Can I turn COKE into WATER? Mystery Tech

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hello welcome my friends to mystery Tech Wow way to cash in on the thing so if you watch a little TV show called Shark Tank you may be familiar with this product phone soap the idea is that this is meant to clean your phone with was it like UV light yes also yes okay is this used yes with a sanitized Ken no it is on the inside how much was the fine I thought $44.99 no one did someone did a video on this we're not the first video on YouTube on the phone soap this is not an original idea package shrink hew from package shrink yeah no is to give that reference does that was to cleverly disguised here's a question though this should supposedly not be damaging to phones however I am dealing the galaxy Z flip with a plastic screen I'm not gonna put this in there wait what if I put it in closed that's it your phone doesn't or it does it does it fits it fits okay how do we know it's working that shows it yeah that's it's as a light on like it's not even making a noise or nothing I don't think you're supposed to look at the UV light I think we're just putting our phone in a box right now all right so while we let this sit for 10 minutes which I think it'll automatically turn off while we move to on to the next product what is the X game so this is clearly a screenshot from asphalt it's a happy family playing blue PlayStation controllers with a knockoff Xbox 1s it's a baby Xbox so cute it's like a two-third scale Xbox which is by the way 100% hollow so for reference this is the size of the X game side-by-side with an Xbox one X it's like 2/3 scale maybe very strange and very light like it's definitely like there's one little board in here somewhere up front we have where the Xbox button would be just a button we have a fake optical drive a couple of USB ports we have our HDMI and our RCA our dcn in our compact flash it also says X game on it not Xbox X game very different thing what does it really come with these blue ps1 controllers it does and this is straight like a dual shock look it's a clear dual shock except it has ABCD buttons great there's anything happening like that light is on it's plugged in oh oh thanks game thanks game that's the next game Neo Geo GBA games nest game SMD games oh cool I'm not gonna lie I mean we've got pretty pretty solid selection I thought it's gonna be so stupid like NES knockoff this is actually not bad I mean that scaling is atrocious I get some fully Oh what dude there's like almost like a half second between pressing a button anything happening you also see the screen tearing look yeah we should I pause the frame somewhere you can see every part of the screen is moving at a different rate yeah yeah yeah exactly why is pocket monsters in the Genesis game roller with wait what are those things what is this imagine you mom I play pokemon what the new Pokemon game you get this like really this is what everyone wants to play I'm impressed that most of these games do seem to be legitimate I mean there are proms but I mean like it does have a lot of emulators sort of built in well to be fair audio does not work though it could be an issue where this like monitor doesn't like them the audio but you've got no sound out of this whatsoever now oh god wait how does this work how play see oh oh what what what is it framerate what is this framerate nice power why is art I just had all of that was like 16 frames like in total this is not remotely playable nevermind I take back everything nice I said about this thing so it has been 10 minutes let's see if the foam soap has been phone soap okay the phone is still here [Music] smells clean whoo the next dock where are we just jacking Liu videos now cuz I saw this on a new video recently so the next dock is a very interesting concept essentially what you get here is a laptop right we all know laptops they're wonderful they're great however this has no spec no OS it is simply the heart where of a laptop that's a lot of cables so this is the next dock now first glance looks just like a laptop it's aluminium it's very cool to the touch I've got a ton of ports so we've got three USB sees we've got an HDMI we've got a USB a micro SD card reader headphone jack when you open it up you'll see that looks quite nice but don't forget this has no OS this has no internals there's nothing in this besides the battery the screen and the inputs because this is meant to be used with another device such as a Samsung device such as my Z flip so theoretically if I plug this in via USB C I can then use this as like my Dex machine so let's just do it let's find out yeah manuals are for losers wait wait this is evil not support Dex no are you telling me my phone doesn't support Dex a lot a lot not there you go Samsung does on the galaxy s 20 ultra the superior phone at the - okay so let me do Internet just gonna open up all the last things oh look at that it's my twitch dashboard which you can follow me at twitch TV slash Austin Evans you can also follow me at twitch TV bleep what is what is this for some of it is for the Raspberry Pi because another use for this is you can use this with the Raspberry Pi oh wow this is heavy it's all aluminum like it's well built I mean okay for $250 shell with a really good-looking screen I wish the trackpad was better if I'm honest but there is a new version of this that's the one I really want to check out which has a touchscreen and maybe by then my phone will have support for eight four nine you just stop flexing on me with your ultra you're real talk I'm mildly tempted should I just try to put my Z flip in the phone slope now now that's dead to me I feel like I might as well actually clean it up since you were so down about the Z flip we got your replacement the VTEC Kitty buzz G - is this some kids smartphone but it says Wi-Fi yeah wait but it says mobile network subscription not required is it just it works on Wi-Fi only yes it's not touch for extremely young generation I mean how much was the kiddy buzz hundred bucks yeah I feel like a hand-me-down iPhone with like parental controls probably a much better idea that's not licensing it it only dropped like two inches it's fine as 20 ultra look how big it is oh wow that is a bad screen that's not good turn on Wi-Fi well yes I would love to turn on Wi-Fi it's got five gigahertz Wi-Fi that's not bad hold on why is the marriage theme just remind their parents of this thing that's good can I like that good attitude so here comes the part when I register my kitty buzz where I need to check my email on my gasps easy flip okay everything's fine on the back no worries there how look it works yeah it smells the same say cheese guys like that sure that definitely needs the phone soap what is you need censor the logo look look look josh is gonna be so upset with you what is the aqua true okay what's the gimmick I'm annoyed watching this video and that's a lie does it really work like that okay alright alright reverse osmosis free carbon what kind of filter how much was this filter can a better turn coconut water to 450 dollars this thing is massive do you know we are gonna completely ruin this thing right if you're just filtering tap water this seems maybe a touch excessive but if you're trying to filter coke through it ah let's go try now it does say we're supposed to run four tanks of water before first use so we have run a couple of tanks of fresh water to get the filters up and running so now let's just pour some coke in and ruin this very expensive water filtration machine right hey Louie Louie taste test first to make sure yes real coke all right let's do it oh wait we're gonna be a lot of coke for this thing I just realized how big yeah it would have a better idea okay so we have six cans of coke inside the water filtration machine so let's see what happens if we try to filter it I don't think this is going to go well do you think it'll actually work like realtalk around the room is it gonna work I think it's gonna taste okay let's not go flavor look boy yes dude there's water coming out although to be fair there's already water in the filter so that's probably like initially but if we start to see you know a significant amount of this coke come across we know what's gonna work how much water do you think could be one of those filters I guess technically all three filters probably have some water in them yeah there's filters are not that big there's no way the filters can handle that much coke no way it doesn't look like it's pulling very fast from this like I'm saying like blop blop blop this might take a while you think it's broken do you think we just broke it at the same level for a while okay you let me try that sure okay let's try some of our supposed coke water wait actually I'm actually kind of smells like Coke [Music] Oh Oh aah that doesn't actually taste like coke that tastes like like minerals are like filter or something I don't think this is actually going to work let's let this run overnight and see if it jams see if we actually have all the water filled up or whether this thing is a complete and total scam not necessarily the water filtration mind you because they don't claim it but if some other videos that claims this is a coconut water machine are a real scam no that was a good one that was a good one we will be right back okay so it is the next day I got here to the office before everyone else and I look I want to sit fort so uh let's take a look shall we so I'm really curious to see it oh that this is it after sitting here for over 12 hours the coke has lost all of its carbonation and the filtered water is just I don't how much you can see but that is not clear at all oh no no that did a lot of work that's way more than what does this remember this is empty yeah but now we have cocci water it's definitely not oh it smell it this definitely is Lacroix ha ha ha flavored coke but flat oh and giving you the taste test there's cops not entirely clean but the water isn't either it's a like like months old coke so Ken for this episode of mystery tech were we successful in copying a viral video that tasted worse the second time don't do this
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 3,025,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery tech, how to waste, how to waste on amazon, amazon, ebay, wish, tech, coke into water, nexdock, phonesoap, phone soap, unboxing, xbox, x game, xgame, kidibuzz, aquatru, aqua tru, samsung, galaxy z flip, twitch, this is, the test drivers, test drivers, austin evans
Id: AvngYkfdG-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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