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Shh hey you hear that yeah sounds like coming when I say it scares away the darkness I know I say eclipses will never end it's come on house white guys with dress hogs that is the worst period cramps Oh can't even imagine good virgin we should go we should go we should go nah come on Tommy what else what I'll see you gonna mess not miss we have to go okay fine politics Fozzie mm-hmm ear pimples oh my god they heard so much yeah shoveling pig [ __ ] uh-huh SUVs the word solar fest uh guy nines dad jokes yeah selfies my parents regret Necco wafers oh whoa whoa now stop you're just saying things to upset me listen all my favorite things you've never met my parents that's true but Necco wafers are like my favorite food see yeah they gonna be my exit I know you're like the worst candy uh-huh everybody knows that they're pretty much a byproduct of making paper I think yeah that's the whole point they're like uh what seriously great right I like some coming home alien delicacy [Music] your terrible taste can't help it sign by bus goodbye bus so come on hit me what's your exit item I want to notice that I can rip it to shreds nice one nothing seriously you're not gonna miss anything at all nothing nothing at all [Music] [Music] [Music] I miss you already Steven like 10 minutes yeah feels like forever hell of a day huh hell of a day 13 what do you want scotch scotch you got it what kind log of all right thank you what do you want a kombucha for you kombucha okay hey what do you want before you go Lucky Strikes unfiltered hey what do you want all right can you give me some whippits um I don't think so just a diet coke then you want a regular coke you know considering no oh my god guys check it out you imagine starting all over maybe the next gate isn't each Freud Jesus sucks yeah she's [ __ ] hardcore she'll be fine I know but still I feel bad do you think she's scared as of this moment you are the most important person in the world if you're hearing this you have been chosen to stay behind and Shepherd the next family of souls I know what you're feeling during your time on this earth you've grown to love your chosen family find it too it's not easy to shrug off these connections but you must you must let them go don't make this harder than it already is this is bigger than you than any of us [Applause] you're going to town with him thinking here's the help know one hour [Applause] don't forget my Twinkies [Music] there to be a part of this read American eclipse arrogance [Music] hey come on come on you ready [Music] salted we gonna talk you know you might not see it now but it's an honor to be chosen honor it's a punishment maybe he knows about us or me maybe I'm not here enough enough with the [ __ ] drumming look I know it's scary you have no idea you have no idea what the world is like you lived here your whole life all right yo chosen because you're survived you're braver and you're smarter than you are but if I'm not tell me what I can think what can I do I just you're late it's crazy out there come on [Applause] [Music] it started gonna be great [Music] this is bigger than you than any of us for thousands of years eclipses have been misinterpreted by man the word itself eclipse means to abandon as in our light life giver God has abandoned us in the shadow but the Sun and Moon are like a lock-and-key while they remain apart they are meaningless just lost stars and rocks circling empty space but when they align they open a door to another plane of existence so do not weep for us for it is love pure love that drives us and it is with joy that we depart and as you embark on this journey you will feel alone but you have not been abandoned as a soul of totality you will always be part of the whole of something [Music] remember what you've learned the universe is always talking to you you just have to make sure you're listening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 112,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DgioyHWuSqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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