Get rid of stress and live happily - Sadhguru

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foreign don't worry about your work you give it up what do you want you want a roof I'll give you you want food every day I'll give you all you have to do is just sit in one place and be Blissful I will feed you for the rest of your life can you do no you want to mess up something every day people say they're only working for a living I said don't worry I'll give you shelter I'll give you food every day no problem all you have to do is I want to see tears of blissfulness every day that's all the requirement you don't have to do any work you don't have to serve me you don't have to produce anything nothing just sit here blissfully we'll feed you we'll worship you thank you [Music] so the problem is not in your work the problem is not in your life the problem is not in the world that you live the problem is just that you have not done the necessary things for this one to flow through this effortlessly beautifully the necessary work has not been done and we're just hoping it will happen by accident it doesn't happen by accident a lot of people in the world think United States of America is heaven the people who live here don't think so at all isn't it so listen a lot of people in the world are dying to get an entry into the country you open up the southern borders 10 million people will enter tomorrow morning because they think this is heaven but you are not experiencing it that way isn't it you're not experiencing this as heaven because hell and heaven is not a geographical place hell in heaven is what you make out of yourself isn't it too much talk about heaven has been going on because there are too many people who made a hell out of themselves if you had made a heaven out of yourself would you talk about going to heaven if you sit here and you're feeling ecstatic right now would you ask pie to go to heaven I'm asking once it happened early 20th century an orthodox Greek Church a bishop from the church you know Greeks have their own separate Church they have their own Pope who lives in Turkey you know this so a bishop from this order had heard so much about Indian mysticism and he wanted to go to India but he never got around to make it because he had to serve the clock that he wore and after 60 years of age when he is semi-retired he got the opportunity and went to India so he came to South India near where we are and uh he wanted to meet a Mystic a yogi so somebody said go up this mountain near a cave there is a a yogi sitting you can go so our man went plotted up the mountain halfway up and went in front of a cave an old man with a gentle smile upon his face was just sitting with his eyes closed so the bishop went and prostrated cannot do it he's not made for that but they had told him if you go to India you have to crawl he prostrated like this and with all his four limbs he got up the yogi looked at him with amusement obviously he has never prostrated anywhere before and he smiled then the bishop said I am like this I am a bishop I have served in the church for so long but I have a few questions can you answer the yogi smiled and said yes please whatever the question then the bishop asked what is life at the age of 60. what is life so the yogi closed his eyes became very Blissful and sad life is like the fragrance of a Jasmine on the spring Breeze and tears of blissfulness flow out of his eyes as he was saying this then the bishop said no no no our Pope has told us life is like a thorn and we must renounce it and even symbolically Jesus himself wore a crown of thorns so how come you say this our Pope says otherwise the yogi looked at him smiled and said well that's his life so what you make out of it is not because of where you are what you are it is just what you make out of it isn't it so have you created the necessary mechanism have you created the necessary system have you created the necessary ingredients within you to make this like the fragrance of Jasmine on a spring Breeze and not a thorn if it's a thorn we must pluck the damn thing out isn't it isn't it so yeah [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Amazing Life
Views: 11,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YO6idIn1Kmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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