Home and Car | House Flipper

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hey guys Wells Knight here and welcome back to another episode of House Flipper I hope you guys are having an awesome day I'm having a fantastic day I think today we are going to do this house right here home and car it's one of the houses from the base game uh it comes with a car which we can sell for money and stuff so let's go there and just kind of take a look around at the property see what it looks like looks like there is an attached garage the house itself is not that big I think including the garage it's like 100 square meters which is like fine but not huge like it'll it'll do uh just take a couple screenshots for before and after pictures okay so looks like we got some trash and stuff like that in the front Okay we have a house that's broken up into a million rooms um okay there's our bathroom yeah okay so we have a bedroom a bathroom this appears to be like a living room this was the kitchen complete with some cockroaches little walkway here that leads to the garage yeah I think we're gonna open a lot of this up for sure obviously the place is a disaster and needs some uh some major cleaning and whatnot um lawn needs to be mowed but doesn't look too bad it doesn't look like there's a lot of trash out back or anything like that so okay yeah we can work the uh we can work with this step one though we gotta get it all cleaned up [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well the place is all cleaned up and I did make a couple very minor changes I swapped out the front door uh so we went with this black door it is facing the wrong way I know but just ignore it it's okay and then back here there was a window and a single door and I decided to swap this out for a sliding door out onto the deck instead uh delete that there we go and the reason for that is twofold first of all I think a sliding door that goes out into the patio is just better and then also it gives us a little bit of space here where we can put like Corner cabinets if we turn this into the kitchen uh so I think I like that but I haven't done anything yet with the colors or with the floor patterns or the walls or any of that kind of stuff and I have a lot of thinking to do in order to figure out how I want to lay out this house it's not a lot of space um but I think I can make it work okay my friends I think I have the interior kind of figured out as far as layout and colors so I went ahead and put down a different hardwood floor that just looks a bit newer uh I opened this up there was a wall right here that I got rid of and then I extended this Doorway to make it double wide and just put like a door frame so this is still a separated kitchen but you can see in because it's an actual it's just the door frame as opposed to just doors and I think that works out pretty well uh one with like a beige color in the living room and I guess this little port or hallway thing as well um in here I went with a very very light gray more of like an off-white uh and then in the garage I went with concrete walls because I thought it was fitting for a garage concrete floor uh don't know exactly what we're gonna do with this space yet probably we'll have some shelves and various things like that but nothing too crazy with the garage um I almost wish I had kept the car just to fill the space but it's fine um so kitchen uh went with white because I don't know yet where I'm gonna put the countertops and stuff I'm I know they'll be against this wall but I don't know if I want to wrap them around here or if I want to wrap them around here uh it'll be one side but either way we'll put in a backsplash that will uh fade into white so it'll look really nice once it's all done as for the bedroom I went with white carpets and gray like a dark gray wall which I think will be uh pretty nice I think that'll look good and then the bathroom I went with like this sort of marble white floor tile and then these white uh like box-like tiles here which I think works pretty well also so that is essentially the house as far as getting everything ready but now it's time to start putting in furniture and countertops and decorations and all that kind of sort of stuff to make it look like a place that is lived in so uh start with the living room and go from there all right I've done some work on the living room and I like it it turned out super well this is the living room we've got a little corner TV cabinet here with TV on it and then a matching sofa and arm chair just a little coffee table and a rug through in a very small little fireplace here underneath the window which I think works out really well and then just a couple other decorations a plant in the back corner or a painting on the wall I decided that this is going to be a house that owns a dog so I went with kind of this dog themed uh coat hanger sort of deal and a dog bowl and a water bowl or a food bowl and a water bowl underneath it uh we'll probably put a dog bed in the bedroom in here is what I'm thinking and then just a little bookshelf and a sideboard here with some various plants and other decorations all that kind of sort of thing also another thing I just want to point out because I haven't really mentioned it yet um in other videos here I went with these two lights and these give off this very sort of bright white colored light in here I went with a different light and this one gives off more of like a yellow sort of uh light which is a lot more inviting I think uh so yeah just the light selection I I feel like when you play this game you should choose the light you want based not on the not only the appearance of the light when the light is off but also the color of the light itself because if you want something that's really sort of warm and inviting like you would for a living room for example you go with something that's yellow whereas if you want something that's more like sort of practical and bright like in a hallway or in a kitchen or a bathroom uh you want to go with like the whiter light I think so yeah uh so I went ahead and did that uh this is all good I think next I'm gonna tackle this little room here and the garage and I did actually put lights into the garage as well I went with these big sort of fluorescent ones uh which I think for a garage are perfect so yeah I'm gonna get work I'm gonna get to work on that shouldn't be super complicated um in fact you know what let's actually do just a little bit of it together uh let's see what we want for the garage actually aren't they just called garage shelves yeah they're literally just called garage shelves um let's just grab a couple of these steel garage shelves we'll put one right there and one right next to it so we'll have two shelves there in the corner and then do we want to have like a little workspace in here I think we probably do let's see do we have a desk that will work for this [Music] um I think we're probably better off going with a table [Music] uh that's gonna bring up a lot of stuff let's look at furniture office yeah let's check desks I want something like this but much wider like if I could find that but just way bigger that would be perfect um yeah I don't really like any of those options so let's look at furniture dining room tables let's look at dining room tables and see what we can find here maybe something lash Cedar light mahogany that's not bad yeah this is a bit more what I'm looking for not I don't think I like that color though just go Cedar it's sort of boring but it will work or or that's gonna be too red that's too red cool black I feel like this would be maybe like cool Oak yeah that feels much more garage to me uh so let's just do that and then let's just grab a very simple little chair like plastic chair something like this make it black well maybe put that like here and then we'll go tools and I'll just put a couple of tools up here on the wall [Music] because we've got all of these oh it won't let me put it there okay well that's unfortunate uh what about like this one will that one go there yeah that'll go there this one actually let's let's maybe put this yeah let's do this I think that'll work a little better um I will just put a couple of these like tool rack sort of things here there we go and then will you let me put the ax down now yeah there we go there we go something like that just to kind of add a couple of tools and then on the table I want to have a couple more so we'll throw down like a drill and maybe a chainsaw should probably go here [Music] what what else would be on the oh maybe the clamp yeah that'll work we'll just kind of put that right there okay just keep it real simple nothing crazy uh we do probably want a little bit of storage would it be accessories containers here we go uh oh yeah we're definitely gonna need a uh uh trash bin in here as well let's go with maybe this one no that's way too small let's go with this one ah no I don't like that either I would really like to have like a large trash bin um you know what maybe let's do this one that'll work it's not huge but it'll get the job done and then we'll just put a couple of these containers here [Music] onto the Shelf as well just a handful I don't need a lot but just a couple to make this you know more of a workspace and less of just a garage uh so I think that'll work nicely uh I don't think I need to worry about the Windows like putting curtains here actually now let's do this let's put just basic blinds [Music] yeah let's just do like super basic blinds here there we go [Music] there very basic lines into the garage but uh yeah I think that's all I'm really gonna do here in the garage I wanted to keep that really simple and then in here this could be a couple things we could do like some wardrobes [Music] like this one for example that might actually nah that's gonna be more than half right yeah I I won't be able to fit two of those there what if we go with something that's a little bit smaller that's too small I would like I would do wardrobes here if I could fit two of them perfectly right next to each other that would be amazing uh but I don't think that's going to happen [Music] what about this one oh that's actually way smaller than I thought it was I don't know I'm gonna have to play around with some stuff uh but I think I'll tackle this little room and then the kitchen okay so uh let's start with this little room here I decided to turn it into sort of a closet sort of wargrobe changing area not for like uh this would be like a coat room essentially right so you come in from work or whatever you hang up your coat maybe put your hat on the thing whatever uh this is this is that server this is like a little coat room because it fills the space and it worked out so we got a mirror we got a couple of these wardrobes we got a little poof thing uh we got a couple of shoe uh racks and then just a painting nothing too crazy uh carpet on the floor I think it works out pretty well uh the kitchen is functional um and I don't love it as much as I love a lot of the other kitchens that I've done um but it'll get the job done I put in a dining room table over here with a bunch of chairs the countertops are I think they're called like premik countertops or something like that and uh hanging cabinets and I really wanted to use these uh because they also have this really nice like built-in fridge that comes with them uh which I thought was really cool the problem is and this is what I don't like about the kitchen there's only one oven and it's massive uh and it has this brick feature which I don't like and these countertops are actually a lot thicker than most of the other ones if we look at like any of the other kitchen countertops uh well that's a bad example because that's an island but if we look at like I don't know these ones you'll see that these are much shorter so all of the other Ovens that are built that are in the game all the ones that are like Standalone uh like all of like this one for example they only come to here so that's not really gonna work either uh so yeah this is a kitchen that the oven is an induction cook top thing and I don't love it but uh you know what let's actually Swap this out for a bigger one uh it's not amazing but it's fine uh they will be able to cook I suppose oh and that's the other thing too because this is 75 meters which is a weird number there is no center point so if I put the cooktop there it's centered to the left and if I put it one space to the right it's centered like it's it's off it's off center no matter where I put it uh which also drives me slightly insane but uh just just don't look at it it's fine uh it's okay um yeah it's not great uh but it's okay we'll just add a little thing there and it's fine uh but yeah the kitchen is functional we've got a painting on the wall we've got a couple of Lights to light everything up nicely and I think it works out fine um I suppose one thing we could do would be is it yeah we could add like some herbs in the back there just to give us like a little splash of color I think that might help a little bit uh but yeah it's it'll did the job it's fine uh and I did go with the backsplash as you can see that I think works out nicely added a couple other shelves over here and then just some various kitchen utensils uh and accessories a microwave a bread box cutting board etc etc so I think it works out it'll get the job done I mean the house itself is not worth a ton anyway um I should probably put some curtains up let's just use uh these ones these open kitchen blinds we'll just install these real quick there's one and two okay there we go just so there's something in the windows there uh like I it's such a shame because I really love these countertops I just wish that uh like there was some other Ovens that went with them otherwise other than the big giant one from the set itself but hey whatever so all that's left to do now is the bathroom and the bedroom so let me get started on that and I'll give you an update once I'm done the bedroom and the bathroom are done let's start with the bedroom uh nice cozy lots of Cedar uh put some bookcases over here along with just a bunch of various decorations plants and statues and photos and things like that uh Cedar bed with a little bedside table dresser here with a little dressing table and another bookshelf and then just some other decorations some plants a painting sign on the wall uh give it you know kind of a nice cozy sort of uh feel and a area rug to match the gray walls to tie it all kind of together I think the bedroom turned out fine um the bathroom over here is a lot of white uh I suppose I could have maybe made this wall a different color maybe that's what it needs actually it's just so white um try let's actually just see if if I can find like a nice very sort of light green pile for those walls that would actually make sense because most of these are really ugly um I think the only one [Music] the only one would be this one maybe that's what this room needs is just for this wall here to be green instead because it's so white I tried to add some bits of color using um you know plants and other various accessories and things but it didn't really work out all that well so maybe if we make this a different color that'll do what we need it to do I'm I I think I'm just looking at this it's a little better I still don't love it it is a very small Improvement this is kind of a weird house for me because I don't dislike it but it feels like uh with the exception of the living room which I really do love everything else was just like just fine perfectly okay not bad but also not my best work if that makes sense um so yeah this is the bathroom it's okay uh lots of green highlights and various decorations and things it'll do the job uh we got a bathtub we got a sink we got a toilet we got a shelf on the wall with some things oh that's what I was going to that's what I forgot I need a dog bed that's kind of important because we said they were gonna have a dog so now the question is where in the world am I gonna put this thing um that is an interesting question hmm maybe the dog doesn't sleep in the bedroom maybe the dog sleeps I don't know I totally forgot about the dog bed now I don't want to move a lot of the stuff that uh maybe maybe they're a smaller dog yeah there we go we'll go with that they're a little they're a smaller dog and they can have their dog bed like right about here sure that'll work okay these are some big food bowls for a little dog but it's okay uh but yeah that's the house it turned out fine like I again I don't hate it but I just I don't I don't love it as much as I love some of the other houses uh but it's it's it's good but not great if that makes sense is how I feel about it like I don't know I could probably spend way more time trying to like redo a bunch of stuff but honestly I think I'd rather just move on to another house I'm not gonna do anything with the garden other than just mowing the lawn uh so we're not gonna submit to a garden contest because just mowing the lawn will never actually give you an increase so let's just go ahead and put the hell out of the house on auction and see what we get for it oh uh put the house on auction there we go so it looks like we spent about 90 000 about 80 000 altogether [Music] once you take the stuff that we sold into account and hey that's not bad we're getting about 20 000 in profit let's see if we can get that up to actually 20 000 in profit [Music] I just try to round it up to like the next five the next five thousand okay there we go uh I accept your offer so let's get some before and after pictures I mean it does look way better than it did previously but like did you see this house there was so much cleaning that had to be done it was a little ridiculous and none of these before and after pictures are actually all that good because they're all from weird angles uh but it's fine yeah I think the house turned out okay um kind of a weird one didn't really have a specific theme I was trying to explore or anything like that but it's fine uh next time I think we're going to do another one of the newer houses uh I don't know which one yet but we'll see for the next episode uh speaking of I think I am out of time for this one my friends if you enjoyed the video you know what to do links in the description below so check that out as well otherwise my friends thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Welsknight Gaming
Views: 18,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welsknight, Welsknight Gaming, Wels After Dark, House Flipper, Let's Play House Flipper, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Let's Play, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Playthrough, House, Flipper, House Flipper Steam, Let's Play, Gameplay
Id: YzjQ1Dts2L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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