A Minecraft laptop MYSTERY TECH!

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- Hello and welcome to this episode of Mystery Tech where I have taken the reigns. I have taken control. I have an item for us to unbox in Mystery Tech. - [Ken] Wait, wait, wait, wait! Does that mean that I get to open it? - No, I get to unbox my own items. This is like, when you give yourself a gift for Christmas you know like the Obama meme of like kind of putting on the honor of metal metal honor on himself but that's kinda what I'm doing right now. So this item comes courtesy of a kind Mystery Tech viewer who tweeted me that this product existed. And I immediately pulled the trigger and purchased it. Behold, my friends, behold. Once I figure out how to open the box, the Minecraft laptop. Yes, this is the laptop officially branded, Minecraft. So this is the GeoBook 120. And come on, let's be real. The entire reason I bought this, is just because it is an actual Minecraft laptop. - [Ken] What part of this is 120. - It's 120 times better than the last edition. You're not feeling a lot of love from this. I thought you guys would be wowed and amazed at this incredible thing that a kind Mystery Tech viewer had found. - [Matt] You know what that looks a whole lot like? - [Ken] Go ahead. - [Matt] A green version of a certain laptop. - It's not an HP Stream. - [Matt] It is an HP Stream. - [Austin] Oh look! Look how green it is. See, that's not an HP Stream. Ready? Ready? Ready? - [Ken] Okay. - Look how green it is. How could you not want to go for such a nifty green laptop? It's got all the features you could ever ask for, including a copy of Minecraft. Also a copy of Minecraft stickers. Just you're gonna have right here. I mean, really, there's nothing more I could ever ask for out of a brand new laptop that I brought for Mystery Tech. Oh, look at this. We've got green W A S D keys. How Minecraft of them. I'm gonna plug it in to make sure I get maximum performance. So on the spec side, as I'm sure you'll be able to see on this very high quality display, we're a very high quality quad core celeron n3450 processor, blistering 1.1 gigahertz, four gigs of ram and a generic SD card of 64 gigs or something along those lines. Look, it's not fast but it's capable of playing Minecraft. Right? Right? So Minecraft is loading. I've noticed that this thing just gets really, really hung up on doing anything in the background. Like right now, CPU is just stuck at a 100%. We're gonna go ahead and play this in full screen. - [Austin] Cause why would we not? We'll leave everything as it is for now. Oh, this actually isn't terrible, especially if it's running on whatever default settings, I mean, I'll say that there certainly lag when it comes to me turning my mouse from left to right. It feels like it's like a half second behind. - So I mean, look at the cursor though. - [Ken] So the cursor actually doesn't have any latency, but when it goes into the game, you could look at the, you could look at the Minecraft character head. It very clearly is behind. Even though our cursor's up to speed. It's very, very weird. - I'll try to like throw some settings to lower options and see if that helps. But the thing is, you shouldn't have to do this. And you know what? Lowering the settings does actually help. - [Ken] That frame rate looks way better. This looks like very close to 60P. - [Austin] I would actually say we're pretty much at 60fps right now. - [Ken] Maybe it's not generating the world as quickly as a full fledged gaming PC. - [Austin] Now, if you liked by your own Minecraft laptop maybe don't. I don't think I would buy it over an HP stream though. I'm happy that I got my item on Mystery Tech today. I'm happy that I got to finally explore a true Minecraft edition laptop. And I'm sad that it is as thoroughly mediocre as I was afraid, it would be. (upbeat transitioning music) - Hellooo my friends! - [Austin] Welcome to the alien Pikachu figure yellow made in China. Oh God. How many more of those do you have? - [Ken] Open it! - Ah, that's disgusting. What the hell? What is this? Whoa Gahhhh blahhhhhh that's gross, man, that's gross. Catch the next box and let you see all. I actually got them all. I got two and a half of the boxes. Just, can you get close up with this? Can you get a closeup of this? This is, I don't like this. I don't like this. I'm just going to just bring actual Pekichu in just to get some good vibes. Who is this? Oh, Christ. Oh, good Lord. Behold. (speaker laughing) - [Ken] Yo, where's his hand though? Ooh. - I am gonna go 360 on this one. - [Ken] There's two hands. - Oh yes. - [Ken] Oh. - Okay. All right. This one's yellow, another Pikachu maybe. Psyduck baby. (speaker laughing) Psyduck built different my friends. Last, but certainly not least we have Pika Swole. I really don't want to ask this question but you know I gotta do it. How much were these particular Pokemon unlicensed figures? (Ken laughing) - 35 each We know how much you love Pokemon, so... - You think, if you think for one second, I'm taking any of this home. You've got another thing coming. (Ken laughing in the background) (upbeat transitioning music) (Austin growling) No! No guys, you again. I was on this side of the table. Oh look it's a Logitech MX Keys Mini, what a wonderful sponsor for this episode of Mystery Tech, the cat unceremoniously tossed to the wrong side. You just trying to make me look ridiculous? Cause that's clearly impossible at this point. - [Ken] We don't need to try. - [Austin] One of the nice things about the MX Keys Mini, is that this will work on almost any device you throw at it. The MX Keys Mini is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, iPad iOS, iOS, Linux, Chrome OS and Android. - Whew, so if I pop it out of the box here, whew. So immediately, this actually looks like it's going to be fairly ergonomic. Cause this has got a pretty substantial hump on the back. Is that the right phrase? That's probably not the right phrase, is it? It's a nice angle for typing. Ooh! Ooh! With feel, can you just feel through the camera and how soft and smooth these key caps are? Smells like quality. There are a couple of things here that I like. First of all, it is a full layout. So you do have your dedicated arrow keys, but also because it is designed to work with basically every device ever. You also have a split start, all command and option key. So this will easily work on Mac, on iOS, Linux, what have you. So Logitech claims that these are ultra fluid taping switches and sort of key caps. So let's investigate. Shall we? - [Austin] Oh, that's actually pretty nice. - It does have like a very, sort of like smooth, ah like actuation on it, especially for something which is this small, this lightweight. Yeah. I would say that's literally the very first time we did the typing test and within five words per minute of what I am on like a regular keyboard. So the fact that, like it's easy to get up and running on and you're going to say like, these key caps are actually nice. Like the fact that they're that sort of concave shape, means that your fingers really nicely, kind of like fine where they need to go. - [Austin] The fact that this also works so seamlessly between devices is incredibly helpful. So right now I have it paired with a Mac. I can easily pair with my phone, pair it with like a tablet or something. And then I can just switch back and forth between these hot keys, that's a very useful feature. Now on top of that, this does charge via USBC, but importantly it's got some serious battery life. You can get up to a week of usage with the backlight on and months with the backlight off, which is great because I don't have to think about charging my keyboard. The smart keys do double duty. Not only can you use them as your function road, but they also have a bunch of specific features, which are really nice to have. For example, if I hit F9, it will turn off the microphone on my computer, something very useful. And on top of that, using the software, you can go in and customize all of these keys to do exactly what you want. - [Austin] So do you like to get your hands on an incredibly minimalists, stylish, and yet very functional keyboard. Definitely sure to go check out the MX Keys Mini. Link in description. And of course, huge thank you to Logitech for sponsoring this episode of Mystery Tech. (upbeat transitioning music) Welcome to a very special day. Do you know why today of all days is special? because it is time for our favorite part of the week Nay, the month, the time to play with the Game Boy. Ahhhhhh This is my Game Boy. This is my Game Boy van says Pete, which works, oh, okay well that's Okay, these are my games. For me now. Is the address here? but also you just knocked my stuff over. I'm just saying. Ohhhhh! This stupid shoo. The Game changer! Switch games without removing cartridges. I've never owned one of these. But when I had my SP back in the day, I definitely looked at this and thought that looks dumb. Why would you ever want to use it? So 20 years later I could see why it's dumb, why I don't want to use it. So this is certainly still sealed. How much did the Game Changer cost from Amazon.com? Jeffrey Bezo's fine establishment. - [Ken] Take a guess. - So this is probably like 30 bucks when it was new. And then a few years later it was probably available in the bargain bin for like 10. And then now it's probably appreciate it back up to $40, - [Ken] $52. But there was like other ones that were listed new on Amazon that were like 70 to a $100. - Well, there's probably only a handful of these still sealed in the world, which means it's time for us to slice it open and see what's inside. (intriguing music) Wow that's ahhhhh it's chunky. So we do have rubber grips, but they're very, How should I put it, plastic-y feeling, like there's some rubber there, but maybe it's lost some of its its rubberiness over the years. So this is designed specifically to be used with the Game Boy advance SP. So the way it should work is you take the SP and you just kind of slide it in like this. There we go. All right. I mean, that actually fits pretty well. You still see your charging and your power led, still have access to your volume. That seems reasonable enough. Now let's load up some games. So first game easy, second game easy, and the third game is on the top. That one does not feel easy. I don't like that. Yeah. The top one doesn't feel great. Okay. So we have activated. We're running game one right now, which is Harry Potter. Okay. So Harry Potter works. - [Ken] Does it feel more comfortable? - It actually kind of does. Like it, it obviously is a little bit different, but it's certainly thicker. Now I'm gonna switch to game two. I'm gonna turn on, that switch. So basically what this switch I think is, it actually is just a pass through to the actual SP switch, which means it's very stiff. Look at that. It works, all right. Again, it does not let me change games while it's on, but if I flip it off, push down to number three, flip it on and we should see a player. Here we go. This is a really curious accessory from a time that was a long, long while ago. Imagine if there was something like this for the Switch. Imagine if there was like a little grip that had a bunch of games. A lot of times you do have that, but unfortunately this thing called digital games exists now where you don't actually need to do this anymore. Or you just play on your Z flip and Emulator and you can load up all your games without switching any cartridges. But where's the fun in that. (upbeat transition music) - Okay. That was not my finest moment, I will say. But this is the children's digital camera. I think I see where you guys are going with this one. - [Crew Member] I don't know what you're talking about. - Okay, cool. I'm just making sure that we're all on the same page for Mystery Tech today. - [Ken] We need a camera assistant and you happen to create one over the past couple of weeks. - I did do that. That is the thing that, that did happen. Think it might be a little bit optimistic, but we'll see how it goes. So this is obscene, the light, like literally, I don't know if you can tell, but it weighs actually nothing. Let me open up my camcorder. Oh, it doesn't move. Okay So I'm used to this rotate. This doesn't rotate. This just is, this is the way. - [Crew Member] More moving parts not necessary - Fair point. [Crew Member] Can I point something out real quick? A micro SD card? - Yeah - [Crew Member] Definitely a choking hazard. - That's a good point. Is this actually meant to be given to children? Huh? Yo, I've got filters. I've got filters. I have a sub-view filter. I have a blue filter. I have a green filter. That's fun. That's what kids are all about, are filters these days. We are no recording at 10 80 P. Something tells me that I have a little bit of a doubt on that one. I was too engrossed with the full high definition of this particular camcorder. Oh, is this the full kids episode? Ohhhh, are you going to do this to me right now. I've got to open up a bunch of stuff for kids. - [Crew Member] Yes. - [Second Crew Member] Yeah. - [Crew Member] Yeah, no, yeah, yeah, yeah. It didn't happen. - I have done the Kidibuzz G2 on Mystery Tech before, I'm very sad to say. Why is there a second one? Is there anything different at all? - [Second Crew Member] No. Nothing really changed. It's that you have changed. - No! This is the one that was on the back of the set. Like this isn't like a 100 episodes of Mystery Tech. Cause it was always like right here or like right here or something. - [Second Crew Member] Is that it right there in the bed? - Oh it is. It is. Look, look the Kidibuzz G2. It's been here all along, it was here all along. It was here all along! - I'm going to go behind the camera. Y'all need to do this segment cause I'm not doing it. Y'all want to talk about Kidibuzz, be my guest. - [Crew Member] Okay. Oh boy. This is fun. [Austin] Hi Ken. - I guess I don't need this, right. - [Austin] Hi. How's it going? - Look, I'm going to try to do this from the perspective of being a dad. Clearly they saved a lot of money on the packaging by, oh my God. - Yes. Yes. Look, look, me and my, my 10 year old hands. Oops. So look at the screen here. It's kinda scuffed. - [Crew Member] Oh dude. That's 100% returned. - Oh yeah. No for sure. Here's the comparison. New Old New Old. - [Crew Member] I mean we didn't drop the new one. I mean the old one, maybe all those scuffs from being dropped. - You're blaming me for this. [Austin] How much did you pay for this? [Crew Member] Okay Okay. $99 - [Ken] That's still $80 too much. - You can get a Moto G for about a $100 - [Austin] Wait Ken if the tables weren't flipped this much? That you're the one who's in front of the table. And you've been imbued with the power of complaining about how expensive Mystery Tech is. - To be fair Matt did all the buying for this episode. - [Austin] See that's what I say. - Throw me, throw me the next item, I got. I want to show Austin. What we got him. All right. This is the Taneshi kids laptop. Taneshi means fun in Japanese. [Austin] It's Android. - And it's Android. Take a look at our fun laptop. - [Austin] All right. All right. - Ah, it's good to be back, 10.11' HO with a touchscreen tablet with the detachable keyboard. It has a 64 bit quad core processor. How much was the Tanoshi 2-in-1 pink made in China? - [Ken] That might've been 180. - So this is the tablet, which is a very very pink. - [Ken] Oh wow. - So ahhh, I mean it's a generic tablet though. $180 is actually a fair bit because you can find these kind of very affordable tablets for like 30, 40 bucks pretty readily on Amazon. - [Ken] Yeah but little Timmy can go on poop very quickly. - We just got to stop saying that because we have to believe it every single time. Yeah, this is, I mean relatively. All right. So we'll attach this. Fine. [Ken] Don't, don't expect the best material design there. - Okay. So can you just see, can you see the flax? The weight is so much that like, it actually has bending. Look at my track. My track pad is literally coming out right now. This is the thing like. - This is actually bent now. - [Crew Member] Ooh. - It's actually bent now. Meaning literally holding it by the edge, like a laptop. It has already been. So it's got a full suite of Google apps, right. I've got maps here. I've got earth. - [Ken] Yeah. For when your kid decides to run away. - Yeah, sure. Take video and record audio of my child. That seems fine. All right, Scratch Junior. Let's go. So well, I don't have multi-touch so this is Ken. This is me, obviously, I'm cool. Wait, I can draw. I can draw. I can draw my own character. Okay. Who wants, who wants to be in? I'm going to draw one person for this. Who wants to be in. - [Crew Member] Let me see what you think I look like. - What the, wait, wait, wait, do you see where my finger is and where this is drawing? Is that meant to happen? I don't think that's meant to happen. Okay. Oh man. [Crew Member] Tell me what I'm looking at. - I was never good with arts and crafts, okay. I've completely lost the plot of what we're doing for this episode of Mystery Tech. This is a tablet. Don't buy it for your children because ahhhhhhh just get something cheaper or you can buy a pair of kid's headphones. This is really the kid's episode of Mystery Tech isn't it. If we can demonetized, I'm directly blaming y'all. I'm directly blaming y'all. - [Ken] I don't know what you talk about. I don't see the theme here at all. - Wait, this is not gonna fit on my head. You guys are right? - [Ken] Not on your head no. - I don't like the way that sound. So - [Ken] You could pick off the headphones to adjust. - How do you do fellow kids? - [Ken] Oh God. - Yo, this time getting be monetized. So I'm just gonna put this down. Cause I'm a 100% getting demonetized right now. I wanna raise the volume above the recommended level. This is the quietest set of headphones I've ever heard. This is a 100% volume. I'm smashing into my ears and it sounded like 20% volume on a regular pair of headphones. Demonetized again all right. This video is, this video is dangerous.
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 1,072,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery tech, tech, how to waste, amazon, ebay, logi, logitech, keyboard, minecraft, geo, geobook, minecraft laptop, laptop, pokemon, unboxing, review, the test drivers, test drivers, austin, austin evans
Id: pZcEgrkRonk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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