A magical week at The Bath Flower School
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Marie Wiik`s Diary
Views: 82,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floral design, floral design institute, floral design school, floral design wedding, floral design for beginners, wedding edicate 2021, marie wiik, marie wiik youtube, marie wiik journal, marie wiik florals, marie wiik youtube success stories, marie wiik florals youtube, marie wiik 1, doing it ourselves michael petherick, doing it ourselves chateau, doing it ourselves, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, the bath flower school
Id: Vp8GSyTwXx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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