A Must-See Western | Deadly Showdown in the Wild West | Full Movie

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[Music] this is the story of a land of the people who lived on it in the year 1870 and of a man whose name was cois he was an Indian leader of the chirawa Apache tribe I was involved in the story and what I have to tell happened exactly as you'll see it the only change will be that when the Apaches speak they will speak in our language what took place as part of the history of Arizona and it began for me here where you see me riding since getting out of the Union Army I'd been prospecting for gold off and on one day I got a message that a new Colonel had come to Tucson and wanted to see me the story started when I saw some Buzzard circling in the sky Buzzard's a smart bird something or somebody was getting ready to die I figured was a hurt deer or rabbit or snake not a rabbit not a deare His Kind was more dangerous than a snake he was an Apache for 10 years we'd been on a Savage war with his people a bloody no give no take War drank ah better slow I got to killed you before I knew it was dangerous to keep a fire going in Apache country but the boy's wounds were badly infected and he was running a high fever he had eight pieces of buck shot in his back and I had to dig every one of them out with my knife I could hear him grinding his teeth together but he never let out of sound for the next few days I panned the stream for gold and kept an eye on the boy I wanted to be on the move and I was glad he was getting his strength back quickly your legs feel stronger today little bit now You' still got a limp today I must leave no I must go too soon for you for my legs yes but for my family no this is my novice time I am 14 so I learn to be a man I go on trips alone but I have been away too long in the wik up my mother is crying my father looks for me I think I am their only one now my brother my sister were killed at Big [Music] Creek my mother is is crying he said funny it never struck me that an Apache woman would cry over her son like any other woman Apaches are wild animals we all said do you pray the killer of enemies not even to lifegiver the ones up there oh oh we have another name Apaches pray for all white men to die but now I pray to keep using safe at Sunset last night I threw pollen to the Four Winds for you thanks boy this is very big against headache and sickness now it is [Applause] yours they could have killed put away your gun I know my people they have been watching us they see I am not harmed this is Clear Talk it says they can still kill this white man is my friend this white man is my friend [Applause] he must not be heard what when did my son become a tame Apache father look he gave me life again when the soldiers wounded me where did you meet soldiers it will shame us to say when a py should not do what others cannot know this one he was with them no he found me later he healed me it will be wrong to harm him you do not give orders you speak our tongue a little white men pay many dollars for the scalp of an Apache you know that I know and why did you not take his skill if I kill an Apache it'll not be for scalp or money why not my people and your people are at War it is not my way to fight this is the way of all white eyes it is not my way you are a woman maybe it is well known that Apaches do not take scalps either and they are not women he hides something why are you here in our mountains I look for gold and silver for what for yellow iron you did not kill we will not kill this time but not again give him his gun they wanted to kill me all right but they let me go I learned things that day Apache mothers cried about their sons Apachi man had a sense of fair play you [Music] oh sh Ambush run two men were killed and for three others it was much worse because they were only wounded but this was war and it was terrible cruelty from both sides they found a pouch in one of the Wounded men and in the pouch there were three Apache scalps so they dug a pit on the ground and they rubbed his face with the juice of a Mescal plant and they made me watch The Ants [Music] Come learn it learn it well this is a paty land you have no right here where cois lives no white man can live take your weapons go let your face not be seen again [Applause] [Music] howy J hey Tom you find yourself a gold man no party T just coffee for me we I smoked turkey today no just coffee WIP them all out but Jeffers yes sir I'm colonel benell you receive my message that's why I'm here Colonel what's on your mind I've just been given the command at Fort Grant congratulations my own desire to clean out cois and his Apaches from the Graham Mountain Area pretty big ORD sir wife of all that but him like Hogs I say like Hogs this man was in a party of miners ambushed yesterday afternoon by Apaches half of them were killed where abouts was the Ambush just s here he said they wounded cois said they got 10 or 12 Apaches out of a war party of 50 there weren't 50 there were only five and another one of them got scratched how do you know Jeffords I watched it watched it seems to me most men would have land a hand I was hog tied the Apaches jumped me earlier oh you fought your way out eh they let me go never heard of a thing like that happening to a white man did you John no did you Milt no I ran across a wounded chair car boy I healed them up I guess they thought they owed me something apache's plan Fair yes I don't understand you mean you found a wounded Apache and didn't kill him that's right I'd like to ask you why this what do you want to say me about Colonel Jeffords I think I know how we can stop go cheese I have 250 fresh men from Pennsylvania and New Jersey they're smart disciplined Troopers yes I've seen those fellas around I have a good plan I want information from you and I want you to do a little Recon ordering for me in 6 months the war will be over and we'll have goes up by his neck no you won't Colonel listen Jeff I'm an expert on open field Warfare I have 30 years can't even read a map but he and his men know every Gully every foot of mountain every water hole in Arizona his horses can go twice as far as yours in a day and his man can run on foot as far as a horse can run he can't write his name but his intelligence service knows when you got to Fort Grant and how many men you've got he stopped the Butterfield Stage from running he stopped the US males from going through and for the first first time in Indian history he has all the Apaches from all the tribes fighting under one command you're not going to string him up in 6 months Colonel not in six years good a chance Terry Jeffs it was your honor going to scout for me you can find somebody else maybe Captain Jeffords became too friendly with the Apaches maybe he doesn't know what side is on easy J I'm not looking for trouble but if you don't fight against you're with them and I've got a right to say that who says so what's your name Ben Slade I own a ranch only a mile out from Fort Grant even so the Apaches burned my house last month my wife was inside almost got my boy too seems to me a white man like you would want to see that sort of thing stopped that's right anybody would and why don't you join the colonel staff that's private business slate or ain't Private Business not when they're murdering our women and kids Big C we murdered Indian women and kids COI started this and any now just Let's Get the facts straight here cois didn't start this war a snoody little Lieutenant fresh out of the East started he flew a flag of truce which cois honored and then he hanged coi's brother and five others under the flag oh you hear all sorts of stories you want to know why I didn't kill that Apache boy or for the same reason I wouldn't kill your boy or Scout for the Army I'm sick and tired of all this killing besides who ass is out here on the first place I don't know Tom I don't claim the white man's always done right but we're bringing civiliz session here ain't we clothes carpets hats boots medicine why I got a wagon load of first class whiskey waiting for me in the East I could sell that at a dollar a bottle if it wasn't for cois it's an ambush run a one come on in hi Tom I'm out after all this time one single Freight wagon squeezed through with the military C cheese didn't show his ugly face you're going to send your mail Riders on a military guard too I'd take the Army and the Navy no Eastern Maes going out or come in for 7 weeks the Apaches are shooting my job right from under me well you know M I kind of think maybe there's a way to get your mail through a new route can I have the use of this office every afternoon for a while oh what far ju Juan I've got some work for you I want to hire you for maybe almost a moon I want you to teach me to speak Apache good I want to learn about Apache Spirits I want to learn about the Apache ways Apache in here no white man asked to learn these things why do you I want to speak to Coes are you crazy Tom I tell you Mil I'm sick and tired of being in the middle I'm tired of having people like Lowry and even you and Terry ask me which side I'm on I've been willing to take a chance up in cooch's territory to look for gold all right now I'll take a chance on something else cois will not speak with white men won't send up smoke signals he will not come to see you no no I want to go and see him to his stronghold that's right no white man seen kis in 10 years and live to tell it well there was a time when you could parley with him well don't try it Tom the ants will be feeding off your eyes oh well that could happen anytime didn't miss it by very much the other day ju will you teach me I want to speak to cois about letting the mail go through maybe even about peace yes I will teach you and for this I will not take any dollars but I think it will end bad I think cois will kill you Mil we use the office it's your [Music] eyes good enough a pachy eyes are quick this says you come in peace they will not believe it but perhaps it'll make them want to find out you've learned to speak our language well you do not yet think like an Apache but you are not distant from it one you've been a good guide if I see cooches what grows from our talks will be from you too last night I heard an owl the worst of all signs it is not yet too late come back with me they will kill you I didn't hear the ow one but thank you anyway [Music] remember then if you see him do not lie to him not in the smallest thing his eyes will see into your heart he is greater than other men [Music] I started into the Canyons that were the beginning of cooch's country I never felt so lonely and so dog scared in my life for 3 days I climbed higher into the mountains in which the Apache stronghold was hidden he [Applause] [Music] on the afternoon of the third day I was nearing the entrance to the stronghold one had told me what to look for I knew then that cois had given me permission to enter I kept my hands visible away from my weapons and I tried to look at ease [Music] w the [Music] it is known that the chief of the chera Apaches is the greatest Indian leader I've come to speak to him about the welfare of his people it is known that he respects truth as he respects bravery you hold these for me I'll want them when I leave how do you know you will leave here alive I am cois speak when the Indian wishes to Signal his brother he does so by smoke signs this is The White Man's signal my brother's far away and look at this and understand my meaning we call this maale and the men who carry the mail are like the air that carries the Apache smoke signals now they seek no trouble yet your warriors kill them I have come here to ask you that you let these men travel in safety this male carries War signals against us oh no this is this is used for other talk War signals are sent by the military by special ways how well sometimes they use a thing we call the telegraph other times by men like me you have carried messages against us when I was a scout for the military yes you have fought us yes and the Battle of Apache Pass come with me for you're a brave man now hear me I am the leader of my people they do not betray me and I do not betray them we fight for our land against Americans who try to take it you give me no reason why I should not kill him American mail riters and kill you too you were not asked to come here mail riters do you no harm there were Apaches who did your people no harm they were hanged one was my brother my people have done yours great wrong I say this to you as I've said it to them do you think because I'm an Indian I'm a fool you can trick me I would not have come here if I thought that a fool sees only today it is because I respect you as a leader of your people that I think of Tomorrow what is it about tomorrow the Apaches are warriors without equal but compared to the whites they are small in number and tomorrow they will be smaller I will not talk of that with you is it not possible that your people and mine can someday live together like brothers it is Strange Talk from a white man your people do not want peace they've taught me that this male can be the first step I asked you to think on it why should not the white man ACT first you want me to be better than the white man a white man has come here now I ask you to think of your people and look at tomorrow my mind must work on it you will rest here tonight is is My Strong wish walk with me so my people will see us together so you will be safe here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hall [Music] what is the meaning of the dance the spirits of Good and Evil are dancing not everyone can do it if it's done wrong they will be angry up there I think this must be the dance that comes before the sunrise ceremony for a young girl you know about it a little bit without words it tells me yes you are very different from other whites to you learn to speak our tongue try to understand our ways well it is good to understand the ways of others I respect your people Coes you know what I am thinking maybe someday you will kill me or I will kill you we will not spit on each other that is how I feel the girl inside the wiki up is in the holiest time of her life for these four days should be comes white Painted Lady mother of life it is good luck to visit her now would you like to visit her yes or you ever wounded in my arm we will tell her for this night only this girl is even more holy than most maybe because she has been away from us for a long time she is very old for this ceremony it's very special [Music] white painted lady I have Old [Music] Wounds yes but each scar is a mark of love for your people the path of your people is stretched long behind you and you are the head and you are the heart and you are the blood killer of enemies is your father and you you are his son you will be [Music] well I have brought someone with me then he is welcome he has an old arm wound [Music] give me your arm does it hurt you sometimes it will never hurt again your life will be long the good things will be yours the sun will shine for you [Music] [Music] what's her name s it means Morning Star Morning Star for [Music] it's called shaving you think white men have more hair on their faces than Indians so they cut it off instead of pulling hair up maybe you'd like to come closer to watch me don't be afraid some CRA hey I'm not afraid but I thought you were skinning yourself no does it hurt no no how did you know I was there I saw you through this this is much better than looking in a pool of water and now I see you what a thing it is is yours to keep well if you have had it you could look at yourself every day you could see how beautiful you are oh why do you leave stay please it is not fitting I I should have run away quick before why I am not married well are you not allowed to talk to a pachy man old man never young man only at ceremonies or in the dancing now I was told that Apache boys and girls often pick those they want to marry well how can they do that if they don't not get acquainted oh they get acquainted their ways what way they meet by accident where no one sees them like my mother could see me here with you I understand now I must go I have work to do to pick juniper berries where there I was going to walk up that way Myself by accident [Music] on I walk this way because I don't know when I might see you again when do you go I don't know couldi said said he would talk to me soon will you come back I hope so I want to it's important to me why may I speak truly from my heart it will be all right all my life I've been mostly alone I wanted it that [Music] way but when I saw you on the wiki up and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last [Music] night is it the same yes so now when I go away I'll be lonely for someone for the first time in my life [Music] I have decided about the mail if I let the Riders go in safety but no one else there will be no loss it will show the whites what power the Apache has the idea makes me laugh a little it is a good step the seed is small maybe the tree will grow big I'll be happy to tell my [Music] people is it straight Captain you saw cooches himself I try any a lad who' go to cooch Cheese's Camp alone is some punkin of a man or a blasted liar I believe Captain Jeff's word the word of an Apache murderer is something else COI said the male had ride safe I believe him while you were up there with him his Fighters attacked a wagon train just 40 Mi East and killed every person in it another band attacked Pete cler's Ranch and killed three men and a boy a cooches never said anything about calling off the war he just said the mail was gone through well if you're so full of faith in the word of an Indian will you lay a little beted on it you name it will you lay $300 at5 riders in succession leave here in five come back you got a bet Maes piled up the Root's guaranteed safe by Tom Jeffords and his pal Co cheese three days of riding in the sunshine at high pay uh who's first looks like you'll have to go yourself Jeffers only that won't prove a thing thing I'll go that'll prove something [Music] [Applause] dfield is back it's dfield he's [Music] [Music] backy he any a paches off smoke signals there not one live indan hi M all right Tom why'd you take so long well if you want the truth when I wrote in safe at Fort boy I got drunk took me time to sober up one got through Jeffers but there's another four to go I still think my BET's safe you want to double it a few days after Duffield returned we sent out a second Rider he thought he saw some Apaches trailing him but nothing happened the third Rider said it was that peaceful on the trail he almost fell asleep and when the fourth Rider went out I was so proud of Coach I was ready to bust the days passed quietly and on one of those quiet days they started a wagon train out from MSA Park to Tucson colonel bernau was in charge spectacular country isn't it general I'm not here on active military duty Colonel and I wouldn't presume it's telling Indian fighter his business but it occurs to me that we're inviting Ambush a lot of Apaches could be hiding over there not only inviting Ambush I'm praying for us why you only got a troop of 75 or so every one of my mule drivers has a gun and I've got 50 Riflemen hiding under blankets in the wagons my eyes are getting [Music] old now he say oh he no Mister no go clear cut them off they're cutting off the cavalry [Music] g b foot soldiers [Music] now this is the wagons [Music] [Music] w [Music] cut to Pieces 50 dead and 100 wounded Colonel Bernell killed 5,000 pounds of grain every wagon every gun every mule how did cois know we had men hidden in the wagons he must have known he knows what goes on at Fort Boe he knows what goes on here who's telling him who's his spy I say find him and string them up maybe I can tell you mister maybe a lot of us can who little Duffield in here yeah what do you want your last mail riter just come in safe and sound thanks yeah where's lry you lost your bet lry don't pay to bet with Tom Jeffs he's a personal friend to that murderer cooches if you asked me this thing was fixed from the beginning how was it fixed I got both hands in the bar and I'm keeping how was it fixed I'm theer I'm no good at Gunplay don't worry slate you got friends here just looking for a chance to plug me how was that Co cheese don't do favors for nothing he got something out of this what what did he get you tell us was it guns was anybody else want to call me a renegade I'll never call you a renegade Jeffords a man's a liar who says you are but why is cois so partial to you how come he lets this mail Rider through on the same day he wipes out a whole Wagon Train because he gave me his word and he's a man of Honor a man of Honor no Indian's a man of honor the first peace move in 10 years and you're blind to it all of you we'll have peace when every Apache is hung from a tree there's your $300 Jeffers [Music] the drinks are on me I don't drink on any Indian lover he's a copad he sold this house bring him out put away no no no you [Applause] everybody release that man TR release that man I don't think I'm not grateful to you General I don't want your gratitude Mr Jeffers but I won't Scout for you I won't exterminate Indians for you or anybody else I don't want you to scout for me for what then it is my hope is you'll take me to see the Indian cois I was told him to see a Park New Mexico that you could do it if anybody could I know you're angry you have reason to be but I wish you'd sit down and hear me out you don't like army officers apparently does this also Prejudice you against me it depends on how you read it the Bible I read preaches Brotherhood for all of God's children suppose their skins aren't white they still God's children my Bible says nothing about the pigmentation of the skin there was a general served under gr who was called the Christian General yes have also been known among my soldiers as Bible reading Howard why do you want to see coach shees if I can to make a peace treaty with him who sent you here the president of the United States with what power full power to make a fair treaty yeah to be changed later no any treaty I make will stand I have President Grant's absolute word on that I'll warn you general I'm not going to sell cois down the river why why why all this change of heart in Washington President Grant is eager for a fair peace with the Apaches what is a fair peace suppose you tell me equality the Apaches are free people they have a right to stay free on their own land you mean the whole Southwest no no even Coes wouldn't ask for that now he's a realist but a clear territory that's Apache ruled by Apaches that's what I mean no soldiers on it yes I'll agree to that in principle what else you can talk the rest over with Coes you'll take me to see him then will you go alone without soldiers is that the best way that's the only way I'll go alone I'll leave tomorrow and see Coes I'll get in touch with you read your Bible for me too I like the way you read [Music] it I give you welcome your signals were seen and they have been told to cois he is in the other stronghold he asks you to wait and be comfortable he will [Music] return I will [Music] wait my feet are tired from trying to find you by accident waiting for you I have washed my hair twice and my clothes three times [Music] how how is this soap made it comes from yakar we grind it [Music] up son [Music] SI there's something I need to know I've been away almost a moon has anything changed with you no when you went away I I became frightened I thought he won't come back and even if he does when he returns from his own people he will look at me with cool eyes but then I I sto being afraid in here you're trembling you're not frightened of Me no only you put such new feelings in my heart I am trembling inside too should I hide it [Music] no Tom [Applause] [Music] here they come and he rides before them a [Music] it will be told that our campfires how the Jiro was bought how the great P SL us a great Wagon Train destroyed the wagons and horses taken formed for the whole winter blankets guns in battle there are losses some of our men have gone to live with their fathers they were Brave they died honorably now for the last time listen to their names they will be angry if their names are ever mentioned again Pony Victorio Pon and his son Mogi narena big Shay no thank you if I make a peace with this American General can a bigger General throw it away no he speaks for the chief of all Americans there's no one bigger how do I know they will keep a piece how do they know you will keep it my word is my life I do not break it I know that they do not there can be no peace if there is no good will to try it all Americans are not like the lieutenant that broke the last piece you trust me cois there are Americans that I trust there are Indians that I would not trust me too you should always wipe your hands on your arms after eating toan the grease is good for them a among white men we wash it off what a waste [Music] my friend all evening your eyes have gone to that same Maiden you must understand it is permitted for any man to be friendly with a woman whose husband is dead or who has ended their marriage but not with a maiden like [Music] s coase i this girl has been asked for already I think she will be married you have been chosen it will be an insult not to go [Music] [Music] [Applause] we should not be seen together Tom well if that is true why did you choose me to dance with I could not help it with me it's the same I'll speak to your parents tonight no Tom it will cause deep trouble you must not it causes trouble already you have not acted like my brother this girl is a maiden at the campfire I told you this and yet you have walked away with her Coes I want her for my wife I will do all the things expected of a husband here I refuse n once I will again I'm glad it is the right way it will not be easy for you you're an American where will you live here there will always be Apaches who have suffered from white men who will hate you for it Tuan maybe will there not always be whites who will hate your wife because of the color of her skin you will go far away me in new places but your eyes will never see anything always they will be turned backwards toward home and you s they will look at you as a strange animal and make jokes hear me tall one I ask you to think on it your way will be filled with bitterness think is it not better to live with your own though you speak as my friend coaches nothing can change it I will marry son SI what he says does not have to be you are young you do not know with him I do not tremble even before you I cannot say more against it but it is still not easy her parents you will need the strongest goet you can find will you be my goet no other can do it I will speak for you tonight otherwise it will be worse all already everyone knows of this your secret was as quiet as the founder also I will speak to nail he has bad luck it has happened before to other men you wait in your Wiki up maybe walk up and down it is good for people in love well you have no luck with women they refused I'll take her away from here she'll go with me too they did not refuse I make a joke it is always a good joke it is all arranged three horses and Saddles to the parents good I'll bring them back from Tucson with me no no you will let me give them for you oh no no I I want to they're almost yours anyway they come from your people I want to do this for you my friend the marriage will be at the next full moon why is a long a wait the girl's mother decided it is her right listen now go to tucon look into the heart of his General do not bring him back unless you are sure of it tomorrow I will send out Runners Apaches from all tribes will come here talk a piece is a big thing I cannot decide it alone my people may not want it I make no promises that is not expected good sleep my brother remember no promises ah [Music] I heard noise is not your knife is is a pachy [Music] knife to attack someone who has been given safety here is forbidden there's a terrible wrong it cannot be allowed [Music] nothing's changed go to tan return in 10 days I ask you to forgive me that one of my people broke my [Music] word say in battle I have had no one like you our lives were often mixed it is ended we've betrayed our people [Music] I went back to Tucson and for a solid week I studied and questioned General Howard by the time I brought him back with me to the stronghold I knew why had been nicknamed the Christian General I prayed that a decent piece would come from the meeting of these two men I wanted it for my country I wanted it for Coes and his people and I wanted it because I loved a girl I'm told it is permitted to visit for a short time only my mother is inside the wiki up you will sit [Music] there and I will keep sitting here for we must not even touch our hands during the days I am very busy now I prepare my clothes for the wedding I must build a special Wiki up for our honeymoon away from everybody our honeymoon to I I must also build the wiki up we will live in in all this my mother helps me and teaches me and I try to do as I I think she did when she was a girl and she couldn't have done it neither what is that what does it mean well that's something American say it means that I love you and I'll honor your parents [Music] uh you understand KES about the signing of this map I will place my name upon yours you will place your mark upon mine what is this signing this is a way of showing to all people for all time any agreement that you make this is as we agreed yesterday you will explain it to the [Music] [Applause] others the peace conference had been going on for 4 days and now for the first time we were asked to approach the meeting place we were finally face to face with the most important men of the Apache tribes they'd come from Arizona and New Mexico they would decide with co- Chiefs whether there would be peace my white brother will tell you something I have I have in my hand here a map this is a sort of picture writing it shows the Apache territory 50,000 square miles that you have agreed upon now this piece of paper will go back to Washington where the chief of all the white man lives if you make a treaty of Peace this will be part of that treaty if we make peace with the Americans can we still raid the Mexican there cannot be war against the Mexicans either let the white ey wait we will talk of this by ourselves now is the time only for questions if the chief of the white men dies what will follow his word is a bond on the chief who follows him do others wish to speak I have a question suppose some white man wants yellow iron and he comes into our country to take it can we kill him such a man should be captured and given to our military then then he will be judged and punished suppose he will not let himself be captured until he has killed one of my men if a white man kills an Indian on your territory we will hang him that will be something for cois to [Laughter] see who else you will go now I will bring you our decision I trust none of it 4 days ago we were given our territory on a piece of paper today we cannot go into Mexico the American General says no already our territory is smaller where will we get corn blankets horses if not by taking them from the Mexican as we always have the American government will give us cattle we will raise them and trade them for our needs the answer of a woman woman I am not afraid I speak from my heart you speak well speak more it is not the Apache way to be grandmothers to cattle cois has lost his taste for battle and so he is ready to surrender he throws away our victories it is not this false pce we need but a new chief now I say this the Americans keep cattle but they are not soft or weak why should not the Apache be able to learn new ways it is not easy to change but sometimes it is required the Americans are growing stronger while we are growing weaker if a big wind comes a tree must Bend or be lifted out by its roots I will make a test of it for three moons I break the arrow I will try the way of peace I will give my word to the American General tonight those who stay with me must keep my word let all others walk away they are no longer my brothers if more walk away then stay and I will no longer be your Chief I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away who else comes who else comes who else take your women your children your horses your weapons leave our territory I leave you my name also now I am ashamed to be a chera I will take the name Mexican enemies have given me the whites will learn it and you will learn it from now on I am jono if jono or his followers come to this territory again let them come with weapons I'm worried they're taking a long time too long I'm worried too why this is delicious what is it Pony in your honor General Pony what kind of meat's that a pony is a small horse General we will try this piece but there must be a waiting time but time for testing three moons why is it needed the white man has not shown in the past that he will keep a piece three month armis it's a good [Music] idea the first stone for every day without War there will be another when three moons have passed the pile will be high and when we will place a white flag on it and there will be peace my heart is glad coas I am not yet glad to talk a piece is not hard to live it is very hard I will wait three moons to be GL not everyone was happy about the Treaty there were those who still thought cois was a liar and a murderer and that there could never be peace until he was dead but the 90 days of the army Justice began I saw things and heard of things that never happened before in the southwest near Fort Grant a Cavalry Patrol pass some Apaches they didn't talk they didn't pretend they'd become friends overnight but they didn't [Music] shoot two days later the first Butterfield Stage in 5 years left Tucson I rode with it on my way back to the stronghold [Music] where's that water you said we were coming to right down below that's where I'll leave [Music] you time to stretch jents [Music] hard to believe a fell can ride through this country without having his liver turn white yeah prob could even think about settling down getting married take cover take cover what are you shooting at I saw something move save your ammunition so it's p sir blast you Jeffer you and that m CH Bo we'll be sling shut up shut up keep down keep down undercover everybody now listen to me now this isn't Coes and his man it's a band of renegade Indians there very few of them are they've been rushing us they're very badly armed too what they want is our guns yeah they got us pinned down here so we can't get acrosser waiting for night so what'll we do wait for him to butcher us when it's dark I keep your mouth shut will you who's a good shot I'm not bad here all right now when I yell Moray you and this fell you start firing to the hillside while you're reloading Lan you cover the bank keep it up and I make it Upstream what are you going to do set up a smoke signal all right start shooting ow how many rounds you got left two why those signals of Jeffords did us a lot of good a lot of good listen [Music] Apache protecting Americans and I live to see it suppose you remember to talk about it when you get back to Tucson 12 days I think it goes well there are many good signals it has gone well for 12 days I still wait to be glad now you will forget about peace and War now you will think only of your bride is the ceremony a long one no with us the ceremony of Love takes place here the rest is small let the woman who is to marry come here time has come [Music] let the man who is to marry take his place beside her [Music] [Music] your left [Music] hand your right [Music] hand now you will kneel down upon on the earth now your blood mixes now for you there is no rain for one is shelter to the other now for you there is no cold for one is warmth to the other now there is no loneliness now forever there is no loneliness there are two two bodies but now there is but one blood in both of them go now Ride the White Horses to your secret place [Music] look the evening is full and happy for us we will listen to the sound of the brook all through the night and listen to the [Music] bells it's as though they are singing in my heart [Applause] [Music] 16 Stones my white brother told me of the attack on the passenger wagon it was Jano we trailed him two days but he crossed into Mexico you did not follow we wanted to but we did not good from now on we will protect all whites leaving Tuan and Fort Bowie also we will guard a Pache pass this peace does not hold let it be the whites who break it must not be Indians not even bad Indians [Music] you are asleep no I'm quiet because I'm so happy I'm afraid if I open my mouth my happiness will will rush out in a funny noise like y what does that mean it is an American word mhm I think it was a word that was made by Adam when he opened his eyes and saw Eve who are they don't you know the world is so big and I know so little sometime will you grow tired of me and go back to your people that is a bad thought sincere never think it again you are my people will you tell me that often each day of our life together I'll tell it to you I'll always remember the moments of these days we will remember them together in the quiet of the nights we will talk of them a little and in time to come we will see our children ride white horses Maybe [Music] [Laughter] I can do better myself never mind by the time he is a grown man he will know how what is it at Sunrise I found this one up the canyon he had I know this boy Coes hello Bob you're Ben slades aren't you yeah Captain Jeffords I've been praying you'd be up here oh my how I've been praying all right now don't get flustered nobody's going to hurt you what happened you lose your way not exactly you're the one who said these Apaches wanted peace I don't call it peaceful when they go right on stealing what got stolen two young Cults of mine Beauties swiped night before last by a paches I tracked them all day followed their tracks up the canyon I ended up out there at dark last night and that jump me in the morning none of my people took them the boy lies go chase I know this boy's father he's one of the worst haters of the Apaches now if we can show that he's wrong it'll be a good thing people will hear about it maybe you still have some men like jonal they talk your way with their tongues not with their hearts you speak wisely I will see these horse signs all right Bob we'll mosy down take a look see him y Bob around [Applause] here you call the boy B is it his name oh just to be friendly here they are Captain don't shoot till my boy gets out of the [Applause] way there are people okay you run get run sensera run the big one is called cheese somebody give me gun watch out son you stay clear of this blade stay out of line we can't shoot he's out of AR he got away it's a bust our whole plan's a bust I'm heading for Mexico the military will be after us too well what are you standing there for come on on S [Music] so [Music] see oh God [Music] are you bad [Music] hurt she's dead goes there is one who still lives give me a knife and bring him to me it will not be done bring him to me no it will not be done there are some things a man cannot bear you hear me this piece is a lie they don't want peace it is not a lie and I will not let you make it a lie you a child that you thought peace would come easy you who taught me so well is it my brother who asks me to spit on my word why do you speak to me speak to her when she hears I'll hear her you will hear me now you'll bear this this was not done by the military Geronimo broke the peace no less than these whites and as I bear the murder of my people so you will bear the murder of your wife I am cois I do not betray my people or their children and no one on my territory will open War again not even [Music] you I have given my permission they wanted to to see you Tom we've uh come to pay respects Tom thank you melt we rounded up every man that had anything to do with the Ambush they're going to pay the full penalty for what they've done Jeffs nothing can compensate you for the terrible thing that happened but your friends here are trying to tell you that your very loss has brought our people together in the will to peace without that will treaties are worth little or nothing his words meant very little to me then But as time passed I came to know that the death of soner put a seal upon the pieace and from that day on wherever I went in the cities among the Apaches in the mountains I always remembered my wife was with me oh [Music]
Channel: VLG Cinema
Views: 624,492
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Keywords: best western movies, classic western movies, cowboy movies, free western movies, full movie, movies, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free
Id: Kuvng30b1Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 10sec (5470 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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