A Message For America by Carter Conlon

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praise God if you'll turn please in the Old Testament to the book of Hosea if you find Ezekiel the next book is Daniel next one is Hosea I think Isaiah is about eight or so books to the right of by the Book of Psalms Hosea we go to chapter 14 we'll start there and then we're going to go backwards from there father I thank you God on my heart for the anointing of the Holy Spirit I would never attempt to speak this holy spirit if you didn't come and animate me I need you Lord to form your heart within me I need to speak God the thoughts of your heart and I need to speak them with the intonation of your voice the Lord I'm asking God for you to overshadow me gripped my heart in my mind unlock the incredible truths and secrets of your word and let them be known as they're spoken and simplicity help us to understand the time we're living in deliver us Lord from childishness make us men and women of understanding he said through the prophet Daniel that there would be an understanding in the last days that you would unlock that you would give to your people Lord we want to know where we live in we want to know what lies ahead and I thank you for this in Jesus mighty name I've entitled this a message for America and its cultural religion you know beloved we're going to be in the we're going to be in the streets of New York at Times Square on September the 20th there seems to be a recognition in many people throughout the world that this is a momentous time although many people may not fully understand why hundreds of churches coming together other countries entire congregations many I think there's as many seventy-six now are going to be gathering together they're going to be screening this event live they're going to be praying with us but you and I need to pray with an understanding a lot of Prayer events in the past are just simply they're gatherings and prayer is a good thing and I'm not ever downplaying that but this is not a carnival this is not a gathering together to shout into the air and wave a few flags and walk away saying God has changed the world now this is much deeper than that this is a call of the Holy Spirit gathering his people to a specific location outside perhaps because there's no other venue where we would all get together over 300 churches are anticipated to be in attendance and Times Square in two weeks for the specific purpose of coming to God and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit praying this simple prayer Lord forgive us but forgive us for what is the question what have we done as a nation that is causing God to gather us into a specific central location beaming it out to over 80 colleges high schools youth groups churches various states and various countries what what have we done that the Lord would say I want you to pray this way Lord forgive us if we don't understand this we're going to just go out with the jenn-air Lord forgive us for whatever and we're not going to walk away having found something that God wants to give us as a people wants to do something very profound in you and in me and I do believe in all those that are praying but we need to have a right perspective we need to understand some things I'm going to ask you in Christ's name to bear with me through this message the Lord wouldn't let me write this down I tried a few times to write it down and the more I tried to write it down the harder it became and he said know you've been fasting you've been praying you've been seeking I want to speak now I want to speak to my church I want to speak to my people let's start it in Hosea please chapter 14 now in order to understand this book of Scripture we have to understand who's that Hosea watched he was a prophet said of God to the Northern Kingdom which was the numerically larger number of people after the Kingdom of Israel split under the leadership of Ray Obama in the Northern Kingdom started on a progression of continual spiritual declension until eventually it was swallowed by Assyria dissipated among the nations and realistically ceased to exist and Hosea is a man who's he he had a wife that was not faithful and because of this he understood the heart of God he understood where this nation was going and God sent this man to plead for them to turn back again and the one voice that a society and spiritual declension will not listen to repeatedly as the voice of the Prophet you see it all the way through scriptures when God sends the voice of the Prophet they technically usually will put them in the dungeon will mock the prophet of God will send them away into another place will push that voice completely away the one of the kings in the Old Testament tore up the words of Jeremiah and threw them in the fire there's there's something about a society that has come to a flash point of judgment really that's what it when society has hit that point when we've crossed the line when we've we've gone beyond the mornings of God where we can't hear anymore and I'm talking now collectively as a society I think we can't hear anymore the voice of the Prophet will still be there because God will be faithful to warn but sad to say most of the nation will no longer be able to hear I fear in my heart that in this society we've come to this point we're long past it the voice of the Prophet is a mocked voice now not maybe entertained for a little while several years maybe a decade or two back but no longer listen to just considered another on the street corner with with another viewpoint of the country and of God and of the future coward must break the heart of the Lord when people that he loved when people that he gathered from all over the world people who longed for freedom and they came and they were given and in a certain land as in Jose's day they were brought out of captivity and they were brought by the power of God into a nation and in that nation that were given freedom to worship they were warned in that nation that you must turn away from the gods of the people who have previously occupied these places because if you don't if you don't make it clear break from them you're going to find you're going to eventually go in that direction and the gods of the nation are going to sew and to weed themselves with the worship of the Lord Jehovah as it was in the old testament that eventually it'll no longer be discernible that it really is God there'll be such a mixture in it and that mixture will produce a powerlessness and a blindness and a mysterious inner blindness that even though the clouds of judgment may be right on the horizon the people will be still talking about wonderful days ahead in the house of God they'll be talking about increased and never-ending prosperity not aware think about Belshazzar for a moment took the holy things of God and partied with them and in Babylon and Daniel stood before Belshazzar and he said belches are you new you know the history you knew that God judges even in your own house he said your own father was that came under judgment because he played with the holy things of God he said Belshazzar you should have known you've taken the holy things of the temple and you've made a party out of it and you've sat there and you've drank to the gods of gold and silver and stone and wood things made with men's hands and Daniel stood there and said now Belshazzar the Lord has numbered your kingdom and he's finished it it's over but such a blindness was upon that particular generation that even though the Word of God was pronouncing the end of this kingdom that seemingly had ruled the world for many many years and even though there's a pronouncement that it's over Belshazzar commands them and says come to Daniel put fine robes on him put a gold chain around about his neck and make him third ruler in the kingdom his spiritual blindness I don't know if there's a and an evidence or indication of greater ignorance than that when people are standing in the presence of the Living and the holy God and unaware of the precarious situation that they're in the Lord wants us going into the street with understanding we have to know the hour that we're in we're not children that are just looking for a good time we have to understand this is a perilous moment we have to know that as Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24 that people will be preoccupied in the last days just prior to the coming of Christ with buying and selling and marrying and giving in marriage it will it will it will so grip a society they won't be aware of what's happening they won't be aware when danger is right at the door and especially if God himself even has set his hand to bring about a correction and they'll not be aware of it chapter 14 verse one of Hosea Oh Israel return unto the Lord thy God for those fallen by thine iniquity take with your words and turn to the Lord and say to him and take away all iniquity and receive us graciously and so will we render the calves or that means the praises of our lips asher will not save us will not ride upon horses neither will we say anymore to the work of our hands you are our gods for in thee the fatherless find mercy I will heal their backsliding I would love them freely for mine anger is turned away from him I will be as the do unto Israel he shall grow as the lily and cast forth his roots as Lebanon his branches shall spread and his beauty shall be as the olive tree and his smell is Lebanon they that dwell under his shadow shall return they shall revive as the corn and grow as the vine the center Rob shall be as the wine of Lebanon Ephraim shall say what have I to do anymore with idols I've heard him and observed him I'm like a green fir tree from me as thy fruit found who was wise and he shall understand these things prudent and he shall know them for the ways of the Lord are right and the just shall walk in them but the transgressors shall fall therein in other words Hosea is saying there'd be a very clear word there'll be a very clear revelation of God and those that are just those that God can speak to those that can approach them to the Lord and say God I'm not here to have you fit into my agenda I'm not here to use you as a vehicle to become what is in my heart to be but God I'm here for the sole purpose of yielding my life to you and to say God forgive me for everything I've embraced for everywhere I go for everything I do that is not representing you among men in this generation I yield to the Lord I yield to your purposes and the scripture tells us very clearly that those who choose to walk this way will return they will revive they will grow there will be a sweet savour of Christ flowing through them in these last hours of time they will cast away their idols they we'll come to Christ and they will find him to be a green tree abounding in fruit the glory of the Lord will be the portion of his people in this last day of time I know it with all my heart I know it as surely as I stand here the glory of the Lord and it will not be circumstance dependency it won't really matter if the thousand are falling at this site and 10,000 on that side it won't really matter if the trumpet is blowing and all kinds of alarms are being raised in the nation no God will have a people their eyes will be fixed in the ways and the works of God their hearts will be gripped by the passion and the power of God their steps will be ordered in the work of God their hands will be about the tenderness of God their voices will be directing those that are terrified to wear the power and the provision of God has found oh yes oh yes my friend God will have a people in the earth praise be to God praise be to God praise be to God he will have a people in the earth we ought not to be afraid to say lord help us cause us to return to you forgive us Lord where we've failed you forgive us God for where in our hearts we have embraced the ways of a fallen society God Almighty forgive us I'm gonna be among the chiefest of those they're crying out to the Lord that God forgive me Lord for the things I see for the things that don't see for what I know for what I don't know I am part of the Church of Jesus Christ I'm part of this testimony that you wanted to stablished in the earth in this generation and God Almighty I'm asking you to get out of my heart everything Lord that has stood in the way of your life everything God that hinders your the expression of your heart so this human vessel to this generation everything god that renders the testimony of your resurrection power powerless coming out of this human vessel God please Lord take these things out of my life God give me the courage of Daniel to open my window and face Lord face God the failings of your people and face God what we've done and face who we become and unashamedly turn to your Lord and say God I'm coming to you today because you're a God of mercy Lord when you establish the temple you wrote a song about yourself and that song said praise the Lord for he is good and His mercy endures forever so Lord I'm coming to your mercy today I'm coming God believing Lord that you are the God who can restore you're the God who can heal Lord you're the God who will have a testimony in spite of what happens to the nation's and I'll go to chapter 13 please Hosea is speaking about what happened to the testimony of Israel why was God going to judge his own people why would God bring a people out of bondage and into a nation call it by his name and then judge it and literally let it be overwhelmed by its enemies intermingled and dispersed among the peoples of the world what could be the reason why this kind of a thing could happen to God's own house and his own people when Ephraim that's Israel that's another chapter 13 verse 1 when Ephraim spoke trembling he exalted himself in Israel but when he offended and Bale he died when my people honored me when there was conviction in my house I believe there America has not had a perfect religion all you have to do is look back in history a hundred years and you can see the glaring inconsistencies but there has been an underlying seeking of God there have been times in society where there been great moves of God when people could be confronted when they could be turned back when when the voice of God could be lifted in his house and there was a trembling there was an awe there was a reverence of God there was a sense of God's holiness men had enough sense to know that God's ways were right and men's ways were wrong and there was a time in this country when I'm sure you would walk in the house of the Lord and if you were living in willful sin you would tremble you temple preachers preach now they may not have always had it right they may have been a little heavy on the legal side or they may have focused a little too much on certain things but there was a trembling there was a time in this country when you walked in the house of God and you knew if you were living in sin you were going to be confronted there was a time when sinners were not comfortable in the presence of God there was a trembling there was a word there was a time when old-fashioned preachers left the plow they didn't have much education but they weren't in the prayer closet and God touched them and they stood in pulpits and when they stood had published the glory of God came they didn't they massacred the Kings English half the time and they didn't even know how to pronounce things in the Bible but they knew who God was and they knew who men were and they could speak into the heart there were seasons and times when ten meetings throughout this country the Saudis meetings when people would come in and the glory of the Lord would be so in these places that people would fall on their knees and fall on their faces before a holy God they would repent of their sins because there was a reverence that was an awfully God in spite of the mixture that is always part of every society there was still a reverence for God in much of his house when Ephraim spoke trembling exalted him someone when there was this all when there was this reverence of God the church the testimony of the church was held in esteem in the nation but when he offended in bail the bill was the Canaanite god of the surrounding territories bail is the God that people without God worship bail is the God of provision he's a God who sends crops into the field he's the God who fills your cupboard and as long as the cover it was full than people would could worship Bale when we worshiped God there was a trembling of this house but folks America has made a tragic mistake the worship of bail has come into the house of the Lord and the god of prosperity has become the god that much of the Church of this age which is a cultural church in a sense it's it's it's in the culture that that part of the country that's without God to worship prosperity and as long as the church stood as a contrast to this not to say that God's people should be poor but the prosperity that God gives should have a proper focus and they leave the alleviation of the suffering of the poor in the relieving the oppressed and using the resources of God to bring the kingdom of God to those who have no helper but it all changed and suddenly it became about us it became about individual people and when this came into the house of the Lord the testimony of God died died folks the testimony of God is almost dead in this country just because fifty thousand people attend some church some work does not mean that God is even there any longer if there is no conviction of sin if there is no burden to let go of the things of this world and to walk with the holy God I'm telling you the Holy Spirit is not there I don't care how many people attend I don't care how fancy it is I don't care how much money it has it God is not there when there's no conviction of sin when sinners come in and they're not challenged to turn from all of the pursuits of the natural life and heart the Lord has left the place and now he says they send more and more verse to and have made them molten images of their silver and idols according to their own understanding all the work of craftsmen and they say that let it let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves in other words there now it's all the work of craftsmen have you noticed much of American religion today is always crafting some new image of God always crafting always fascinating always looking for some new thing because they've really abandoned the cross and they say to the peep constantly they're not called men of God they're not holy men of God they're not they're not separated men of God they're not meant to challenge the people of their behavior and their lifestyle know they just fashion these constant images that are palatable to the masses and they say come now worship this the brand-new image of God and let's call him Jesus let's worship Him never confronts your sin doesn't require holiness of you doesn't require that you take up your cross and follow him will prosper you will give you a great destiny will make you into an important person and etc etc verse 3 says therefore shall they be is the morning cloud and as the early do that passes away in the chaff that's driven with the world went out of the floor and as the smoke out of the chimney when difficulty comes and folks we're heading into some incredibly stormy waters people will run to them because they promised the drink of God as it is but the clouds will have passed away they promised wait or weightiness but adversity will drive them out of the house of God they promised the fire of God but they're just no more than smoke coming out of a chimney driven by the wind and will be dissipated I see much of what calls itself the Church of Jesus Christ in this country will be soon driven to the wind by adversity he said in verse 4 yet I'm the Lord your God from the land of Egypt you shall no no God with me for there's no Savior besides me I knew you in the wilderness in the land of great drought how it must break the heart of God how it must break his heart all of the people that came to this country so many were persecuted a lot of people were persecuted in their own lands because if they wanted to believe in God and walk with God he says I saw you in the wilderness in the place of great drought and I brought you here and verse six says according to their pasture they were filled and their heart was exalted and they forgotten me I brought you to this place where you were free to pursue life and liberty and happiness you were free to worship me and I blessed you here but you forgot me what a tragedy to be living at such a time what a heartbreak therefore I'll be unto them as a lion and there's a leopard by the way I'll observe them I'll meet them as a bear that is briefed of here whelps and will rend the call of their heart and there will I devour them like a lion and the wild beasts will tear them Oh Israel you've destroyed yourself but in me is your help the Lord says out come to you like a bear that has lost her greatest treasure the Lord doesn't judge because there's any delight in his heart but he looks down and he sees what was supposed to be his heritage and says I can't let this go on any longer I can't let this farce that calls itself the temple of God go on any longer I can't let these people I can't let them any longer pursue this path that is going to lead them into hell folks just shortly just a few weeks ago in a major city in this country there was a huge meeting of Christian leaders gathered together and in this enough to almost fill a stadium and then this particular gathering I'm not aware of one born-again Bible believing speakers that spoke to these pastors I got a letter from the pastor that was there and he said my heart was broken my heart was pounding and he said oh my god does anybody around me see what's happening to us here we we put men in the pulpit that are headed for hell and that we're putting them up as role models of success in the Christian Church because they have power and influence and authority try to tell me that the Canaanite culture is not in the house of God in our generation try to tell me that we've not fallen to the idols of this of this society that where people just lust after power they lust after cognition and fame and money and don't care what it takes to get there as pastors sit there mesmerized listening to unsaved men teach them the principles of success in the kingdom of God men who are headed for hell are teaching the church folks you destroyed yourself he said Israel but I was there to help you all along I will be your king verse 10 where is any other that may save you in all your cities and your judges of whom you said give us give me a king in the Prince I gave you a king in my anger and I took him away on my wrath the iniquity of a frame was bound up his sin his head in other words it's gotten so deep now that no reasoning will take it out the sores of a travailing woman shall come upon him he's an unwise son he free should not stay long in the place of the breaking fourth of children another translation says it this way he's so entrenched in his way of doing things that even though I bring upon him the pains of labour he will not come forth into new birth so stubborn so set on his view of God his legitimate right as he sees it to this pursuit of himself so stubborn that though I caused pain though I clearly speak though the heavens though the earth though everything around begins to shake he will not come forth because he is so entrenched himself in stubbornness against the ways of God verse 14 I'll ransom them from the power of the grave I'll redeem them from death Oh death I'll be that plagues Oh grave I'd be thy destruction now this is not really a good translation in the King James because what it really says when you read other translations I would have ransomed them from the power of the grave I would have redeemed them from death I would have stayed your plagues I would have destroyed the grave but now repentance shall be hid for mine eyes though he be fruitful among his brethren and Eastwind shall come the wind of the Lord should come up from the wilderness and his spring shall become dry his fountain shall be dried up he shall spoil the treasure of all Pleasant vessels Sumeria shall become desolate frizzies rebelled against her God and they shall fall by the sword their infants shall be dashed in pieces and their women with child shall be ripped up unthinkable to the people of that generation and they be sitting there like you're sitting here today saying who is this man that he dare speak to us this way who is this man that he speaks such words when we are at the zenith of prosperity which they were when has ever began to prophesy that we have formed political alliances that are guaranteeing us security in the future we seemingly have it all together we've got a plan to get out of every situation we find ourselves in who is this man not to stand here and tell us that such calamity is coming into our society folks he said your children are going to be an overcome and their women with child shall be ripped up and if that doesn't speak about abortion and selfishness so gripping a nation that a river of blood now is for I don't think for a second God doesn't see this don't try to tell me that women with children are not being ripped up by the thousands now every day and don't tell me that there's not an accounting for this there's no delight in the heart of God in judging a place it was precious to his heart when we stand before the Lord on September the 20th cause this said o Israel return to the Lord your God for you've fallen by your iniquity take with you words and turn to the Lord and say to him take away all iniquity you and I have to stand before the Lord and folks it's now not about necessarily saving a nation now it's about the church it's a testimony of the church is at stake now and that testimony is in a body it's that testimony is in your life and it's in my life and you and I've got a stand there and really with the tenure of the permitting will be set by this congregation whether you understand that or not the tenure of it will be set by this congregation and you and I have to stand there and say Oh God Almighty take away all inequity we must not stand in smugness we must not stand thinking we've achieved everything or that we know it all we don't we don't either sick being healed when you lay hands on them is every devil fleeing now when you open your mouth are we not sword to the glory of God as well is there not a thing of some things in you and in me that might be hindering the power of God we've got to go before the Lord say God take away inequity Lord where I've embraced something where I have a view of myself that's not in mine with the kingdom of heaven what I have pursuits God that are bringing weakness where I'm where I'm something hidden under my tent that is bringing weakness into the camp of Israel god almighty take away iniquity forgive me Lord forgive me God because I should be standing and when I stand people's needs should be bending the glory of God should be in my life and that's you - not just me all of us corporately in this city the glory of the Lord should be flowing through his church again take away iniquity and receive us graciously God helped me to understand grace helped me to understand that I can come like the prodigal son I can't come even if I'm far away I can't come god I can't come into your presence I'm invited to your throne you told me to knock you told me to seek you told me to ask I am invited I'm hereby legitimate right through the blood of Jesus Christ Oh God take me to that place of grace take me to that place where I'm changing into the image and the glory of God is being revealed and released in my soul and through my life and oh God there I will praise you there I will lift up my voice there God in spite of what's going on on the left of the right hand of me Oh God I will give praise to you the Lord says I'm looking for this when I gather my people to pray I'm looking for this it's not all about the land folks it's about you and it's about me now it's about the testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ verse 3 says Asher will not save us in other words no political process no plans of man nothing nothing nothing of this world or this society will save us we will not ride upon horses in other words we're giving up our own plans we're not going to walk in Pride we're coming humbly before you god neither will we say anymore to the work of our hands you are our gods for indeed the fatherless find mercy god I've needed your mercy and Lord as you touched me with mercy I now understand that I am called in this world to be an ambassador of this mercy to others I'm called Lord to pick up that that nobody else wants I'm called oh God I'm called father remember the Prophet Malachi said in the last days God will come through the Prophet Elisha that that anointing that elides the type of northing and turn the hearts of the father's back to the children again and the children to their fathers Lord I'm not called to live this life for myself I'm not called to be self consumed I'm not called just to seek out some comfortable place in this world and right up the storm until I get to heaven I'm called to go to the fatherless folks children should not suffer in this world it's not right the children suffer folks it isn't right and you and I've got to do everything in our power to make a difference we I thank God we're not feeding 4,500 children every day as a congregation but that's only the beginning of what God wants to do in thee the fatherless find mercy praise be to God praise be to God praise be to God is you and I and the body of Christ begin to reach out to the oppressed and the afflicted and the addicted and those that have no helper as we look away from ourselves and begin to look to what the work of God and the earth really is he says I'll heal their backsliding that's God's part my part is to come and say God forgive me God's part it says I'll heal their backsliding I would love them freely and my anger will be turned away from him I'll be as the do to Israel and he will grow as the lilian cast forth his roots as Lebanon the Lord says the beauty of Christ will be upon you your roots will go down deep and in spite of whatever storm comes to this nation you will be able to stand as the trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified his branches will spread and his beauty shall be as the olive tree and his smell as Lebanon they've the dwell under the Shatt his shadow shall return they shall revive as the corn and grow as the vine in the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon the Lord says output I'll put the scent of my presence upon you praise be to God praise be to God folks you understand today it's about the church now it's it's about the church now it's about the testimony of Christ all else may fail but the testimony of Christ cannot be shaken only that which cannot be shaken the scripture says it's going to remain Efrem shall say what have I to do anymore with idols I've heard him I've observed him I'm like a green fir tree from me as that fruit found no more no more living apart from God no more embracing my own homemade concept of God I'm going to follow the Christ of the Scriptures I'm going to allow him to speak to my heart and I'm going to enter into his work in the earth he says to this bride I'm like a green fruit fir tree and from me as thy fruit found who was wise and he shall understand these things prudent and he shall know them for the ways of the Lord are right and the just don't walk in them those who know God are going to make a choice and say Lord take away all iniquity and God take my life make me solid in the knowledge of Christ and in this last hour of time use me for your glory may I be the father that's embracing those that are trying to come home may I be the voice of encouragement that so many in this generation have never heard may I learn to live outside of myself and in the love and the life of my Savior Jesus Christ help me to make the break from the cultural religion of America help me God to understand that I'm not called to use you for myself I'm called O God to be poured out for you for the sake of others the ways of the Lord are right and the just shall walk in them but transgressors will fall there those who try to press into God and I don't care how long they pray it makes no difference if they put a million in the street you could put 30 million people in the street but if we're not willing to walk in the ways of God David the psalmist said it this way if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me it'll just be a lot of noise out in public but the Lord will not hear it but if you and I are willing to walk in the ways of God there's a great harvest to be won now I'm not I'm not suggesting that our prayer will save the nation folks but I am Telling You that there's a great harvest a wonderful harvest for God an incredible opportunity to stand strong in a dark hour an invitation to be partakers of a life that cannot be shaken and of a heart that is nothing of this world to represent God and to walk with God and perhaps what will be one of the darkest hours of human history the invitation is open the Lord says come to me and pray this way and if you do I will come to you love you freely give you strength plant you deep and there will be those who come and dwell under the shadow of my life that will be lived in through yours that father I thank you God you have enabled me to speak this and I have delivered your heart Lord as a church and as a pastor in this church I'm asking you Father take away iniquity in any area of my heart that I have offended you I'm asking you Lord that you draw me to the throne of grace and give me the courage to put it away where I have fallen short of what you've called me to be where I'm selfish where I have not allowed you to do what you want to do and me if I've held to something that you want to take away forgive me I'm asking God Almighty that when we stand in the street that you could come that you could say this is my people that as the prodigal son you could run down the road and meet us and embrace us the permitting could be birthed all through the city the pastor's could be encouraged that life could come did you break the bands of this culture of religion in America break it god off of your house and let there be a testimony of truth in this last hour of time father I thank you God with all my heart Lord Jesus Christ we are prepared now to come before you we thank you for it in your precious name and we're going to worship for a little while and as we do here's my altar call please here being this everyone living in wilful sin everyone living in compromise every person who can honestly say here today I'm I've only got half a heart to serve God I'm willing to entertain the thought of God as long as it fits within my agenda but I've never entertained going farther than what would make me comfortable if you are willing if you are willing to say Oh God deliver me from this iniquity forgive me Lord why should the last day Church finish different than the first day why should the early church be called to go up public and lay their lives on the line and we be a different we be different in our generation for those that are just willing I'm going to the street on September the 20th with a cry in my heart God Almighty forgive me forgive your people if you are willing to see second Chronicles 7:14 is not just a fanciful scripture we quote in a prayer meeting if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land it starts with you it starts with me I will not be in the street with arrogance in my heart if you're willing to join and be that kind of a person and come with that kind of prayer then I invite you to this altar everyone who's got racism in their heart you'd better put it away now if you don't it's going to that's going to swallow you in the days ahead you've been defenseless against the onslaught of darkness you've got to put it away and I know you've got all your list of grievances but so does God against you and he put yours away so now you put your your list of grievances away let's stand in the Annex you can stand between the screens the main sanctuary the Holy Spirit speaking to you please just come as we worship [Music] [Music] [Music] we hear you God God we cast all our cares on you every concern Oh God everything that has gripped our hearts everything that has held us to this point that is held back your glory from Lord our lives from flowing freely through us to this generation to our family to your neighbors your coworkers deliver us O God ality deliver us the worldliness deliver us will the intoxication of this age we cry out to you O God we cry out to you God we thank you for your mercy thank you that your mercies are new every morning today we extend Oh God our hearts floored our faith to you Lord and we embrace your invitation God to go deeper to go further to come up higher God thank you that you will finish the work you began in us God we're believing you for our families we're believing you for this generation we believe you Lord for our neighbors for co-workers for employers we're believing you for those that Lord travel with us that commute with us those that we see every day Oh God Lord and the buses in the subways on the plats train platforms Oh God [Music] flow through us now flow through Jos after you that we might run together you said how gets you all together let's say agree we agree with you God we agree with you Lord we agree Oh God continue to break a hard Lord God that we would see the devastation around us that we would willfully give our lives lay down our rights that you I'd be glorified a glorified Oh God be glorified in our hopes be glorified in the lives of our children don't let them go to hell God because of our our shortcomings our failings God thank you Jesus [Music] you won't let that happen Oh God we turn now gah we turn we turn we turn to you [Music] [Music] [Music] Dorf because you must say crease God we must decrease you come you come come begorrah sigh you're naming us coming or fire your name in our marriages Oh God colorful in your name in our conversations let our lives freeze you [Music] open your word to us we would behold wondrous please we want to be found sitting at your feet like Mary deliver us would be comfort about oh God with much to do with nothing [Music] give us the treasures of heaven Jesus we want more of you God God we thank you now we thank you now we thank you now we thank you begin to thank him begin to bless him for faithful is he that calls you and he will do it father thank you Lord for God for comforting us today you tell us that when we turn to you that you will cause our roots to go down deep Lord you'll cause the fruit of your life in us to abound you'll give us the strength to stand when others are not standing any longer you'll deliver us God from everything that would take away our strength Lord that's the only reason you bring this kind of a word to us Lord you love us you want us to stand in the coming days Lord thank you God that you're willing to take us by the hand you're willing to guide us through Lord these storms and as Paul the Apostle we will stand and give glory to your name no matter what comes our way God we will glorify your name I thank you for supernatural strength that you give to your church Lord your beloved your bride god those are the yours our supernaturally empowered to stand in the midst of any darkened day we thank you God I thank you Lord for the honesty in this century today for men and women who are willing to come before your throne and say Oh God forgive us Lord God be our strength God help us to follow your ways Lord you say I'll come to you I will come to you I will give you that strength father we thank you for this and we praise you this is a good day God we give you praise for it we give you glory for it in Jesus mighty halleluyah halleluyah
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 45,939
Rating: 4.8368497 out of 5
Keywords: Carter, Conlon, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: Ew8VMB96Mhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 37sec (3217 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2010
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