A magical week at The Bath Flower School

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[Music] yes [Music] it's a bit windy today um i'm in somerset a small place called lillington and it's so beautiful here absolutely and i'm here visiting my friends and madeline and her family husband rick and her two sons james and carson i stayed here a few weeks ago and it's absolutely beautiful and i'm here because i'm attending um a advanced masterclass wedding masterclass at bart flower school and it's starting on tuesday it's now monday so tomorrow and i'm so excited [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] so i'm just driving up uh into frame today and it's just 12 minutes driving from where i'm staying um wi-fi is a bit unsettling so i decided to go and go into from and see if i can find someone who has white white coffee and work from there today [Music] [Music] so yeah [Music] whoops and then some oat milk oatley i have a lot i don't like a strong coffee [Music] oh my god so i wouldn't waste my coffee let's go to bath [Music] this is absolutely stunning oh my gosh level your pocket [Music] i am so blown away of joy excitement i'm a bit tired actually because it's just been so overwhelming what's the first day i can't believe that i'm able to be part of this course and learn from so many talented people um and just meet other florists i have no words i'm so so glad i'm here i'm so grateful i'm able to do this that they said yes to doing this collaboration and the content so much photos so much video footage um i'm really really happy and i think this course has already had such a important impact on how my business is going to work in yorkshire um how i'm gonna run my business my my floral design style has just been changed a little it changed a little bit over just a few hours and i've learned and unlearned things from the past and it's really gonna make such a difference to me my style my floral services my business in general it's already given me a boost of confidence because of it [Music] [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] good morning um it's now friday last day at flower school um and doing the international wedding master class and today we're not meeting at school we are meeting at temple minerva in the botanical gardens in bath so um that's going to be exciting we're definitely we're just going to meet up there and make a installation together and then there is a makeup artist and a photographer coming to shoot all the different floral designs for a bridal shoot which we'll be able to use for our own portfolio um so that's quite exciting um i thought it was going to be a bit warmer today but it's not it's basically um cold wet so not good at all um but yeah i basically haven't been doing anything else other than doing the course it's just been a lot um and when you haven't been in school for a while and you do just to go to school it's just it takes on and especially when there's so much happening all your senses are just sort of thrown into the mix and you learn so much there's so much inspiration new knowledge refreshing skills it just takes a bit on you but um i'm just in all of rarity and saffy who passed the school together they work so well together they're perfect for this job and i really adore them highly recommend anyone who's thinking about doing wedding floristry professionally to go um because they're just the sweetest absolutely sweetest and they just allow you to to to bloom in the way that's right for you and they give you the knowledge and tools to um do that um so i'm just yeah it's just been amazing so what i've got to you all here right you both of you yeah would you like to tell everyone why you started about flower school why yeah well verity and i had already been working together for a long time yeah teaching floristry and then the opportunity came up that we could do it together because we were working for a different flower school and that flower school relocated to cumbria yeah so that was our opportunity to do something together yeah in our own way the way we wanted it to be yeah and it was too good to too good not to do really yeah and then for us it was it was kind of what do we do we wouldn't have the opportunity to do teaching so and then we just thought let's just just do our way hey yeah yeah when did you start november 2019 which and then after that christmas was the start of the pandemic yeah it's been very tricky so it's been start exciting yeah stop suddenly be upset start again stop again so we had lots of people coming to do classes yeah and then suddenly at the last minute they'd had to be cancelled because of lockdown and so it's been a bit of a roller coaster literally hasn't it how many months is it in total we've traded is it like in it's like it's about eight months eight months in the whole team out of two years so yeah but we're still here yeah and you're doing wonderfully absolutely do you know what has helped we've had such lovely um loyal kind of friends and customers and yeah people that are supports because support has been incredible yeah not just from suppliers and growers and and you know like-minded businesses like photographers etc but from students as well past students that we've taught yeah um yeah the support has been so the kind of the hard work's all been overshadowed by all the nice bits flowers are beautiful yeah but being a florist is really hard and this kind of makes up for it yeah yeah absolutely pandemic thing it's kind of like we have had a rough two years but actually it's like the new beginning now isn't it yeah so like we've got a new place and we were born reborn yeah and it feels like it's our time now yeah that's what i keep thinking yeah it's almost like we had a very soft start yeah very gentle like lots of practice yeah this is for real absolutely totally oh what's up a few like plans for the future but flower school plans for the future are that now we've got our forever home um we can settle in there and just continue doing all the courses that we do already but just to make just really making them as good as they possibly can be so we've got no plans for expanding yeah no plans for doing anything new we just want to continue doing what we're doing yeah in our own way and it'd be really solid love that rarity think we're really content with where our school is now and we just want to build on making the experiences amazing for students you already are yes yes and just kind of i keep learning as well because i think it you know whilst we're it's a little while uh been doing this for a long time yeah we do feel that actually we love getting feedback from students so we know that we can always try and kind of improve and make everything a better experience yeah ah i love that oh look at this one [Music] just say hello to youtube [Music] how do you feel so far very good good yeah are you happy with the course absolutely now we get some pretty photos [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Marie Wiik`s Diary
Views: 82,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floral design, floral design institute, floral design school, floral design wedding, floral design for beginners, wedding edicate 2021, marie wiik, marie wiik youtube, marie wiik journal, marie wiik florals, marie wiik youtube success stories, marie wiik florals youtube, marie wiik 1, doing it ourselves michael petherick, doing it ourselves chateau, doing it ourselves, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, the bath flower school
Id: Vp8GSyTwXx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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