A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story (1992) | Full Movie | Virginia Madsen | Chris Sarandon

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[Music] tonight's film is a dramatization based on court transcripts police reports and published accounts [Music] [Music] I just don't understand you you complain all day yesterday and today about being sick and now you want to go out it's cold and miserable out there why don't you just stay inside tonight and you go up only next week you know I like the bowl on Sunday nights besides the fresh air probably do me good I'm taking your car try to be home early [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if I bit you you taste like mint [Music] tomorrow but I've already warned she's got a lot song work to catch up on I'll be here all night [Music] [Music] Oh grace [Applause] [Music] are you doing [Music] this is the operetta can you be happy what's wrong hello hello can you hear me Granville Springs place this is the operator I'm getting an emergency check it out go outside everything's quiet here I spoke to the store manager says he hasn't seen or heard anything unusual and I don't think we got the right address how do you want to proceed that's a copy all right boys let's go rolling out here [Music] [Music] one of these days I'm gonna surprise you and actually be on time that's okay I believe all good things come to those who wait my palm I always thought you wanted better than good I always thought you wanted only the best that's why I'm here Carol that's definitely why I'm here [Music] [Music] Bing [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey what'd he say therefore I was so comfortable in my bed Lisa traffic was light huh oh she's in me I already walked through it and Caminos got the husband over here with the neighbors so assumes you're up to speed you come visit us detective detective Friedman what I just wanted to say I'm real sorry about screwing up the way I did her stupid bones to see I was the first patrolman on the scene and he had blood all over his hands and when he asked me if he could wash it off and his name is bedroom I said it would be okay who are you talking about Solomon yeah the husband Solomon well you're right that was very stupid can you please tell me what you're doing sure it's called a paraffin test they'll tell whether or not you have nitrates on your hands that comes from discharging gunpowder no no he's already washed you figure we had nothing to lose look mr. Solomon I think we kept these nice folks up long enough what do you say we finish this down at headquarters could someone please do me a favor call my attorney his name is Gary pillersdorf is listed in Scarsdale sure we can take care of that for you mr. Solomon could you change it to something else please the forensic guys might need those lieutenant lieutenant officer DeSalvo what can I do for you this time sorry you asked me to let you know when the coroner had begged the victim so so he's done that he's leaving now thank you [Music] I tell my daughter I'll tell Kristen one more time at the bowling alley mr. Solomon how many games did you boil it and say that I sit did you say that I sold I'm told oh you went bowling but she didn't ball that's right now III often fall on Sundays but I didn't do it this time because I didn't feel well I just want to see my friends what friends do you remember who you didn't ball with we'll check what I'm we'll find out what score you do you have to understand that we you're gonna check everything you should just gonna check all your friends just a second all right now I told you the truth I went to the bowling alley it just seems exactly like I told you but I didn't I didn't Bowl and I didn't go home right away I met somebody afterwards and then a woman let me try one you sure you have the stomach for it if you do I do it's an acquired taste [Music] yeah it's like everything else [Music] well certainly can't top hamburgers and champagne if that's what you're trying to say I guess I'm just an ordinary girl with extraordinary tastes a true contradiction in terms an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp happily married [Music] I guess considering everything I've done I'm as happy as I have any right to be don't say that you deserve all the happiness in the world and maybe being with me would make you happy all the time wonderful we could run away tonight right now yeah yeah where would we go you always talked about how much you wanted to go to Puerto Rico let's do it we could go to the airport and leave [Music] don't you think this conversation is a bit premature last time I checked I still had a wife at home don't you think you might be married to me Paul [Music] now after the dinner did you go right home or did you stop somewhere else no I went directly home I didn't go anyplace else how far is the restaurant from your apartment it's it's a 10-minute Drive this restaurant usually stays open on Sunday nights till 11:30 yes yes Paul we're gonna check with the restaurant you understand that we've got [ __ ] when them yes it stays open but I didn't I didn't go home right away Oh what happened was after the restaurant I walked Carolyn to her car [Music] to come [Music] ah [Music] Carolyn [Applause] [Music] something that sees [Music] [Music] what did i do what did i do what did i do here we go - oh wait thank you ah now you see this is great all this stuff this apartment coming into the city crank it don't up before everybody look Oleg great you know oh look all sleeping late in my own bed great this is terrible you know you're a very boring guy morning gentlemen miss warmest there's been an incident involving a mr. Paul Solomon late last night we'd like you to come down to the Grenville Springs Police Department to answer some questions is he all right what's happening mr. Solomon is ok he's a Christian has there been some sort of accident no no no no they're both fine there's been a murder miss once Betty Jeanne Solomon was killed several hours ago you know miss song yes I knew her [Music] of course I don't mind going with you I'll just be a minute I'm sorry I forgot to ask you fellas if you wanted something to drink coffee No [Music] okay thank you here you go right here so that's warmest w AR mus right date of birth January 9th 1964 I like your tie are yousa birth Troy Michigan silk address 485 East 72nd Street in New York New York one zero zero two one father's name Thomas Tom mother's name Elizabeth I bet your wife bought it for you actually I picked it out myself can you tell me about yesterday January 15 was your day like well I was at home all day and then I met a friend for dinner at a restaurant in Yonkers I got there at 7:30 and that friend would be Paul's out miss Wallace would you follow me please I think we have more privacy inside whatever [Applause] we know you did it Paul how can you say that well things are gonna go a lot easier on you if you just tell us how and why you did it I didn't kill my wife I didn't I didn't I didn't kill her I'm not gonna let you ask him any more questions can't you see sunshine my wife look my client will be happy to talk to you later but not now and just to make sure we understand each other lieutenant Paul is not to be questioned by anyone without my being present come on Paul go ahead go lieutenant let me ask you one thing exactly how was mrs. Solomon murdered I know she was shot but what I want to know is how many times I'm sorry counselor that's privileged information can't be disclosed at this time coffee so that was that was in 1987 you first met him yeah it was the beginning of the school year we've both been hired by the Granville Springs elementary school I was a computer science teacher and Paul taught Jim when we first met it was electric [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought we were gonna meet for lunch but I'm hungry now count boys gym [Music] I know [Music] Carolyn honey mom dad look who's here i hi just got back from shopping and i can't wait to show you what I found tada is this for me really first rule of skiing if you're gonna ski good you got to look good Carolyn I can't let you do this I know that's very expensive I'll Betty Jean please I was gonna get up for myself anyway and they didn't have my size then I knew it would fit Kristin I have to get it cuz like it wasn't that expensive anyway hey what's doin Teleca Carolyn bought me for a ski trip visited beautiful Carolyn hey if we're gonna be ski bunnies we got to look the part right mom can I keep it please please please Karen thank you very much it's beautiful we were about to sit down to dinner I hope you'll join us thanks I'm very fancy really I would love to I haven't eaten all day and Paul's always telling me what a great cook you are oh yes so are you a great skier um kind of great but then again I've been skiing all my life my dad taught me how to ski get my dad to do things like that but for his basketball bowling oh you've got a terrific dad I've talked to him a lot and I know how much he loves you in fact there's been many times I've been jealous seeing you guys in your perfect family [Applause] I'm gonna tell you something else when your family isn't around you can really really miss them here we are god it looks like Thanksgiving here he caught with your hands in the cookie jar [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe it was all in my mind you gotta be strong gotta be strong [Applause] [Music] thanks Jane coming to get calm cake Gary hi dad where's mom Oh [ __ ] [Music] come on now you guys know this better than me it's been over six weeks this case could have and should have been solved by now in fact if that 911 wasn't incorrectly murdered we might have caught the son of a [ __ ] in the damn back yeah shoulda woulda coulda all right okay let's review what we do know we know the exact time of the shooting happened within seconds of 7:15 p.m. Oh also we know bullet wounds to head chest back extremities with penetrations to lungs heart and liver we know that the blood samples taken from the murder scene all match Betty Jeanne's we also know the hair strands taken from the floor and the furniture belong only to Paul Kristen and Betty Jean and most importantly we know now that the victim was killed with a 25 caliber gun equipped with a silencer and that my friend is major who are we supposed to figure some kind of contract if that's not gonna play she wasn't hit by a pro well I wouldn't rule it out my money is still on Salomon but I wouldn't rule anything out pull out what you want gut feeling whatever that's what I believe I'm still not convinced Anil I need your help with something what I want to subpoena Carolyn's home phone records yeah I got a know if she's no in touch with Solomon and I want to double-check that story that she called him the afternoon of the murder all right must be down you didn't mention the tell-tale sexual signs Betty Jane was only there for a couple hours before a death so so you think Solomon could be so-called he could have sex with his wife in the afternoon killer in the evening then to make it with his girlfriend in a parking lot at night yes I do Carolyn it would be a big mistake but Paul it's been months can't you understand that I have to see you please please don't make it any tougher than it already is [Music] can't you see that can't you see that we need each other [Music] besides Kristin and I are just starting to get our lives back together again I know me too but if we just I can't see you right now okay [Music] I understand but what if in the meantime I just sent you a little note every once in a while [Music] would it be okay if I did something like that would you like that yeah okay you can do that I gotta go I'll call you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like I told you gentlemen on a phone Carolyn warmus was a former client of mine who hired my firm out to do some work for nothing out of the ordinary yes what she's done never said she's done anything was just the middle of a homicide investigation our name happened to come up we found out in our phone records that she was associated with you so we just want to know what if anything you know about her interesting girl but I'm not sure I could tell you anything more than I already have try she's a real piece of work first time I met her she come waltzing in this office we want a short white tennis dress with long tan legs that's what I remember mr. Parker [Music] I'm Carolyn warmus hello what brings you up here on such a warm day I need to hire a private investigator for a personal matter how personal it's really quite simple I'm dating a man and he happens to be married I hope you won't pass judgment on me he told me he's going to divorce his wife I want to find out if he's lying and I want to be sure he isn't seeing someone else [Music] you don't have a problem with this day I [Music] mean about me seeing a married man from wrong and get expensive I suspected at night I put someone on surveillance [Applause] I'd like to join him I'd like to watch good girl a dress and I like that too I bet his name is Jimmy Russo he specializes asking if I could assist you in any other way please don't hesitate to call she smiles that big smile waltzes back out the door can I ask you mr. Parker what was the last time you talked to Caroline I'm saying last six seven months she calls me every now and then oh yeah how about on January 16th we got here that she called you on that date can you tell us about that phone call she said she was feeling tired she said something about police questioning her either earlier that day or night say they wanted to know something about a murder of fellow teachers wife it's about all I could remember about that conversation nothing else right well there is one thing I should tell you gentlemen a lot of people thought Carolyn and I were fooling around but that never happened I mean she was just infatuated with me because of the work I do I just thought I'd mention it I don't want you guys to get the wrong impression case anybody's pets and stories on me so that's it that's everything right that's it that's everything that's it that's everything if you have any question please don't hesitate in seeking my help all men are overgrown immature children and they all ask the same question whose high the best to ever have fact is they're all the same now my theory is if you're good that'll be good you take my word for it girls I'm not just good I'm great though how are things on the pool front well it's been very difficult for him so we haven't seen each other in almost four months not since you know hmm yeah but I think we're just about ready to pick up where we left off really yes and as a matter of fact I just bought him a little gift which I think he's gonna love would you like to see it girls what did you get the boy well now this is for his daughter Kristen sweet very very nice and this is poss-eye magnificent exquisite you know of all of my customers you have the best taste so let's hear the card as personal write read mmm my darling boy just a small token so you'll know I'm always thinking of you I love you Carolyn lieutenant I need to know what to do about Carolyn now ever since the murder she's been calling me several times a week she's even been sending Kristen and I little gifts she wants us to get together which I'm not gonna do she won't stop what am I supposed to do well sooner or later you're gonna have to confront it I mean it's not much we can do about it would you tell her last time you talked to her well I didn't tell her we were through or anything like that I just said that because of what happened I thought it might be best if we want to see each other for a while Carolyn is not really one to take no for an answer you might as well know that I've been dating other women one in particular I don't see Carolyn but I'm I'm dating again I thought you ought to know let me ask you something do you think that possibly your wife was having an affair well she never said anything directly to me but I had suspicions that something could be going on any idea who would know I don't you never confronted her directly with this no well thank you very much you've been very forthright I think we're very close to making an arrest I mean don't believe that guy I'm telling you that whole group up there is nuttier than a damn fool no one's gonna believe this when we tell him what's going on I mean well he's making it with someone in the classroom she's making it somebody any off some bleep I want you guys to nail like bastard let's create a dog are you crazy you gonna make on those things come on do you wanna know about Carolyn huh that is one did she brought good look at him very smart and a great body but a little wacky for my taste you know what I mean different Parker told us you did some surveillance with her what was that about no he is no friend of mine piece of melon gentlemen yeah we did a little surveillance on some married guy it was nothing big just to check it out see if he was gonna leave his wife for Carolyn we followed him onto this place called the saddle woods somewhere in Jersey and we took some pictures because Carolyn wanted to get something compromising to send to his wife the idea was to do a cut-and-paste job you know a little superimposing when necessary so two days later I had to go up to her place to get some shots of her picture this hi Jimmy [Music] let's get to work [Music] what about the next hour was so I took a role of color film and that outfit and a roll of color and a bunch of others then she changed into a blue see-through thingamajig and all the time she's laughing and she's making small talk finally she changes into this black and white tiger skin something or other and she [Music] question aside not excited she says well maybe this will help right in the gazongas so naturally I grab my equipment I got the hell out of there as fast as I could and that boys is my Carolyn warmus story which is a very nice story indeed but what about the the Jersey guy what about him did you ever send them in pictures I didn't have to but a week later I meet up with Carolyn let her know the cut and paste job are you gonna work and she says to me not to worry she met some other guy [Music] tell you Darla's [Music] it seems like forever hey too I was playing golf I miss Leveaux she look great you don't look so bad yourself [Music] can I buy you a drink yeah sure [Music] does it keep good time oh my god I almost forgot I was wearing it it's beautiful it keeps great time I love it and those earrings you got Kristen she's crazy about how much pleasure I got shopping for those kids I'm just glad to see you wearing it I had to get something nice for you you don't have to get me anything I just be happy to spend a quiet evening with you [Music] [Music] well it's been great aren't you gonna walk me to my door I I just don't think I should but I want to show you something Carolyn I shouldn't have redecorated the whole apartment I did it was here in mind I just I can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you like it I did it for you Kristen [Music] [Applause] Oh since you're still not here and you still haven't called me I have no choice but to assume you're having car problems that you haven't been able to get to a pay phone to call me you that well there's no reason to go into the other possibilities right now so when you get my messages will you please please call me and let me know where you are cuz I'm really very upset I'm very worried [Music] [Music] [Music] hi barb oh it's this Barbara valor oh damn I guess I must have missed her tell me has Barbara already gone down to Puerto Rico with Paul Solomon gosh I'm sorry Madeline Newman I'm a good friend of Barb's from the Grenville spring school I'm a teacher I don't know we might have listen it's very important that I speak to Barbara about something I hate having to disturb her on her vacation but I think I better call her she's at the San Juan beach hotel right that's right listen thanks a million you've been a doll and when barb comes back we'll have to make sure she introduces us okay bye guess one more we're going on vacation [Music] [Music] and I'd like to leave a message well then I'd like to leave still another message if you don't mind mr. Solomon is here and I wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have repeatedly told you the hotel guests you are trying to reach has not been in his room to receive your calls the least you can do is give me his damn room number so that I can visit him in person [Music] hello oh hi Tammy how you doing it's a second yeah she's just getting on the shower Timmy Barbara Tammy all right coming coming hey Solomon this is I lead by ears I'm security director of the hotel and if I could please have a word with you I would appreciate it I wanted to let you know that a woman has been calling the hotel all day trying to reach you do you know someone named Carolyn warmus yeah yeah I do um did she say whether she was calling long distance or not she said she was staying at the san juan beach hotel right here on the island Thanks thanks a lot [Music] are you worried [Music] so what a Tammy have to say for Sophie you know we were just laughing about it but now I'm starting to get a little worried Tammi said she received a call from one of my friends wanted to know where we were staying Tammy said she felt a little strange about that call so she decided to call this friend back and my friend said - you never called me Paul scared hello is this mrs. Marie Bella this is detective Susan ball from the Granville Springs Police Department in New York mrs. Balor we're investigating the murder of a woman named Betty Jeanne Solomon and it has come to our attention that your daughter Barbara valor has been dating your victim's husband mr. Paul Solomon mrs. Baylor it's important you know that mr. Solomon is our prime suspect in this murder we believe he killed his wife by shooting her seven or eight times with a small caliber gun I thought you might want to know that your daughter may be in some danger and that you might want to help persuade her to end her relationship with this murder suspect [Music] speaker but we do appreciate your cooperation and we will be in touch [Music] goodbye okay I hear you now what exactly would you like me to do about it warmest San Juan police are giving us an escort to the airport here and I want you or one of your other officers to meet our flight at LaGuardia and give us an escort home meet up meet us at the gate okay don't worry about it thing will take care of everything Thanks he says he'll get right on it I have an accident waiting the police says for plenty of time telling you she's pathological what if he wins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay let's say Carolyn did so she makes a date with Solomon drives over to the condo Betty Jean lets her end cuz after all as such good friends so a little time goes by and before you know it Carolyn hits Betty Jean over the head with song they struggled Betty Jean manages to crawl to a phone she dials 9-1-1 Carolyn shoots her a few times when she's laying there in a heap Carolyn calmly comes over places one foot on her back and puts four or five more slugs into it now that's what you're telling me right that's exactly what we're saying oh that's good okay so then she dusts herself off turns out the lights goes out in the balcony and drives herself to her date with some all dressed up all relaxed and hungry sits down it's a nice juicy cheeseburger has some champagne and then makes it with the guy in the parking lot and all the while never conveying any signs that she just killed his wife works for me it's man with that prove it okay let's go to the blackboard where we got alibi nun motive jealousy mental state deranged personal history repeats obsessive relationships with married men always married men don't forget her recent stint with Solomon in Puerto Rico repeated phone calls was Paul Solomon pillersdorf Barbra Bala Barbra Bella's mother as a matter of fact what'd she call Barbara's mother she mentioned that Betty Jean was shot seven or eight and like we have always said who could possibly know that but the killer thank you very much something just came in and if it's what I think it is I might be making your week why don't you let me decide that for myself I took a call a short while ago from California a Rocco loved tier Junior said he might have some information regarding a murder investigation thought it might be important for us to know that a private investigator from Manhattan the fellow named Vincent Parko sold Carolyn warmus a 25 caliber handgun equipped with a silencer thanks KITT you might have just made my week well I'm just doing my job boss well this case just turned with a vengeance what am i under arrest I'll get right to the point sir we understand from a mr. Rocco lo vetere jr. that you had in your possession a 25 caliber handgun fitted with silencer shortly before the murder of Betty Jean solemn which is illegal in this state we have very good reason to believe that that gun was the murder weapon information which you previously and knowingly withheld from us now the way I see it one of three things happened you either gave or sold the gun to Carolyn warmus and she killed Betty Jean solemn and herself or Carolyn warmus set you up with the victim's husband he ended up with the gun and off his wife or she paid you to commit the murder and you killed Betty Jeanne Solomon in cold blood her in the husband for you pick one look I gotta level with you guys here you're right about that gun I had a made for her because Carolyn asked me before she paid me $2,500 as God is my witness I honestly had no idea she was planning on using it to kill anybody but she told me she wanted it for personal protection that's that's all I know that's the truth guys take it apart I'm gonna be arrested Oh mr. Papa you can walk out of here any time you want we're just gonna take some of your records with a [ __ ] watch something out in why don't you ever see fight over H that's a judge's signature open everything and look good [Music] check this out first listen to this please understand myself what do you think oh here's a suspect leave something lying around and then we're supposed to go sniffing off in the other direction oh hello - this the things to remember suicide note would an invite list to a funeral there's some very specific instructions please bury me in something sporty perhaps even my favorite white tennis outfits I always thought it made me look cute and sexy without being cheap I would like to have my hair combed and either a pageboy or ponytail and I often wear it that way while playing I would appreciate it if you would bury along with me a photograph Paul Kristen my sister and brother my mother and dad and my favorite stuffed animals Mortimer Alphonse and no fluff [Music] Carolyn warmus you are charged with murder in the second degree how do you plead not guilty I think it's for any comment but I just like to say that I'm glad to be here and I think justice will be served [Applause] you have got to be kidding me she looks like she just stepped off a plane from Hollywood a bodyguard no warmus does White Plains all rise good morning gentlemen miss warmest are we ready to begin we are your honor yes your honor bring in the jury Kristen tell us about your ski trip with Carolyn what you two talked about we talked about a lot of things how excited I was about skiing boys we talked about my mom and my dad you know if they fought about her she didn't think my mom liked her very much why what led you to believe that she didn't think your mom liked her what did she say well Carolyn asked me your mom doesn't like me does she and I said no no no she does like you but in the back of my mind I knew that my mom didn't like her at all what else did Carolyn ask you about your parents that weekend she would ask me about my dad what people thought about him stuff like that she would tell me what a wonderful father he was and what a great man he was and what a great teacher he was how I could say it was yeah Kristen could you tell us about your relationship with your two parents my father was basically an overprotective father not wanting his little girl to grow up but I was very close to her I always have and my dad is a very loving man and very warm and my mom is not was not did you love her Kristin yes do you miss her yes very much mr. Park Oh when you explained to ms warmest that it would take six to eight months to get a gun with a silencer how did she respond she said it was too long to wait she wanted it faster she definitely wanted it faster well now if ms warmus wanted a gun purely for protection as you've stated why do you think she wanted a silencer well the silencer might have been my idea I mentioned to her that if you're gonna practice with a gun you're not on a range it makes a lot of noise on the other hand with a silencer she could practice in relative obscurity what'd she think of this idea she said it was a great idea when from that point on she became obsessed with getting a gun with a silencer and were you eventually able to get her such a gun yes it was a 25 caliber beretta Jetfire I believe I gave it to her the first week of January 1989 councilís do you have any idea what's going on I'm not quite sure but she hasn't been feeling well her honor this morning as my assistant was driving her here as she fainted twice and she was vomiting up blood what do you believe miss Wallace will be able to continue today would you prefer that I just talk to her it's at all possible I'd prefer to intimidate right ladies start no losses at big time Your Honor we're ready to continue very well mr. Hammil mr. Park oh did you have occasion to discuss this gun with ms warmest on January 16th 1989 it was during this conversation that she'd describe to me an incident which had occurred the night before where she was questioned by police officers from Westchester but someone who'd been bludgeoned to death she said bludgeoned I specifically asked her if the person was shot she said no and it was during this conversation that you asked her about the gun yeah I did I asked her what she did with the gun I gave her and she told me I could come and pick it up then she calls me back and she says I didn't have to come so I asked her why not she told me she threw the gun away on the Parkway that was the last time we had a conversation about that gun Thank You mr. Park Oh for your testimony did you request and were you granted immunity by the state of New York yes I was mr. Solomon from the time of your wife's wake until late May 1989 did you ever see the defendant Carolyn warmus no I talked to her various times in the phone but I never saw her she did send me lots of notes and cards but I never responded did there come a time after June 1989 that you did indeed see her yes as I remember the evening it was in late July I was playing in a basketball league in Manhattan with a bunch of other old men I knew that I'd eventually have to see Carolyn again I knew how much she meant to me so I decided since I was near where she'd lived I'd stop and see her I got there just as she was coming back from a golf lesson and she was somewhat surprised to see me because we hadn't seen each other since the wake she invited me up to her apartment but I didn't feel comfortable with that so I invited her to go for a drink at this singles bar just down the street and she accepted yes and the thing I remember most about that night was that at some point I turned to her and I said Carolyn I hate to ask you this question as difficult as it is I have to know the truth did you have anything to do with Betty Jeanne's death and she took both my hands and hers and she said I'm so glad that you feel comfortable enough to ask me that question no I didn't I could never do anything to hurt you or Kristin well we continued to talk and I told her that it had been so difficult and it had been terrible then and how guilty I felt because of the fact that I've been with her the night that Betty Jean died continued please go on mr. Sullivan I always felt if I just if I'd been there at home I could have stopped what happened did you go back to Carolyn's apartment that night yes she redecorated and wanted me to see what a wonderful job she'd done were the two of you intimate to tell you the truth all I remember is a long very passionate kiss and then I told her that we could never see each other again and that thought upset us both very much miss swamis step forward a defendant has a right and an obligation to be present at all stages of the trial this means that you may not leave this room without my permission is that understood but if you're at sidebar am I allowed if at any time you absent yourself willfully without my permission I will issue a bench warrant whereby you will be arrested and taken into custody and brought here what if I deliberately stay away sit down mr. Hamill um I really have no further questions Thank You mr. Solomon your witness mr. Solomon referring to that night in late July 1989 when you surprised miss Varmus with a visit is it true that after you went to the bar that you returned to Carolyn's apartment and the two of you had sex no no I don't I don't believe so you don't believe so I honestly can't remember you mean you can remember having sex with her on the night of the murder in January 1989 but you're having difficulty remembering whether or not you had sex with her a full six months later in July of 1989 I simply can't recall now I'm trying honestly to remember but I just can't you don't remember commenting on how miss were miss lingerie happened to match her clothing I might have it's very hard to resist the Carolyn let's change the subject to something easier for you to remember mr. Solomon is it true you knew that by testifying you would be granted immunity yes yes I was told that you would get immunity from being prosecuted as the killer of your wife right you mean prosecuted for the crime that was committed yes that's what you wanted immunity from right well it's hard to want something for something you haven't done you know you could have waived immunity right you could have signed a document that said I don't need immunity right right but she didn't no I did not mr. Solomon you earlier testified that on the night of the shooting he would promised your wife that you would return home early isn't that true yes it is I did but you didn't get home early did you no I didn't and you didn't because you knew there was no reason to keep that promise because your wife was already dead you know for you to make that kind of statement is so obscene and so horrible the fact that someone can manipulate facts or words or half-truths or incomplete reports and to to throw up some kind of vague vision of something it's it's obscene and it's so disgusting I mean I accept I accept my guilt for this affair but for you to make that comment for you to throw that kind of light on me I only hope to god that when I'm judged and punished that you're judged and punished for what you've done here God will have to punish you sir the state of New York can't because you made an agreement for immunity [Music] I'm sorry to report we have a hung jury the defendant would remain free on her $250,000 bond pending a decision by the district attorney's office as to how they wish to proceed all this for a time we give everything a motive the gunman's [Music] nobody cares about me nobody cares it all I'm sorry mister warmest but I told you before it's impossible for me to continue if they decide to retry Carolyn look I appreciate that but I've done the best I can and I will continue to make every effort to help in the transition with whomever takes over her defense I just I hope you'll understand miss Taryn wall welcome to our little group I'm sure in no time at all you'll be as familiar with everyone as I am I'm sure I will I met Carolyn warmus when we both worked at Rome telecommunications in Manhattan miss khatai when you worked with Miss wormus did you work in close proximity to one another yes we did our desks were right next to one another was there a common locker room yeah there was the girls would meet there before and after work it's a good place for a smoke would you describe to us the incident involving your driver's license in August of 1988 it disappeared from my locker that's where I kept my purse I don't know exactly when it was taken I just noticed one day that it was gone I didn't think much about it at the time now Miska time was there any money taken from your purse no that's the funny thing about it the only thing that was missing was my driver's license during our investigation of Miss warmus phone records we discovered that on the morning of January 15 1989 that's the morning of the evening that Betty Jane Salomon was murdered yes sir on that morning we discovered that a call had been placed from Miss wormus apartment to Ray's sports shop in Plainfield New Jersey what was the significance of that phone call further investigation disclosed that later that day a woman fitting Miss warmus description purchased a box of 25 caliber Winchester bullets from that store it's the same brand and caliber as was used to murder Betty Jeanne Solomon later on in her home that's correct now detective citizens purchasing firearms ammunition in the state of New Jersey are required to provide proof of identity and assign certain disclosure forms are they not yes can you please tell us the name of the woman who signed for that ammunition at Ray's sports shop yes sir the lady's name was Lisa khatai [Music] [Applause] [Music] Your Honor the prosecution rests the defense calls Tom warmest where's your right hand do you solemnly swear the testimony you're about to give and the cause now pending before this Court is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do you may take a seat your Carolyn warmus father is that true sir yes I am mr. warmest would you please tell the court about a telephone conversation that you had in the summer of 1989 I was at my home Franklin Hills Michigan when I received a call from a gentleman who identified himself as Vincent Park oh he said he was a friend of my daughter's and she was running around with shady people he then offered to help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for our princess [Music] Carolyn warmus you have been found guilty of second-degree murder in the death of Betty Jeanne Solomon before imposing sentence do you have anything to say [Music] I stand before you an innocent person and this is very very difficult for me I am accused of making phone calls to a gun shop in New Jersey which I never knew existed I'm sorry I can't hear you your honor I never phoned raised gun shop and I never went there and I never stole Lisa cat-eyes license I never owned a gun nor did I ever borrow one from Vincent Park oh I would never do anything to hurt Kristen or Paul Solomon and I can promise you that I did not kill Betty Jeanne Solomon I am innocent of this crime I am innocent I could never do such a thing I can't hear you so please your honor please don't hurt me for something I couldn't do something I couldn't do I wasn't brought up that way if I'm guilty of anything I'm guilty of falling in love with a man who deceived me who made promises he couldn't keep never intended to keep I have nothing more to say I thank you for this moment [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: TheGrapevineTV
Views: 1,430,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Films, Official, Virginia Madsen, Chris Sarandon, Ned Eisenberg, Earl W. Wallace, Pamela Wallace, Martin Davidson, A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story, A Murderous Affair feature film, A Murderous Affair full movie, A Murderous Affair movie, A Murderous Affair, Drama full movie, Thriller movies, Mystery, primary suspect, murder movies, investigation movies, detective, carolyn warmus biography, biography movies, drama movie carolyn warmus, carolyn warmus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 21sec (5601 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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