A man asks Sadhguru if he believes in Jesus Christ, Sadhguru's answer will shock you

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essentially in your life this is all it is what the world will throw at you it is not 100% your choice to some extent we can control that's about it world may throw anything at you we don't know what it will throw at you it Metro disease at you it may throw dizzy death at you it may throw bullets at you it Metro shame at you it it may draw all kinds of things but what you make out of it is 100% yours now this one thing if you take charge no matter what world throws at you you will turn it into your well-being then where you go what kind of situations in you live whether you go to heaven or hell doesn't matter because whatever is thrown at you you know you will turn it into well-being this quality is what we are worshiping this quality is what is worth worshiping because this is true with every one of us if world throws nastiness you will become nasty world throws bitterness you will become bitter world throws anger you will become angry this is the way most human beings live because he lived about that which had his godlike but what happened in their life the physical events of their life if you look at it it's one big tragedy at the age of 32 you got nailed had a terrible death you call it a successful life no but we bow down to him because it seems we don't know but we believe what people have believed always that even when he was nailed he said they know not what they're doing forgive them would that we bow down to him not because you got nailed because getting nailed is not a successful life isn't it but even if you nail him he did not lose his quality to that we borrow so that's all that matters to us whether they exist to them that they are an inspiration for you whether everything that said about them is true or not even this is not your problem you are not a historian all right you just need some icon to move towards a better way of existing for yourself that's all what is it matter Krishna did not exist Jesus did not exist what does it matter to you 2,000 years ago whether a man lived or did not live or it's just a figment of somebody's imagination or does it matter it is the quality that matters isn't it we recognize these qualities as great qualities in some way trying to whatever I'll let you pass whereas Jesus says the meek will inherit my kingdom so what is the difference between what how to snap ourselves that is me and not performing the Dharma whereas Jesus says the meek will inherit my kingdom one thing that you should always consider why going through all the elaborate stories of Krishna's life is so that you perceive him in the right context it's always very important that one perceives in what kind of situation and what kind of social realities one left them why they spoke the way they spoke there is one aspect of the teaching edges of eternal nature which you will see whoever speaks they were speaking the same terms but there's another aspect of the teaching which is relevant to the people who are sitting there at that moment that relevance keeps changing from generation to generation not only from generation to generation within the generation also from person to person from groups of people the groups of people from societies to societies it is a different reality so what kind of social realities did Jesus live in and what kind of social realities did Krishna living and what kind of social realities you are living in right now we have to bring some kind of alignment of this three if we have to understand this aspect let's just take this that you brought up this meeting now one aspect where he sort of more substantiate that this aspect of being meek is if somebody slaps you on one cheek showing the other cheek you are definitely not capable of that how many of you are capable of this how many of you are capable of this that if you're slapped and won ji-hyun show the other genuinely how many of you are capable of this in your life nobody you are they know you better to run away then change your video so you're not capable of that he was talking to his closest disciples when he was talking about sending them out to split his message he said when you go out with this new message if people come and slap you on one cheek show the other but that's not the teaching for all of you can you live by those guidelines can you now you know before we consecrated the dhyanalinga I used to tell the vermicelli if you go outside if somebody spits on your face with a big smile wipe it and come back don't do anything else but now in the last three four years I'm telling them if somebody talks nonsense you give it to him properly not because my perception of world has changed my role in the world has changed my perception of world has not changed in any way but my role in the world has changed so at that time I told them if somebody spits on your face she wasn't a happy face wipe it and come back now I tell them you stand up you stand your ground and tell them what you have to tell them don't take any from anybody is this contradictory it is not contradictory just acting as the situation's demand to make yourself most effective in the conditions in your living in right now so krishna is living in a totally different kind of condition and he spoke differently to different people now if you take this still doesn't he like a book to me now he's I'm gonna pick something out of banana York because she's a man person now he picked something it is that she thinks is very contradictory somebody else will naturally become something from the bhakti that he is talking about if you pick open the pages of bhakti or devotional that Krishna Krishna is talking about he will sound really similar to Jesus if you open other pages this is a completely different man if you weren't you just because but the yoga Patterson read even sound very much like Jesus but you pick the other pages and see he's a totally different man altogether another thing we need to understand is Jesus is hugely handicapped because of the kind of situation in which is existing he has no real freedom of speech he mostly lived like a fugitive here and they are speaking to small groups of people the moment he picked up little momentum you know what they did to him Krishna did not live in such a condition he has an army behind him all his friends are kings and emperors he can speak what he wants it's very different Jesus is a fugitive if he says one word more his life is finished and it happened that way Krishna is not a fugitive he's a teen make up everything around or something to him he can call upon large armies to fulfill his purpose so he's placed in a completely different situation when it comes to the approaching the eternal Jesus is just talking about the yoga of the ocean that because one thing that's this way his unit an m-dimensional he's just talking about one dimension of approaching the ultimate he's just saying just follow me it'll happen it is devotion Krishna he's also saying the same things he's saying I'm the way I think Jesus said something like you can only know my father to me but I think he went further somewhere else and said me and my father are one but in that part of the world uttering such a thing was total sacrilege anybody claiming that me and my father are one means that I am God such a claim will immediately bring death penalty in that part of the world but here it was not so because any number of Yogi's have said it and people treated them as God's because they experienced the divine in them they really treated them as gods they worship them as God's so that was not a new issue in India when Krishna said I am the ultimate divine people were not surprised or shocked or it was not a secondly because that was very much a part of people's knowing they were very happy he has come when they're alive any number of Yogi's have said this well-known once an very minor once when I say minor in terms of knowing social acknowledgement a great people within themselves but socially in the world they're very small people even those people have been worshipped as gods you will see you will see if you know Indian country if you go to villages they'll be one little yogi there only that village knows about him they worship Him as God with the regular form of worship as they would do it in a temple any number of Yogi's have such words so it was not new for him to claim I am God but for Jesus it was totally out of place in that culture he's saying me and my father one is very brought him death any number of times people die I tried to kill Krishna but he is Willy but they tried to kill him not for these occurrences they tried to kill him for political and military reasons because he was involved in those affairs nobody ever tried to kill him because of what teaching he gave they only tried to kill him for political and military reasons so when krishna says the way of the meek his way of inaction i will let you pass it's nothing it not of any great consequence to me he's not putting down Jesus he's just saying it's a small way it's just one narrow opening I will let you pass all right you pass he's not saying to only to one man he said I turned my back everybody else he said I let you pass but this is not for everybody everybody cannot go out in the world and throw their cheeks to everybody else there are some people who can do it yes there are just a very few people who can do that if they are slapped on one cheek genuinely show the other cheek not because they're editing Bible genuinely they can show the other cheek to be slapped too they are very very few people so he is saying this is the way of inaction but I will let you pass it's just a narrow opening not everybody can go to this that's all he's saying he's not contradicting he is just putting it in its right right place where it belongs is that not the reality all of you will not pass through that doorway of showing both the cheeks and getting slapped on both sides isn't it so it depends who you're dealing with if you're dealing with a very sensitive compassionate person and at the moment he slapped one cheek you saw the other then he will help you and kiss you now you've gone so other cheek too there are certain kind of people on the street you saw the other cheek they will smash your head yes or no and they said I won't you met such people
Channel: Happy Strong Peaceful
Views: 1,177,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Happystrongpeaceful, Meditation, Sadhguru, Sadhguru Christ, Sadhguru rare videos, jesus christ, christian, corona virus, coronavirus, COVID, COVID 19
Id: JREc-hok98k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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