A man has a brain condition that prevents him from knowing more than 37 things. | 37 Things

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a human brain but for its presence in this jar normal in every way capable of storing countless memories facts feelings times places faces these memories can get crowded hard to retrieve but it's rare for the brain to ever truly forget but this is not the story of a normal brain this is the story of timothy owen a man who could only remember 37 things [Music] with so little space timothy's memory reached its limit at a young age from that moment on he would only ever know as much as he forgot [Music] a fun day at the beach was remembered only briefly replaced soon after by an episode of the ninja turtles which was in turn erased by a memorable slice of pepperoni pizza learning the shopping habits of the kardashians caused timothy to forget actual useful information such as the location of his keys all knowledge of his parents and that he should not ingest brain cleaner [Music] he became dedicated to preserving only essential information his name his species what to eat what not to the capital of iceland the second ugandan president periodic table of elements [Music] and finally the most important thing [Music] it was the only memory he needed the only one he had to keep with much care he had preserved it [Music] he would never let it slip he would never let it fade [Music] no matter what [Music] something was wrong terribly wrong timothy's food was delivered once a week always on the same day and always at the same time but on this occasion the delivery was delayed after the driver saw a cloud with an amusing shape [Music] [Music] venturing outdoors was strictly forbidden it presented a dangerous risk of learning something but was there an alternative none that timothy knew [Music] [Music] he'd been outside before he just couldn't remember when or where there was so much out there so many things just waiting to be known perhaps on this brief trip he could learn something maybe even something important [Music] [Music] or perhaps not focus timothy [Music] keep moving a shopping center he had no idea what that was but it seemed as good a place as any to look for milk and surely if he were quick he would encounter no useless information in breaking news a cloud has been spotted in local skies shaped like you guessed it a giant penis [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] why [Music] why had he come to this place seriously he could not remember oh don't panic timothy concentrate hold on to it are you okay you're tim right we've met before i'm emily's friend too many things [Music] [Music] run he no longer knew who he was or where he had come from continuing our round-the-clock coverage of the penis cloud news gossip advertising clickbait his fan lecture's gone bulls friends erased beer burgers loyal babies he had no beliefs cats sasquatch and no wisdom to share jordan there was just one thing he still knew and it was the only thing he ever needed to [Music] oh no oh god no [Music] it was gone it was actually gone but not completely unfortunately he had forgotten language think where [Music] um he'd also forgotten basic road safety [Music] [Music] [Music] bones broken organs crushed nothing hurt more than the emptiness in his soul the place where an important thing used to be [Music] he had nothing more to lose nothing more to protect all that was left was to experience he may be denied the memory but he would always feel the moment [Music] [Music] this felt important [Music] with little else to do timothy looked at the sky what he saw was a beautiful day [Music] and a cloud shaped like a penis complete with balls [Laughter] [Music] and he forgot that there was ever anything important to know [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 29,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 37 things, comedy short film, omeleto
Id: gqCNnEeifkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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