is actually quite quite nice but uh we do have one upgrade that we can spend sadly we don't have the components so that's going to be something that we're going to have to wait on from what I have noticed your city will kind of build up a stock of upgrades that it can do up to five it won't stock pile any more than that so you don't want to ever take more than 5 days before you can upgrade again which is again is the reason why you want to double upgrade this straight away so that your first delivery of components can arrive in four days not five and you can spend all of those upgrade points without wasting any waste is bad in this game finally you see the uh Giants moving around this one moved in that direction spread a bit of biomass this one's moving down I think it's probably already got the scent so they're likely to meet somewhere near the city and one will gobble the other one up and that is generally going to be a good thing but that is going to be it for this episode I really do hope you have enjoyed and will be joining me for the next as I mentioned there's just too much game here for me to fit into a first taste into a single episode at any rate and so this is going to be a sort of first sa miniseries maybe a full series if you want it to be a full series you know how to let St algorithms know and that is with those lovely buttons down below but that is going to be it from me and from our Max and indeed the brave pilot who well pilot them I guess I was going to say drive them but H I don't know I they're not flying but what if they could fly but I digress that is going to be it for me for today thank you so much for joining me I hope you enjoyed and I look forward to any feedback you have for the me in the comments down below but until next time do take care Commanders [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Aavak
Views: 54,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aavak, Dapper, Let's Play, Mech Engineer, XCOM, XCOM Terror From The Deep, Highfleet, Mortal Engines, Management, Microprose, Mechs, Mecha, Simulation, Resource Management, Strategy, Indie, Pixel Graphics, RTS, Realistic, Sci-fi, Let's Play Mech Engineer, Mech Engineer Gameplay, Mech Engineer Walkthrough, Mech Engineer Playthrough, Mech Engineer Tutorial, Mech Engineer Review, Mech Engineer Impressions, Mech Engineer Demo, Mech Engineer Download
Id: zvSzvAul5z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 38sec (4838 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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